HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-12, Page 27TRIP PLANS — Members of the Zurich Hos Beans, and others accompanying them to Zurich, Switzerland, in March got together in Zurich Public School to hear about all that is available during their European excursion. Annual Bowlathon this week; St. Boniface operetta in March This week between February 9-16 is the sixth annual Bowlathon at the Town and Country Bowling Lanes in Zurich. The leagues are raising money (through sponsors) for the South Huron Big Brothers and Sisters Association in Exeter. Operetta The grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 students of St. Boniface School are busy prepar- ing for an Operetta that they are go- ing to perform on March 5 of "Rip Van Winkle". Advance tickets - only - are $2.00 each so get yours early as only 200 seats are available. Golden Agers Plan The Zurich Golden Agers are plan- ning an all day quilting bee, on Tues- day February 18 beginning in the morning; and will have a pot -luck din- ner at noon. quilters welcome!! (Held at the Township Hall). A good time was had by all on Saturday at the Valentine dance spon- sored by the St. Boniface C.W.L. (it was a full house) with door prizes and boxes of Valentine candy given out for spot dances. Father Mooney paid a brief visit and introduced all the new families in our parish. All enjoyed sandwiches and coffee afterwards. Thanks to all who made it possible. Serve Pancakes On Tuesday, the St. Boniface C.W.L. held a pancake and sausage supper at the school gym for Shrove Tuesday followed by their regular meeting. February 12 is Ash Wednes- day and the beginning of Lent. The next Bean festival quilt is now ready for quilting at the home of President Mrs. Cecilia Farwell - everyone welcome!! The league is going to sponsor a First -Aid course on March 4. (St. John Ambulance) and more names are Zurich bowling Monday Nite Ladies' League OE Penny Watson 568 AO Donna Thiel 708 HG Val Ford 602 P Leona Riechert 514 RD Dorothy Smith 636 G Verlie Lavery 626 S Pauline Miller 646 .Weigand 609 T&C D. Dietrich 635 P June Fisher 660 DH Barb Reschke 488 B Cindy Denomme 616 Tuesday Grand ('ove Vicki Taylor 570 Bill Taylor 499 Roy Broad 606 Jack Worton 569 HS Jack Worton 282 HS Roy Broad 221 • Tuesday Afternoon C.A.P. Jeff Dekort 140 Tom Masse 133 Wayne Duke 131 HC- Donna Jones 187 Wednesday Morn Ladies' League Edith Bowen 542 Betty Smith 474 Bev Cunningham 472 Ina Browning 566 Vicki Florbaniuk 644 Dorothy Kipfer 490 HS ina Browning 251 , Wednesday Nite Ladies' League GB Betty Datars 639 S Linda Weber 785 C Dorothy Peat 550 NNB Suzy Turnbull 555 JNo2 Joan F inkbeiner 573 CF Lenore Latulippe 584 Thursday Morn Grand ('ove Clary F'lewellyn 513 Dan Wessell 615 Ted Day 535 Ralph Marshall 676 IiS Ralph Marshall 268 IIS Kay Allen 185 Thursday Afternoon Golden Age HI) T. Anderson 252 Hi) Barb Strachan 311 HD Ed Strachan 361 �o[den timp3e3 We wish everyone a Happy St. Valentine's Day, and thank the girls from the Zurich Mennonite GMSC group who visited on Thursday even- ing bringing with them pretty placemats for the dining room and a garland of hearts for the wall as well as valentine cards for the Residents, just to remind them of the occasion. After playing several games of bingo, refreshments were served. On Monday evening, movies were shown, "Ilelpmates and "Enduring Wilderness" followed by refreshments. The Ladies Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, beginning with a musical programme. Gerry Ducharme and his father Ted sang several numbers accompanying themselves on their guitars. Richard Gingerich played several organ sold. Before beginning the business part of the meeting, refreshments were served. We reget that Joseph Corriveau is in St..Joseph's ilospital, London, also Mrs. Hilda Shapton is still a patient in Victoria Hospital. We wishi'them a speedy recovery. Bingo was played on Friday evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther of Hensall. HS HS HS HT HS HT HS HT HS HT HS HT HS HT HS HF HS HF HS Harry McAdams 240 Barb Strachan 175 G. Anderson 183 Saturday Ladies' Intertown Zurich III Louise Vandenburg 737 17 Louise Vandenburg 226 , i ..'4.111..14,4.40.►,rwiw St. Marys Marj Berger 649 13 Sherrie Henry 280 Mikes I1 Marilyn Buck 599 20 Gerrie Douglas 210 Zurich 11 Bev Bierling 778 10 Bev Bierling 300 Mikes I C. Weiss 587 4 C. Weiss 221 Zurich 1 Vicki Taylor 741 26 Vicki Taylor 265 Saturday Men's Intertown Zurich Ron Crown 1149 14 Ron Dann 283 St. Marys Jamie Ramsley 1172 34 Jamie Ramsley 311 needed for the Day of Recollection which is being held in London at the Mydia House on March 18. Congratulations to the lucky win- ners at last week's bingo. The $500.00 jack -pot went to Verlyn Fisher and the Mystery prize of $200.00 was split between Sharon Durand and a, lady from Auburn. Also 10 boxes of Valen- tine chocolates were won for door prizes. Ski Trip Several students of the S.H.D.H.S. in Exeter enjoyed a three-day down hill ski trip to Blue Mountain Resort at Collingwood from last Wednesday to Friday night. (February 5,6,7) Two chartered buses brought the young people down, and while there stayed at the Vacation Inn in Collingwood. To mention only a few who really liked going on the ski trip from around town were: Beth Sweeney, Kathy Merner, Maureen VandenBoomen, Tammy Bell, Kerry Deitz, Sheila Regier, Dawn McAdams and Johan- na Morrissey. Valentine's music On Friday, February 14 the United Church is sponsoring a Valentine evening of Music at the Zurich Public School beginning at 7:30 p.m. On Sun- day they had the installation of new board members at their morning service. A parish, family skating party is be- ing held this Sunday (February 16) from 1:30 to 3:30 at the arena - being sponsored by the St. Boniface P.T.A. at $4.00 a family. also cards and games and hot chocolate will be available in the auditorium. So come, out and have some fun. Shower Bride A lovely Bridal shower was held for Barbara Regieedaughter of Joan and Clarence Regier at St. Boniface School gym on. Sunday afternoon. (February 9), with over 100 friends and relatives attending. Highlight of the shower was the presentation of a "Mock wedding" which was really funny and enjoyed by all. Members of the cast were: Michelle Watson, Dorothy Smith, Joanne McBride, Monica Bedard, Agnes Willert, Nadine Smith, Joanne Regier, Theresa Laporte and Mary - Ann Regier. Barb is the fiance of Robert Smith, son of Cecilia and Gor- don Smith. Anniversary Harold (Tiny) and Vera Thiel celebrated their 44th wedding an- niversary on Monday, February 10. Also Rose and Lee Regier celebrated their 36th anniversary on February 11 with their children in London last weekend, Peter and Bonnie Regier and family and dat)ghter Louise. Auxili�ry . The ladies Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Home held their monthly meeting last Tuesday. The residents and members enjoyed a nice musical program supplied by Ted Ducharme and son Jerry, also Richard Gingerich played the organ. Lunch was served by the committee of Mable Rily, Marlene Gingerich, Marie Denomme and Belle Merner. The business portion followed in the Board Room with 24 members answering the roll call and one visitor. A 825.00 donation was receiv- ed from 'play Bulak.. A thank you letter was read from Mr. Rist for the help at the last Christmas• dinner for the residents which fed 250 adults and 10 children. Keep, on sending in the Zehr's tape register slips (as we can cash them at the Goderich store) The finished quilt was on display and it turned out beautifully! The new shampoo chair for the Beauty Shop has been ordered. The birthday par- ty for February was given on Tuesday by the Lutheran Church ladies. • WI Meet The February W.I. meeting was chaired by Agnes Regier. The topic was citizenship and world affairs. Eileen Consitt read two articles out of the Home and Country.. Gerry Kane read an essay written by Agnes' granddaughter, "War is unfair to the young". Members also heard an ar- ticle on the impressions of life in Russia experienced by Heather Red - dick during her recent vjsit there. Gerry recalled some of the in- teresting events of the year and Eileen conducted a quiz on Huron County and surrounding area. President Joan Smith conducted the business. Receipts were received from Masonic Foundation for Sloman's School Car and Town and Country) Homemakers for our dona- tions. It was moved we buy one half hour ice time for the Novice hockey tournament. Personals Matthew and Mary -Lou Denomme, RR 2 Zurich, along with her sister and husband, Patricia and Pat Murray of London, returned home last Thursday after a two-week holiday. They flew from Toronto to the Barbados then spent a week taking a Caribbean Cruise and stopped at six islands. The highlight of the trip was seeing their cousin, Father Tom McKuaid who lives on St. Lucia Island, and enjoyed spending the day with him. The last week was spent at the Barbados resting and enjoying the warm weather. Congratulations to Theresa and Tony Kester on the arrival of their baby girl - Andrienne Elizabeth, who was born on January 31. Twin boys were born to Jane and Tony Lansbergen on Thursday, February 6 but sorry to say a few days later they lost little Gregory Michael who was only 3 Ib. 11 oz. The other baby, little Francis Joseph is doing fine weighing 4 Ib. 4 oz. but has to stay in the hospital for awhile till he gets bigger and stronger. Mom is back home and regaining her strength. Congratulations to Dale and Rose Erb on the Grand Opening of there Meat Store "Chubs" last weekend. Il went so well that Dale was almost sold out of everything by 5:00 on Saturday. The lucky winner of a roasting chicken was Hendrina Erb. The draw was made by Mary Laporte. Tony and Madeline Wisser of the Maplewoods Apt. returned home last Tuesday after a nice three-week holi- day with their dau:hter, Irene Shaw Times•Adyocate, February 12 1986 Page 15A enjoys music program and family in North Carolina. a levelyi:tyrti+ireelt vacation in Florida, Arthur Woodoock (Hensall) has and visited With his parents, Mr. and been transferred to South Huron Hospital in Wier er from London. Also Monsignor Bourdeau is a patient in Exeter Hospital. Some members of the Zurich Men- nonite Church (43 in all) enjoyed spending the weekend together at a family life retreat at Hidden Acres (near Shakespeare) along witlttheir Pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kuepfer and family. Eugene and Debbie Regier and family returned home recently from Mrs. Gerald Regier. Glenn and Doreen Webb returned home recently from a lovely two- week vacation in Puerto Rico (San Juan). • Jeff O'Brien and Tom and Pat Cyr enjoyed doing some skiing down the slopes at Collingwood this weekend. Scott Merner competed in another "Barrel Race" with his horse, Sally - Bar on Sunday in Toronto at Picop's Downs and placed fourth out of 36 con- testants. Good work Scott! A STORY — Author Gwyn Whilsmith reads from her book "Melrose Maximillian Fieldmouse" to Benjamin and Jenna Rader and their mother Shirley, who typed the story. Local columnist writes children's story about travelling fieldmouse Columnist Gwyn Whilsmith has written a children's story and compil- ed it into a small hook. It's about a mouse called Melly who lives in the trunk of a car and travels all over with the owner Bob. Mrs. Whilsmith says she got the idea while visiting her son, Robert, in Alberta last year, when she discovered there was a mouse in his car. After an attempt to catch it fail- ed because the trap was too old and worn out, the mouse was left to its own devices. "The more i thought about that sil- ly mouse riding around with Robert everywhere he went, the more I thought it would make a fun story for his two little girls," explains Mrs. Whilsmith. She discussed the idea with her brother-in-law, Frank Whilsmith of Toronto. a retired commercial artist, and he agreed to do some illustrations to go with the story. Then. she com- mandeered the expertise of a friend, Shirley Rader. Zurich, for the typeset- ting so the story could be put into book form. Although it just started out as a Christmas present for her two small grand daughters, Mrs. Whilsmith had some copies made up for a few friends and received such an enthusiastic response that she decided to print a limited number for sale. The story is suitable for children from ages four to eight, and the author admits she has several other tales running around in her head about the little mouse who travels to interesting places with Bob. The Adventures of Melrose (Melly) Maxmillian Fieldmouse is available at The Times Advocate, Exeter, and a tleft]iribri's ih iirich': Stanley Township Ses- quicentennial committee wishes to compile a list of Stanley Township babies born in 1986 and senior citizens 80 or older, born, raised, or residing in Stanley Township. Please contact Carol Simons, 482-9970, Jean Rothwell, 262-5292, Joyce Dowson, 565-2523 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY 1 We're going to put you int-he picture. Your New Driver's Licence. A lot of people can measure up to your height and weight, but no one's got a face quite like yours. ' So starting February 3, we're going to give your driver's licence a little more protection if it's lost or stolen. We're, going to make it picture perfect. That's right, your new two-part licence will include your photograph. Look for complete details when your next licence renewal notice arrives in the mail. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario Minister, Hon. Ed Fulton Premier, Hon. David Peterson i 1