Times-Advocate, 1986-05-07, Page 13Popular Aussie duo here Saturday Mike aid 16tbdde Jacks'i. Amara he's asst prim thiihhes's eistai ms,, ane km& s Cyan& far a mead leer. The am* dellehtedl Canvas__ rimesters ii rs - i astrals- - *Mb serves stbass dig" Man - bins, besiberses, ti -teres aid easels rail ani legendary Ours endless" to Anemia daring a 1l1 - tem The hos sr moreellir lasting emit Ile tart, hegiims- i ikiah Cidiedis in sii•April On weir Etat tsar. are Mama le - beaked emodka elaras;e- haisrhudemodka iaui----- Wow fain their hit ascend llauyips, Sar Mies sail anisbies,, sepsis' is Mrs comby awash Ike Maim Irisad haheeL Aahtrahae favourites sash as Ea rab.rra a Com Tree and EMTESTA — Australians Mice and Michelle Jackson will per - faros in o dhildred's concert Soturday- Shipka folk travel with leisure group Of MIS- HUGH aaotaeas Shicsikca Lorne and Dorothy Facer, Mabel Gienther and Iver friend Olga Tbannp- enioyed the ove day bus trip Wednesday along with other members of the Parkhill Lege Club_ Leaving m the morning they went first to the Rose Garden greenhouse at Mouser Brydges, nest to the Cookie factory and Glencoe shoe factory and a step at Swain's greenhouse of the away bootie_ The group enjoyed a delicious smorgasbord noon dimmer at the Palace restaurant in Glencoe_ I6ea els, who comprised the 'Kehl for Etiquette"', 441 dub, and their mothers, attended Achieve - Med Day. Thursday night at Eater Public Supp g an evening last week with Garlic. Melvin and Sherrie Stade were Tony and Shirley Masten, Mrs_ Ifedy Devine and lfugih and Annie Itioaenz.. We all enjoyed a few solo after slipper-. - - Eva and Doris Sweatier, `trued day last week with their sister and bre in law, E%e and Gatsao Brady at Welland.. Ms_ Brady was coonalesding after b - Henry and Annie Becker, of Zurich vomited Sunday afternoon with Hugh and 1_ By MRS ROBERT I UMG Sunday afte rnoon Bowe Cronin and bar meter Jane bossed a birthday party in honour of their father, Alec Baker, of Mitchell, who was 66 as APril II- TbM present at Bernie and Dan- ny Cronies home in Cromarty were Alen Baker, Mitchell: Marjorie •lfodgert. Exeter; Jun and Cindy Baker, Harley and Brittany, M t- dheD; Marilyn and Jobb and family- Juhe„ Jeff,. Anglo, Drew, Sherri, and Mark, Kurywille. Jane and Lew, Sebr- ingmlle, Bonnie, Damp. Jemifer and Start Cronin. Gymnasts - [Arita Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting...your choice of beautifully practical designer colours, patterns and textures. Pre season Sale 1514.ff our reg. selling price. Many rolls in stock Mirtitegs Fine Furniture £ Flooring sal le he SC r,.r.r 13S-0173 Melb ■tl Natalia sae haired ands B�drams T,Dos Des Teal Little alar. Itis rise the Aaekm o ser pre alolistl a a. –d record, Pigsates, else released in Calais se the Elfish 66d, Midi keleres saves shied The Ems ani The R.shabsre MINI Tie Ile Kamm, Douro Sport is teespersed with international fasariles lie Massy Duals and Dory Dusts and The Apples and lliaaias Saw The Jackson are skated ewe - dans who between rheic play s ia- slemente they will aceessysay ails amp Wei familiariistr sods as I saddle, harsssiea, bade and leiter as well as the muse 'seek bowed psaltery, Appalachian thicimisr, spasm, ocarini, bums and The Qearat aid District Nursery Schad is presenting tee peelor- sances by Mike and Michelle Ashen on sags. May 10 in Ex- eter at Soso Hem and District Ii* Naked at 1:31 and 3:3aL Tickets are evadable: advance for 16 at little People, lam, The Beds Tree. Heap sail and Dr. Lee Dentistry, Zurich and Chat—, sr ter % at tbee door_ WE ARE BACK Les's Vs■Iur-Mart CHRISANDRA'S ACCESSORIES Friday & Saturday May 9th and 10th Buy Mom that Special Something T'rw.s-Adroco e. May 7. 19/6 Pogo 13 TI -It ESEAT 373 a Main St. EXETER 233-0361 Specializing in the clothes for the young and young at heart THE STORE WITH 'RAVE NEW IDEAS 473 -- Advertisement designed by: Julio Brown, Tina Carty, Sharon Thiel Everyone's Mother would appreciate a special gift from Fincher's great selection of Mother's Day values. All TIMEX WATCHES Ladies and Mens Leather WALLETS 10°/a OFF SHEAFFER LADY'S clipless fashion pen &beautifully gift boxed •FREE designed pen pouch •Fashion colours save $3.62 $13.-88 NOVELTY , MUGS & PLAQUES •Over 15 designs to choose from •Grandmother Mugs Too! M99J5.99 COLLECTABLE PLATES 06 Different Designs to choose from Plus many more items to choose from FREE GIFT WRAPPING UPON REQUEST Large selection of Canton Cara - Mother's Day Greetings EXETER 235-2202 1 1