HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-19, Page 114 1 irk -.a SECOND DRAW — Bill Harvey of Cook's Division of Gerbro presents prizes to Ed Holland, Mike rigg, Barry Thomson and Mac Zurbrigg as winners of the second draw of Saturday's curling bonspiel ilonsored by Cook's. Annual meeting at Kippen UC Sy MARGARET HOGGARTH On Sunday, February 9 at 1 p.m., St. Andrews held their annual meet*. this followed a pot luck din- ner enjoyed by 24 people. Rev. Lorne Keays chaired the business with Yvette Binnendyk acting as !secretary. Voting privileges were granted for adherents as well as member. --• The minutes of 1985 annual meeting were read and adopted. Reports of various committes were read and ap- Iproved, namely Stewards, Mission and Service fund, Trustee and Memorial fund, United Church ' Women, Sunday school; Ventures in Mission and Session of Elders. Two new elders were elected for a five year term- Bill Coleman and Lloyd Lostell; four stewards were elected for a three year term- Doug Cooper, Ken Faber, Jim Consitt and Grant Jones. Lois Jones was re- elected as Church Treasurer. Hank Binnendyk was nominated as the Delegate for Pastoral Charge to Presbytery. Two new members were elected to work on the committee for Ministry and Personnel for 1986, namely Ruby Finlayson and Hank Binnendyk. Auditors will be David Cooper and Bob Cooper. e "sell and district mews Council briefs An itemized statement of ir uneration and expenses paid to h member of Hensall council in precluding year was included with t February agenda Hensall council. Former reeve Harry Klungel received $879 as an annual stipend, plus $1,015 for attending special and committee meetings, plus $560 as per diem payment at conventions and seminars for a total of $2,445. Corresponding amounts for members of the 1985 council were: *J 'm Robinson, $813.34 plus $864 plus for a total of $2,307.34; Irene vis, $800 plus $48g'plus $812 for a tptal of $2,098; Cecil Pepper, $800 plus 783 plus $420 adding up to $2,003 and ichard Packham, $733.34 plus $810 lus $210, totalling $1,753. In addition, councillors were reim- bursed for registation, accommoda- tion and mileage while attending authorized conferences and seminars. • 1 Amounts paid were: Jim Robinson, $1,128.71; Irene Davis, $798,12; Harry Klungel, $578.04; Cecil Pepper, $367.45 and Richard Packham, $117.06. The Hensall Parks Board has agreed to rent a bus to take children from Hensall to Exeter on March 11 to see a performance of Peter and the Wolf in the South Huron Rec Centre. A $2 charge includes bus fare and admission. * f * * t A •joint meeting among represen- tatives from council, the B.I.A. and theEconomit Development Commit tee resulted in agreement on a more active liaison among the three groups, the setting up and staffing of a tourist information booth this sum- mer, and abolition of the transient traders' bylaw, which required a $200 licence fee to be credited to that year's property taxes. A bylaw deleting the transient traders' bylaw is being drafted for the regular March meeting of council. BALANCING — Instructor Sarah Patterson watches Anne Packham on the balance beam during a display for parents of the children enrolled in the 15 -week gymnastic course in Hensall. HELL t HAND -- Gymnastics instructor Jacqui ottre e ps y Cor�valk along the balance bar at a performance for parents IR of chkn enrolled in the 15 -week gymnastics course in Hensall. fr4;,0,± .f: Guest mln$ster at H�nsall UC taiki of preparing for.laster Rev. Grant tem the swat Hazel Corbett and Jean Turner Minister atUnited Oita Weis lunch. Rau, MillsTuspakeHb�totir chikasoserved�a11t !°d Metasrlal SIa►�Qve esday **Ash vYabsler s4 y, $evsutalI from Henall, Ex- Hegtoning of Lent. Ina must ester and f3 endollend area attended tiDg;.Guiclohnee" was about the first the :Service for The Rev.' y after Lent in preparation for Pool A1esg1 rofd daY, Fehrgety 1 , in St. on wirer h, (Mit sound. in attendance, that the wai large a Itribute to OeiNlawen v. F�erga was . An invitation was read regarding the church service to be held on August 3 at the Stanley Township Community Centre. This is in connec- tion with Stanley Township's 15th an- niversary. A motion was made to cancel church service in Kippen on Sunday, August 3. An anniversary date was set for St. Andrews 119th anniversary. This will be on Sunday, October 19 at Kippen. A committee was put in charge of an- niversary irrangements with Myra Lovell as chairperson and Lloyd and June Cooper, David and Barb Cooper. Sandra Turner and Susan Faber to help on this committee. The U.C.W. held their February meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 8 p.m. The hostesses were Helen and Susan Faber. Ruby Lefevre led the worship. Myra Lovell presented the topic "The Native People of Canada". The U.C.W. budget was presented and approved for 1986. Kippen United Church Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit at St. Andrews on Sunday, February 16, the first Sunday of Lent. The Ministry of Music was provided by the choir singing "The Family of God" with Barbara Cooper at the organ. Rev. Keays' sermon was en- titled "The Gospel According to Jeremiah". World Day of Prayer service to be held in Brucefield church this year on Friday, March 7 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Kippen East Women's Institute On Tuesday, February 11 a quilt was put at Frances Kinsman's home. A pot luck lunch was enjoyed the first day. Those ladies who have put in stit- ches to date are Frances Kinsman, Mona Alderice, Grace Pepper, Evelyn Workman, Beatrice Richard- son, Gertie Moir, Grace Drummond, Marlene Bell, Thea Wisch and Margaret Hoggarth. On 'Friday, February 14 a Public Relations Social evening was held in the basement of Hensall Presbyterian church with 59 people in attendance. President Grace Drummond welcom- ed everyone. Euchre was enjoyed with 14 tables in play. Ladies high was won Mary Broadfoot. Thea Wisch won the ladies low prize. The mens' high was cap- tured by Vern Alderdice.'Mens' low hand was won by Uwe Wisch. Arthur Varley had a birthday closest to February 14. We all sang Happy Birthday to Arthur. The travelling lone hand was won by Doris Hamilton. Shirley Ferguson won the draw prize of a box of groceries. After lunch those people wearing red were called to the front and had to serenade the rest singing "Let me call you Sweetheart". Mary Broad - foot accompanied at the piano and she also played a medley of tunes to round out the very successful evening. Aldeen Volland announced that the senior citizens of Hensall were holding a Euchre party on Tuesday, February 25 at 8 p.m. in Lodge hall. Everyone welcome. Personals Mattie McGregor is a patient in Seaforth Community hospital. She is wished a speedy recovery. Queensway news and the ustw a Jiro Parsons, Paul Alexander 8e4 Gackstetter. • f Next Sunday, February gueet minister will be Rev(;. Pkkell Valentine's Day may be past now but our pleasant memories of it will remain for a long time. Several of us at Queensway exchanged Valentines. It was an opportunity to express friendship and appreciation felt for each other throughout the year. Monday, the Kippen United Church ladies brought a pleasant surprise to bingo. They gave each of the ladies at bingo a beautiful corsage. Tuesday, the residents enjoyed ceramics under the capable supervi- sion of Lil Baker and JudyParker. We are really starting to see progress with the ceramic items we're work- ing on. The Christian Reformed Singers were here Tuesday and provided some very enjoyable music. Wednes- day evening we were fortunate to have the Presbyterian Ladies, Arnold Circle, here to visit and wish us a hap- py Valentine's Day. Thursday night is film night here at Queensway and we laughed our way • through "The Bangville Police." Our week culminated with a beautiful Valentine's program presented by Alfred a Verna Hopp. They played guitar a harmonica and sang several 1ov'songs and old favorites. Our baking club was busy all morning making cupcakes decorated for the occasion and the Zurich Mennonite Ladies also brought treats and helped serve Lunch. Our quote of the week comes from Edna McCann's Hieitage Book. "Most of us carry our own stumbling block around with us. We camouflage it with a hat." On Sunday evening i i t$. t Fellowship Hall at l isalt:' United Church, Pat Rowe showe(i �j�film of a trip she took to the South Pdcific, the Fiji Islands and New Zealand. A good time was had at Shut - Everyone enjoyed the wonderful corn • f aboard on Thursday afternoon. We mentary she gave. The Fellowship were happy to have Harold and Mary Committee served luoc.h. Coleman from Seaforth visit and shuf- fle with us. Seaforth are planning to start their own shuffleboard club and we wish them well. • The high scores of the afternoon were: Walter Spencer, 272; Vera Ross, 258; Beth Smith, 243; and 011ie Cooper, 198. Just a reminder that there will be • no shuffleboard next Thursday (20th) but it will resume the following Thurs- day, February 27. Northcrest News Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mills visited and enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Nan Britton after being guest sw..aker at the United Church on Stuy. The lounge looked lovely on Thurs- day for the tenants as they held a Valentine's Pot Luck supper. Irene Davis, who has returned from hospital, had supper with her brother, Drew Fowler on Saturday evening and spent a pleasanb evening visiting with tenants in the lounge. Everyone wishes her well. Bantams Win The Hensall Bantams were able to break through the Exeter Jinx to defeat them for the first time this year 8-3. Hensall's Jason Imanse assisted by Steve McCullough and Rob Taylor opened the scoring midway through the first, only to have Exeter tie up the score within a minute. NB Win Si TRUST r • COMPANY 1 1 •YARANTIID 1 jCIRTIrICATI• 1 was played. .1 AVAILABLE 1 , (Ropras•nting many trust r nIi*: hist rotas, r afsyolly av&i,bl.., r ifor more information , Contact John R. Cons/tt at 236-4381 or 236.4560'Ili MIMI NI 1111 the hind for y l es, byjerbin Qt of da, 50 Wygtbrd Dr., Don Mills, Ont. M3C gr:, Vias * deep concern of Rev. Ferini Shefileboaid U.C.W. Med The February 12 meeting of Hensall UCW Unit I took place on a cold but sunny day at Hensall UnitedChurch. Audrey- Christie opened the devo- tional by reading a poem "God's Love". - Obviously "Love" was the theme so close to Valentine's Day. She read from a quote of Helen Keller on 'How I Learned the Leaning of Love.' Then another poem "Daily Valentines". Belva Fuss accompanied at the piano for the singing of hymns. Roll call was answered by a verse of love, eight members and one visitor were present. Lorna SPencer showed a film about our Native Indian People for the study. It showed that they are a close knit family, the children a constant part of their traditions, and the changes we have tried to make in their lives, many of which they do not want. Lunch, prepared by Mary Buchanan and Dorothy Kipfer, also carried out the Valentine theme. Dianne Gerstenkorn opened Unit 2's meeting with a Valentine to Mom and Dad. Eleven members answered the roll call with a Valentine wish. Dianne read a poem "I've got to lose weight." Elenor Mansfield opened her devo- tional with a hymn. The three basic elements of man's charactor abideth forever was the theme - closing with the singing of "Abide with Me." Unit 2 has the flower for March. March 7 is World Day of Prayer. Shirley McAllister showed the film "Summer of the Loucheaux". After a contest on Indian names the meeting closed with a Valentine Love Poem. Musical chairs Filter Queen IN THE HEART Of DOWNTOWN VARNA 482-7103 Eseter opened the searing in these - pond with Taylor &ss�bted by an tBell responding for Hansajl• McCullough from Taylor put lieniaIl ahead with just over two ilnliwtes left in the second. The third pried was to be Heomall's as Jing! Dialog from Brian Moir and Andy Phillips put one past the Exeter goalie within seconds of the start of the period Exeter responded with what Was to be their final goal. Two uminutes later Moir and Dickins once again teamed up for HensaU and led the .attack that captured the win. A minute later Imanse scored his ,se- cond of the night again assisted by Taylor. Dickins got his second of the night on a play starting with Hensall's goalie Rob Wareing who passed to Moir who set up Dickins. This goal was scored shorthanded as Hensall had two in the penalty box Dickins was able to break out of his own scoring slump as he got his third of the night at 4.33 assisted by Bell and Taylor. Hensall's defence were hot and able to keep Exeter tied up until the final whistle. The boys will be hosting Huron Park at 8:30 on Wednesday, February 19th. Minor Hockey Day is Saturday, February 22. The tykes go on the ice at 12 noon followed by the novice, atom and pee wees, with the bantams facing off at 6:15. This promises to be a fun day for all. See you there. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Waterloo spent Saturdayafternoon with the later's mother Mrs. Laird Micide. Hensall Arena Events Wad. Feb. 15 230 to 130 p.m. Moms and Tots 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey (games) Tours. Fab. 20 1:30 to 4•.30 p.m. Shuffleboard 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Exeter Minor Frt. Feb. 21 5:30 to 7:3D p.m. Hensall figure Skating Club 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. Hensall Winters Sat. Feb 22 7:45 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. Minor Hockey Day NO public skating Sun. Feb. 23 1:00 to 3.00 p.m. Public Skating 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. "Hensai$ Rec Hockey Mon. Feb. 24 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey Tues. Fob. 25 5;30 .to ft30 p.m.. Hensall Figure Skating Chub ' 'faia.'Aib.'sllS ...� &45 to 11:45 p.m. Hensall 9roombell This advertisement sponsored by: Jim's Machine Shop 157 Queen Street, Hensall New from National: It combines the convenience of a daily interest account with a high money rhe of: 10 'aid Monthly •510/ OEfate curviest to chane If you have $10,000 or more, compare the rate printed above with that of your current daily interest account and you'll see that there is simply no comparison. That's because our rate is set weekly based on Government of Canada 91 -Day Treasury Bills. 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