Times-Advocate, 1986-05-07, Page 19a'4
- 04.
artis s porfonood o bows am-
ain for the Grand Ind Concert Association Thursday (waning in the
stool gymnasium. The Ganes, two brothers and sister showed their
mo ny musical foisoN fo the audience. Kneeing in the hate is Gane
nrawbsr Fronk Mosbough, cad youth ca onfii'nobr Yvonne Cay_ b
the bode row are Mary Mosbou¢w. Garth Mosboughh, Ones; Non
Fray's, Odra chairman and inane Kennedy. hospilnfity neprorsornlaiewo
for the Grand Beed Concert Association.
Area church news
Father Iiarissey was celebrant at
all morasses an the .Weekend. Danielle
Yanks/Gine, disonter of Base aid
Jerry Vanbruane, received Jesus for
the tint time is Holy Communiaa at
the 11 am_ mass_
la his sermon, Father Marisrey
remedied. what a sundaes oppar-
laity it amnia have bees tosee Jens
and talk to Hier face to face, as the
Apostles did! Of course. we would
have been jot as likely to asmudees-
taid Him and to doubt Ifs riri■ly_
From a &stance of 21 acarines. wee
have an opportunity to see Christ
more dearly than His contem-
poraries ever did. Became Jesus left
us. to go to the Father. He belongs to
all of los, through out the world. to all
ages of men.
The cantor was Pad Dietrich. the
reader was Denise Boehm The dish
sang "Had Oren of Hewes" atCom-
mhwion, and Pani Dietrich played an
organ solo. Shubert "Ave Maria_"
Congratulations to Gregory
Lorene, the sen d Mr_ aid Iles. Ken
Lavelle, vyho received Jews for the
fust time in Hay Communion last
may_ Also eaegratulatians go to
Briar Douglas Willie, idea ski of
Douglas and Janet (Regier) Willie,
who was received into the Catholic
comnmmty through die sacrament d
The new Auulliary-Bishop of the
Landon Diocese is to be Moasignsr
Fred Henry. the Herter Peter's
Seminary. Paris' blooms may
remember Father Henry's vats to
Immaculate Heart of Mary. several
years ago. to celebrate the Mass lore
when just a mesio parisfi. We offer
him oar best wishes and pray for him
is hit new role. leafing peopled God
in Of Diocese_.
APay ofReflection Inion lessd
the Kadraria will be held at the
Christian Remora' Centre in Landon,
On May lsbewtl3eaooSo3 pun.
11 amymme is interested is psi* to
speed a day of prayer, please sec
Father Morrissey.
The Alhambra held a .very snc-
c s hdadv eyproftableleesdame
at Medford last week. The semidries
are to be caremended for all their
wart and ar rawiatioa, aid their
sukaas are booked fir be food
The COIL lofiies raised almost
f IIN� i dies flowing for Canner
last week. co to Bore
Vambriane aid Card Luther who
chained the mat, and to al those
ladies who g mend pledges and par-
ticipated in tie torrsomest.
Diked Ciirieh
Members aid friends air be Grad
Bend United Church were greeted by
Alec and Cara Hasrism acrd Janet
and Jared Kobe.
The topic of Bev_ Fbdie's sermon
was "Candy Disabe+ LF & ." based as
the sensitive Jonah 1:1-12. A recta
gallop ped stated that "die gospel of
Jesus Christ is saki" *realer is -
reads ilo au society than ever
Wore in hinny, bit has garde ittle
change in aur styled big." Why?
Is it at the same gospel being
preached, or a disbelief and dsobe-
(Bence as the part of Christian
believers Bev_ Peebles reviewed the
story of Jamb. who disobeyed God
and was pauiohed. mail he confessed
his sins and west Gods way_
Have we forgotten the vows and
pro■risrs we made at baptiser and
confirmation or do we need to re-
deiScate omdeves afresh to Jesus
Christ' , becoming more obedient to
Jordemas May Snails* -IO
Gird seal eared meeiaed as
smninal rem jegtt their dist aanlag
114= sicessida-
is May
rsedeamwilwr illianas laa a reetlibesdew
as tike sis/e sheets. lie weer on r
say Ostia sssedi lie to hire a ven-
in WWI ham= deemed i down's
from the Gira■d lend ares to be dist
Aiwa. Reeve Handl Green asked
"Why wadi Peelle She le bey a let
sir lslsesa'" Barb esplai■ed that
dhidrea aid meq aids alike lot
Ism basso&
The loversysis chsmi■eemmaes went ssto
say tint bis doors shssY be a
bestrieal palm and coda de sone
reship► tries.llirs asked iithastried
Ibis estlerpriuebefore, Bendarepied
fist be to do dee same at
Gardens in ladenCbr-
alter lfandhs Ieaos Yid Boncb bat
awned had todiem the 'liHanka.
wed peiee'sbemirebefore saileda
Gaal deciles ea bs prepaid_
Tie amities are up as to where
he would Mese there bales and
sada_ Bride hoped to share space
with one of the bouie uses doistoers.
Cisme& decided to fink a die matter
at their Brat rmeetisg aid give Binh
an answer as May 2L
A seared ddepttis aeaoenisg dee
daughter of Dion aid Aedes STaslaike,
was dedicated to are Ueda be mar -
Nag service. The chair sash, "My
Lads waiting in be Carden".
The Sinsday Schad chanes were
also i.atteadaaoe for be service:.
Rev. Peebles fid thea bestay of a
fan* who decided totakeaskirt cat
toot hsme, but didn't cheek be road
soap. Atter am hour's travel they
ford bey had takes downing road.
Hekid (bebop and girktheir eter-
nal horses leaven. Oily era* be
acceptance of time lard Jesus Christ,
ad by following be read mop d the
frile . mai see reach their heavenly
Thsrns•AdnacaM, May 7, 11116 Pogo 3A
s.v.g. Mite wI.vd V eeII
vlhitne'sewer calm nes hind ken
three . GN INS -recut Rossini
Nasty Them awl Damen Swim
appevadadesuaeiasdhsteepee for
ss adim emremt in Ste Itis sewer
chews for 40 SaV Ill. They said
tientthe bared fe tthe seemed thews
wane any ant iSee. Cinema mires -
al lintthemeshiedberaij itmret
this year. Ohm asked ise mpeasa-
hen of .awe Bost amid he aim*
GINS Yid ties anti mise eha■ges
were made it would have be he a
w ider remain chow
Dentreenne Denis Saida. added
bat sane cottages nee their meow
systems for only three weeds d be
your and pay the same yearly rate..
Sepsis nisetelthat dsrapid was
n et eomaaeil and it wasn't dr
same at air. es ms -JJ told be delega-
tion that ssmeoneesewwdd have to
pay ribs if tie seahasr Imesiic rade
was ed.
Thaws pulled out M comsei drat
dies charges were NAN per year
were Sias the village's largest
categsc7- "This is very snhs" she
said. She added that many cottages
doindmin one assure sewage time on
a pony weekend des Ore .caws'
wwuidnee ina numb. Beard member
Pat Valles waved a letter from She
I6niWry d the Kawritwmel with
supporting ideas for the mus -profit
!.ming. which Thomas read to
Green told be ban; that cwwcd
amid review be airspace rates at a
special sewer sleeting sees and let
the beard Mani the teals..
b ober Imam cos■ad recorded
a vole 3-2ihow den aid ,by -
bit.. This by-law was passed in 1W4
and states that local hsmiestes can-
not have flanking MOIL
.0110(' ';Clerk Diane
Ifelard moi abbe t i meMses
Mai Street aid Gemmed Rd.
widi flashing Nets that Hoy are pm-
sTie ani reason for be
restriction the dstraetiostoiral-
lie and de amnopmee of sasidmmtil
Cbanoirr Brace Wrsiey ors -
grid the (J$ petheirpe—
sent tam system to twsr las in-
stalments per ',aril los hoped fiat
the, new payments ansgesledMardsIllayiksgest/ased October
(wail be atecikkbe. Milord added
that post-dated cheques were
Wardley was advised M purchase
Ms mew pnKshirts tar She three peek-
arkal let alYai a s. l was aeggesled
that tie Gia insert be as mea as well
SaGB piing Matt esenalier Rada
Sandwell srccealed — new
suwweremployees annul the office
to sins t>� aid of schedules_
lisaMegrrledalarge straydog
Ispr Mem area which Ins bees
hsllari■g relents Maly. Snider said
IbM Ge has no animal award.
It loss lssrasd from S nthrott flat
lie taliar r-JArsecislirmItis
bear iesmhsi schedde tread, for tie
seams Rqneseetatift Gard Brews
moibetfe alieatiei the nest cowed
aeetim to dices seheiies.
he the wrileup of dee Apri121 ses-
ohm of Grand Bend coma, it was in-
dicated that Mae's Ilia was open 21
hours. That was incorrect and we
apoiogie for the error and any in-
convenience it may Ince tamed_
8 a.m.
Feel FREE to coulee in and browse
• Propane • 23 hr. towing
Hwy. No. 21 S Grand Bend
(at Esso) 238-2880
DRAW BO! TRIP — Grand Send lioness first viae p nesidost Joyce
Minden. left and lioness Karin Hunter, right, wadi as Miro
tMderellaf Kosdhper psis another lucky winner in their draw of the
month., at the Bank of Alcatel'', Friday- Winners of a ywraok's trip fo
worsting Cawsdo with o car road re Dale and dill Biiey..Grien
Arms. Gvenfliond..
Down to earth prices
Hot Dog
Double Hamburger
Double $75
Cheeseburger 1
1/4 Ib. Hamburger
$' lis
1/4 lb. Cheeseburger
1/4 Ib. Hamburger. same.
Bacon and
'/4 Ib. Double 04
1/4 Ib. Double
Bacon & Cheese
on a Bun
Shrimps and Chips
Cm - u shrimps)
Cheeseburger $226
Many more
super prices
Provincial Sales Tax included in these prices
Our regular traditional Cheryl Ann
French Fries are back again this year.
Fresh Grade Al Meat Supplied by
Merner's Meats