HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-03-12, Page 11Youth for Christ
is vspil attended
aiuni, Huron Y.F.C. held their
will:di:ay in Brucefield school
night, March 1 with a real
Woqd tendance. Director Ron
twelitlakts was in charge, opening the
rally with several choruses with
Sh*on Parker.at piano. Ron led in
lie then called on several teens who
had attended the "Snow Camp" at
Deievan, blot York, on February
14-16 tove it testimony on what
thecamphad meant to them. They all
seemed thHlled and blessed with the
activities and spiritual time. The
Zurich team were elated to know that
thq were, top winners of eight teams
and are looking forward to returning
on July 26 for "Friends and Family
Day" and the final quizzing when the
trophy will be presented. This could
involve at least 20 teams from the dif-
ferent states.
Quizzing time followed with only
three teams taking part as some of
the others couldn't attend. They quizz-
ed op Proverbsand the results were
Clinton 1st, Exeter 2nd, Bayfield 3rd.
Next month will be Proverbs 5.
li#Qtt then turned the program over
to a singing group from London call-
ed "Rejoice". They were accom-
paniec, by piano, guitar and drums.
The April rally will April 5 at the
school. A drama group with 13
members called "Windows" from
Cambridge will have the entire pro-
gram. This group is just returning
from a tour in Europe.
May rally will be on May 3. A
special speaker and singing group
called "Image" will present the pro-
gram along with the Bible quizzers.
This will be our last indoor rally so try
and attend and support our youth.
PINS - Hensall clerk Betty Oke handed out Hensoll pins to the members of the Hensall Scout Troop
who attended the March meeting of council. Getting their pins are Billy Towton, Jason Phillips, Bevan
Moir and James Reid.
Hunger theme of Granton sermon
call was to wear something green or mon "Will the real Jesus please stand
an article pertaining to St. Patrick's up". Saturday March 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Day was answered by eight "The Discoverers" will be meeting in
members. the church basement then go to bowl
An article from the Huron Church in Lucan.
news "An Invitation to Church" was Good Friday March 28 at 7:30 com-
read by Marlene French. munion service will be held at Gran -
Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins read a ton United Church. Easter Sunday
humorous reading entitled "A Little March 30 at 7 a.m. Easter Sunrise
Mixed Up" which was followed by a Service will be held at the United
reading "A Personal Prayer" by Mrs. Church followed by breakfast at 8
Dave Inchley. a.m. Tickets are available from UCW
Rev. Peter Derrick and Lois members.
Herbert, contact person, gave an in- Regular Easter service will be held
formative presentation on "Interna- on Easter Sunday at Granton and
tional Evangelism". Jean Noon, Irene Wesley.
Roloson, and Marlene French took
part in a skit. - TYKES WIN
In the business session announced The Exeter Orange team won the
that there would be another service 'B' championship in a weekend tyke
for the congregation, to be held at the hockey tournament in Clinton.
Bob Hayward Y. on April 20. It was After losing to Lucan 5-2 in over -
decided to have a bake sale and a time, the Orange boys came on strong
Mothers Day Boutique in the church to defeat Goderich 5-2 and Blyth 3-1.
hall on May 10. Jeff Sararas was high scorer with
The annual fall bazaar is to be held seven goals. Jeff MacLean notched
November 8. A dainty lunch was serv- two and Jeff Inch added a single.
ed by Marlene French. Josh Watson tourned in an excellent
-United Church performance in goal.
At Granton United Church Rev. The Exeter Optimist Blue Team
Bruce Pierce was in charge of the also participated, losing to Hensall
morning service and entitled his ser -
eight student Harlen Tinney
acted as a page at the March ses-
sion of Huron County council. He
is the son of Marion and Dwayne
Tinney, Exeter.
The. Rev Peter Derrick was in
charge of the morning service at St.
Thomas Anglican .Church. The
crucifer was John Herbert and the
pianist Lois Herbert. The two lessons
were read by Betty Ann Waugh and
Jim Hodgins.
The Rev. Derrick preached his ser-
mon on "Hunger" which has been a
series since the first Sunday in Lent,
and also on the three different types
of aid, mainly, responsive aid, which
listens to the dreams of people in
need. The second aid is from the
primates world relief development
fund and the l ist aid is from the non-
government agencies eg. Oxfam
which is great for financial aid. Let's
educate ourselves and be like am-
bassadors for Christ.
The board of management meeting
is to be held in the church hall on
Thursday March 13.
Next Sunday the church service will
be at 11:30 a.m.
A starvation luncheon sponsored by
the youth group and Rev Petyer Der-
rick for the three parishes, Granton,
Kirkton and Saintsbury will be held
in St. Pauls Anglican Church, Kirkton
on Saturday March 15 at 11:30 a.m.
Owing to the bad weather Friday,
the World Day of Prayer service was
cancelled and will be held in the
church on Friday March 21 at 8 p.m.
Anglican Church news
The ACW held their meeting at the
home of Mrs. Joe French on March 6.
The president, Mrs. Don Roloson
opened the meeting with the invoca-
tion, and the meditation taken from
"The Living Message". The scripture
was read by Ethel Crouch. The roll
and BI th.
Times -Advocate, March 12, 1966 Pogo 11 •
Varna tickets going
ty Milky Ticket for the Ses-
KIck-o f Dance are get -
scarce, so if you want any, you'd
better get them right away.
Alec and Mary Ostrom spent an en-
joyable week in the Vancouver area
while attending the annual meeting of
the Canadian Jersey Club. They heft
here on February 26, and woke up the
next morning at 4:30 to the sound of
a robin singing. The temperature was
68 degrees.
About 200 people from all over
Canada attended. Two busloads of
them travelled to Jersey farms in the
area and on Vancouver Island. Many
places of interest were seen on these
travels, including the site of Expo.
The ladies were taken to the Van
Dusen Gardens in Vancouver one
day, where crocuses were blooming,
the blossoms were coming out on
some trees, and there were ducks and
other waterfowl. Mary thought the
gardens would be beautiful about
three weeks later.
Every four years a World Jersey
Conference is held. This year it is in
South Africa. The Ostroms received
a book that hadbeen published for
this, showing the beautiful farming
area of that country. Marywas glad
they had a couple of days at home to
adjust to winter again before the big
storm hit on Friday.
Bill and Joyce Dowson and Allan
and Marjorie Hayter spent the last
two weeks of February in Venezuela,
where they stayed at the Macuto
Sheridan Hotel on the Caribbean. Lori
Hayter joined them for the second
week. Lori and the men took a group
coastal tour by jeep.
They visited a friend of Doris
McKinley who had attended Alma
College with Doris. She showed them
around Caracas, where she lives, and
entertained them at her beach house
a couple of hours drive from Caracas
Because there are so many cars in
the city, one can only drive a car on
certain days. Wealthy people get
around this by having several cars
belonging to different members of the
The Dowsons and Hayters took a
tour to a German village in the moun-
tains where a colony of Germans had
been isolated because of disease
many years ago. It has become a
tourist centre. Meal prices in
Venezuela were reasonable, gold ar-
ticles and shoes were cheaper. They
enjoyed the sunshine and had a good
Congratulations to Elmer and
Norene Hayter who celebrated their
fourth -fifth wedding anniversary on
Saturday, March 8 at the home of
HEARING TEST - Benjamin Bedore,
ing tested by nurse Shirley Steeps as
tion at St. Boniface.
with mother Deb, hos his hear -
past of kindergarten registra-
Zurich bowling
Huron Nope - Monday Afternoon
Eloise Klungel 130
Andrew Volk 105
Dennis Arbour 107
Leonard Ryan 124
Monday Nite Ladies League
HG Maxine Miller 578
AO J. Finkbeiner 617
GG Verlie Lavery 564
P Thelma Thiel 613
Bev Bierling 674
Linda Dietrich 593
Pat Schroeder 673
Carmel Sweeney 642
Sandra Dickert 670
Mary Becker 539
C. Overholt 460
T&C 11. Vanderhoek 570
HS Sherrie Stade 358
FT Sherrie Stade 823
HA Sandra Dickert 215
Tuesday Morning Grand Cove
Jack Worton 475
Jack Whilsmith 613
Bill Taylor 564
Vicki Taylor 656
HS Vicki Taylor 267
HS Jack Whilsmith 225
Tuesday C.A.P. (:roup
Wayne Duke 113
Tom Masse 152
Jeff Dekort 97
David Fox 79
Tuesday Nite Men's League
HR Frank Smeekens 638
DH Leo Hoffman 676
Brian Hogarth 693
L Mommersteeg 657
Carl Wurm 636
Gary Black V20
Wayne Cerny 573 ,
Ron Dann 694
Hob Vanderhoek 631
B Geo. Mathonia 621
DNo2 Bill Reid 566
A .lim Parker 641
Wednesday Morning Ladies' League
Marion Deline 636
Mickey Bridges 502
Edith Bowen 594
Betty Coates 451
Betty Simmons 437
Ina Browning 495
Wednesday Nite Ladies League
NN Joyce Hillman 666
CF Lois Webster 577
C Pat Kadings 536
GB Jean Dann 594
JNo2 W. Jennison 554
S Linda Webber 683
Thursday Afternoon Golden Age
HD Ed Strachan 396
HD Harvey Clausius 298
HD Ila O'Rourke 303
HD Frieda Moore 315
HS Ed Strachan 219
HS Ila O'Rourke 188
Saturday Ladies' Intertown
St. Marys
HT S. St. Clair 645 16
HS Bessie Coulthard 225
Zurich 11
HT Bev Bierling 796 14
HS Bev Bierling 329
Bowlmor 11
HT Cheryl Cheslow 653 812
IIS Sheila Brown 265
Zurich 111
HT Betty Datars 720 211,2
HS Jean Dann 311
Bowlmor I1
HT Peg Schurink 681 21
HS Sheila Brown 301
Zurich I
HT Vicki Taylor 608 21
IHS Vicki Taylor 259
Zurich III
HT Louise Vandenberk 18
IIS Joyce Hillman 245
HT .fan Capitano 734 12
HS Jan ('apitano 289
Sunday Melnick Res
HT Kaz Bozel 488
HT Harry Spice 466
HT Martin Tyers 453
HT Tom Brodie 415
FINAL WINTER SWIM - The grades 7 and 8 classes of GBPS finish-
ed their swimming at Pinedale Motel last week. Taking a break are
Bobby Mollard, Bill Jennison, Dain Zubyk, Dove Maguire and Steve
Cromarty Prayer
day cancelled
As it was in most other areas in the
snowbelt, the World Day of Prayer
service that was to have been held in
Cromarty Church Friday was
cancelled. Even though snow was not
falling most of the,day, it was unsafe
to venture beyond the buildings or
familiar trees because of the dense
fog -like blowing snow.
Several from Cromarty attended
the funeral of Roderick (Ron)
Chabassol in St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, Thursday. The sympathy of
the community is extended to his
wife, Eve, Cromarty, and their
daughter, Sandra Chabassol, Barrie.
The old-tyme dances that were call-
ed off for the winter months will be
held again beginning on the second
Friday of March in Staffa hall.
Anyone interested in learning square
dances, schottisches, seven -step,
four -step, French minuet, etc. is in-
vited to come and join in. These
dances were started by the musicians
in the hope that they wouldn't be
forgotten but would be carried on to
future generations.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was celebrated on Sunday morn-
ing. Rev. Kenneth Knight gave his
sermon on the topic "Who is Wor-
thy?" comparing those who come to
the communion table to the Prodigal
Son returning home to his father. Dur-
ing the service a certificate was
presented to Cromarty Ladies Aid for
their donations toward Knox College
Registration Fund. The certificate
was received on behalf of lhe group
by their president Dorothy Miller.
We are glad to report that Otto
Walker, who has been a patient in Ex-
eter and University Hospitals, was
discharged Sunday, also that Grace
Kerslake is recuperating at her home
after surgery in Stratford hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zimmer, Scott
and Erin, Stratford, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing.
Scott remained for a few holidays
with his grandparents.
their daughter Anne and her husband
Good Davis. Those attendina were
their daughter Donna and her hus-
band Roes McBeath, their sons Allan
and his wife Marjorie, Gerald and
Margaret and Robert and Sandy, as
well as 18 grandchildren and one
great -grand -daughter; Norene's
brother John Robinson and wife
Margaret, and Elmer's sister Eileen
and husband Ken McLean, brother
Mervyn and Margaret. The anniver-
sary cake was beautifully decorated
by their daughter Donna.
4-H girls learn
suitcase packing
The "Eight for Etiquette', 4H club,
Grand Bend 2, met March 3 at Ann
Russell's home.
We opened by repeating the 4H
pledge. We discussed going to the 4H
National Conference, what clothes to
take and tips.
Karen Dietrich showed us how to
pack a suitcase, being a good house
guest, what to do and not to do was the
next topic.
Ann told us how to project a good
image being your best self. Different
kinds of dress for different occasions
was the next subject. Manners, being
a good sport, visiting a bereaved
friend and other difficult situations
were discussed with leader Brenda.
Sincere best wishes, from this
community is expressed to Mrs. Olive
Webb, of Grand Bend, on the occasion
of her 80th birthday. Mrs. Webb and
her family resided in this area for
many years, prior to her taking up
residence in Grand Bend. After mov-
ing to the Bend she was bookkeeper
for Russell's Esso gas service, at
Shipka, for several years.
Last Sunday afternoon her family
of grand and great grandchildren held
"Open House" for her at Grand Bend
United Church.
Old man winter came back with a
bang last Friday. There were not
school buses running, or mail delivery
in this area.
Hugh and I attended a family
gathering Saturday night, at the home
of his sister Mrs. Hazel Corbett, in
Hensall. Others attending were Les
and Marjorie Adams, Exeter Bob and
Connie Chaffe and daughter Sally, of
Mitchell, Jeff and Sheila Corbett and
their 11 day old daughter, Lindsay
Elizabeth; of Staffa, Ross and Donna
Corbett, Al and Joan Corbett, of Hen-
sall area.
The occasion was to celebrate
Hazel's birthday.
Lucan bowling
Inter -Town - Ladies: Lucan
Grand Bend 18 pts. Jan Capttano
274-734, Audrey_Watt 289-645
Men: Lucan 37 pts., Goderich 11 pts.
Kim Giles 258, 270, 277, 213, 329-1347,
Don Watt 311-1254, Ray hands
Monday Ladies: Glena Tripp 283,
251, 253-787, Chris Hogan 265-710,
Heather Smith 279-707, Audrey Watt
293-706, Shirley Noyes 227-659, Muriel
Kennedy 2334650, Lorraine Mosurin-
john 233-644, Deb Thompson 262-637,
Jan Capitano 249-637, Betty Ankers
238-625, Liz Dale 253-615, Helen Pat-
terson 239-612, May Murphy 228-604,
Marg Young 220-603, Judi Thomas
242, Carol Willems 240.
Tuesday Juniors: Jason Woytowich
249,Stephen Snider 188, Melissa
Damen 171, Ken Pescod 170, Jeff
Bond 186, Peter Gibson 162, Shawn
Kraft 157, Craig Williams 154.
Colleen's: Shirley Rees 301-729,
Plain McNair 250-674, Sylvia Fahner
308-662, Thelma Hodgins 255-641, Pam
Smith 241-630, Nina Knee 269, Diane
Rummell 233, Alice Hodgins 229, Cin-
dy McNaughton 224.
Medway: Cal Carmichael 238-658,
Myrt Hastings 252-619, Marilyn Smith
267-611, Marie Moir 220, Marion Barr
204, Tom Barr 203.
Senior Citizens: Frank DeBlock
260, marion Noels 227, Norah Wissel
225, Harry Noels 195, Howard Currie
180, Jack Dickens 183, Henry DenOt-
ter 178.
Wednesday Bantams: Jason Wyatt
228, 189, David Damen 143, David
Wilcox 139, Kelly Williams 136,
Kristen Thomds 129, Tammy Graham
127, Launi Appleman 120.
Wednesday Mixed: Gary Melvin
246-700, Bill Dixon 299-663, Bob Cor-
nish; 327-656, Mary Cadman 236-625,
Bill Cornelissen 262-614, Don Wallis
24t, Joel Chillingworth 208, Wayne
Carty 207.
Thursday Men: Jim Smith 207, 327,
272-806, Bob Smith 314-740, Mike
Wraith 270-697, Bill McDonald 288-688,
Brian Noyes 236-687, Jeff Park
251-681, Ron Dickey 217-643, Wes
Hickson 241-639, Jim Burt 256-661, An-
dy McIntyre 219-637, Wayne Smith
241-615, Russ Smith 228-607, Vic Neil
Sunday Mixed: Linda Webber
345-744, Basil Short 268-717, Larry
Gibson 273-714, Bill Smith 273-707,
Doug Halladay 310-705, Brice Harris
251-693, Vicki Horbanuik 248-657, Fred
Wells 231-656, John Fanner 220-621,
Bill Dixon 216.
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WIN GOLD MEDALS - - Winning gold medals in the recent H.O.M.E.
figure skating competition at futon were Zurich club members Jen-
nifer Overholt and Elyshia Denomme. Missing was Kathy Merner.
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