HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-14, Page 6I imas , vocuta, Muy 14, 1936
SETA THETA GIRL OF THE YEAR — Beta Theta Sorority vice-president
Veda Russell presents a rose to Girl of the Year Donna Webster.
The Exeter senior citizens held
their meeting at the Legion Hall May
TO MARRY — Bill Edwards and
Helen Pratt are pleased to an-
nounte the forthcoming marriage
of their daughter, Sheila May to
Brian Douglas Brooks, son of
Douglas and Violet Brooks,
Springfield.,. -The wedding will
take pee at Exeter United
Church on Saturday, May 24,
1986. Open reception to follow in
Photo by William Mason
6 with a, good attendance.
Prior to the business part of the
meeting Mr. and Mrs. BilLJeffery,
Toronto, entertained with a number
of ball room dances which were very
much enjoyed.
The meeting which in charge of
President Ruby Beaver, opened by
singing 0 Canada and repeating the
Lord's Prayer.
Ruby Beaver read several poems.
Committee reports were read and ac-
cepted and card convener reported
sending get well cards to Dorothy
Bullock and Clara Harris, sympathy
card to Vi Andrews and anniversary
card to Lorne and Muriel Marshall.
The president reminded the club of
the following future activities -a visit
to Huronview June 17, U.S.C.O. tip
May 27 to Toronto, Geritol Follies
June 25 and Elgin 1<Iouse September
14.17. 1
A bake sale will be held at Mildred
Thomson's 181 William St. Saturday
May 24." Baking to be at Mildred's by
8:30 a.m. Next meeting will be pot
luck commencing at 5:30 p.m. on
June 3. Seniors are to bring their own
dishes and cutlery. Birthdays were
The program was chaired by Ruth
Skinner who gave several feedings.
Bob Heytvtiod agMPa3inint himself
on the accordion rendered a number
of solos. Lunch was served by the
committee in charge.
Every one ill awhile one heal s so-
flow spoiled and
are today. l'ru
.gyp, but it's any
g t children are
•,a0o'ei4 in
•: arena:. Etre � Very
stDaart'iw;#Etimdate kids who ex-
ppebs themselves with ft great deal
more honesty and creativity thin
many who are older.
I'm sure there is no dishonesty hie
new born baby... that's something it
learns from its adults as it gets older.
And, just recently, I read that by the
time a child is three he is at his
creative peak., When he reaches six,
around 80% of that creativity les
disappeared; and by the time he is in
his teens, nearly all of it has been
squeezed or drained out of him.
It seems to me the reason is that so
many adults learn to view creativity
with suspicion, and will even accuse
a child of dishonesty if he shows too
much creative imagination. Children
have little difficulty in differentiating
between imagination and lying, but
unfortunately, many adults do. It's
also sad that in our western world
especially, we do not honour creativi-
ty or imagination, but keep our
plaudits for the sports -minded, or for
the materially and scholastically
However, there is hope. More and
more children are being encouraged
to display their creativity. Recently,
I was invited to a Young Author's Day
involving several public schools,
which wasn't so much a time of me
telling the students how to write as it
was an exchange of ideas of how to
make up stories and illustrate them.
Prior to this event, every student,
from primary up, had helped to pro-
duce at least one book. No bounds
were placed on their imaginations as
they put their heads together and
turned out manuscripts on subjects
if'Oltn pts sod dooms to pots authors tight in our midst.
tr pprtFti ,rebota and art. As it But Setting back to my first remark
anis �1 oil generation, to- about some people thinking today's,
supernaturalare et there were also also ed,aowith clkildren are tib! and 1-
to evjdeticeot mat.
y books- on ghosts, haunted the youngsters were acting their best.
houses and globs of living slime. but I must say I have never spoken to
It was natural, too, I suppose, that a better behaved or more attentive
a bit of terrorism Came into play, and audience.
perhaps one of the most inventive
stories was about President Reagan
receiving a death threat. While he
nonchalantly kept on mowing his
lawn, and Vice President Rush sat on
the verandah calmly sipping a soda,
- the hero, The Great Detective sprang
into action. Overcoming tremendous
obstacles such as being thrown from
a plane, being attacked by crocodiles
and giant bats, and barely escaping
from an avalanche, he finally round-
ed up the bad guy who, surprisingly,
gave up without a murmur or a strug-
gle. At the anti -climatic ending The
GreatDetective fished intoReagan's
pocket for the reward money before
taking off on his next assignment.
Talk about imagination! Obviously,
creativity is still alive and well in the
minds of the two•young authdrs who
collaborated on that story.
Just a few, short years ago there
was a dearth of Canadian literature
for children, but the scene has Chang-
, ed so completely that Canadian
authors of children's books are now
being hailed around the world. After
attending Young Authors Day, it
seems to me, we may have some
TO MARRY — Jim and Dorothy
Miller are happy to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Betty Anne to Jack
Christie son of Calvin and Gwen
Christie. The marriage will take
place on Saturday, May 24 at 6:00
p.m. at Cromarty Presbyterian
Church. Photo by Bart DeVries
The Klrkton Horticulture Society
held their May meeting in Kirkton
United Church. President Joyce
Strahan welcomed everyone. The
meeting opened with singing 0
Canada. Joyce read a poem, God's
Marilyn Vanderbushfavored with
two solos, Blowing in the Wind and
Four Strong Winds accompanied by
Shirley Kerslake on the piano. Shirley
and Marilyn also favored with a piaho
duet. '
Joyce Strahan introduced the guest
speaker Ben Veldhuis of Dundas. His
topic was "Care of House Plants".
Jean Ratcliffe thanked the speaker.
Ethel Stephen favored with two
piano solos. Marilyn Robinson told of
the bus trip on May 22 to the Toronto
area. This will be advertised in the
Joyce closed the meeting with a
poem "Some must Work - Some must
Play". Everyone went to the base-
ment where door prizes were drawn
and the exchange of plants took place.
Prior to the meeting Jack Wiles and
Leonard Bragg entertained with
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When the Riverview W.I. members
arrived at the Masonic Hall, Ailsa
Craig, Monday evening, May 5, not
only did they see beautiful spring
flowers decorating the tables, but
there were also two displays to whet
their interest.
Walter Silverson, the guest speaker
of the evening had set up a display of
carving tools, pictures, books, wood
and carved birds In different stages.
He explained to the group•the many
hours of work and patience it takes to
go step by step from a piece of wood
to a beautiful carved bird. When Mr.
Silverson finished his talk we could
understand that he deserved to win a
ptize for hies carved loon at the North
American Carving Meet held at
Livonia Michigan recently. The
beautiful loon was part of Mr. Silver -
son's display.
The 411 girls,' their mothers and
leaders were also guests at this
meeting. The girls brought their
books and set up two displays from
the last club. Linda Twynstrp from
Riverview II explained the correct
way to pack a suitcase and Robin
Rees from Riverview I gave the
meanings for the French words that
we find on many menus.
The Education and Cultural Ac-
tivities committee was responsible
for the program. Ruth McCallum
enlarged on the motto "Work with
your hads, your mind, your heart"
and on the same theme Margaret
Wilson gave a Bible reading from
Romans 12 verses 1 to 10. Ruth Ross
had two suitable contests won by Mr.
Silverson and Joanne M. Alpine.
During the social time a tasty lunch
was served by Leona Hughes and her
committee and Jean McKichan and
her committee. '
Esther Craven, the vice president
presided for the business meeting.
The Roll Call "Something Hike to do
with my hands was answered by 22
members. Evelyn McNaughton, Lor-
na Priestly, Ruby `McLean and
Margaret Wilson were named as
delegates to theDjeltititAmnual which
will be helci"teter-in•Maj "
Nancy Ford and Michael Mitchell
were united in marriage by Rev.
Richard Hawley on April 19, 1986
at the home of the bride's
parents. Nancy is the daughter of
Jack and Jean Ford and Michael
is the son of Danny Mitchell and
Shirley Mitchell. The maid of
honour was Sally Ford of Van-
couver and the best man was
Ricardo Pepe of London. The hap-
py couple are residing in London.
Photo by Haugh
TO MARRY — Mr. and Mrs.
George Eisenschink, RR 1 Hay
and Mr. and Mrs. James
Maguire, London are pleased to
announce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their children Diane cind
Shane. The wedding will take
place Saturday, May 24 at 2:30 at
St. Michael and All Angels
Church in London. Open recep-
tion to follow in lucan. Everyone
Mon. - Sat. 9 to 6, Fri. 9 to 9 235-2842
PLAN TO MARRY — Michelle
Marie, daughter of George and
Donna Watson, Zurich and David
Gerard, son of Gordon and
Cecilia Smith, Zurich wish to an-
nounce their forthcoming mar-
riage on May 31, 1986 at 2:30 in
St. Boniface Church, Zurich.
Reception to follow in Hensall.
TO MARRY — Eric and Elizabeth
Campbell pre pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage
of their daughter Karen Elizabeth
to Daniel Gerard Denomme, son
of Bernie and Annette Denomme,
The wedding will toke place at St.
Peter's Catholic Church, St.
Joseph, Ontario on Saturday,
May 17, 1986. Open reception to
follow at Hensall.
Photo by Bort DeVries
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