HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-05, Page 9I UC observes Youth Sunday eniovs skatins* carnival Youth Sunday was observed at the United Church on Sunday morning with an excellent attendance of members of the different. Youth Groups. Worshipping with their Hensall Bantams defeat Mitchell The Hensall Bantams were vic- torious this week as they hosted and defeated Mitchell 9-0 on January 29. It Looked as if it was Rob Wareing's night in Hensall as the young goalie recorded his second shut -out of the year and assisted on three goals. Brian Moir, assisted by Andy Phillips and Chris Campbell, opened the scoring within seconds of the opening faceoff. It was to be Moir's first of four as neither he nor the rest of the team let up. The goal scorers were: B. Moir 4 goats 0 assists - J' Imanse 2 goals 0 assists C. Campbell 1 goal 1 assist W. Scotchmere 1 goal 0 assist R. Taylor 1 goal 4 assists R. Volland 0 goals 1 assist J. Dickins 0 goals 2 assists R. Wareing 0 goals 3 assist's The boys travel to Zurich on Wednesday, February 5 for an 8:00 game. Minor Hockey Day is Satur- day, February 22 and the Minor Hockey Dance is March 8. • leaders were the Beavers, the Messengers, the Cubs, the Explorers, the Scouts, the C.G.I.T. and the Venturers. Mr. McDonald conducted the ser- vice and his children's story was co- operation. He used the illustration of how a knife, fork and spoon all have to co-operate for us to eat our meals. His sermon topic was "What Children Owe Their Parents". During the ser- vice Victoria Bisback sang a solo "Like a Little Candle" and Robert Gackstetter sang "Building" and "Pass It On". Donald Stebbins greeted the con- gregation and Randy Parker, Michael McGregor, Rod Parker and Cecil Pepper were the ushers. Norma Pryde was organist for the service. Following the service a fellowship hour was held hosted by the worship committee. Next Sunday, the Rev. Charles Scott of London will be the guest minister. Everyone is looking for- ward to having this outstanding preacher. Annual Skating Carnival An excellent time was held on Sunday afternoon when the United Church congregation held their annual skating carnival and potluck supper. The activities on the ice were in charge of Chuck Mallette and Gary Kyle and the potluck supper was in • Velma Robinson Phone 262-3205 Queensway activities January is now over and February has begun. On Monday, January 27, our residents enjoyed playing Bingo in the dining room. Afterwards we enjoyed tea and coffee and a snack. On Tuesday afternoon Rev. Ken- neth Knight provided us with our weekly church service. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor was the pianist. On Wednesday morning, Judy Parker and Irene Zwart instructed our Ceramic Club. It was very a in- teresting and enjoyable morning for all who attended. Later that afternoon geveral of our residents competed in Bowling at Town and Country Bowl- ing Lanes in Zurich. Muriel Gunning got the ladies high score and Albert Miazga got the men's high score. We had a great time. Qn Thursday evening several residents enjoyed our presentation called "The Cure" featuring Charlie Chaplin. 1t was really humourous. On Friday our ladies enjoyed a social tea in our activity room. Everyone was busy discussing the earth tremor that occurred that morning. That's all for this week. We'll leave you with a quote from Edna McCann's heritage Book. "Most of us like a person who comes right out and says what he thinks- especially when he thinks as we think." s Kipp By MARGARET HOGGARTH Kippen United Church Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit of St. Andrew's on Sunday, February 2. Mary Moffatt accom= panied the hymns on the organ. Rev. Keay's sermon was entitled "Now --Be Quiet ! " He: expounded by saying "For everything there is a season. The power of speech is one of the glories of'men. Also the power to be silent is a power which needs to be learned. It is good to be silent when we are angry, when we want to criticize, and when we would hear God's voice." Congregational meeting Kippen's Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 9 following a pot luck lunch which will follow the church worship service. Plan to be there. Personals The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of Jean Stewart who passed away on Thurs- day, January 30. COMPARISON - Jennifer Allan and Rob McClinchey hold up the finished metric drawing of Jennifer that they worked on together during metric madness at Hensall Public School. The fact the school was also observing Clash Day explains the mismatched attire. Hensall Civic Corner Announcement Hensall Council are pleased to announce the appoint- ment of David Groot as An- imal Control Officer for the Village of Hensall. A gentle reminder - By -Law No. 008-78 prohibits the running at large of all dogs within the Village of Hensall.. ..a dog is deemed to be running at large when found nor under the control of its owner, either on or off its premises. charge of Evelyn Elder and Barbara Gackstetter. Prizes were given for the largest family on ice which went to the Al Corbett family, the oldest person on ice was FJva Forrest and the youngest on ice was Kevin Dickins, with Harold and Dorothy Parker as the couple married the longest. Appreciation goes to the Christian Development Committee for organiz- ing such an excellent event for the congregation.. Annual meeting at Carmel Presbyterian The ann rl meeting was held on Thursday,inuary 30 with a good number in attendance. Rev. Kenneth Knight etiafred the evening with Mrs. Thiel acting as secretary. Various reports were read and ap- proved, namely Kirk Session, Church Choir, P.C.W., Arnold Circle, Con- gregational Statement, Trustees and Cromhenex. Al Hoggarth reported from the nominating committee that Jim and Marj Love would remain as auditors-, Clarence and Aldeen Volland would serve as treasurers, Marlene Bell and Harry Moir would remain as trustees and Jim Love and Ken Pollock would serve on the board of managers along with Helen Thiel, Ann Mousseau. Ellis Stewart and Russell Faber. It was announced that Rev. Rodney Ferguson of London will be the guest speaker at the Anniversary Service of Carmel on Sunday, May 25 at 11:00 a.m. After some discussion on various other subjects pertaining to the health and welfare of the church, the meeting was adjourned and lunch was enjoyed by all. On Sunday, February 2 Carmel Presbyterian church met at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. Kenneth Knight in the pulpit. Dorothy Taylor accompanied the hymns at the piano. Rev. Knight's sermon was entitled "Why are people hungry?" He explained by saying that Third World countries are more con- cerned about acquiring military weapons than producing enough food and suitable living quarters for their people. Bulletin announcements: The World Day of Prayer will be held at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen- sall, Friday, March 7 at 2:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Aileen Knight. -Everyone welcome. Shuffleboard On Thursday afternoon 19 attended shuffleboard. It is good to get such a. turnout. The big winner pf the da34 was Dorothy Brintnell with 229. Sh* won every game. Other winners were Gertie Moir, 224, John Pepper, 2091 and Vera Ross, 186. Northcrest tenants , enjoyed a potluck supper on Thursday evening. Filter Queen 'IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA' 482-7103 f♦ i♦ am IN ilii/seNoal 1 . TRUST 1 1 COMPANY 1 1 GUARANTIED 1 1 CERTIFICATES 1 E' AVAILABLE 1 r- tepresenting many trust companies, highest rates, usually available. 1 111 For more Information , ▪ contact John R. Cons!!! at 236-4381 or 236-4360 k WM III III III III III III NI Hensall Arena Events Wed. Feb. 5 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Moms and Tots skating 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey Thurs. Feb. 8 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Shuffleboard 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Exeter Minor 8:15 p:m. Kinsmen Rec Hockey Tournament Fri. Feb. 7 6:30 p.m. Kinsmen Rec Hockey Tournament Set Feb. 8 8:00 a.m. Kinsmen Rec Hockey Tournament NO PUBLIC SKATING Sun. Feb. 8 8:00 a.m. Kinsmen Rec Hockey Toumament NO PUBLIC SKATING Mon. Feb. 10 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Hensall Minor Tues. Feb. 11 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 8:45 to 11:45 Hensall Broomball The advertisment sponsored by 73 Mill Street, Hensall TirM=, Adyocati, Februa 5, 1986 • KEEPING EVERYONE BUSY — Hensall Public School principal Dave Kemp checks the progress of some of the pupils in a metric madness exercise. Grade 7 and 8 students were paired with 1 s and 2s to draw pictures of the younger children and fill in the metric measurements. Everyone was also dressed for Clash Day. _ - Tuckersmith council get pay raise, buy tandem truck with snowplow Tuckersmith Township Council now owns a new Mack tandem truck with a one-way snow plow which was pur- chased for' 8112,000 from Carrier Mack Truck Centre Inc. of London. A bylaw was passed appointing the ,township livestock evaluators -- Ken- neth Gemmell, RR 2 Kippen; Ken- neth Carnochan, RR 4 Seaforth; and Allan Hoggarth, RR 2 Kippen; also a bylaw appointing the'fence viewers for the township -- Emmerson Col- eman, RR 4 Seaforth; Bob McNaughton, RR 3 Kippen and Gary Finlayson, RR 2 Kippen. Council discussed raising the l✓gmondville water rates but held off final passing of the bylaw for the pre- sent time. Council members gave themselves an increase in the rate they receive for each meeting they attend. The reeve will be paid $70 for each of the two regular council meetings held every month, up from the $65 paid last year; the deputy reeve will be paid $60 up from $55 and the three coun- cillors will receive $55 up from $50. i'or each special meetinga member of council attends, such as a fire board meeting of day care board meeting, etc. each will receive $30, up from $25 paid last year. In addition to the pay for every meeting attended, each member of council receives a yearly honorarium and this will remain the same as paid last year -- the reeve, 8900; the depu- ty reeve and each councillor $500. • Each member of council may be id for five convention days in a year eluding hotel, meals, transportation d registration fees. Council. received word it wilt -be receiving the final payment for the work on the former main gate at Vanastra on Highway 8 which has been recently restored. Passed for payment were the following accounts; day care centre at Vanastra, $7,395.41; special day care centre, Vanastra, 85,015.77: roads, $71,715.94; general accounts, 876,193.20 and Vanastra recreation centre, $14,486.72 for .a total of $174,807.04. The next meeting of Council will be on February 18. MEASURING — Clash Day and metric madness were observed at Hensall Public School last week - on the same day. Chrystal Jones discovers that,Phillip Ingram's arm is 59 cm. long. ti. NOTICE The Municipal Councils of Seatorth and Tuckersmith cordially invite internstnr4 persons to attend an OPEN HOUSE (2:00 P M - 5;00 P.M.) AND PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 at the SEAFORTH $r DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES llstairs Hallt •for the purpose of participating in a discussion regarding solid waste management programs for Seaforth and Tuckersmith. The meeting is intended to bring the public up-to-date on the Current environmental assessment study and in particular the investigation of the following Tuckersmith parcels of Lard that are listed below and identified on the accompanying map. Parcel # Location 3 Lot 13 Con 111 LRS & Pt Lot 10 Con 4 Lot 31 Con IV LRS 5 Pt Lot 36, 37. 38 & 39 Con 1 HRS 10 Lot 24 Con 111 HRS 12 W. Pt Lot 4 & Lot 5 Con XII HRS 13 Lot 3 & E. Pt Lot 4 Con VI HRS 14 West Pt. Lot 14 Con 11 LRS 15 Lot 7 Con VI HRS 16 Lagoon Site • Owner , XI HRS E. Attenberger Joe McKenzie Kootstra Farms Ltd. Harold Smith Robert Bell Robert Gemmell Leonard Lovell John & Harry Swinkels Ministry of Environment TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH DENOTES LOCATION OF /// POSSIBLE LANDFILL SITE For further information concerning the above. including obtaining a copy of the committees site selection and evaluation criteria for a landfill site. contact the Clerk of Seaforth, James Crocker, during normal business hours James Crocker Clerk TOWN OF SEAFORTH 527-0160 1