HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-03-05, Page 164 Page 16 6 Set votes r TImes-Advocate, March 5, 198 HAS YOUR DOCTOR ADVISED THAT YOU • LOSE WEIGHT This Can Be Difficult but with Herbal Weight Control It Can Be Easy and with GUARANTEED RESULTS Phone 262-2645 after 6 p.m. 9-14c WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seoforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527.0828 Jim 527-0775 18tfn GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. FREE ESTIMATES Call Jack Glavin 237-3707 l9tfn POWER HOUSE ELECTRIC MOTORS Huron St. E. 235-1319 Complete farm motor service Power Tool Repairs 43tfn DAVE'S DECOR INTERIOR it EXTERIOR PAINTING - PAPERING Wallcovering Designs for every taste Zurich 236-4941 51tfn JACK'S PLUMBING and HEATING For all your plumbing and heating installations Rural, Residential, Commercial Water Heaters, Softeners and Pumps Jack Mayer 235-0581 51 tfn DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES 16t fn LARGE or SMALL RENOVATIONS *Interior *Exterior 235-2597 35tfn MOM'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE Quality Deep Cleaning of Your Entire House Call Evenings 227-1206 t 391 fn Dan Heywood PAINTING & DECORATING Free Estimates 4 Phone 235-0919 after 6:00 45tfn WALLPAPERING Diane Eagleson Carrie Anne McAlpine 235.2521 293-3057 Exeter Ailsa Craig PHONE FOR ESTIMATES Monday to Friday after 6 p.m. 46tfn Maciregsr Midis, Ltd. ss Miu s*. Isse*er235.1273 For Sale Replacement bucket edges - 7 and 8 ft. 45 carbon; trailer axles - 1700 Ib. capacity, complete with springs, brackets wheels and tires, $211.00 ea.; wood splitter, 3 pt. hitch $500.00; Targe wheel trailer with hoist, no box, $450.00. T. J. ORNAMENTAL Iron Railings and General Repairs Call Ted Dashwood 237-3336 Res. 237-3591 9tfnc FARMERS. (Budget News) Phone now for a free copy of the February 26th budget changes. Appointment times available to process 1985 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. CaII toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping farmers for over 34 years. 10x "PRETTY PETS" By Marie PET GROOMING 235-0415 10.11.12* 7 livestock CATTLE - We pay the top price for poor- ly doing unthrifty crippled or recently in- jured cattle (free or drugs). Call collect evenings or early morning. We have a radio equipped truck in your area twice daily. John Ansems 1-238-2796 Grand Bend. It fn PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. Also bred and open guilts. Govern- ment health inspected. Also a good selec- tion of Yorkshire Gilts bred Landrance. Ted Schendera, 225-2734.' 24ftn LARGE SELECTION good quality and aggressive working boars. York, Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot, Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamp and Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open Gilts. R.O.P. Tested, reasonable price. Garanteed Breeder. Delivery available. Richard Stroebel RR 2 Granton. Telephone 225-2587 or 284-2628. 7-18c CANADA'S PUREBRED) Poultry Head- quarters! 150 varieties chicks - 25 Breeds Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, Guineas, Pheasants. Red River Hatcheries, Box 362, Moms, Monitoba, ROG IKO. March - June Phone 1-800-665-0433. Visa. Mastercard. 10x BABY CHICKS. 12 varieties to choose from including heavy meat types and Capons. Shipment by Parcel Post or Railroad. Send for price list Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 2Z6. (519)669-2561. 10x PIGEON PROBLEMS. Will catch, no guns used, no cost to you. Also interested in buying poultry, rabbits, etc. Call 482-9171 after 5 p.m. 10* NANNY GOAT, 2 years old, good pet S40.00. Call 238-5386. 10c THREE YEAR OLD FILLY, standard bred with foal by siee 5500.00. 229-6692. IOSA 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE STX 340, ex- cellent condition, low miles, completely ser- viced, new pistons, rings, this year. 11,400.00 237-3767. 10ntc 1983 HONDA 110 ATC, excellent condi- tion. 234-6287. 10c 11 Cars, Trucks OLDER USED CARS and trucks. Give us a call. Town Line Collision. 228-6700.34tffi PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 I tfn 1977 - 150 FORD WINDOW VAN, 351 engine automatic, good running condition. As is 1850.00. Also Westco snowmobile Tandem trailer, holds 4 snowmobiles 5950.00. 268-7929 or 461-0782. IOSA 1979 PONTIAC LE MANS, p.s., p.b. and radio. Excellent condition, S3,200.00, cer- tified. Call 565-2728 after 5:00 p.m.9tfnx 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORT, 3IS4. A/C, p.s. and p.b., with Pioneer Sound System. Mechanically sound, needs very lit- tle work. Excellent highway car. Asking S950.00. Ask for Bruce on weekends only at 235-2815. 9tfnx 1978 NOVA - Immaculate. 6 cyl. Auto p/s, p/b, radio, new tires, recent paint, cert. Ask S2,495.00. 235-1599. 10•SA Filson. & Robson * Auction Sale pates Claimed * • Mar. 8 Ont. Limousin Sale, Shore Sale Arena, Glorworth, 1:00 p.m. * * Mar. 8 & 9 Ontario Auctioneers Annual Meeting, Bramleo, Ont. * * Mar. 11 Denfield Sales Arena & Every Tuesday * * Mar. 13 Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Mel Habermehl, Lot 15, Con. * 10 Blanshard * Mar. 15 Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. 1. Weir, Lot 15, Con. 12 Downie* Twp. * Mar. 19 Clearing Farm Sale for Est. of Late David Jackson, Lot* 10 Con. 2 Westminster Twp. * * • Mar. 20 Farm sale for Barber Farms on W.M.R.N.West of St. Marys * Mar. 21 Production sale of Swine for Dan Lester, Forest, 1:30 p.m. * * Mar. 22 Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Bill Nesmith, Con 4 * * Nissouri Twp. * * Mar. 26 Production Sale of Swine for Thamesbend Farms, * * Tavistock, 1:00 p.m. * Mar. 27 Large Unreserved Auction of Farm Equipment for Huron Tractor, Exeter. Consignments accepted. *Mar. 29 Clearing Farm Sale for Leo Bodkin, West of .Parkhill * * Apr. 5 Clearing Farm Sole for Gordon McKeen, Con. 10 London * Twp. . * *Apr. 9 Clearing Farm Sale for Est. of Mr. Eagleson, north of Parkhill *Apr. 12 Clearing Sale of Pullen Variety Store, Dorchester *Apr. 17 Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Glen Muma, Lot 19, con. 12 * Downie Twp. Apr. 19 Middlesex Club Bull Sale, Denfield Livestock Sales *Apr. 24 1st Annual Stocker Sale, Denfield Livestock Soles *Apr. 26 Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Mel Scarfe, Con. 2 * Nissouri Twp. * Choice dates still available - please arrange as soon os possible. * A sale in our hands - means $$$ in yours. Two auctioneers with * * 35 years experience in the auction business. Members of the Cana- * * dian and Ontario Auctioneers Association. * Hugh Filson Tom Robson* 666-0833 666-1967* ************* ************* * * * 1 1972 VW SUPER _BEETLE, ver pod condition. New motor, some brake work needed. 81,730.00 or best offer. Pbone after 6 p.m. 262-5252. 9-l2c 1979 CHEVEPrE, 2 -door, automats , �ttt blue, good condition. Certified 82,000.00. Phone 235-2457. !OSA 1977 CHEV TRUCK, green Willi white top- per. Good farm truck. Call 237-3334 after 5:30 p.m. 10tfnc 1978 FORD LTD, asking 8750.00. Phone 237-3255. 10c 1978 CORDOBA Exceptional condition, one owner vehicle. Equipped with power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, cruise control. Complete exhaust system replaced in December 1985. This car is being offered for sale by original owners - Ted and Don- na Jones, 273 Marlborough St., Exeter. Phon 235-2415 after six. 10tfncx 1976 C ARO 350, automatic, new paint, tires, bra es, etc. Excellent condition -1976 Oldsmobi Cutless Supreme. Both cer- tified. Best offer 235-1788 after 4 p.m. Ask for Dan. • 10c 1976 MONTE CARLO, p.s., p.b. new tires, interior and body good condition. 82,000.00. Certified. Phone 227-4069 bet- ween 4 and 7 p.m. 10• 1979 DODGE CHALLENGER, ,red and silver, 2.6 litre engine, 82,500.00. Call Ron 235-2206. 10' 1980 HONDA CIVIC, blue, moving, must sell, 52,500.00 certified. Phone 235-0284. IOc 1981 POLARIS CUTLESS, SS 440, good condition 8850.00, shoribox pickup topper $100.00, 4 man tent, used only three times S75.00. Phone John 225-2800. IOSA 1984 ARIES K WAGON, 77,000 worry - free kilometres, p.s., p.b., AM -FM Stereo Cassette, 4 -door, rear window defroster, 5 -speed, oil undercoating, cloth covered bucket seats, well-maintained mechanical- ly, clean car in fine condition. Certified. 86,750.00. Call 229-8803. - IOSA 1975 TRANS AM, p.s., p.b., power win- dows, tilt steering, 400 engine, 4 barrel, cruise control. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 284-2469. IOSA 1980 CHEV PICKUP can be seen at ser- vice facilities at Hutton Transport. Phone 349-2233. - IOSA 12 Pets REASONABLY PRICED. Fox Hound and Walker Pups. Call 237-3402. 45tfx 13 Musical Instruments BONTEMPI CHORD ORGAN, like new, excellent condition, Good for Beginners music lessons, or pleasure 482-9297 after 5 p.m. 3tfn nc PUMP ORGAN. Call 237-3334 after 5:30 p.m. l0tfnc APARTMENT SIZE PIANO and bench, excellent condition recently tuned asking 51,775.00. 10'SA 14 Appliances, Television ELECTROLUX USED VACUUM, in ex- cellent condition with power nozzle (only $195.00) Call 228-6531. IOSA DISHWASHER -KITCHEN AID Por- table/Built-in - Excellent condition. S200.00 firm. 235-2473 after 6. 10c FREEZER, 15 cu. ft. new condition. $200.00. 235-0284. 10c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's, your business. If you want to quit that's ours. Tp speak with an AA member please phone 235-1973 or 227-4008. 48tfn DATES GALORE. For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Call, toll free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon -8 p.m.10x ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUISES., Romantic cities, the world famous 1000 islands, the remarkable International Seaway and locks, Upper Canada Village, spectacular shorelines and more. Spend 4 or 6 days Spring, Summer or Fall aboard the elegant Canadian Empress. Visit your travel professional or dial -a -brochure toll free 1-800-267.0960. 10,I1,12x CLARE BURT TRAVEL offers Three In- clusive Tours to Expo '86. Vancouver. Ful- ly escorted. Call today for detailed itinerary and early booking discount. 1-800-268-3090. Space limited. 10x FREE REPORT - Help make your child a "Winner" by better parenting. Give him/her the best chance possible. Send stamped envelope to: Better Parenting, Box 669 Wiarton, Ont. NOH 2T0. IOx 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 21t FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454. 38tfn WOOD - Hickory, Ash and Maple cut last year. You pick up 880.00 one '/2 tone pickup load or $40.00 for 32 cu. ft. Phone Ironwood Golf Club Exeter 235-1521 or 235-0707. 50tfn STEEL BUILDING '/: price sale. Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50 percent more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept. collect (416)678-1585 for Info. 1Ox ATARI COMPUTER, 600 XI., 16K. Also Disc drive and educational and game soft- ware. Both on disc and cartridge. 2" col- our television, portable. Priced right 527-0257. 9,10' POTATOES, Kirkton 229-6252. 8-IOc USED CAR and truck parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers.1-26c BUILDINGS, Factory liquidation of in - stock inventory Widths 30x120', Heights 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gulf Steel 1-416-828-6262. 10x S CHEAP FOR CASH S All steel quonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere 40'x100' for 89,999. also 26x28, 3506, 46x80 and 40x60 straight wall (416)699-6151. 1Ox SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number of 1985 models left at ex- cellent savings. Don't buy until you com- pare us. Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call I-(416)523-6467 or 1(613)547-6434 for .details. 10x OIL FURNACE REDUCED SAVE HUNDREDS on replacement cost Coleman Oil Furnace - like new. 110,000 B.T.U. Priced to sell. The reduced price of $300 in- cludes Toil tanks. Phone 235-2724. IOnc THREE PIECE, Bedroom Suite, head hoard, 6 drawer dresser with double mir- rors, 5 'drawer chest. Asking 5300.00, 235-2770. 9,10c SOFA, Early American with wood trim, hi - hack, 90" long, re -upholstered in nylon velvet stripe. Due to mistake in cutting and yardage, it won't match the rest of the fur- niture. Call Mrs. R. 1.. Riddell 284-3497. IOSA 4 ti 11111111111111111111 McCULLOLK3H CHAIN SAW, 20" bp only used twice, 8273.00 or bat offer. An- tique Wood Cook Stove, 8100, 22" Elec- tric Sunbeam Snowblower 8100.00, three years old. 23" Frigidaire Electric Stove, avocado green 810 00, 10 years old. All items in excellent condition. Phone 235-0954 or 235-1069. 9,10c APPLES MACS, DELICIOUS, SPYS Open Saturdays No. 4 Hwy. at ,• Crediton'Rd. FRANK SAWYER 2tf APPLES IDA REDS RED & GOLDEN DELICIOUS EMPIRES BELGIUM ENDIVE . SPECIAL: $1.25 a lb. Visscher Farms • 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy 83 Open 9-5 Closed Sundays Phone 237-3442 SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS, Ht'ahess prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 1-26• WANTED TO BUY Antiques, good used furniture and appliances We will also buy entire estates or apartment lots CONTACT LAVERNE at 235-1278 BOB at 235-0874 ' 9-12c CARS, TRUCKS, FARM MACHINERY and old brick buildings. 235-1662 after 5 nc during week. Weekend anytime. I0 -13c NEW OR USED baby crib. Phone 238-2225 after 5. Loc 9tfnc CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last new Technology eliminates Rusty...Smelly... Bad tasting water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. C.S.A. approved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. Only 49 cents per day to won and operate. Ask about our Free 6 -Month Trial Offer. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water...It's your Rightl Call now 1-800-26$-2656 (24 hrs.) or 1-(416)624-1170. AZTEC 10x PENNY -ROLLER Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes, . quarters quickly and easily! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63e tax). Two for $16.00! (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O. Boy 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 10x READY TO LAY PULLETS, quality pullets, fair prices. No order too large or too small. 236-4102. Call Rooseboom's Poultry farm. 9tfnc ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc CLEANED DOUBLE CUT RED CLOVER seed. John (manse, RR 1 Varna 519-262-2426. 9,10' YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensel!. 32tfnc 22 BROWNING SHARP shooter rifle 8225; round gasoline tank S99; 1000 cc Suzuki motorcycle, as new, best offer; stereo with record changer, $85; bathroom sink S12; stainless double sink S22; 1983 Ranger pickup with cap 56,100; scythe 525; nine y c motors from '/ h.p. to %. h.p. S125; alis autpmatic washer, needs work '‘,.$25; three Tteav Oar?. Phone 228-622,,336. 1 SHOT GUN, 12 guage semi-automatic Winchester S295.00, 22 Browning semi- automatic rifle 5225.00 or best offer. Must have FAC ,permit Snowmobile trailer, double -tilt 8350.00. 1983 Ranger Ford % ton pickup with cap. Best offer around 56,000.00. Phone 228-6236. IOSA LOG HOMES. You build or we build. Sav- ings up to 40 percent. The affordable log home from House of Log, Box 1539, Ux- bridge, Ont. LOC TKO for brochure. IOx WESTEEL BARN ROOFING and siding. 30 gauge galvanized and galvalumed S42 square. 30 gauge prepainted 860. Minimum order 50 square. Custom Farm Material Sale. Laird McKeen (416)779-3322. 10x SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet clear- ing 1985 inventory of above ground pools. Complete package sold for 82,495 - clear- ing at 51,495. Supply is limited. Call now 1-519-653-0176. IOx S BUILDING CLEARNACE S Clearance of quonset buildings from recent Canada Farm Show. One building is 46x90 with doors on both ends for S9,995. Other sizes available. Call (416)731-1636. 1 Ox MIRACLE SPIN - WONDER Steel Buildings. We'll meet or beat your best price on quonset all steel buildings with similiar specifications. Call our factory toll free 1-800-387-4910. 10,11,12x NORITAKE CHINA Shop -at-home ser- vice. Terrific discounts on all recent pat- terns. Many interesting pieces. (AVON'peo- ple - we have Meadowstone Leilani). Specify pattern name and number. For our complete price list, pattern shape, shipp- ing details, Send today a stamped self ad- dressed Envelope to: Just Noritake, 158 Wanless Ave. Torotno, Ontario M4N I W2. 10x PIANOS WANTED. Not necessarily good condition. Give name, height, number found under top lid. Or have us refinish, restore your piano. Village Piano, Elmira. (519)669-2280. 10-14x 40 PERCENT OFF on all men's trousers at the Everthrift. 235-2687. 10,1 Ic ADJUSTABLE HIGH BACK baby walker, baby buggy. Excellent condition. Call 237-3342 adytime. 10c METAL DETECTORS, Dealer selling all remaining last year's stock of Garrett and D -Tex at 40 percent off list. 228-6459. I0,IIc DINING -ROOM SET, 9 piece, walnut, ex- cellent condition. Phone 235-1104.10,1Ic TWO PAINTINGS, by cordon Koch. 227-1204. 10• 1980 LTD, 4 -door, 52,000.00 and 1974 OLDSMOBILE, 2 -door 5250.00. Phone 237-3256. I0c WHITE YOUTH BED with mattress - bought - new - two years old. Excellent con- dition. 550.00. 227-4850. IOSA 22 FOOT TRAILER, fully furnished ask- ing 5600.00. Phone 234-6320. 10,11• FLAY FOR SALE. Phone 229-8863 after 6:00. 10,1Ic COMMODORE, Colour monitor No. 1702 - 5300.00. Pioneer AM -FM Stereo Cassette - 5150.00. Equalizer - 850.00. Phone 235-2581. 10c I)UNCAN PHYFE dining room table and chairs, _upright piano. 262-2681. Ilk 100 SAP BUCKETS, S2.00 each. 235-2115. 10,IIc UPRIGHT FIEINZMAN AND CO. piano. Iron Grand. 227-4591. 10• PIONEER AM -FM cassette car stereo. 2 front speakers and two rear speakers. 10 band (.ear Jet equalizer. Asking 5250.00. Very good condition. Phone 235-1707 after 4:OOPm.C10,11c 50 OLD HAIRS, all stripped and sand- ed, some refinished, child's wooden crib, springs and mattress; chests of drawers. 284-2766. IOSA 18 Wanted FARMERS TO GROW hay for a cash crop. For more details write to Box 292, Exeter or phone JB Farm Commodities, 235-2984. Itfnc LARGE AMOUNTS of 1st or 2nd cut Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Good quality. Suitable for horses, square bales. Call JB Farm Commodities 235-2984. Itfnc 19 Property For Sale 3 BEDROOM brick ranch with large main floor family room, featuring field stone fireplace with insert. Terrace doors from kitchen lead to large covered patio. Situated in a quiet neighbourhood close to all schools in Parkhill. 294-0084 for appoint- ment. 38tfn PRIVATE HOUSE SALE. Red brick - aluminum 3 bedroom bungalow, aluminum soffits, kitchen 9x12', dinette 7'x7', living room and dining room, 11/2 baths, finish- ed rec room 25'x12', (furnished), carpeted throughout, electric hot water tank, dryer, cold room, L-shaped lot 67'x120' and 40'x20'. Close to post office, corner of Sanders and Albert. Reduced to 579,000. Call 235-2879. 49tfn ADULT CONDOMINIUM APTS. in Grand Bend. We are now selling units in our second building. 18 units with elevator, enjoy maintenance free living in lovely,treed setting. 8 Lake Road, 238-2031. 49tfn FANTASTIC CENTRALIA OPPOR- TUNITY to be operate your own business. Modern store and apartment a sure money maker. Owner ill. Phone 228-6236. (OSA TWO STOREY BRICK HOUSE, attach- ed garage on 2.95 acres, excellent garden land, 5 bedrooms with closets, main floor laundry, Targe American style kitchen, built in dishwasher, buffet and hutch, patio doors to deck, carpeted throughout. 237-3395. IOSA EFFRID TWP. in the County of Mid- dlesex, 93 acres with house and buildings (formally swine farrow to finish). Asking price $105,000.00. Interested parties please call H. Sparks Farm, Credit Corp., Lambeth, 519-652-3259. 9,10c HOUSE , two bedroom - vinyl siding, Targe corner lot, carpeted, fridge and stove, cor- ner Anne and Marlborough streets, Posses- sion April I. Call 519-392-6272: I0 -14c LAYER OPERATION, 100 acres, 7906 production quota. Dryer plus modern 4 bedroom home. Zurich Area, 150 acres cash crop, 142 workable plus 3 bedroom home 5225,000.00. Blanshard Twp. 100 acres cash crop land. Renovated brick home. Asking $150,000.00. For more in- formation call Culligan Real Estate, Jim Bearss at 519-348-8355. IOnc SMALL TOWN LIVING 25 minutes from London Spacious ranch on '/z acre lot Maintenance free For appointment to view call - JOE HORN 451-3341 10,1Ic THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW, fireplace, finished basement with office, cedar deck off dining area, dishwasher, at- tached double garage, large lot. Huron St., E. For appointment phone 235-1998 after 5:30 p.m. 10,11c 50 ACRES OF GRASS LAND. Phone 237-3227. IOc FARM FOR SALE Lot 9, Concession 17 McGillivray Twp. 2 miles north from Lieury 100 acres 77 workable with feeder hog barn bank barn and 2700 bushelgrain bin Asking price 5121,000.00. Interested parties, please call W. WILSON FARM CREDIT • CORPORATION, LAMBETH 519-652-3259 I0,12c BUILDING LOT, Kings Court Cresecent, Exeter. Lot size 90 x 100. 235.1537.10.12c TWO-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, with eat -in kitchen, family room, full basement, privacy fence, patio, double paved lane. This well cared for home is an ideal retire- ment or beginners house. Summer oc- cupancy. Priced lower S50's. Phone 235-2374. IOSA LAND FOR RENT. Mount Carmel area, apply in writing to Box 74P, Exeter Times - Advocate, Exeter Ont. NOM ISO. 10c • 20 Property For Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment. Parking 235-1497. partially ; furnished and laundry. Phone 8tfnc THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX, Lake Huron Water supplied 5200.00 plus utilities. Phone 227-4217. 9,10c BACHELOR APARTMENT, self contain- ed, ground floor, private driveway. References required. No pets, 5165.00 mon- thly plus utilities. 262-2939. IOtfnc HOUSE IN EXETER, close to schools, arena and downtown. 262-2136 evenings. 10c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable ce- ment mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call Corriveau Ren- tals by 8:30 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Weekdays, anytime Saturday. 236-4954 Zurich.16tfn THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn 23 Wanted To Rent LAND FOR 1986 barley crop. Can be seed- ed down. Apply in writing to Box 80P. The Exeter Times -Advocate Ltd., Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO. 10,1Ic MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number P.T. (H.C.) 86-02 For insulation upgrading of pitched roof attic spaces at King Street, Clinton (OH -3), 45 Alfred Street, Wing am (OH -5) and Alexander St., Brussels (OH -1). Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 am.. local time, Wednesday, March 12, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, On- tario. N7A 1 M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED: Ausable Bayfield • Authority Equipment Disposal Sealed tenders will be received until 12 noon March 26, 1986 for the following equipment: One - model 635 Allis Chalmers Crawler -Loader Three - model 041 Stihl Chainsaws (no chain brake) Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Ted Jones, General Superintendant Ausable Bayfield Authority, Box 2410, Exeter Ont.; Phone 235-2610 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on behalf of the Corpora- tion of the County of Huron, application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario at its next regular Session commencing in 1986 for an Act: 1. Dissolving the Huron County Library Board on the first day of January 1987 and all the assets and liabilities thereof be declared to have vested on that date in the Corporation. 2. Deeming the Council of the Corporation for the pur- poses of the Public Libraries Act to be a Board of a County Library and be deemed so as of the first day of January, 1987. This application will be considered by a Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly. Any person who has an interest in the application and wishes to make submissions for or against the application to the Standing Committee should notify in writing the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A2. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 7th day of February, 1986. B.G. Hanly Clerk Corporation of the County of Huron Court House, The Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 1