HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-26, Page 18.'aivrei women 1rsa�
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At Lucan Ur}ited Church Women's
Friendship Unit, Wednesday evening,
Tabatha Frosts shared her slides and
memories of an unforgettable trip to
Ireland last summer.. Tabatha was
chosen, along with seven other Guides
from across Canada, to represent
Canadian Girl Guides at a large
gathering at Cork, Ireland foal three
weeks last July.
This trip was part of the 75th An-
niversary celebration of Guiding.
Friendships made among the interna-
tional group of 500 girls was the
highlight of the trip for Tabatha.
Susan Rees and Chris Sel atzler led
RECEIVES HONOR — Jane Grider was presented with the all-round
cord at a special Guide/Scout day held at the Lucan arena, Sunday.
Making the presentation is district commissioner Sharon MacDonald.
uries reported
in four area crashes
No injuries were reported in any of
the four accidents investigated by the
Lucan OPP this week.
On Sunday at 11:00 a.m., vehicles
operated by Robert Graham, Lucan,
and Linda Pfaff, RR 2 Ailsa Craig,
collided on Main St. in Lucan.
Damage was set rat $3,000 by Con-
stable Wilson.
There were two collisions on Tues-
day, the first at 12:30 a.m., involving
a vehicle driven by Stephen Leyten,
Ailsa Craig. He was southbound on
concession 6-7 when his vehicle skidd-
ed into the ditch. Damage was listed
at $2,500 by Constable Craig.
At 1:45 p.m., vehicles driven by
William McMillan, Seaforth and
George Westman, Granton, collided
on the Blanshard-Biddulph townline
road. Damage was estimated at
$1,900 by Constable Wilson.
The other crash occurred on Satur-
day at 12:15 p.m., when vehicles
operated by David Ingham, Ailsa
Craig, and Mary Graham, Ailsa
Craig, collided on Queen St. Constable
Disher investigated and set damage
at $1,400.
During the week the detachment of-
ficers investigated 29 general occur-
rences including four break and
enters and one theft under $1,000. One
male was charged with taking a
motor vehicle without the owner's
Seniors Meet
Euchre and crafts were enjoyed by
the Sunshine and Busy Buddies
members at their meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon, in the Scout and Guide
Hall. Harry Noels welcomed
everyone.' A card of thanks was
read byJeanMiller. Congratulations
were extended to Elizabeth Conlin
and Honor Stanley on their
On Thursday, February 27 Mar-
jorie Park will be -showing her slides
from her trip to Australia and New
Zealand. On March 6; Helen Stanley
and her pupils will be entertaining the
Crokinole will be played also, so
anyone wishing to play is welcomed.
A skit was acted by Audrey and
Hamilton Hodgins. Songs were sung,
with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano.
Meeting adjourned, then Busy Bud-
dies ire doing hoop pictures for the
next few weeks. Prizes going to Mabel
Euchre winners, ladies' high,
Margaret Carter; ladies' tones, Mary
Scott and ladies' low, Lydia Regier;
gent's high, Harry Noels; gent's
Jones, Nelson Squire and gent's low,
Arnold Damen.
in . , based on the these" God's
Love for . ." Small things make the
difference as we try to exprees God's
love to others, Said Su n. /1 is .impor-
tant to "proofread" our wads and aur
gestures before we send thein on ter
way. The group participated by shar-
ing ways in which God's love had been
expressed to them.
Unit leader Linda Froats chaired
the business meeting. Tickets were
distributed to sell for the Spring Sup-
per at the Arena on April 10.. Linda
reminded the group of the World Day
of Prayer service on March 7 at 7:30
p.m. at the Anglican Church. Beth
Miller reported on preparations for
the Swindoll Film series to begin
Tuesday, March 4 at '8 p.m. hi the
Church. A sheet will be in place by
Sunday to sign up for duties connected
with this project. Linda listed those
included in the four groups, each of
which will be responsible for two unit
meetings during 1986.
Ruth Butler and Anne Holden told
of some of the good things they had
heard at Middlesex Presbyterial
U.C.W. Annual Meeting rft Wesley
Knox Chuzch last week.
Anne and Ruth served
refreshments to close the meeting.-
Leaders Meet
The Christian Education Commit-
tee of Lucan United Church sponsored
an informal morning of learning and
inspiration for leaders at the church
on . Saturday. "Fill My Cup, Lord"
was the theme.
Louis Eizenga introduced two
videos by Dr. Howard Hendricks, an
outstanding Christian educator.
"What kind of person does it take to
make an impact on our disintegrating
society?" he asked. Using the Biblical
examples of Daniel and Timothy, be
brought out the fact that Godly Com-
petence, and Godly Character are the
two key ingredients for an effective
witness in the world of our day. Mr.
,Eizenga led the group in discussion
following each video. •
C. E. director Freeda Melanson
opened the program with prayer, and
Sunday School superintendent Barb
Bannerman chaired the morning's
proceedings, which included an en-
joyable "warm-up" activity during
which participants became ac-
quainted in greater depth with others
present. The group enjoyed a time of
refreshment and conversation
Scout Welcome
Scouts Ian and Andrew Barr, Neil
Froats and Eric Schatzlee were at the
door of Lucan United Church Sunday
morning to lend a hand as welcome
committee, and later, in receiving the
Pam Wright, in charge of children's
story time, .told the boys and girls
about Anne Marie, who knew that she
was very special to her dad, and also
to God.
"Do You Believe in Miracles?" was
Mr. Brown's sermon topic, as he con-
tinued his Lenten series on the seven
signs of John's Gospel. The man at
the pool of Bethesda discovered
Jesus' compassion for those in need,
and His willingness to help those who
truly want His help. The man receiv-
ed Jesus' healing power as he obeyed
the impossible command that He
gave. Likewise today, Christ responds
to our need with compassion, and to
faith and obedience with the touch of
His power, no matter what is the sort
of need we face.
Coming events: Choir practice is
scheduled for 7:30 on Thursday. At
8:15, Couples Club meets for a Valen-
tine celebration. Ladies are asked to
bring a box lunch for two.
Next Sunday, Coffee Hour follows
the morning service. At 4:00 p.m. a
confirmation class for young people
12 years and older will begin in the C.
E. wing. Bring Bibles, notebook and
pen. Tuesday, March 4, mothers and
- preschoolers meet in the
kindergarten room. Also on March 4
at 8 p.m. the Learning for Lent Film
Series, "Strengthening Your Grip" by
Charles Swindoll begins. The theme
for the first film is "Priorities -
Freedom from the Tyranny of the
PERFORM MUSICAL — Members of the Lucan Revival Centre youth group performed "Ant's Hillvania"
at the arena,. Sunday, for members of the Scout and Guide groups assembled for their annual com-
memoration of Founder's Day/Thinking Day. The cast members, who performed the rendition of the
Parable of the Sower of the Seed and the Prodigal Son included: front, Perry Cunningham, Brad Sumner,
Honey Lyn Gibson, Karen Mason, Vicki Sumner, Mark Sumner, Cathy Mason; second row, Peter Pera4
Wendy Butler, Laura Heffgrnan, Ann Alies Sloetjes, Coby Butler, Martha Butler, Mathew Heffernan,
Becky Pera; back, Meagan Henry, Greg Sumner, Doug Butlor.
Revival Centre youths
stage religious musical
Rick Thornton opened the Sunday
evening service leading the singing.
Rev. Roger Mason introduced the
cast of Ant's Hillvania. A colony of
ants rushed to their anthill, Ant's
Hillvania, where they sang their song.
They had fun scurrying around as
ants do. Father ant talked about some,
folks not getting along, and some folks
just did not like to work. The ants
were very busy while they sang their
Work Work song.
Father ant talked to his son Antony
about not clowning instead of work-
ing. Antony sang I am Master of my
'Fate, exalting he was going to be
famous. Father ant was shocked. Son
Antony said he learned from TV how
he was going on his -own way. Father
ant advised him to be careful with his
inheritance, and not to forget the One
above. The ants sang you don't have
to be an intellectual to know the
wisdom from above. Father ant sang
of acting out the Golden Rule, ending
with All it really is is Love.
Left alone, Antony was happy to be
on his own, until he saw two ants
following him. They begged to stay
with him as servants.. Away they
went. Along came a long grey worm
telling how he worked aa a very im-
portant guy. He sang ,of ,Ro,find She
' truth, you just have to take same timev
Along came Miss Green Thumb,
with a train of workers. She sang of
how to plant seeds and care for them.
Up sprang three flowers who sang of
what you plant is what you grow.
Some ugly weeds sprang up and with
nasty words said the flowers were
theirs. The ants hoed them out. Mrs.
Green Thumb said she must have let
some bad seeds get in. She sang be
careful what you sow. The ants and
worm agreed they had to be careful
with what they let in their minds.
They all sang the choice is up to you.
Anthony said the law of the ants
was you win or lose by what you
choose. He was going home when
SERVE CHICKEN — The Lucan Boy Scouts served barbecued chicken
to a Targe crowd at the hall, Thursday. Among those helping out from
the left are Andrew Barr, Rob Brady and Neil Fronts.
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Offering Extended RRSP Hours for your convenience.
New official
is appointed
along came a fancy Dragonfly, who
sang of Antony getting the good life
he woald show him. Misled, Antony
sang of going to be rich, noble, and
win to be famous. Antony rejected the
other ants as he went off with
Along came Antony and Dragonfly
to the Pleasure Care Inn, a spider
web. Dragonfly sent Antony in this
dark cave alone. Friends ants hid
close to him. But along came four
black spiders who were talking of
eating Antony but he was so skinny.
Antony begged them to let him go.
The spiders asked him a riddle that
if he could answer it he could go free.
The spiders sang of sowing seeds in
different soils, and the results. When
they asked Antony the meaning he
cried Help, for wisdom from above.
Antony then told the meaning of the
parable of the sower. The spiders did
not want to let him go, but friend ants
came and set him free from the web.
The spiders bemoaned losing this din-
ner. Antony and friend ants ran from
the cave.
Antony talked about if he had not
known of wisdom of how to live from
his father he would have been lost.
, Friendants asked o. go home •.-
with them,,, but Antony said he had
done so much wrong he could not go,
as he even had lost his inheritance.
When friends ants left, Antony decid-
ed to go honle at night and look in on
Attt's Hillvania - as he was so
homesick. Antony thought no one
would see him in the dark. Father ant
called a meeting because there was
a prowler ant outside. all were to go
out to catch him that night. Antony
came to look in the windows'of father
ant's house, singing he was longing to
be near, and he was wrong, ending
with he was sorry.
All the ants came out saying they
loved him, and for him to come home.
His father welcomed him. Antony
said he was so ignorant. All rejoiced
singing we love you.
Rev. Mason stated Antony learned
a valuable lesson that independence
was going apart from God. Sin is go-
ing our way apart frotnGod. Antony
repented. Each of us has to come to
a place of repentance to become a
Christian. -
Lucan Revival Centre
Rick Thornton led the song service
Sunday morning. Rev. Roger Mason
spoke from Hebrews 5:11-14. Today
people have become so used to getting
things instantaneously, that they
think they can get things from God in-
stantly. But God does not work that
way. There is no magic formula to
become instantly spiritually mature.
Exposing people to sound Biblical
teaching will not make thein mature
instantly. One reason is people do not
pay attention even to gifted teachers.
Thus they do not allow God's word to
take hold in their hearts. People can
come to church faithfully, yet remain
unchanged, as they do not listen to the
word, and are unmoved by it.
Getting older in the Lord will not
make one spiritually mature. Older
believers should have the ability to
teach new believers, when they listed=
ed and learned God's word of foun 3
Ronal truths. As Christians learned
God's word they need to grow mature
in it.
Growing in understanding of God's
word should make one spiritually
mature. But if there is an unwill-
ingness to become skilled in using the
word of righteousness, they will not
know how tq take God's word and use
it in everyday circumstances. They
remain spiritual babies.
Christians who practice using God's
word learn how to make proper
judgements in spiritual matters. The
Bible gives us instructions on how to
live. As Christians ive need to use
God's word to become spiritually
,.iDD C14
Education Director Stewart Toll an-
nounced this week that the Middlesex
County Board of Education has ap-
pointed John D. Gowing of Cobourg to
be its Superintendent of Operations
and Personnel, effective July 1. He
will succeed Carl E. Young who
retires at the end of June as
Superintendent of Personnel.
Gowing will be responsible for ad-
ministration of school enrolment
surveys, attendance boundaries,
retention of student records, and staff
matters including negotiations and
administration of collective
agreements and contracts. The ap-
pointment was made at a special
Board meeting on February 19 after
the Board had interviewed three of
the twelve qualified applicants for the
Since 1973, Gowing has served as a
school superintendent with the Nor-
thumberland and Newcastle Board of
Education. He has worked with the
Board's personnel committee in the
development of policies and in the col-
lective bargaining process.
He is past president of the Ontario
Association of Education Ad-
ministrative Officials and a member
of the executive council of the Cana-
dian Association of School
Active in community affiars, Gow-
ing has been a director of the Ontario
Easter Seal Society and has worked
with the Victorian Order of Nurses,
the Ontario Red Cross, and Rotary
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in March with a 15 piece
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