HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-19, Page 10$ Pogo 10- Fobrt cry 19, 1966 Good crowd for seniors Thursday, the Sunshine and Busy Buddies members met at the Scout and Guide Hall. Attendance was good. Harry Noels thanked the ones for decorations on the walls, a nice wall hat . Motto" - We All Have Alot to A get well eard was signed, for Angelina Scott, a pact member. Committee program started off with "Musical Hearts", with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano and also "Pucker Up" was played which everyone enjoyed. Everyone picked a Valentine and read their Valentine. Busy Buddies did some quilting. Muriel Cobleigh won for wearing the most red and Gote Wennerstrom for having the most buttons. Euchre was enjoyed and high score going to Mary Kooy and Cleve Pullman. Lone hands, Mar4 Turner and Murray Carter. Low score to Wilma Hessel and Earl Turner. At lunch time Lily Dobbs won for wearing the most red and Lawrence Hirtzel for the most visable buttons. Lucky chairs went to Florence Hodgins, Tom Kooy, Lula Culbert and Marie Veel. Top speakers at St. Patrick's St. Patrick's Church, among various other parishes, invite special speakers on numerous dates throughout Lent to speak on topics related to Christian spiritual values. For the next five continuous Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the new chapel, a roster of speakers will ad- dress all interested in the following topics: Sunday, February 16 - "Relating to Our Teens" with Father Gary E. Roy who is parish priest of Sacred Heart, Parkhill, and former Chaplain and youth counsellor of St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia. Sunday, February 23 - "My Ethio- pian Experience" will be discussed by Mr. Bernard Gilmore, Director In - Hospital Education Programmes at Victoria Hospital and also Director of Camp London Relief Enterprises, Ethiopia. Mr. Gilmore has just returned after spending 41/2 months there and will illustrate his talk with slides. Sunday, March 2 - Father Michael Prieur, a professor of moral theology at St. Peter's Seminary and author of books and articles on Catholic Morali- ty in Marriage. Sunday, March 9 - "Mercy Killing in Canada" will be discussed with Doctor L.B. deVeber, M.D. He is past president of various National Pro -Life groups and dedicated Catholic layman. Sunday, March 16 - "Getting Closer to Jesus the Lord" will be presented by Father Pat Fuerth, professor of Sacramental Theology at St. Peter's Seminary in London. A fine speaker whg will give helpful insights into how we meet Christ Jesus is the seven Sacraments that He left for us. Two mishaps Only two motor vehicle accidents were included in the 32 general occur- rences investigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Saturday at 11:20 a.m., a vehicle operated by Nancy Mills, Exeter left the roadway of Highway 23 because of icy conditions and struck a tree. Constable Vance set damages at $5,000. The same day at 7:10 p.m., a vehi- cle driven by Deborah Wright, Lon- don skidded on ice on Highway 23, left the roadway and flipped over. Damages were listed at $200by Con- stable Holland. TOP LUCAN ROLLERS --- High scores were rolled recently by three participants at the Lucan Bowling Lanes. From the left are Brad Taylor with a 932 triple, Deb Thompson a 370 single and Glena Tripp with an 841 triple. , Learning "Strenghtening Your Grip", a film series by Charles Swindoll, is the pro- ject being undertaken by Lucan United Church Women this year as their annual Learning for Lent pro- gramme. This personal growth type series comes highly recommended by Dainty Dolls Club meets Lucan No. 4 held their first 4-H meeting at the Butler home January 29. The topic for this club is Etiquette for the 80's and members decided on "Dainty Doll" as their club name. Members read through chapter one of their manuals and discussed various topics such as what is eti- quette, introductions, being a host or hostess, setting a buffet table, and be- ing a good conversationalist. Elections were held with the follow- ing positions filled: president, Angela Hardy; vice-presiVent, Shelley Johnston; secretary, Shelly Pfaff; treasurer, Christine Finlayson; and the press reporter will be rotating every week. Members of the "Dainty Dolls" held their second meeting on February 5. Discussion on Achieve- ment Day and Q e table display which the. gir) will; pr,� re on pap way of settinga isle. Each mdititg ea"d'ttfr)deltie manual discussing such topics as manners beginning at home, you and the telephone, giving a home party, corresondence with invitation§innd thank you's, family meals, and hospitality at home. The girls then attempted to pr ly set a place -setting from what had just learned. Revival Centre WMS .The Women's Ministries of Lucan Revival Centre held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening in Graham Chapel. Mrs. Cathy Mason, vice president, conducted the meeting, and led in singing choruses. Mrs. A. Graham spoke from I John , 3:11-14, that we know we have pass- ed from spiritual death to life because we love the brethren. I Peter 1:22 en- courages us to love one another sincerely with a pure heart. Mrs. Graham questioned if Christians show love to -strangers who come in the church. It's time to talk business IF YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Give us a call We offer financial aid in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your business. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to get government assistance, both federal and provin- cial, as well as other vital information. For an ad- vance appointment, call: Ron Rogers, Manager (519) 271-5650 - collect 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Z3 BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Federal Business Development Bank Banqueede f pee CanadT1 4 for Lent a number of area churches of various denominations: They mention Dr. Swindoll's gift for communicating un- changing ChriStian principles in a down-to-earth way, with sensitivity and humour. Says Dr Swindoll, "I want my communication to be so clear that the public is stunned to realize how eternally relevant God and His Word really are!" The series begins Tuesday March 4 at 8 p.m. in the sanctuary of Lucan United Church and continues each Tuesday evening until April 8. Refreshments and a time of small group discussion follows each film. A free will offering will be received to cover expenses. The following are the themes for the six programmes: March 4 -Freedom from the Tyranny of the Urgent; March 11- Refusing to shift your life into Neutral; March 18,- Attention all Workaholics (and Churchaholics); March 25 - The Perils of Hothouse Christianity; April 1 - Choosing the Food you Serve Your Mind; April 8 - Hope for a Talk -Back Fight -Back World. Everyone is welcome. •aWiliowir of Ikevival Cin*re Sund4 evening, Rev. Roger Masan, from Matthew 9:3538, spoke on the necessity for missionaries. The three fold ministry of Jesus' mis- sionary work is in verse 35, as Jejus went around preaching, teaching, and healing. Every missionary and preacher should haye an element of pantomime portraying what they these services. were that pertained to babies, .aa In verse 38 Jesus saw that the ladies guessed the answer. Mrs. Judi human harvest was ready, but there Ross bad ladies guess how many Q - tips there -were in a jar. Next ladies were shown a tray of baby items, then asked to guess how many Q -tips were on the tray. Ladies who guessed right were given a little gift. Miss Jane Grider presented the gifts to Mrs. Thornton, who sat in a rocking chair covered with a blue afghan. Mrs. Mason wrote who bad given each gift on the card. One gift was a baby scrap book. Mrs. Ross cut off little pieces of wrapping paper from each, pasted each in the scrap bgok, with donor's name beside it, making a lovely interesting memory book for Mrs. Thornton. Sunday morning Robert Bourque, accompanied by his wife Sharon play- ing the piano, led the song service. Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Zechariah 7:4-14, a prophecy of judge- ment on Israel, and a call to repen- tance. Only the day of atonement was called by God for a day of fasting. While in exile in Babylon the Jews called another fast to mourn being in exile. Bock in Jerusalem the Jews asked if they had to keep this extra fast day. God replied through Zechariah rebuking them for their sour attitude. Whenever a believer has this attitude it shows he is not putting God first. A babi shaver was held Saturday aft4rnobn In the Fellowship Hall fol Mrs; Marlene Thornton. Mrs. Cathy Ma* read a poem she had written for Mr.. Thornton, God's Gracious Gift Mrs. Thornton said she planned to'have it framed. Mrs. Marti Butler had ladies do a were not enough workers. There are millions on earth today who have not heard about Jesus. Upcoming events Sunday, February 23, at. Lucan Community Centre at 2:00 pjm., the drama Ants' Hillcania is E to be 'presented. Then at 7:00 p.m., this drama is to be shown in Lucan Revival Centre. All welcome. Brownie welcome at UC Jan Coughlin, Sara Reed, and Amy mer. Thursday at 9:45 a.m. the Schatzler represented Lucanprayer and share fellowship expects Brownies as they welcomed people to finish up their study on the Gospel arriving for service at Lucan United of Luke. A new study, "Courage to Church on Sunday. They were Cope" begins on March 6, and all women of the community are hearti- ly welcome to participate in this in- formal, inter -denominational fellowship. Choir practice at the usual 7:30 hour Thursday evening, and lit 8:30 the Christian Education Committee meets in the C. E. Wing. Saturday from 9-12 in the C. E. Wing is a special time of learning and inspiration for leaders and for all who can come. "Fill My Cup, Lord" is the theme, featuring Dr. Howard Hendricks. Sunday, March 2 at 4 p.m. Confir- mation class will begin for young peo- ple 12 years of age and older, in the C. E. Wing. Bring Bible and a note book. As their Learning for Lent pro- gramme for this year, Lucan United Church Women are presenting a film series, "Strengthening Your Grip" beginning Tuesday, March 4 and con- tinuing until each Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. until April 8. Everyone is welcome. assisted in receiving the offering by Guide leader Barb Coughlin. Barb also told a story for the boys and girls in which young Stephen discovered that helping in small, thoughtful ways is just as important as doing the bigger things. The choir led in a prayer for the coming of God's Kingdom as they sang their an- them, "Let there be light". - Rev. Brown began a series of Lenten sermons dealing with the seven signs of Jesus in John's Gospel. "Jesus' Response to a Call for Help" was the first of these, based on the story of Jesus healing the nobleman's son. This father came to Jesus because of a great need, and with faith and urgency. Coming events W day at 8:30 p.m. the Friend- ship nit of Lucan United Church Women meets in the C. E. Wing of the Church. Tabatha Froats will show her slides on her trip to Ireland last sum - WAITING FOR ACTION --- Shown waiting to participate in Winter Carnival events at Biddulph-Lucan School Friday are Frances Mawdsley, Sara Holden,. Amanda Hotson and Gary Haskett. T -A photo Bowling scores 'fes Wigt4141Sell; 4icn14 r *Vs, .foan•Scott : . ucan31 pta. - Clinton 17 .fs. Don Watt 288-1284, Kim.. Giles 278-660. Monday Ladies: Iluanne Herbert 285-708, Muriel Kennedy 481660, Pam Smith 282-656, Deb' d 275-630, Audrey Scott 258277, ay Murphy 234-623, Glena Tripp 239.615, Pat Rid- dell 207-612, Joyce Sovereign 213-605, Helen Rodger- 270-603, Joan Fink- beiner 261-601, Judi Thomas 248, Sharon Redick 238, Heather Smith 233' Marg Young 232, Teri \Goldschmidt 215. Tuesday Juniors: Stephen Snider Stephanie Sandison 191, Jeremy Alec 180, Sandy Hyde 177, Jason ytowich 173, Desmond Rodgers Jeff Bond 163. Ileen's: Marion Blake 258-726, S y Rees 230-653, Nancy Dowson Nancy Baker 224-640, Jean Hicks 235-636, Betty Murphy 259, Sheila Hodgins 255, Tanny Vander • k 247, Pam Smith 235, Vi Pickeri 218, Jean Hodgins 216. Medwa : Cal Carmichael 229-670, Pete r 229639, Al Kish 237-635, Tom Ban' ' : , Russ Rush 231, Hanney Denotter . i : Carol Kish 208, Bob Jef- frey 207. `4T,\ Senior City ns: Harry Noels 254, Ed Armstrong 1, Marion Noels 212, Derwin Beats9 203, Frank DeBlock 201, Yvonne Ma ers 177. -Wednesday Bantams: David Damen 178, Da(4id Wilcox 160, Jason Wyatt 142, Kevin Moore 138, Tammy Graham 131, Shelly Wyatt 124, Olivia Cain'119, Sarah Gore 115, Michael Brady 113, Amy Damen 107. Wednesday Mixed: Rose Maxwell 272-697, Don Wallis 267-699, Jim riggs 269-654, Tom Dobinson 260, Roger Brown 251, Bob Pipe 242, Gary Melvin 222, Roily Carty 220, Larry MacGregor 216, Donna Evans 213. Thursday Men: Ross McRoberts 279-783, Bob Smith 283-773, Jim Smith 320-728, Brian Ankers 276-721, Ron Dickey 285-699, Don Watt 264-688, Wayne Smith 225-668, Jeff Park 227-658, Jeff VanHaarlem 243-655, David Smith 233;653, Morley Thomp- son 253-637, Brad Taylor 284-636, Brian Noyes 232-628, Russ Smith 265-619. Friday Mixed: Wayne Smith - 288 -741, Ron Carroll 293-693, Paul Smith 276-671, Peter Smith 256-664, Bob Smith 236-662, Len Anderson 230-624, Harold Smith 244-611, Lynn Smith 291-603, Sherry McRobert 219, Chris Anderson 200. Sunday Mixed: Rob Riley 322-715, Basil Short 255-684, Floyd Riley 328-680, John Fahner 251-658, Bruce McKichan 295-628, Linda Webber 245-624, Vicki Horbanuik 229-616, Geo. Wilson 291-612, Larry Gibson 210-609, Kathy Mason 227-609. No Fees No Charges For tdp rate of 1O% Come and sec us today All rates subject to chang\without notice. Our office will be open Saturay March 1st from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for RSP deposits Clinton Community CREDIT UNION Ltd. 374 Main St., Box 128, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO 233-0640 Attention Property Owners and Tenants in the Town of Exeter and the Township of Usbome WANT TO APPEAL YOUR ASSESSMENT? You still have time to appeal your 1985 assessment if you feel your home or business property has been improperly assessed. Your assessment is important because the amount of property tax you pay depends on it, in that the assessed value of your property is multiplied by your municipal and school mill rate to determine your 1986 property taxes. Notices of Assessment have been mailed to property owners and tenants whose assessments have changed since last year. Open houses have been held in your area to answer questions and amend assessment information if necessary. Open house dates and locations were, announced in a previous advertisement. The Assessment Roll has now been delivered to your municipality for the purposes of calculating the amount of taxes you must pay on your property in 1986. For informa- tion on your assessment, the Assessment Roll is now available for review at your Municipal Office during regu- lar business hours. If you feel your property has been improperly assessed, and you have not yet made your appeal known, you still have until March 4, 1986 to deliver or mail an appeal to the Assessment Review Board. And remember, even if you did not receive a Notice of Assessment, you still have the right to appeal. Appeal deadline March 4, 1986 The Assessment Review Board is an impartial body reporting to the Attorney General of Ontario, which pro- vides you with an additional opportunity to have your assessment reviewed if, in your opinion, it is not fair and equitable with similar properties in your area. The Review • Board is more informal and relaxed than a regular court of law. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer or ask a relative or friend to speak as your agent. To help you in filing your appeal, Notice of Appeal forms are available from the Assessment Review Board, your Regional Assessment Office or your Municipal Office. As well, you can use the reverse side of a Notice of Assess- ment or write a letter stating the property address and roll number, together with your reasons for appealing. Appeals should be forwarded to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board listed below. Ontario Ministry of Revenue Regional Registrar ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 1st Floor, 426 Third Street London, Ontario N5W 4W6 et.