HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-12, Page 7• COLE SLAW MIXERS — Millie Fulton and Grace Drummond are shown mixing cabbage salad prior to Tuesday's Sportsmen's Dinner. c;'1,1; 4.. ,. . - ...,` •ti'�;Sugges. for 9.4,k •A4 1' �o to I your Valentine 1, ue- • i)1! r 402 V tit 111 2699•r. e7 °•, CA .04 C:7 ^r es,' 4 235-0600 Mostar Card and Visa • Ir • :,; .:.1*ti q - 4., Tlm.S Advoeote, FFbruAey 12, 1906 Pope 7 Women's Institute give service to rural areas in many .ways Eighty-nine years of service to the rural Communities of Ontario is something that the Women's Institute is very proyd ot. From the time that Janet and Erland Lee invited 101 women to hear Adelaide Hoodless speak, on February 19, 1897, and so form the first Women's Institute right through to 1966, the Women's Institute have been quietly working for the bet- terment of their communities, Their educational programmes and their resolutions may grab the headlines but often it Is the little things that they do that are headlines in the recipient's minds. The fact several Women's Institute • members have stopped what they had planned to do to help serve at a funeral lunch and that several other members took the time to make the lunch may not rate a mention anywhere, but to the family of the deceased who say "We knew we could rely on the Women's Institute" it 10 a thing in their moment of sorrbw•that they' do not have to worry about because the Women's Institute are there. To the woman in the .community who doesn't like to sew for other ac- tivity) but who would like her daughter to learn, the fact that there is a 4H club is a great relief. This means that a dedicated Women's In- stitute member has taken the time to attend the leaders workshop, the time to prepare for the lessons, and then given up six to eight mordings or evenings in order to give the 41.1 par- ticipants the benefit of their knowledge. The Women's Institute have *long been dedicated to the principles behind *land they will continue to do so. The Women's Institute are happy that it 'Is the 4H participant that receives •the honour but it must be The Debutante* Machine Model 6212 5 popular stitches • Built- in buttonholer • Drop-in bobbin • Adjusts to various fabric thicknesses • Free arm for sewing sleeves • Built- in handle Our special price • Knitting baskets '• Scissors • Sewing baskets • Yarn • Knitting Needle Sets etc. 'We service who.t we sell" Gen's Knitting & Sewing Centre INGER GETTING A PROGRAM — Exeter Lion John Norris picks up a pro- gram to Tuesday's Sportsmen's Dinner from. Kathy Norris and Ken- dra Arthur. T -A photo. Dashwood Institute taken on mini tour FREE GIFT! 3 - SPECIAL VALUE! JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY AND THIS FOOD SCALE IS YOURS FREE! remembered that behind every suc- cessful 4H'er, there is a dedicated leader and often that person is a Women's Institute member. When you take your child to Western Ontario Children's Hospital in London and they receive a finger puppet to help relieve the anxiety, it may have.been made by a Women's Institute member. Or when you visit a relative in a senior citizens' home and notice that a smiling woman is helping serve tea at the tuck shop, or helping with the birthday, or helping, to buy those extras, be thankful that there is a Women's Institute branch in your community. When your child has music lessons in school, or when your child drinks pasteurized milk, or when a car or truck stops so that your child can safely board a schoolbus, be thankful that Women's Institute members had the wisdom and the foresight to get these regulations passed. Often in a small community the STOP sign at a dangerous intersection is there because the local Women's"Institute branch did the necessary behind the scenes work. At Christmas time or Easter or at any other time of the year it will be the local Women's Institute members who will be quietly making food boxes or contributing to other groups such as the Salvation Army, so that all peo- ple can receive assistance. Because the Women's Institute have been do- ing this for so long it seems that some people did not realize that this was something that Women's Institute have been doing, without going after publicity every time they did a good Beed. When, many of the agricultural organizations have their meetings or work shops and they call upon the Women's Institute to help by catering, it means that the Women's Institute members graciously give up their time to make sure these functions are a success. Soon you will have a canvasser knocking at your door collecting for the Heart Fund, the Cancer Fund or other worthy organization. Often in the rural communities, it is the Women's Institute members who give • up their time to do the collecting. Besides the money collected for such organizations, last year the Women's Institute in the London area donated nearly *100,000 to worthy groups and projects within the area_ . The Tweed:intdr History books that the Women's Institute maintain about their rural communities are often misunderstood by some people. Each farm lot, building in the rural com- munities have had their history writ- ten up, and maintained by the Women's Institute members. This has meant hours of painstaking research to check the accuracy of each state- ment. These books are a record of the rural communities of Ontario. No other organization has done such a great job of recording the history of the rural community as the Women's Institute has done. As the Women's Institute celebrates 89 years of service to the rural eommtmities they can look for- ward to the next 89 years as Women's Institute- Women Involved. Gift. Certificates Fragrances • Cosmetics • Clothing * Free gift • wrapping Rumors 11 Soutlyue 235.039,1 Centro Moll , Exeter • By MRS. IRVIN RADER . Mellecke officiating. Pall -bearers Dashwood , :were Rodger Koppeser, John Dashwood Women's Institute met i• Huehnergard, James.Weber, Harold Tues'Hay with conveners Mrs. Mary .Schroeder, Hugh Morenz and Melvin Rader, Mrs. Flossie Willert and Mrs. - Stade. Flowers in Zion Lutheran Howard Datars in charge. church Sunday were from the funeral President Mrs. Emil Becker took us of Ervin Devine. on a Mini Tour of Heart City including Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Memory highway, Heart Crescent, L Karen were Sunday guests with Mrs. Mary Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber spent four days at the figure skating cham- pionships North Bay where they were joined by Marianne and Diane Eagleson. Jim and Diane Becker have return- ed home following a 2 week visit to the Dominican Republic where the weather was great. Melvin Restemayer is a patient in University Hospital, London. Street, 0 Parking, V. Boulevard and E Curve. Each member received honourable mention and was given a heart and street map, of Dashwood in- dicating where each member resided and reminded of the importance of the Living Heart. ' Roll call was answered by telling what your community means to you. Mrs. Eben Weigand gave the Medical Centre report. Mrs. Edith Baker Public Relations Representative had typed out W. I. accomplishments. Membership fee is now ;4. The next euchre is February 18. Mrs. Becker thanked the ladies who worked all morning in Exeter for the Sportsmen Dinner. Mary Rader had brought the House Log Book she had made and told how It had been made. Now acid then pic- tures were shown of how the house originally had been and the present house after remodelling. Other sub- jects were location of septic tank, drainage system and the former well location. Log books are to be left in the house when the owner moves. Personals Dashwood Senior Citizens will meet Monday February 17 at 2 p.m. There will be quilting for those who like to quilt and cards and shuffle d for all others. A pot -luck supper w be held. Even if it was a wet and slippery night there were 11 tables in play at the euchre party. Winners were, high lady, Mildred Hirtzel; low lady, Pat Masse; high man, Lloyd Durr; low man, Gerald Mason; most lone hands, Anthony Martene. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Rose of London were Thursday visitors with Murray and Anne Ried. The funeral service for Ervin Devine was held at Zion Lutheran church Saturday afternoon with Rev. JOIN TODAY AND ENJOY • THE NEW QUICK START pli s PROGRAM. WHILE YOU SUBTRACT THE POUNDS. EXETER Old Town Nall 322 Main St. Mon. 6:45 p.m. OFF ER AVAILABLE IN PARTICIPATING AREAS ONO, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: t� 1-SO0-265-9291 ....Wr. we Y. ...-......•• •• WN...•f.1-, n .Mf Nne.•s•,.11,wM10,,,•C— Stanley given planning grant Minister of Agriculture and Food Jack Riddell, MPP Huron -Middlesex, today announced the $2,025 final pay- ment on a *13,500 community plann- ing grant for Huron County on behalf of the Township of Stanley. Speaking on behalf of Bernard Grandmaitre, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Mr. Riddell said the grant was used by the County to prepare a zoning by-law fir the Township. Community panning grants are designed to encourage municipalities to review and update their planning programs, zoning bylaws and other planning documents. The grants may also be used for special studies on local issues such as lakeshore development or commer- cial development along highways, and for energy -conserving planning measures. 41T 1 • For Someone • Special Make her. day Special. Get her something from .. ot,T.Gy,,) iF s Centre Mall 420 Main Street EXETER. 35-125 1 year G.I.C. interest paid annually nips Is Now EASY IT Is 10SW1TCH TO A STANDARD TRUST RRSP AND THIS1S WHY YOU'LL WANT i0 NOFEES Absolutely no fees of any kind. No administration fees, no acquisition fees, no redemption fees. INSTANT TAX RECEIPT Yott get your receipt the same day you sign, so you can file your return the same day. FLEXIBILITY 1pu choose the plan you want. You're never locked in unless you want to he. Savings or GIC plans available. If you just automatically buy your RRSP where you do yoqr banking, now is the time to shop around for the best rate this year. Make sure Standard Trust is on your shopping list. For the hest plan at the Nig rate. And with our RRSP Telephone Hotline, all .you do is call and make your application over the phone. We do all the paperwork, you simply come in and sign - and avoid those long hank lineups. 411 STANDARD TRUST Mcmtx•r -Canada Deposit Incurancc Corpontion 386 Main St. S., Exeter or call the RRSP Hotline -. 235.1060 t A