HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-26, Page 3Plows to start at 5:00 a.m. on stormy mornings
sborne s
response to recent c5omplaiats
Snow removal problems and icy
1 'd conditions, Usborne council
a a formal policy at their Tues-
day meeting. .S
Council ac, stat that snow.pli
tbouid begin work on the reeds eel:
a.m. on storm weekdaymanningaapd
at 7:00 a.m. on stormy weekend
Tile iiidva,nt ge6 and disavantages
o(wag sand abd salt on the icy roads
was eke discussed.
It was also approved that the
townildprgsd department contact the
SPEAKING TEST — Speakers fromiour schools battled dense fog and then each other in a public speaking
contest at McGillivray Central School, Thursday. Standing from the left are: Laura Pettypiece, Sacred
Heart, who placed second; Karen Willemse, Sacred Heart; Susan Wardell, East Williams; Janyce
McGregor, East Williams, who placed first. Seated are Collirti Kowalchuk, McGillivray; Sheri Rowe,
McGillivray; Katie and Rob Waters, Parkhill -West Williams.
Two people injured
in district collisions
A total of 25 charges were laid for
various offences.
The Huron County 4-H Club
Leaders' Association is having its an-
nual meeting on March 5, at 8:00 p.m.
in the Clinton Town Hall. The agen-
da includes a presentation of a new
The association has a membership
of over 200 and helps plan wig cp,
ordinate the Huron County 441 Pro-
gram which involves over 900 young
Ron Bennett, of Gorrie, was elected
president of the Huron Cattlemen's
Association at the annual meeting in
Clinton. He takes over from Ross Pro-
ctor, of Belgrave, who held the posi-
tion for two years. Keith Strang, of
RR 2 Hensall, was elected the first
vice-president and Jack Flanagan, of
RR 4 Dublin, was elected the second
Rose Marie Bishop, of RR 1 Ethel,
will continue as secretary and Glen
Coultes, of Brussels will represent the
county on provincial board
Brian Miller of RR 1 Exeter, is the
alternate provincial director.
All three collisions investigated this
week by the Exeter OPP occurred on
Friday and resulted in minor injuries
to two area residents.
The first of the crashes was at 9:30
a.m., when a vehicle being driven
north on County Road 11 in Usborne
by Colin Neal, London, was in colli-
sion with a vehicle driven by Her -
manus Steffens, RR 1 Lucan. The lat-
ter was eastbound on sideroad IA.
;Damage to the two vehicles was
listed, at 85,500 and Steffens was
transported by Hoffman Ambulance
to South Huron Hospital for treatment
of his minor injuries.
At 5:50 p.m., a vehicle driven by
Richard Webber, RR 1 Hensall, was
eastbound on sideroad 20-21 of
Stephen when it left the road and roll-
ed over in the- north ditch. Damage
was set at 850 and Webber received
minimal injuries.
The third accident occurred at 7:00
p.m., when a dog ran into the path of
a vehicle driven by Leo Dietrich, Cen-
tralia. The dog was killed in the
mishap on county road 21 in Stephen
and damage to the vehicle was
estimated at 8100.
During the week, the detachment
officers investigated 20 general occur-
rences. These included one residence
and two business break and enters.
Two 12 -hour licence suspensions
were handed out and one person was
charged with impaired driving and
one with a violation of the Liquor Act.
Kirkton UCW
told of Japan
The. February meeting of the
Kirkton U.C.W. was held at the.
church atiith 19 members and two
visitors present. The worship service
was conducted by Roberta Vardy.
The theme was "The Way" depicting
the way from Ash Wednesday to
Easter. Roberta Vardy closed with a
Aileen Burgin showed slides and
talked about her trip to Japan.
President Doris Denham opened
the, business and minutes of last
meeting were read by secretary
Grace Ross. We are invited to attend
"World Day of Prayer" at Woodham
on March 7 at 7:30 p.m.
A valentine lunch was served by
Jean Ratcliffe and her committee.
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Times-MvGCat•, .f4phrUary 26, 1986
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tounV road departm* and
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report to the unborn=
meat when snowy weather
•+ Council met as a committee of ad-
:11tistment pertaining to an application
"for a minor variance from G.
Reymer. The applicati, in was granted
because it was minor in that it Wasan
existing barn site, the development is
appropriate In the AGI zoning and it
maintains the general intent of the
zoning bylaw and official plan. •
The approval was subject to the
condition that Reer's production
meets the ir&ents of Usborne's
manure storage bylaw.
Tenders were opened for gravel
supply and the contract was award-
ed to Machan Construction on a bid of
*2.15 for towndship roads, $1.35 for
stock piling and 82.65 for ratepayers.
The bid was the lowest of four receiv-
ed. High bid in each category was
82.50 for roads, *1.69 for Stockpiling
and *3.10 for ratepayers.
• The road budget was discussed with
the road superintendent and council.
directed that funds be set aside for
completing the construction on con-
cession 2-3 and that the budget for
dust control be the same as last year.
Council asked the road superinten-
dent to keepexpenditures of tax
dollars the same as 1985.
Salaries for elected and appointed
.nembers and the township staff were
approved by council.
The reeve will receive a *64 per an-
num increase to 81,590, while the
deputy -reeve's salary goes up to
81,306, an increase of $50. Councillors
will be paid at the annual rate of
;11222, which is a hike of 845.
Remuneration for special council
meetings increases $2 per session to
$51, while the pay for full-day
meetings of conventions and
seminars will be $75, with a food
allowance of $25 per diem. Both those
figures are up $2 from last yew.
Council members will take a cut in
pay to attend meetings of committees
to which they have been appointed.
The new rate is 833, while last year
members received $49.
Acting clerk -treasurer Sandra J.
Strang will be paid $24,876.80 for the
current year, plus an additional $500
as an incentive bonus for successful
completion of each educational
course approved by council.
Last year, the clerk's salary was
set at $23,920.
Assistant Mary Ellen Greb will be
paid $12,480 with further considera-
tion for a merit increase at the end of
her probation period on March 9 of
this year. In a ' ' , she will receive
an incentive . f $500 at',the end
of the year for successful completion
see or even 75%
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, 11 1 1 ,
of each unit of the AMCT course; as . , Russell C. Ferguson, Mae Hodgert,
approved by council. . Edwin. Shute and Fred Muter, while
Read superintendent Jan Batteh's the dog pounds. are the Kirktbn
s*lary was previously set at $26,700 Veterinary Cliekylnd Exeter Animal
per annum and be is to be Old an ad- Hospital.
ditional $1,500 in 1866 in lieu of three ;Reeve Gerald Prout was named to
weeks vacation not talo in 1865.- the *losable-13ayfteld Conservation
Ola Batten wdt receive 81,061.60 as Authority, Blanshard resident Robert
a dump sum at year end for her duties ' Stephen represents Usborne and
with the road depD rtment. Blanshard on the Upper Thames,
Rood foreman Floyd Cooper's hour- James Kerslake ix representative to
ly rate was increased from $10.35 to the Kirkton-Woodham Community
*10.66 per hour and he is paranteed CenlreoBoard, Brian Hardemann to
a 40•hou' work week. Grady eperptpr ' •the Kirkton Comalunity Association,
Dale Skinner willl receive *10.55, au Ross Ballantyne to the Kirkton-
increase of 20 cents, while part-time Woodham swim pool board, Patricia
grader operator Paul Kerslake Down and Ken Oke to the South Huron
receives $9.36. red centre board at $33 per meeting,.
Chief building official, zoning ad- Patricia Down and Margaret Hern to
ministrator and bylaw enforcement the Usborne recreation committee,
officer Herman VanWieren gets an in. Margaret Hern and Ross Ballantyne
crease of $374 to *3,500, plus 27 cents ' to the Exeter fire board, Ross Bailan-
per kilometer and the drainage tyne and Margaret Hern to the waste
superintendent and tile drainage in- disposal site committee.
spector receive $10 per hour. Waste Members of the property standards
disposal officer Daniel Verbeke will committee are Howard Pym, Keith
receive $39.52 per week, up from last Selves and Margaret Hern and
year's $38. members receive *33 per meeting.
The township's dog licensing and The building committee consists of
control officer will receive $2.05 per Margaret Hern and Gerald Prout.
dog tag sold between January 1 and All employees or elected officials
April 30 and *33 per call trip for dog who use their vehicles while on
control throughout the year. township business receive 23 cents
Day labor rate in Usborne has been per kilometer, with' the exception of
set at $4.54 per hour. 'VanWieren.
Vacation time for full-time Increases were also approved for
employees has also been improved. the rental Of township machinery. The
Two weeks is. now granted for those grader rate is $36 per hour for
with service of one to five years, three township and county, $44 for
for six to 15 years and four for 16 arid ratepayers; with snowplow is $36 and
up years of service. Previously, two $44 respectively; and mower, *24 and
weeks was granted for one to 10 *24 resRectively.
years, three for 11 to 20and four after In otHer business, council:
20 years. Named Jim Kerslake to the court
Vacation time not taken may be of revision for the Centralia
carried over to the folowing year but Municipal drain.
must be used within 10 months. Learned that a letter has been sent
The township pays 100 per cent of to Scott J. Miller advising him that
life insurance, medical insurance, the use of his property is in violation
weekly indemnity and long term of Usborne's zoning bylaw and that
disability through Mutual Life and the vehicles stored there are to be
share on a 50-50 basis the OMERS removed. Council also authorized the
group pension contribution. building inspector .to proceed with
Employees provide their own OHIP legal action regarding the zoning
coverage; but each road department violation on concession 1, part lot �.
hourly paid member receives 18 cents Appointed Spriet Associates to the
per hour up to 40 hours in lieu of OHIP position of drainage superintendent
coverage and each salaried employee and James Kerslake to the position of
receives $357 per annum. These tile drain inspector.
payments are equal to single Named Joan Weiss to the position
coverage under the OHIP plan. - of dog control and licensing officer.
Employees are allowed five sick As required under the Municipal
days per year and these can ac- Act, the stipends paid 'to township
cumulated to a maximum of 10 days. council members for last year were
Also appointed at last' week's detailed. These include expenses for
meeting were livestock valuers Barry conventions and registrations.
J. Miller and Derek Etherington at a The payments were as follows:
rate of *33 per call trip plus mileage; Reeve Gerald Prout, $2,982; Deputy-
fenceviewers Mervin Shute, Murray Reeve Margaret Hern, $2,971; Coun-
Dawson, Harold Kerslake, William cillor Ross Ballantyne, $2,567; Coun-
Morley and Elson Lynn at $33 per call cillor Brian Hardeman , $3,793;
trip. Poundkeepers are Elson Lynn, Councillor Donald Kerslake, *2,277.
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