HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-03-26, Page 32ItltA Times -Advocate, Marc 26 1986 KtNta MUST — Stu • ents rom Exeter, uric , Step en Centra , ensa , Us • • me and McCurdy public schools took part in a three-day course, "Sounds Like Music". Shown at SHDHS are (back left) Simon Dinney, Shane Pfaff, Alex Russell, Fred Godbolt, Nicky Szabo, Doug Rook, Jennifer Weigand, Amy Hawley, Mary Taylor, and (centre) Dana Wright, Jason Schilbe, Gerard Siebert, Karen McKay, Shelley Crawley, teacher Joan Perrie, and (front) Sarah Kerslake, Jennifer Robertson, Lori Edwards, Jodi Des- jardine, Lisa Kernick, Linda Snell, Karie-Sue Kvl Anne Wolper, Jodi Soldan and Michelle Ross. Varna hockey players on championship teams av MARY CHESSELL Quite a few Varna and area children play hockey in Bayfield and Mensall in the Novice League, and distinguished themselves in a Novice and Atom Tournament in Zurich on the weekend. Playing for Bayfield, winners of the B champion- ship, were Mark Webster, David Rathwell, Jonathan, Matthew and Melody Turner. Hensall won the A championship. Playing for them are Raymond Beierling, Tony Coultis, Chris Taylor and Neal Atchison. Mark Webster had a hat trick in the first game, and several players from this area scored winning goals. Bill and Mary Chessell called on her aunt, Mrs. Iona Jefferson, on Satur- day to wish her a happy birthday. She celebrated her eighty-fifth birthday Staffa By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Members of the Hibbert United Church Women, shared a message of Faith and Rope, when Mrs. Shirley Luther. liensall, addressed the Easter meeting in the Family Life Centre. Everyone enjoyed a vocal trio, of Mrs. Luther, Verle Mahon and Margaret Christie. The balance of the worship period was conducted by Elaine Colquhoun and Margaret Daynard. !Members were then invited to the table to be served an Easter treat of hot cross buns by the hostesses, Yvonne Dow and Margaret Christie. A short business meeting, chaired by Gwen Christie, completed the pro- gram and the quilters, returned to their craft. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahon have returned from a holiday in the sunny south. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman, Carrah and Cain, spent the school break holidaying in Florida Darlene Ellison, Goderich visited Thursday with John, Roberta and Rick Templeman. A good crowd attended and enjoyed the old tyre dance Friday evening in the Staffa Hall. with many friends and relatives at an open house hosted by her son Don and his wife Marie of Clinton. The World Day of Prayer service, postponed because of bad weather, was used for worship and program at a joint Varna -Goshen U.C.W.meeting in Goshen Church on Thursday even- ing, March 20. Norene Hayter played the organ prelude and accompanied the hymns. President Helen Keys welcomed the visitors and Geraldine Eckel led the prayer service on the theme "Choose Life in its Fullness". Helen and Linda Keys, Mary Chessell and Margaret Robinson took part. Margaret gave the theme address. Mary Chessell presided for the Var- na business meeting. Helen Taylor read the minutes of the last meeting, and treasurer Margaret Hayter reported a profit of nearly $400 from the pancake supper. An invitation was received from Egmondville U.C.W. to attend their Spring Thankoffering meeting on April 7. Heather Ross is the speaker. Twenty-five dollars will be sent to the Clinton Hospital Aux- iliary towards the purchase of a keyboard. The date of the dessert euchre has been changed to April 9. A delicious lunch was served by the Goshen ladies during the social hour. Parr Line 4.11 Club The Parr Line 4-H Club's fourth meeting was held at Gail Turner's home on March 17. Heather Jackson, the vice-president, opened the meeting with the Pledge and roll call. We learned what you should wear to a National 4-H conference, how to pack a suitcase, how to act if you are a house guest, and how to show ap- preciation to your host or hostess. We were pleased to have as our guest speaker Mrs. Debbie Penhale, who is the manager of the dining room and the head waitress at the Lit- tle Inn in Bayfield. Debbie spoke to us about setting and clearing the table, serving foods and how to eat certain foods in a restaurant setting. She also spoke to us about public relations and how to treat customers, and answered any questions we had. We wish to thank Debbie for taking the time to provide us with an interesting and in- formative meeting. , Julie Consitt, press repoeter Zurich bowling Monday Huron Hope Matthew Baker 90 Dennis Arbour 79 HC Wendy Masson 213 Monday Nite Ladies League T&C Iva Ried 692 DH S. Romplf 538 B Cindy Denomme 527 RD S. Dickert 698 G Diane'O'Connor 629 JS Judy Crown 536 P Hazel McEwen 659 OnE Bev Bierling 670 AO Anita Faber 565 S P. Miller 565 HG S. Stade 692 PP Carmel Sweeney 590 HS Sherrie Stade 358 HT Sherrie Stade 823 HA S. Dickert 215 T Roosenboom 215 Tuesday Morn Grand ('ove T^Anderson 453 Jack Whilsmith 579 Bud Rhubottom 500 Bill Taylor 598 Roy Broad 545 tie • .3 �•. M• • •M•• •«•• • •• • 34 I •• �.� • •I • • • .' •e • •- e • .• SCIENCE WINNERS — Cheri Clarke with a garbage bag strength test and Mark Rothbauer with a density project were winners in the re- cent Science Fair at McCurdy -Huron Hope School. T -A photo Sandra Preszcator presents Chrisandra's Accessories at Les' Valu -mart Wed., March 26 - 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thurs., March 27 - 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Come in and see us for all your spring fashion accessories. FLOORING If you're looking for carpet or vinyl for o small area or on entire house It, 1\17 'A441.: .. 741-041-1'41 fr tal :ill r, M fII i' rrk ' iDo it yourself or have our •.?;';: li 1 „.' Installer Ed Allen do it for ou ::ir:; - Flooring 333 Main St.. S.. E,.t.r 235 1090 • Savo Time • Sava Money • See us First 4 HS G. Traversey 205 -HS Bud Rhuebottom 229 Tuesday Afternoon C.A.P. Tom Masse 108 Jeff Dekort 78 David Fox 70 Rick McCann 72 HC Wendy Masson 213 Tuesday Nite Men's League P Ron Dann 759 3168 K E Mommersteeg 629 . 2973 FA Tony Bedard 585 2731 N Carl Wurm 712 3209 R Jack Fuller 709 3062 T Carl Zimmer 662 3101 A Terry Price 717 2835 HR John Smits 575 2726 B Ron Bierling 623 2683 DH John Becker 629 2891 B Bob Goudie 540 2357 DNo2 Doug Masse 555 2524 HS Ron Crown 336 HT Tony Bedard 848 HA Jack Fuller 231 Wednesday Morn Ladies League A. Appleton 554 Edith Bowen 501 Ina Browning 602 Vicki Horbaniuk 609 M. Buchanan 533 HS Ina Browning 256 HS Vicki Horbaniuk 240 Wednesday Nite Ladies League C Pat Redman 617 S Glena Tripp 647 NNB Joyce Hillman 602 JNo2 Tami Jennison 582 CF Doreen Datars 624 GB Jean Dann 724 Thursday Morn Grand Cove Ron Seaman 522 Ole Olekson 474 Ralph Marshall 625 Vic Abbott 469 HS Nancy Louch 239 Thursday Afternoon Golden Age Ken McCrae 304 G. Fleischauer 295 T. Anderson 279 HS Ken McCrae 153 HS G. Fleischauer 152 Thursday Nile Mixed League GT Doug Smith Jr. 640 B John Jacobs 545 C Gail Murray 581 AT Frank Palen 647 D Doug Smith Sr. 600 Saturday Men's Intertown Zurich: HE M. Bennewies 1364 27 HS M. Bennewies 333 27 Mikes No. 2 IIF Wilf Sukowski 1216 21 IIS L. Schooley 316 21 Sunday Mixed High -Low Average Tournament On Sunday 22 people from Zurich and area participated in a ten game mixed high low average tournament. First place with a pinfall of 4205 were Ron Crown and Shiela Teideman. Se- cond place with pinfall of 4205 were Andy McIntyre and Judy Crown. Third place with a pinfall of 4149 were Eugene Webber and Bev Bierling. Fourth place with a pinfall of 4008 were Ron Dickert and Jean Dann. Fifth place with a pinfall of 3982 were Doug Smith Jr. and Glena Tripp. Cash prizes were awarded to these winners. Good luck to Glena Tripp and Ron Dann who are competing this week in Hamilton for the Carlings On- tario 5 Pin Championships. MEA represenft 310 municipal utilities Electric utilities Fourteen -hundred delegates representing electric utility commis- sions from across Ontario, witness- ed the official merger of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.) and the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities (of On- tario) (AMEU) at the associations' combined Annual Meeting, March 2-4, 1986. The new association will be known as the Municipal Electric Association (M.E.A.) Speaking to the delegates at this historic occasion,William C. Rowney, O.M.E.A. President, stated that the time had come to unite and work as a cohesive team in ensuring that the municipal distribution system con- tinues to serve its members - despite opposition. "It is important that we all realize that throughout our efforts to bring our two associations together as a singularly strong and effective force on behalf of our membership - those who are opposed to tie municipal distribution system have not gone away. We must all recognize that we are now able to combat that opposi- tion with a more unified and Singer tells sorority how goal was reached The Alpha Tau Chapter met at the home of Mary Jane Taylor for the first meeting of the year. News regar- ding the upcoming June convention in Sudbury was read. The hostess and Pat Fletcher were in charge of the program. They show- ed a very interesting video entitled, "What You Are, Is Where You Were When", in the 1920's as compared to someone the same age in the 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. Lunch was then served. Elsie Witteveen was hostess for the next meeting, March 4. Cor- respondence was presented concern- ing the Tri -City Convention, Children's Miracle Network Telethon and Founders Day. A donation from all members will be made in the Bogart was enjoyed by all. ����rtitiEEl•s�t�tEEf�s11s# sties IIMOM 11.011.1111111 1110111:11236.1rlrllll>�Inr �rrrrllr�l�rl�l ""�, iilil:..141111 l4..1 s ` rl�ri�lll�ilrtlr lltitirr�t�� _err t/on�t �. •ousa rteormise. .1114111111110 11111 -- 4.11111111111111..101. MO fir fir■ chapter's name to the Telethon with the proceeds from this area going to the Children's Hospital in London. It was decided to attend the play, Mr. Music Man, April 9 in St. Marys. Elsie introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Bev Ru-thig. She told about her experiences in obtaining her goal to become a professional singer. She entertained us by singing, The Sound of Music and You'll Never Walk Alone. Bev Delbridge thanked her and presented her with a gift. The evening was completed with an auction held by the Ways and Means Committee followed by refreshments. March 18 the chapter met at the home of Pat Fletcher. After the business meeting a social evening planned by the hostess and Elaine PRIZE UILT the quilt Sandra sall United first event in made for for their rig Hensall's Church celebration of He Turner and Quilting centennial en centennial, Grandma's church's the stand beside loaned to Hen - display, the celebrations. Party year merge strengthened approach," said Rowney. Rowney also emphasized that the M.E.A. will continue to maintain and improve service to its members, and provide highly -trained staff to facilitate the operation of the municipal utility. Other speakers at the meeting in- cluded: Hon. Vincent Kerrio, Ontario Minister of Energy; Tom Campbell, Chairman of Ontario Hydro; Dr. Lawrence Helms, Clinical Psychologist, Ashland, Oregon. The M.E.A. is the spokesman for more than 310 municipal utilities throughout Ontario. Its members operate a specialized municipal ser- vice and represent more than 2.3 million residential, commercial and industrial customers. Served by the municipal distribution system, these customers consume more than two- thirds of the electric power in Ontario with a total hydro bill that exceeds $3 billion each year. A merger between the Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.) and the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities (of On- tario) (AMEU), has resulted in the newly formed Municipal Electric Association (M.E.A.1. The name was chosen by more than 1,400 delegates attending the associations' combined annual meeting. On March 4, the M.E.A.'s new board of directors took office. Reading the board of directors is its new chairman, Joseph R. O'Brien of St. Catharines. Ronald A. Noonan of Oakville is president. Directors representing the associa- tion's nine districts include Murray Greene, Exeter. 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