HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-19, Page 15ti
4Zurich council appro
tfte increase of four per
a their regular Febr
,PUC manager Charles
to raise $43,634 with the
sewerage charge will
the water rate. Clerk
said she expects the
charge will remain
and will wait until
any adjustments.
.This year the Z
the posting for Da
to the billing, as
going to start cha
been a free sere"
Reeve Bob F'
dogs running I
a continuing pr
dog tags have
meone will be
door selling t
(with 1985's i
for the first
$14 ($10) for
category; $
Roaming dogs causing problem.
h ups wafer rate5// 4 0
a water
ent for 1986
70 percent of
ron Baker
,897 pumping
same for 1986,
ugust to make
ich PUC will do
wood in addition
tario Hydro was
ging for what had
her reported that
e in the village are
lem. The rates for
n raised, and so -
pointed to go door to
em. The 1986 rates
brackets are $10 ($6)
le or spayed female;
second animal in that
($10) for the first
=spayed female; $18 ($14) for a se-
cond female, and $50 ( unchanged) for
a third dog.
ABCA general manager Tom Pro-
ut will attend the March meeting to
discuss the report on the Zurich drain
prepared by the. Authority.
The Zurich and area fire board
budget is estimated at $24,576, a hef-
ty increase from 1985's 817,778.
Zurich's share is 23 percent, or 85,653.
Part of the increase is $4,500 for
dispatching. Councillor Ray McKin-
non said Zurich was very fortunate to
have Mike O'Connor agree to man the
service on a 24-hour basis; the agreed
charge is 82,000 more thein the cost of
stand-by when O'Connonis on holiday.
McKinnon said otherunicipalities
facing a similar situatjaan are !wing
to spend much more for dispatching.
A statement of remuneration shows
that in 1985 Reeve Bob Fisher receiv-
ed a total of $1,742.58 which included
regular, special and 'committee
meetings, as well pts convention ex-
penses. Former,. Reeve Isidore
LaPorte received a total of $1,572;
Councillor Ray McKinnon's total was
$1,092; Mike 0 2onnor was paid
81,332.18 and Keith Westlake receiv-
ed $1,628.90.
Local skaters compete
Ten skaters from the Zurich and
area figure skating club took part in
the "Sweetheart" competition held in
Glencoe over the weekend and they
came back with seven medals
NEW • WNERS — Rose and Da e Er • are t e new proprietors of the
for r LaPorte Meat Market. Dale's first lob was in the store 18 years
dgo1 e is specializing in modified old Mennonite recipes to make
his wn cooked ham, summer sausage, and other delicatessen
me s
The Exeter precision novice team
won a silver medal in Mitchell on
Saturday, February 8 in the "B"
finals. They were among 16 teams
competing from all over Ontario. On
the winning team were Andrea Hen-
drick and Crystal Jones from Zurich.
This past weekend (15th) the
skating club travelled to Thorold
(near Niagara Falls) and everyone
did well and had a good time. The pre -
novice team came in fifth place and
the novice came in fifth also. Local remuneration totalled $5,953.20, divid-
skaters were Kerry Dietz, Dawn ed among 83,690 per diem at regular
McAdams, Andrea Hendrick and and special meetings and conven-
Crystal Jones. tions, 81,438.20 to cover convention ex
Enjoy Pancakes penses and mileage, and $825 for sign -
The St. Boniface Catholic Women's ing cheques.
League meeting was held last Tues- Former Deputy Reeve Tony
day following a pancake supper. Bedard received per diem remunera-
There were 29 members at the tion of $3,845, convention and mileage
meeting and one, guest. The money of $696.65, and $50 for cheque signing
collected for the door prize and the in the' reeve's absence.
supper was sent to peace and develop- Claire Deichert took home per diem
ment. A motion was made to send $50 stipends totalling $3,770 plus conven-
towards the cost of the upcoming Pro- tion and mileage expenses of
vincial Convention being held in Lon- $1,342.13. Corresponding amounts for
don, July 8-10. the other councillors were: John
Also a motion was to buy a Elder, $3,130 and $660 and Murray
microwave oven for the rectory and Keys, $3,425 and $644.12.
to purchase 15 new sweaters for the Frank Cowan Isurance represen-
school's hockey team who will be tatives Dave Reed and Robert
competing in a tournament during the Westlake attended the session to go
March break. (The K. of C. is also over the township's insurance policy,
purchasing some sweaters for them.) which expired the same day as the
It was announced that the World meeting. Reed said insurance
Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, premiums are up, and the maximum
March 7 at St. Peter's Lutheran liability coverage offered by Cowan
Church at 2:00 p.m. for any municipality is now 87,000,000.
Nominations forms were handed Reed gave councillors a list of
out at church for the new slate of of- claims against the company, which
firers. They are to be filled out and represents 75 Percent of municipal
returned as soon as passible. . corporations in Ontario. Fifty were in
A reminder that the Operetta is on excess of one million. A quadreplegic
March 5. has entered a writ for 810,000,000
The door prize was won by Mrs. . against the town of Niagara, claim -
Josie Dietrich. ing an an improper road. The Cowan
CELEBRITIES — Amongthose taktiiihiertinsthe Big Brothers/big Sisters Bowlilhgpt in Zurich vvere (left)
MP.Murray Cardiff, MPP Jack Riddell, Huron Warden Leona Armstrong, Zurich Reeve Bob Fisher qnd
- Hensall Reeve lim Robinson. `Gi
Money t acounciI
All deliberations centred around climbing cost judges decisions, the
money when Hay council met for its• international insurance market which
second regular February session. A , is facing astronomical cllp�iimmss in the
statement provided to members of Bhopal and -Air Indiarditers, high
council showed that the cost of ,awards in t91e US influencing awards
:government in the township was in Canada, and the higher costs im-
almost $4,000 less in 1985 than in plicit in the spills bill.
the previous year, $23,916.10 com- Council decided to increase deduc-
pared to $27,591.40. tibility from $250 to $1,000. Even so,
Reeve Lionel W ilder's total this year's premium of 88,096 is up 40
percent from last year's, and buys
83,000,000 less in coverage.
• Councillor Murray Keys reported
that the Hay-Hensall-Tuckersmith
fire area board budget is up 3.3 per-
cent over what was actually spent last
year. Hay's share of the estimated
budget of 828,097 for 1988 will be
Representatives from Hay and
Stanley councils travelled to Kit-
chener recently to inspect and pur-
chase a 1972 Ford tanker truck for the
Zurich and area fire board. The
$11,000 cost will be split 85-35 between
Hay and Stanley.
P RK PLANST— Margaret and Ed Gale hold a painting of a building
t will be part of a recreational park they plan to open in 1987 in
St . nley township on Highway 21 south of Bayfield.
Mecreational park
anned for Stanley
Ed Gale, proprietor of Stanley Sales
and Service, attended the regular
f ebtuary session of Stanley township
council with a request for rezoning to
recteational of a parcel of land south
of Hayfield on Highway 21 he had
previously purchased from the
Gale showed councillors an artist's
sketch of part of his proposal to build
a recreational park which would in -
etude a three -acre fish pond, a lake
With paddle boats, a miniature golf
course, batting machines, and a
structure which would be part pr
living quarters and part public.
public section would contain washers
and dryers.
Gale hopes to open the park in 1987.
Council gave the project their en-
dorsement, and agreed to the zoning
The total value of building permits
issued during 1985 was 11,575,000, up
dramatically from 1984's $636,000.
Fourteen new homes valued at
8942,000 were constructed in Stanley
last year.
Stanley councillors, unlike the ma-
jority of area municipalities, receive
a lump sum as annual remuneration,
and do not collect any extra stipend
for attendance at special council or
committee meetings. Last year
Paul Steckle received $3,447.
, Reeve Don McGregor and
Councillors Howard Armstrong, Jack
Coleman and Clarence Rau took
home 12,865 each.
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
We accept most major drug plans
Blue Cr ss, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc.
Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
ed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Home From Trip ' company is also the agent in the
Dir. Grant Lee and wife, Nancyrnpn case where a boy has been
ret u ci u o t ay y e�ed �� po ice epncu
spending two weeks on the island of $800,000,000 for false att'esf.
St. Kitts in the West Indies. While Reed gave as other reasons for the
there they did some golfing on their �% /J QfJ
nice green courses and enjoyedOrden't0lt�rii dei
snorkeling around the coral reef. The %�
couple were also celebrating their 6th
wedding anniversary. Dr. Litt helped . Surely the worst part of the winter
out at the dentist office when they is gone. Hopefully spring will come
y with a bang. On Monday evening the
were awe movies shown were "Introducing Ita-
Personals ly" and Laurel and Hardy in Fixer
May we offer our sympathy to the „
many relatives in town of the late Pat ' UpT ee regular monthly birthday par -
Rau (London) who passed away last ty was held on Tuesday evening, spon-
Thursday. sored by the ladies of St. Peter's
John and Bernadette landFae
Denomme, Lutheran Church, Zurich. The pro -
RR 2 Zurich, along with Bill and Fagram began with opening remarks
Anderson of Sarnia, returned home by the president, Mrs. Margaret
safe and sound last Saturday (also Deichert, followed by a hymn and
with nice tans) after being away to piano solos by some of the little
Arizona for the past month and en- students Laurie Erb. Ron Heinrich
toyed the sunny, warm weather. sang a solo and Anne Flaxbard gave
Lionel and Bernadette Cyr, RR 1 two readings. A duet was sung by
Dashwood, along with her sister, Leona Riechert and Phyllis Deichert.
Marie and Joe Quillen of near Ot Everybody joined in the singing of
tawa, returned home recently after happy birthday for the residents hav-
an enjoyable week's vacation in ing February birthdays and gifts
Venezuela. were presented, courtesy of the
A good turn out was had at the ' Ladies Auxiliary. Residents having
Lutheran Church Hall last week when • birthdays during the month of
many enjoyed a pancake supper on February were: Joseph Ferguson,
Shrove Tuesday. it was prepared by Miss Ethel Hess, Mrs. May Rowcliffe,
the Youth Group. Mrs. Hilda Turnball and Frederic
1 I 1 'l u
• :
Welcome to the Blue Water area
Jeff and Donna Dawe, who are recent
new residents.
Marie Gelinas Sr. spent last week
in London babysitting the .Parkes
children while they went away on a
Ruth Ann and Bill Mills of
Palmerston spent the weekend with
her mother, Gertie Fleischatier,
Wilfred Corriveau is happy to tie a
great-grandfather for the 14th time.
Little Stephanie Marie Robson was
born to Ted Robson Jr. and wife, Don-
na, in Windsor.
Also, Richard and Yvonne Creces
are happy to be greet -grandparents
to a baby girl born tb Brenda and
Steven Desjardine (nee Creces). And
also were grandparents to little
Roberta Smith born to Trudy and Bob
Smith, RR 1 Dashwood.
Teeter. Refreshments were enjoyed
following the program.
The days are quite busy here with
games, exercises, music, hobby shop
activities and now some of our ladies
are getting interested in shuffleboard.
On Friday afternoon we were pleas-
ed to have the kindergarten and
children up to grade 4 from Mt.
Carmel Catholic School. The children
presented their program then
presented each resident with the pret-
ty valentines tf.ey had made.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chapel service
was conducted by Rev. Mellecke of
Dashwood Lutheran Church.
We welcome two new residents,
Mrs. Eileen (Pat) Gemeinhardt,
formerly of Bayfield and Frederic
Teeter of Dorchester.
Seek closer ties
with Huron museum
The Van Egmond House Founda-
tion is looking for closer ties with the
Huron County Pioneer Museum.
As the museum itself gears up for
its major capital project. the founda-
tion approached Huron County coun-
cil's- museum committee recently.
The Van Egmond house, located
just south of Seaforth on the county
road, receives about 900 visitors a
year. It was noted that the mortgage
to the house is paid off and the foun-
dation is able to meet routine ex-
penses such as heat, light and
The only restored.residence in the
f 4kIlectialatien- -
ship with the $HUm and profes-
sional guidance and administrative
assistance. -
The county agreed "in principle"
with the working relationship. The
museum's project director, Claus
Breede will continue to meet with the
foundation to work out how the two
groups could set up that relationship.
Poker ru'n winners
A very successful `snowmobile
poker run was held by the Pineridge
Snowmobile Club with 162 entrants. A
special thank you,to Darling's IGA for
supplying the hot dogs .and to Jim
Darling for taking the time from his
busy schedule to cook.
The following are a list of the win-
ners: Norm Scott, Rick Vander-
bussche, Karen McDermit, Shirley
Curtis, Doug Hodgens, Dennis
Noakes, Audrey Hamilton, Marlene
Munn, Ryan Munn, Wade Riley, Rob.
Miller, Anne Ketnick, Earl Meikle,
Dwayne Titus; Ruthann Riley, Frank Just a mil. North of Downtown
Steele, Robert Bennewies and `Exeter on Hwy. 4. Call 235.1115,
Michael Kerslake. .
At Stephen township's request that
Hay share in the cost of maintaining
the reads in Dashwood on an annual
basis; a maximum grant of $500 for
the Dashwood road budget was
Hay road superintendent reported
that money will be tight in his depart-
ment this year, as the MTC subsidy
is up only 3.83 percent, to 8389,500 for
In the only non -monetary action,
council approved the appointment of
past chairman Bill Russell, Murray
Baker, Bernie Denornme, Pauline
Miller and Elaine Datars to serve on
the Zurich recreation park and com-
munity centre board with Councillors
Gerald Shantz and Don Weigand.
Golden Agers .
Zurich Golden Agers met Monday
afternoon February 10 at the Zurich
Town hall. President Gen. Doyle
opened the meeting with 0 Canada,
with Gertie Fleishcauer as pianist.
There were 33 in attendance including
five visitors.
Verda Baechler secretary and Bar-
bara Strachan treasurer gave their
reports. Happy birthday was sung for
Agnes Regier and Luella Willert.
Gertie Fleischauer and her
February group Verda Baechler,
Harvey and Mary Clausius entertain-
ed the seniors to a Valentine party.
The hall was decorated in a Valentine
Readings, contests, blues chasers
and riddles were enjoyed by all.
Eileen Consitt won the heart -shaped
box of chocolates as a door prize. Bir-
thday closest to February 10th was
won by Luella Willert.
TI!€YE1! 1
• Models from 3L
to Bhp for every
size garden.
• Pre slksson sale • lave 10%
plus FREE Hiller/Furrower an
889 value.
Offer ands March 10. Order to-
day and be sure of spring
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10 YEARS 19.8%
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Looking both ways to manage your RRSP.
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PUBLIC SPEAK, -- Winner in the Zurich Public School speech con-
test were (bock left) Heather Consitt, 1st, Andrea Hendrick, 2nd, and
Sherri Ferguson, 3rd in the senior division and (front) Susan Ferguson,
1st, Diane Foreman, 2nd and Chris Gingerich 3rd in the grade 4 to
6 class.
tllsrrwl MMcvn.:ls)
All livli%c &' tember r )Q An) df. mak •nk• I'1'roi4t't,us
DSP Dombion s,aes Meld
Gory C. Been or 1111 dilflllan
344 Andrew St. S., Exeter, NOM ISO 235-2231