Times-Advocate, 1986-03-05, Page 12Page
Ll�r,s make d�na*l�nS
Times -Advocate,, March 5, 1906
At the last meeting of the Zurich'
Lions on February 17, there were 22
members present and five gets
from the Atwood Lions Club.
It was reported by Lion Kevin
McKinnon that the final total col-
lected for the C.N.I.B. canvass was
$1287.00. The club is now sponsoring
the Cancer Drive. Envelopes with
Easter Seals in them were sent out by
pail to everyone. Please return as
soon as possible.
The winner of the 50/50 draw was
Wayne Meidinger.
A director's meeting was held at the
home of vice-president, Lion Norma
Koehler on February 24 with nine
members attending. It was moved
and seconded that the Special Events
Committee sit on the Bean Festival
Committee. An invitation was receiv-
ed for the president, Wayne
Meidinger and his wife, Denise, to at-
tend a preview showing of the newly
remodelled and redecorated dining
room at the Dominion Tavern last
Sunday, March 2.
It was reported that the Zurich club
is in first place in the efficiency con-
test and first for visitations in the
It was also agreed to give a grant
of $325 to the Zurich playground and
a grant of $250 to the Agricultural
Society and $100 to the Dashwood
Minor Athletic Association.
Donations were also made to the
Canadian Lions Foundation of $250:
Youth Camp $150; Effective Speaking
$50; Diabetes and Drug Awareness
$50; Lake St. Joseph $50; Huron Coun-
ty for Home Bound $25; and Town and
Country Homemakers`$25.
Inter -club visits were made to
Bayfield Lionsclub, and four
members played in the Crediton and
District Lions club Euchre Tourna-
ment on February 2R.
The Zurich and Area Skating Club
are sponsoring a dance on Saturday,
March 8 at the Community Centre,
only $8.00 a couple with lunch, so
come out and have a good time.
Members of the Zurich and Exeter
Skating Clubs took part in the
H.O.M.E. competition that took place
in I,uean on Sunday.
Following is a list of the winners
that won in their various flights: Jen-
nifer McGee, 1st place; Stephanie
Baptist, 1st place; Elyshia Denomme,
lst place; Kathy Merner, 1st place
and Jennifer Overholt, 1st place.
Krista Schilbe, Crystal Jones,
Marianne Eagleson and Vicki -Lynn
Rau all came in fourth in their flights
while Stephanie Durand, Denise Kints
and Jodie McGee came in fifth.
Paula Watson came in sixth while
Wendy Rau, Andrea Hendrick and
Sheila Dougall all came in seventh
and Janine Hayter and Jaime McGee
in eighth place.
Room 1- Miss Devaney of Lambton
College, Early Child Education
course, will be with us for two weeks.
She is acting as our Kindergarten
teacher's assistant. She is with us
every Tuesday and Thursday. On
Wednesday and Friday she is at St.
Boniface Separate School. After two
years she could go to University and
become a Primary teacher. We enjoy
her helping us with our activities. She
is presently staying in Sarnia while
going to school. These weeks are call-
ed Block weeks so she is staying at a
Farm outside of Zurich.
Room 2 - In room two we are stu-
dying about animals that we can have
as pets. Some animals that make
good pets are dogs, cats, rabbits,
horses, ponies and birds. We found out
that pets need many of the same
things that we need to live. They need
homes, food, fresh, clean water and
lots and lots of love: Mr. Weido
brought his pet "cockaliel" to our
classroom last week. He told us many
things about this type of bird that we
didn't know. We saw the colourful
bird eat the bird seed. We also learn-
ed that you must talk very very soft-
ly when you have a bird at home.
Room Three - The grade fours in
room three had a public speaking
REHEARSAL — Students at St. Boniface School, Zurich, are presen-
ting the operetta Rip Van Winkle Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ad-
mission is $2.00. Taking a break during rehearsal are cast members
(back left) Kelly Maguire as Judith, Debbie Regier as Dame Van
Winkle, Rob Ducharme as Hendrik Hudson and (front) innkeeper
Adam Smith, Patrick Ducharme as Rip, schoolmaster Leon Bedard
and Chris Watson in disguise.
If you received a T1 Special
income fax return this year, just
bring it to H&R Block. Our speci-
ally -trained tax experts will save
you time and money by looking
into over 20 areas of tax savings
that don't even appear on the
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Come in to your nearest H&R
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TI Special From $1675
Ask about our guarantee.
You could get more than
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Mon. - Fri. 9 - 9 Sat. 9 . 4
GoEde n�[e'mpde
It's hard to say whether March
came in like a lion or a lamb. For-
tunately February is a thing of the
past and we are on the way to spring.
Movies that were shown on Monday
evening were "Land of Welcome"
and "Best Horse" which proved
entertaining for the residents.,
We were pleased to have the Chris-
tian Reformed Church choir sing on
Tuesday evening which the residents
thoroughly enjoyed. We welcome Ira
Geiger. formerly of Hensall, and Mrs.
Fern Love of Grand Bend as new
residents to the }tome.
Residents who have been out
visiting recently are Mrs. Ruby Hog-
garth, Mr. Fred Teeter, Mrs. Violet
Huntley. Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Mrs.
Violet Dunn and Mr. Alvin Steckle.
The sympathy of residents and staff
is extended to the family of the late
Mrs. Hilda Shapton.
Bingo was enjoyed on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments. The
Sunday evening chapel service was
conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Luther of Hensall.
= What's your attitude? Do you think those of our citizens that
E. are handicapped should enjoy the some privileges as we do?
The fact is that they might have been us and we might have
been them.
Published by the Public Education and Awareness Committee
s • South Huron
Associationand District
for the Mentally Handicapped
Box 29, Doshwood, Ont. NOM 1N0
Several from -town were invited to
a preview showing of the newly re-
decorated dining room at the Domi-
nion Tavern on Sunday after-
geturn Hoare •
Ted and Jean Geoffrey, Zurich,
along with their son, Doug 'and
Darlene Geoffrey of Exeter and Alvin
and Doris of Windsor recently return-
ed home from a lovely two week vaca-
tion in Hawaii at Waikiki where they
went by plane from the Detroit air-
port. Some of the highlites of their trip
were going to Maui (by a small plane
for a day) and seeing'the Haleakala
Crater which was 10,000 feet high up
(and it was very cold up there).
competition in our class to see who
would go on to the school competition
in our gymnasium. Jaime and Jodi
McGee, Joel Siebert and Kelly
Lansbergen represented grade four in
the Junior Division. Our class had the
Valentine's Day Assembly. It was
very exciting. The junior choir sang
a lovely Valentine's song. Special
thanks to Jamie Hay for his wonder-
ful solo.
Room 7 - We finally finished writing
our speeches in Mr. Weido's room. All
of the speeches were well written and;,
enthusiastically presented. Nine of
our students were chosen to represent
Room 7 in the school competition. The
nine students were Jason Schilbe,
Susan Ferguson, DeAnn Foreman,
Jodi Erb, Michael Becker, Chris
Gingerich, Jennifer Morrison, Jen-
nifer Deichert and Patti Miller. The
two finali,sts who represented our
school at the Hensall contest were
Susan Ferguson and DeAnn Forman.
Chris Gingerich was the alternate.
Leann r'oreman came In third. The
V.I.P. program is well underway.
The Decision Making Skills were
learned by all of us, so that we will be
more aware of alternatives to solving
problems. We- are starting our
Science Fair projects for March 27.
Also, all the students in grades 5-8 are
enrolled in the new Canada Awards
for Science Participation Program.
This means that when all the grades
take part in the science fair they
receive different awards. Some of our
students (Chris and Cory Gingerich)
will be travelling south for the
holidays. Wish we all could go!
Room 8 - On Thurrday, February 13 Tuesday evening was the first night
we held our annual rublic speaking of the St. John's First Aid course be -
contest in the gym.Heather Consitt, ing held at the school gym and spon-
Andrea Hendrick, Sherri Ferguson, sored by St. Boniface C.W.L. The five
John Luther, Jeremy Steinman, classes will take place in three weeks.
Derick McGee, Dana Fisher, David Sundayvisitprs with Dennis and
Thiel and Tim Miller were the room r:
Exeraldine : t efe th �
eight competitors. The three winr>ier>4urt�.,'
in the senior division were 1st Heather any and 1z arre(te of T ed or
Consitt, 2n`1 Andrea Hendrick, 3rd along with son, Tim Charrette (who
Sherri. Ferguson. On Wednesday Con was home for the week from St.
stable Marshall gave a presentation Peter's Seminary in London). Also
on drug and alcohol awareness and
the duties of the Ontario Ptovincial
Police. On Thursday, February 27 we
had our monthly hot dog sale. Friday,
February 18 the teacher's from
Zurich Public School attended
workshops at the University of
Western Ontario. Free Public skating
was available at the arena on that
On March 7 we will receive our se-
cond term report cards and get out of
school an hour earlier.
ANNUAL MEETING - Posing after the annual meeting of Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire nsuranco
Co. are (bock left) director Lan McAllister, 1986 v/p Carl Turnbull, director Arnold McCann, navy elected
directors Jack McGregor and Gerald Hayter, re-elected director Stefan Pertschy, director Haab Beleri-
ing, OMIA executive secretary Mel McIntyre, agents Hugh Hendrick and Glenn Webb and (front) retir-
ing director Robert Glenn, 1986 president Howard Datars, secretary -manager John Consitt, chairman
Cecil Desjardine and retiring director Elmer Hayter. Missing: Agents Don Campabell and Elgin Hendrick.
Successful year for Hay Mutual
Mel McIntyre, executive secretary
of the Ontario Mutual Insurance
Association, assured the almost 200
people crowded into the Hay township
hall for the annual meeting of Hay
Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In-
surance Company that their company
would provide liability protection
against judgments under the recent-
ly enacted`spills bill at reasonable
McIntyre said last August the
OMIA, which writes the majority of
farm insurance, in Ontario, sent a let-
ter to the provincial government ask-
ing for exemption from absolute
liability in cases other than outright
negligence, but doesn't think anyone
was listening. He said the absolute
liability clause "could bankrupt a
farmer exercising the utmost care."
Such farm -related tasks as spray-
ing are classed as commercial ven-
tures under the legistlation, McIntyre
explained, adding that the bill takes
away a person's rights. Before this
bill, negligence ha,d to be proven first,
but now if the farmer is in control of
something that causes damage to the
environment, he . pays initially
whether• negligent or not, and can at-
tempt to recover from someone else
McIntyre said that the spills bill and
excessively high awards are the
cause Of the astronomical jump in
premiums for liability insurance. He
said Canada is following in the
footsteps of the US, where seven
judgments in excess of one million
dollars were awarded in 1970, and that
number had climbed to 401 in 1984.
However, McIntyre passed on the
good news that Hay's reinsuror,
Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan, has
decided to cover pollution insurance
for its customers. He assured Hay
Mutual policy holders that though the
exact figures have not yet been work-
ed out, they would be provided with
such insurance at relatively
economical rate.
McIntyre told his audience they
have "an excellent manager, and an
excellent company", pointing out that
not all are doing as well as Hay
Mutual; 20 companies went under last
Cecil Desjardine, the 1985 president
of the board of directors, reported the
company had had a profitable year.
The financial statement showed an
end -of -year surplus of $3,613,822, com-
pared to $2,887,633 the erevious year.
Don't forget to attend, the
"World Day of Prayer" on Friday
(7th) 2: 00 p.m. at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church with the theme being "Choose
Life in its Fullness". Everyone is
welcome and encouraged to go as this
Ecumenical Service should have a
large turnout.
their daughter and husband, Theresa
and Robert McDonald of Corona. All
enjoyed having dinner at Hessenland
Frank and Doreen Regier of RR 3
Dashwood have taken up residence at
their new home in Exeter.
Noel Laporte returned home last
Thursday after spending the previous
week in London visiting with various
members of his family.
It's good to see that Dorothy
Dietrich (nee Steckle) is back home
again and feeling fine, as she has
completed all her treatments at the
hospital in London.
Bob and Marie Ainslie of Oshawa
spent last week *siting with their
daughter and family, Debbie, Steve
and Sarah Wilson.
Our bowling team "The Pin -
Poppers" enjoyed an evening out
together last Friday night when seven
of us girls treated ourselves to a
delicious dinner at Robindale's in
Several . ladies around town have
ht P?esome ,duzing these.'
winter mon doing quilting -
which is a great passtime and a
chance to get together with friends.
Gerard Bedard of St. Peter's
Seminary in London spent last week
with his parents Leandre and Theresa
Bedard RR 2 Zurich along with his
sister, Mary Margaret Bedard of Lon-
don who is taking a nursing course at
Western University.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
is extended to Ruby Neeb who is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Also Doc Horn is a patient in South
Huron Hospital and to Mary Far-
quhar who is in the hospital due to an
Hay Mutual is still offering policy
holders smoke detectors at cast, and
recharging fire extinguishers free.
Elections were held for three board
vacancies. Robert Glen and Elmer
Hayter retired, and Stefan Perfschy's
term had expired. Pertsch$ was
elected for another term, and tderald
Hayter and Jack McGregor were
elected as new directors. Delated
candidates were Charles Reid, Ervine
Sillery and Arnold Taylor.
The 1986 board president is Howard
Datars, and Carl Turnbull is Vice-
1 wish to extend a thank you.
B to the Hay Township'
Farmers' Mutual Fire In-.,
surance policy holders for
their support and attendance 3
at the annual meeting,
February 26.
Steve Pertschy
Usborne £
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full In-
surance Coverage
for Town Dwellings
as well , as Farm
Prdperties" ro 1
Jock Harrigan RR 3 lucan 227.4305
Robert Gardner RR 2 Staff() 345.2739
Lloyd Morrison RR 1 St. Marys 229.8277
Lorne Feeney RR 2 Dublin 345-2543
Jock Hodgert RR 1 Kirkton 229-6152
Robert Chaffe RR 5 Mitchell 348-8293
Ross Hodgert Woodham 229-6643
John Moore Dublin 345-2512
Joseph Unioc Mitchell 348-9012
A refund from surplus was
declared for all policyholders
who qualify, are on record and
in good standing as at December
31, 1985.
-.orf, .
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