HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-12, Page 2William Eckert,
Director of Education
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Poo 2- tlm.s-Advocate, �� , _ Exeter reps' among dissenters .� h
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In a 25 to 6 recorded vOfi functioned wail with all matters be- cordence with the (Library) Act. It iQ • from a Prepared statement.. til January 1, 1987. .,.,
Fuller, Exeter Reeve Bill .Ylelr�e.
County Council has decided,* c ing preserl/4dto it for diBcuasi m • taw our intention to tt'•legalize the nningtWIn made his comments "As fares funding goes, there will East Wawanoeh Reeve Erne*
its library board to a. cotnmittee of and approval. TO* elu n6ed in irtaiM system which had neem' place since ' after chief librarian William Par- be absolutely no change," said cam- anttcsoderich Reeve Harry WOrsell
council. ' • ' • • ''` a result of ppeelAres by certain in- the inception of the Huron County . (ridge read from a prepared state- ty administrator Bill Hanly. He didn't **two votes; -
"Until 1984, the library board fune- dividuals and the board decided to Library until 1984, aaitthbrary board went during county council's morn- know what the cost of the private ' ape voting in favor were: West
tioned as a committee of cot)ncil and conduct their PrOcadings in strict•ac- chairman Tom Cunnlggham reading ing' session. The Holtett Township • members bill would be, but suggested Watvgn e1 Reeve Jamas Aitchison.
reeve had initially intended to read that Elgin County could be askedthat Grey;Township Reeve Leona Aeon-
his' preplttped statement prior to as they reae$1y . went' through a strwig.,'Tuckersmith Reeve Robert
discs ipstjie intheexecutive similar. pt tare far. its library Belt, Seaforth Reeve Wiiiaen Bei- ,
commit( 'u; ri� f:' ` sett; Clinton Reeve Bea Cooke,.
' Etn1*etty nevi at this but I've b� ; �'' ye .Grant • •Godecich Township Deputy Reeve'
never had ap�►thing stir up the people. Stirling, « « • , « : tie chairman of Laurie Cox, Hullett Reeve Tom Cun-
'. I can't uridepitand Why he's working the librar " " , became quite ningham, Howick Reeve Gerald
so hard not to change," said ' agitated over issue. •D'Arcy, Hay Deputy Reeve Claire
Wingham'Reeve Bake Meehan 'Ofthe , "Why shouldn't county council have »eichert, , Zurich Reeve Robert
chief librarian.,d 1 some say...We'ye been accused of Fisher, Morris Reeve Doug Fraser,
.Iii the chief librarian's $ temee to having closed Meetings. If you want : McKillop Reeve Marie Hicknell,
dainty council, hea .the.` act it open (he turned to face the press . Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston, Col-
countability and.fiscal ty table and the television cameras and ,.burne Reeve Russel -Kernighan,
'of the board. He notes t�heard 'waved -the microphone) I• Ihgive it to Wingham Reeve Bruce Machan,
is concerned with restraint and knows you: I'm not afraid of change," said Turnberry Reeve Brian McBurney,
that over 70- nt of the library Reeve,Stirling. . " Stephen Township Deputy Reeve Keri
budget is fund by county council. The for mel`'chairman of the library McCann, Usborne Reeve Gerry Pro -
"c major concern to. the Library • board was told by.the cuirent library ut, Stanley Reeve Clarence Rau, Hen-
huls been the great increase of the cost board chairman, Reeve Cunningham, -sail Reeve Jim Robinson, Goderich
of books. The book for Huron County
Library has incased pnly $39,777
over the past five ''yeah. Over the
same period the book circulation has
'"' increased, Certainly these figures in-
dicate that the Library has shown
restraint but 'continued to.inerease
service to our patrons by ef-
ficiency," commented Mr. Partridge.
The 12 -year employee of the coun-
ty noted_ that over' the, years, the
branch libraries, of wbiclm there are
29, have updated •theirf gcilitles, The
recipient of the;libiaTiari Of the year s 9 makes goad sense,to contact , the local Public Health Unit 5
award; a merit'.lira ,tlie Ontario• E •• for informotion'.on WO:61 bfe, prenatal classes. Call 235-1014 =
librat:y` associating' '0Oted the,' E. Published,bythe Public education and Awarene3s Committee
AREA WI'S SERVE DINNER - Shown in the kitchen ready to serve Tuesday's Sportsmen's Dinner are
Huron South WI members Grace Eyre, Marjorie Johns, Thea Wisch and Margaret Hoggarth.T-A photo.
Steckle tops list at $40,242
' 150OOd
Count membersgetY _
commented, at the February session $141; Goderich Deputy Reeve John
of county council, that the department Doh\erty,(also includes former Depu-
heads should have their end of year ty Reeve Jim Britnell's remytnera-
expenses made public. He did not ob- tion from January to June of last
ject to the councillors' stipend being year), $1,935;
made public as it is required under Morris Reeve Bill Elston, 86,644;
the Municipal Act. Zurich Reeve Robert Fisher, $1,022;
Department heads salaries -are Morris Reeve Doug Fraser. S205; Ex -
printed in the newspaper when they eter Deputy Reeve Lossy Fuller,
are determined by county council. $4,375; Ashfield Reeve Allan Gibson,
Also, county employees salary grids $195; McKillop Reeve Marie Hickpell,
are also printed once approved by $5,283; Bayfield Reeve Dave
county council. Johnston, $2,833; Reeve Russell Ker-
The amount paid out to county nighan of Colborne Township, $2,795;
councillors last year is as follows with Wingham Reeve Joe Kerr, $920; Hen -
the new members of the 1986-88coun- sail Reeve Harry Klungel, $5,011;
cil included: Brussels Reeve Cal Kreuter, $6,734;
Reeve James Aitchison of West Zurich Reeve Isadore LaPorte, $674;
Wawanosh, $2,673; Grey Township Wingham Reeve Bruce Machan,
Reeve Leona Armstrong, $3,301; $235; Turnberry Reeve Brian
Ashfield Township Reeve John McBurney, $3,607; Stephen Township
Austin, $2,022; Deputy Reeve Tony Deputy Reeve Ken McCann, $224; Ex -
Bedard of Hay, $1,760; Reeve Robert eter Reeve, Bill Mickte,` 83,621;
Bell of Tuckersmith, $3,233; Seaforth Usborne Reeve Gerryut, $2,905;
Reeve William Bennett, $218; , • Stanley. Township Rerve Clarence
C1initeeve Ernest ,Brown, Rau, $20g;
81,815; Seaforth Reeve William Hensel' ReeveJim Robinson, $133;
Campbell, $2,124; Clinton 'Reeve Bea East Wawanosh Reeve Ernest Snell,
Cooke, $199; Goderich Township $213; Howick Township Reeve John
Deputy Reeve Laurie Cox, $166; Blyth Stafford, $5,373; Goderich Township
Reeve Tom Cronin, $6,059; Hullett Reeve Grant Stirling, $5,506; Brussels
Reeve Tom Cunningham, $6,099; Reeve Hank TenPas, $239; Stepheo
Howick Reeve Gerald D'Arcy. $174; Township Reeve Tom Tomes, 0775;
Hay Deputy Reeve Claire Deichert, East Wawanosh Township Reeve Neil
Over 8150,000 was actually paid out
last year to Huron County councillors
and appointed members of the library
and health boards.
Last year's warden, Paul Steckle of
RR 2 Zurich, who attended all com-
mittee and board meetings and
receives a per diem, earned 540,242
last year. That amount includes
511,904 for conventions and other
Goderich Reeve Harry, Worsell
Hay council
Continued from front page
out costs and rates. After being check-
ed by the township's lawyer, the
bylaws will be circulated and given
first and second reading. If no objec-
tions are filed with the clerk, the
bylaws will lie submitted to the OMB _
for approval.- then given third reading
and become law.
A number -of- objections • would -
necessitate an OMB hearing.
"That would 'be the time for pro-
ponents of the water system to be out
in force". Ross noted. Wilder added
that the fact hook-ups will not be com-
pulsory may eliminate some possible
Kids... Get Your Valentines
at the TA
(60 pieces)
$ 89
Press out books
(250 pieces)
rive arra,►. ,a,
°<rc sco-
In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be five (5)
years of age on or before December 31, 1986. Parents are ask-
ed to bring Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of
Immunization. It is advisable that parents contact the school
in which you intend to register your child for an appointment
prior to the registration date.
The registration date and location for RegulareKindergarten
classes will be as follows:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Precious Blood School
Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal Mrs. Margaret Medve, Principal
RR No. 3 Sanders Street, W
Dashwood, Ontariol NOM 1N0 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 '
h37-3337 135.1691
Feb. 17, 1986 • 9 o.m.•12 (Noon) Feb. 17, 1986 • 1:15 p.m. -3 p.m.
St. Boniface School
Mr. Gary Birmingham, Principal
Mary Street
Zurlch, Ontario NOM 2T0
March 6, 1986 9 a.m. • 12 (noon)
Any parent who wishes to register a child for French Immer-
sion Kindergarten and has not yet done so, should contact Mr.
J. McDode at 524-9901.
Ronald Marcy,
Chairman of the Board
Vincent, $2,815;
Stephen Township Reeve Allan
Wolper, 0,874; Blyth Reeve Albert
Wasson, $126; Stephen Township
Deputy Reeve Ralph Weber, $3,649;
Hay Reeve Lionel Wilder, $2.070;
Goderich Reeve Harry Worsell,
Appointed members of boards
received the following remuneration
with the board served noted in
Janis Bisbackof Hensel! (library),
$2,647; William Morley of Usborne
(health), 51,291; Robert Ritter of
Wingham (library), $1,789; Martina
Schneiker of Goderich (library), $829.
The traveling road show is coming
So says Joan Vanderbroeck, chair-
man of the Huron County board of
education's eduction committee.
Last year the committee spent their
monthly meeting at various schools
around the county, learning the detail
on those schools.
This year though, because of the
distances some trustees would have
to travel, Ms. VandenBroeck said the
tours have been limited.
The committee will visit Brussels
public school in March, Colborne Cen-
tral public school in April and
Seaforth district high school in
September. These meetings will be in
the afternoon and the regular educa-
tion committee meetings, which are
open to the public, will be held at the
education centre in Clinton in the
that the, 198 budget tad been Township Reeve Grant Stirling,
exceeded. 1 Brussels Reeve Hank TenPas,
' The results of the recorded vote are Stephen Township Reeve Tom
as follows: Tomes; Blyth Reeve Albert Wasson
Those voting against the Change and Hay Reeve Lionel Wilder.
were: Goderich Deputy Reeve John The library board didn't discuss the
Doherty, Exeter Deputy Reeve Lossy matter until Monday, December 10.
libraries formed the county system € •
back in 1967,°s
"Whatever decision is made of
coOnty council, I will continue to re- "__
main an employee of the County of ' •
Huron. County council must coi'i$ider r Box 1q Dashwood, Ont. NOM INO z
the needs of the library patrons and nnnnnnnnnnn trinnutnnmunt r,nnrldunuttnnnunutw►nu+ntutraunuuu1uunauunurrz
how best these needs can be serv-
South Huron
and•Dilrkt Asiociation
for the Mendip Handicapped
ed,"said Partridge • .
Exeter Reeve Bilfhlickle said while
his council didn't wish to tape a
negative position, hg wanted ques-
tions answered. .
"I question -Why, really why this is
required at this' timtme? We've heard
there isn't golrmg to be any change in
responsibilityy," said Reeve Mickle.
He also asked for the cost of chang-
ing the librar'y,board to a committee.
Council will have 'Middlesex MPP'
Doug Reycraft present as a private '
members bill, an application for
special legislation which would have
Huron County Council act as. the
library board and the current library
board would, in effect; become a com-
inittee of council. . '
This, noted Mickle " requires
puhlishiag_fOtice ; in--the-On o=
Gazette and cnfmnby newspapers, the'
printing of the bill: and being prepared
to answer questions from time public
after second reading in the provincial
Reading from his statement, Reeve
Cunningham. said, "A question has
peen raised as to why one of our own
MPPs is not presenting the proposed
bill. A minister of the crown can not
present a private members bill under
the rules of the Ontario Legislature.
It should be pointed out that Paull
Steckle, the 1985 warden, did not ar-
range to have Mr. Reycraft present
the bill as reported in the press. Ar-
rangements were made to have Mr.
Reycraft present the bill through the
office of the Hon. Jack Riddell.
Colborne Township Reeve Russel
Kernighan said he wanted the matter/
settled, but added that as he sees it,
the library board has never been coml-
sidered a prestigious board compared
to other committees of council.
"When I first came, the road com-
mittee was the pium (sic), and the
library board, well, it wasn't up
there," said Kernighan.
Reeves talked about the amount of
phone calls they received in the past
week and while Goderich Deputy-
• Reeve John Doherty said he would, as
one of the town's representatives, be
voting against the proposal because
his constituents asked him to. Turn -
berry Township Reeve Brian
McBurney took a different approach.
He said he talked to the people who
called him and explained the situation
as he saw it. The Turnberry reeve
said his callers saw it from his point -
"Once they heard both sides of the
story. The information they got was
biased, that's why they phoned," he
To continue the questions asked by
the reeve of Exeter, the town's depu-
ty reeve Lossy Fuller asked ifprovin-
cial funding would continue after the
change which won't go into effect un -
When you open the window yourself,
you get fresh air. When someone else
opens it, you get a draft. '
Enrol your child for
Kindergarten 11986-87
Please phone or contact your Public School
• - during the month of February
1. Exeter Public School
2. Hensel) P.S.
3. Huron Centennial P.S.
4. J.A.D. McCurdy P.S.
S. Stephen Central P.S.
6. Usborne Central P.S.
1. Zurich P.E.
Further information re registration, visitation health
clinic etc. will be proiided by each school.
Proof of date of birth and O.H.I.P. number requested
at registration.
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
• We adept mo (major drug plans
Blue Craig, Greistri .hiold, Drug. Benefit. etc.
Mon. -Tush Thurs. & Fri. •
9:00 can.: 6:00 pan.
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Sat.-,9:00-a,r-- 12;30 p:m
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425 Moin St.,
Offering,Extended RRSP Hours for your convenience.
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