HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-03-12, Page 25Special events planned .next twa Sundays Times -Advocate, March 12, 1986 Page 13A Return of swans to be heralded at museum It's time for Lambton County to be visited by thousands of white tundra. swans. An arctic species, they are one of the earliest birds to arrive, on their way to nesting grounds in the high north. As many as 10,000 magnificent white tundra, or whistling swans land near the Pinery Provincial Park as a resting stop on their annual migration from their wintering grounds on Chesapeake Bay, Delaware, to the Arctic. To celebrate this ritual of spring; • the north Lambton area is hosting a cn nnerative community event, with spe, tal activities on Sunday March 16, and Sunday March 23 1-3 p.m. The Lambton Heritage Museum of- fers informative films and background about the life history of Iammor f POSTER/POEM WINNERS — There were four winners in the legion competition A4 level from GBPS. Left to right Kirsten Mailow, 2nd; Mike Clay, 1st; Chantelle Crabe, 3rd; and Lisa Turnbull, 2nd. Standing in the back is principal Norm MacPherson. mid district news Lynn Desjardine - 238-13768 Roberta Walker - 238-2171 the swans. On Sunday March 16 at 2:30 p,m. Tony Roach of Lambton Wildlife will conduct p slidepresen- tation with Waterfowl Identification time highlight on Sunday March 23. at 2:30 p.m. will be a showing of live hawks and owls from the Tamarack Rehabilitation Foundation. A great horned owl, screech owl, red -tail hawk, and wood duck will be handl- ed, for photography and close ex- aminaton. These injured birds are be- ing kept in captivity until their heal- ing is complete, and are then ready for release to the wild. Pinery Provincial Park naturalists will direct the public to the viewing site, where telescopes and binoculars are available to help in the identifica- tion of the birds. Depending on weather conditions, up to 10,000 tun- dra swans, 15,000 Canada Geese, and 20,000 varied species of ducks stop on this favoured site of a former lake. For this event the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce has co- ordinated special theme menus among its restauranteurs. "Duck soup" and "Lowland pizza" are ex. amples of some novelty menu items offered for family meals on the weekend. Bring the family and take part in one of the greatest wonders of natdral history to be observed in Western Ontario. For further information, please contact the museum at 243-2600. Motel owner details plans for expansion A special meeting of GB council was held in February in order to discuss various planning matter. All members were present but county - planner Janet Smolders, was unable to attend due to the fog conditions. Council decided after discussions that group homes would remain out of the by-law. If the need for group homesshouldarise, a zoning amend- ment would be necessary. Councillor Barb Southcott suggested after much r - = • rc that group'homes should be hat thay are sebsidisiz- ed by t ministry. Erwin Schottroff, owner of Pinedale Motel, presented a report to council on his plans to expand his establishment. Schottroff wished to provide at least 38 seats for his new donut shop. Anything more than this number would require two washrooms instead of one. He recommended to the village that they install a sewer line at the rear of the properties, from Lake Road. Presently, pumps are being used, but when these additional units are built, there may be difficulty in getting water pressure. Schottroff was advised of the amount of parkland dedication he would have to provide once the property is rezoned. Due to the fact that Smolders was absent at this meeting. correspondence was not available outlining further informa- tion required. Itihle study group Last Tuesday's Bible Study was at- tended by 16 ladies at the Sauble Court"1'he opening prayer was given by Jean Dykstra and the hymnsing was led by Millie Desjardine. Presiding for Lesson No. :3 "On a Humble Ileart" was Janet Desjardine. The ladies learned that humility is to be submissive, teachable, obedient. gental and prayerful. Humility is perfect quietness of heart, to have no fretting or anxieties, no disappoint- ments. to expect nothing, and to feel no grudges. It means to be at rest if yoti receive no praise or even if you are blamed or despised. Humility provides a blessed home in sweet peace in communion with the Father. Always remember, humility is something you lose the moment you think you have it. Glen Campbell of- fered the closing prayer. t'nited Church (;rand Bend United Church members and friends were welcom- ed on this fourth Sunday of Lent by Mrs Ann Russell and her son Alec. Catharine Junker and Mary Coxson, with Scott Keyes and Karen McKay as ushers. The scriptures were read by Susan McKay. The choir sang a special number, "The Cross He Bore Was His Own". Flowers were placed in the chancel by the family of Elgin Adamsa who passed away one year ago. . In the children's time, Rev. Peebles told how the Africans used to relay messages by drumming on a hollow tree. God too had a messaage "All -:have -sinned; but God loved•. us so much that He sent His Son" Down through the ages God has relayed this message, and the children today should continue to tell others about God's great love. Rev. Peebles continued in his series on the Apostles Creed, speaking about the phrase "I believe in the forgiveness of sins," God had a plan for His world and His people but sin came in and spoiled that plan. However, because "God so loved the , world", a disobedient and rebellious world, He sent His Son to redeem mankind and have the assurance that God does and will forgive us our sins. In John 1:9 it says that God will cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and with God's forgiveness, the past is forgotten. Catholic news Pastor Father Morrissey was celebrant at all masses for the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The gospel is that of the Prodigal Soh. When the Pharisees complained that Jesug stayed with sinners, he told them of a fa er's love for a real -loser - the Prodigar Son. He doesn't accept his son as lost, and even runs to meet him, starting a celebration for the _lost one, now found. The elder brother is the truly lost one, who sees his fidility to his father as slavery. His justice has no Percy, no forgiveness for his lost brother, in- stead he sulks, unforgiving, making everyone unhappy. Let us try to be like that father who runs out to meet the lost one and wrap him in forgiveness and love. Congratulations go to two young members of the Smith family this week. Andrew Robert Smith son of Bob and Trudy t Creces) Smith, made his first confession, then on Sunday his first communion. Then after mass, his infant sister, Roberta Yvonne Smith, was received into the Catholic community by the sacra- ment of baptism. Please remember that the COR weekend will be taking place on April 4-6 for those between the ages of 17-21 years. There will be a gathering of Women "Empowering Spirituality" at Mount St. Joseph's London, April 26. Join other women of the Diocese to discover through workshops, speakers, Prayer and celebration." Who we are as women today? How are we enpowered by the Spirit, to carry out the role of women? and what ministry do we' offer to the church and the world today?,;� .11110CWL are asked to,tiltt>r the meeting on March 17 and the Day of Recollection, March 19, and the Bowling for Cancer, April 23. Bishop Sherlock is inviting the faithful of the Diocese to celebrate the Mass of Chrism (Blessing of the Sacramental Oils) in St. Peter's Cathedral on March 24, Monday night at 7:30 p.m. Church of God The Beaconnaires met last Monday evening, enjoying a potluck dinner, well attended by at least 30 seniors. After dinner they enjoyed a hymns- ing, then introduced the speaker for. the evening, Pastor Ray Lindsay from the Parkhill United Church. Rev. Lindsay spoke of his recent trip to the States, with the highlight of his travels, the "Passion Play" from Arkansas, depicting the events of Ho- ly Week. On Wednesday the youth *pup met for Bible study on Proverbs, the value of wisdom. The adults continued their study on Abraham. He was willing to give up his possessions, and clung to nothing, as the Lord wished. There was a funeral luncheon Saturday afternoon for the family of Luella MacGregor. The funeral took place at Backx's Funeral Home in Parkhill with burial at Grand Bend Cemetery. Sunday morning Rev. Barnhart spoke from Philippians 4:4-9 on over- coming depression. Ile stressed three points 11 Rejoicing in the Lord at the things He has done for us, 2) Pray about everything, 3) Watch what we think about. A special solo was sung by Marion Steckle, "The Longer 1 Serve Him." Sunday evening,'Rev. Barnhart ex- plained how the church is the body of Christ, with one body, many members and different functions to serve our needs. Golden Agers Meet There were 34 seniors attending the Golden Agers March meeting Wednesday, to enjoy a potluck dinner at St. John's Anglican hall. In keep- ing with St. Patrick's Day this month, the tables were decorated with green shamrocks. Following the 'delicious meal, president Ila Kayes conducted a short business meeting. Happy birthday was sung for all those members .with March bir- thdays. They were reminded for the Easter meeting, to wear an Easter bonnet or bouquet, or to pay the con- sequences of "sing, say or pay". Olive Miller's group was in charge of the program. Janet Desjardine told a tale of two little leprechauns and read a poem about "The Littlest Leprechaun" named Patrick Dennis Michael O'Shawn and his troubles with his 16 brothers. Olive and Janet favored the group with a duet called "The Old Armchair", Nola Love sang an Irish song and Ila Kayes told some Irish jokes. The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing games of euchre, crokinole and solo. Leglon News At the Legion darts on February 25, there were 16 people out to enjoy the fun. Gil Roane and Nori Voisin won plate, Jack- O Connorrand Lori Hamilton took second: Geprge Gallant won the dogr prize. Last for darts�yDon Labelle and Mar, 20 people showed s Hedley getting first and Prank Allen and Lori Hamilton taking second. Once again Pat O'Connor got the door prize! Can you believe the luck of this u? g The euchre players were shut out once again by bad weather on Friday, so let's hone for better weather to make this Friday a good night for card players. About People You Know It's probably true that Canadians talk too much about the weather but, really, the last few days have been the alpha and omega of storm systems. Within a few days we change from a "milk -pail" snowstorm with high winds and bone chilling cold to a rain storm complete with thunder and lightning. One wonders if our little feathered and furry friends outside are as confused by it all. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, Vera Brown of Southcott Pines, her family and grandchildren on the death of her hus- band, Rev. Archibald Brown, Last Saturday. Mrs. Alda Adams and Mrs. Susie Devine had special dinner guests last Sunday, Don and Pauline Hendrick of Wyoming, Pat Hendrick of London, and Pat and Lanny Scrimmegour, Angela and Jeff, all of London. They gathered to celebrate the occasion of Pauline and Lanny's birthdays. School break is upon us, so for those planning to travel, whether by air, bus or car, be careful , have a good time. For those of us staying at home, may the video tapes and our sanity hold out until it is time for all the kids to return to school. Playoffs underway The Parkhill Novice Jets won their first 'A' playoff series in the Strathroy arena last Monday evening. This third game in the best of three gave the Jets a 1-0 win over the top place Strathroy Kings. Steven Willemse scored Parkhill's winning goal. In exhibition play Wednesday, the JetS faced the Parkhill Lions in a good close match. Kelly McAdams put the Jets ahead 1-0, then Simon Desjardine notched what proved to be the winn- -iilg goal, on passes from Shane Ma - quire and Jon Smalley. The Kings' Andrew Sharen scored with assistance from Michael Stanlake to make it a close 2-1 game. A lot of ex- tra effort was given on both sides due to the absence of a few teammates. Super goaltending by Doug Vanderkant and Jamie Grenier. The Jets travelled to Lucan for their first game of the semi-finals, Saturday. After a scoreless two periods, Simon Desjardines hit the Lucan net with the first goal. Lucan retaliated_ with two third period goals making it 2-1. Jets pulled their goalie for a tie but couldn't get the puck past Lucas's super goaltender. In the Novice 'B' division playoffs, the Parkhill Lions defeated the Strathroy Bruins 5-1, the advance to the semi-finals. Kyle Vermuelen and Danny Willemse each scored twice and Ryan Taylor added the single. Ilear Speakers The Grand Bend Public school held their annual public speaking contest last Friday afternoon in the gym- nasium. Judges for the event were Laurie Finn, Norm MacPherson and Sharon Soldan, with chairperson Chantelle Crabe. Before announcing the winners, MacPherson outlined some criteria to all 15 speakers. He said that there are five main features for judging, those being the use of gestures, things you know about, audience interaction, voice pacing and an effective beginning Mike Clay, grade 7, won the first place category for the seniors speak- ing on how to sell a product. Jason Desjardines, also grade 7, placed se- cond for the seniors with his topic about "Playing my Guitar". Ileather Bennett, grade 8, won 3rd senior with her speech on "Dinnertime at my House" . Junior winners were 1st- Kirsten Mailow, grade 6; 2nd- LeeAnn Peckitt, grade 6 and 3rd- Keith Crawford, grade 5. Their topics were on Helen Keller, Teasing -Bigots and My Sister, respectively. While waiting for the judges to make their decisions, teacher Carol Armbruster led the audience in a St. Patrick's Day theme singalong, with songs of Sgt. Nancy Clancy, Shannon Cannonball, etc. The audience also heard some good topic speeches on bullfighting, the storyof milk, "High school Here 1 Come", the Edmund Fitzgerald and My Pet Guppies. It was announced that the two first place winners would be speaking at the next level in Woodside Public School later this month. Also the GB Lions club will be holding their public speaking contest on March 18. MacPherson was proud of the school's efforts in volleyball this term. The girl's team won three games and lost three at intra -mural meet. Members were Tammy Johnston, Kathleen Perch, Joanne Beemer, Shannon Boyd, Christina Shepherd, Nicole Gill and Andrea Kokkinidou. The boys' team won it all! They brought back the N.L.E.S.A.A. trophy and pennant to Grand Bend. Team members are captain Jake Morrice, Bill Jennison, Brad Page, Jeff Bumstead, Dave Maguire, Stan Whitney, Shane Green and Bobby Mollard. The team thank coach Laurie Finn and trainer Russ Lingard for all their help. EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY PARTY — A long-time Grand Bend resident, Olive Webb, River Road, celebrated her 80th birthday in fashion Sun- day, March at the GB United Church basement- With Olive (nee Oliver) Webb, in the center, are her grand -daughters, Darlene Carter, Sally Cummings, left, and Labelle Toppin, daughter-in-law, and Joy Webb on the right, all from London. Olive's two close friends Jeanne Kading, and Nolo Taylor were tea pourers for the large crowd of relatives and friends. Summer Help Wanted Village of Grand Bend for the following: 1) Harbour (2 positions) 2) Public Works (2 positions) Please submit resume by March 27, 1986 to: Village of Grand Bend 4 Ontario Street Box 340 Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1T0 You bought the dish. Now get the real fun! TE FARM DIG LOANS .1, tin ptinl nS .rt.. rttwg hm THIRD LIONESS DRAW Bank employee, Barb Trocz, right, drew another lucky winner at the Bank of Montreal Friday night. Lioness bulletin editor, Valerie Martens, left announced that Emerson Des- jardine, GB. was the winner of a trip for two to Kissimmee, Florida, with a car rental. Desjardine was not available for comment as he was on vacation in the sunny south! ARE YOU GENERAL? If you received a T1 General income tax return this year, bring it to H&R Block. Our specially -trained tax experts will look into over 300 deduc- tions, exemptions, and credits that could save you money. Visit your nearest H&R Block office soon, or call lotan appointment. 11 General From 19>rs Ask about our guarantee. You could get more than you bargained for at 147 Main St., Exeter 319.33.1901 Mon.. 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