HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-02-05, Page 64 February 5, 1986 46. Make so meone fee/ like areal somebody ebo dY today the hated little tax collector, the pro saute, the rich young ruler, the out- cast Samaritan woman at the well, the five thousand who were tired and hungry. By His words and actions He made them feel like Somebodies, and most especially, that they were im- portant to God. It seems to me we would do well to follow His example by showing more concern, interest and love to the people around us, be 1t Seems to me... �y family, friends, strangers or 0 e o sitQ lig 1 the cars• So, let's all try to make so- meone feel like a real Somebody today! Remember when acertain muffler company had as Its slogan, "At Speedy's You're a Somebody?" A genius in an advertising agency struck a deep cord in human nature, because everyone wants to feel like Somebody, even if it's only when we get our car fixed. I've never seen the statistics on how Speedy's business in - .creased by the use of that motto, but J I'm willing to bet it was considerable. Unfortunately, many people grope through life feeling unimportant, un- noticed and unloved. In fact, I'm sure 90% of us feel that way, from time to time. This past weekend, a good friend visited us and while we discuss- ed all the talented, gifted people we know, she sighed and said, "It makes me feel like such a dummy." But she's not a dummy. She's smart. She holds down a responsible job, she's loving and supportive to her family, she's loyal to her friends and dedicated to her faith. She's ••• when �• too, felt like a Nobody. somebody important, and the world We are our severat critics. I is better because she's here. Still, 1 �', any Years ago, when I understand what she was feeling poured out my heart and soul to a because I've often been there myself. kindly, experienced, elderly We're always in danger of feeling gentleman, telling him all my inade- MR. AND MRS. EVERT JOHN VANDEWORP Monday, December 30, 1985, Leanne Roberta Dillon became the bride of Evert John Vandeworp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vandeworp, Crediton. The bride's parents are Mrs. Doreen Preszcator, Hyde Park and Robert Dillon, Surrey B.C. The ceremony took place in Goderich with Karen Study officiating. Adrienne Labrecke, sister of the groom and Craig Vandeworp, brother of the groom stood up with them. Mr. and Mrs. Vandeworp are residing at RR 1 Centralia, Ont. 6* INVESTMENT PLANNING At my office you can buy - • RRSP's • GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS • MONEY MARKET FUNDS • INVESTMENT FUNDS (Diversifunds, Equity Funds) • PAYOUT ANNUITIES But, at my office, we can take the time to do some FINANCIAL PLANNING. considering: - RATE OF RETURN - INVESTMENT RISKS - DIVERSIFICATION ' - LIQUIDITY - PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT - TAX IMPLICATIONS OF VARIOUS INVESTMENTS A wide range of investment products are available; the expertise of Mutual Life's Professional Managers is also available. What's impor- tant is getting the right com- bination of investments FOR YOU. Think about it and then give me a call. Needless to say, I didn't leave my cash there, and 1 know she couldn't have cared less because she only wanted to take money from the elite, the important people, anyway.( I felt rather sorry foe her because there's a paradox here; when we begin to think we're better than everybody else we're in danger of really becom- ing Nobodies.) In any event, 1. was more than happy to part with my moneyin another where the lady in charge made me feela was only customer in the world in whom she was interested. 1 can't help think of Jesus' ap- proach to the people of His day. Everyone was important to Him.... like Nobodies when we start compar- ing ourselves with someone else. Recently, another good friend has had many honours heaped upon her. She's received an honourary doctorate from a leading Canadian university, been appointed to an important government committee, and last week, was interviewed on CBC because of a book she's just had published. While I'm thrilled for her, I'm always in danger of lettilllg her ac- complishments make me feel like a Nobody. However, because we are close friends, she's shared with me, from time to time, some of the dark forebodings of her soul when she's felt inadequate, alone and misunderstood by Gwyn Whilsmith GEO. A GOD9OIT, CtU WE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES & INVESTMENT FUNDS, Devon Building, Exotor Call: 235-2740 Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA and MUTUAL IN- VESTCO INC. FREE ICE TIME — South Huron Rec Centre director Lynne Far- quhar at the right accepts a dona- tion from Laurie Dykstra of the Exeter Lioness club to be used to provide free Sunday ice skating. Hear about early bylaws Hurondale Women's. Institute began the January meeting with a dessert luncheon hosted by Olive Thomson's group. Roll call was answered by "Something -that used to be". Many remembered the parties and good times. Marjorie Oke gave the motto "We must not be afraid of changes, they are the essence of life" and also demonstrated how to make an attrac- tive valentine wall hanging. Margaret Strang spoke on Resolu- tions, the Constitutton and Bylaws. She read some of the bylaws enacted by Usborne township council in the year 1876. They seemed very restric- tive and strange in the light of today. She then conducted a Jackpot Riddle contest similar to that on T.V. which was fun. Ann Brodie played several old favorite songs on the piano and we joined in singing when we recogniz- ed them. President Fern Dougall opened the meeting by reading a poem. A dona- tion was sent to the "Save the Water for All" fund. Pennies for Friendship wer collected- two for each chair in our home. Helpers were enlisted for the Sport- smens' dinner. A Home Decor course will be held February 19 at 7 p.m. at Marilyn Pym's home. Next meeting will be held at the Parish Hall, Wednesday, February 26 at 1:15 p.m. with the Agriculture and Industries committee in charge. HELP SCOUT GROUP — Nancy Morlock, Exeter Scout Group Committee chairperson accepts a cheque for $100 from Laurie Dykstra of the Exeter Lioness club. The money will be used to purchase two hot chocolate makers. T -A photo Twelve attend Coven annual The annual meeting of the Caven Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday evening, with 12 people in attendance. Rev. Kenneth Knight opened the meeting with a scripture reading followed by a prayer. A mo- ment of silence was observed in remembrance of those adherents who had passed away during the last year. Elected to the Board of Managers were: Doug Dalrymple, Keith Strang, Dave Moore, Bill Thompson, Daryl Keys and Treasurer, Jim Dougall. Envelope Secretary will be Bar- bara Dalrymple; Cromhenex Treasurer, Jim Glasgow; Auditor, Harry Strang; Church School Superintendent and Treasurer, John McNeilly; Cradle Roll Secretary, Sheila Dougall; Press Secretary, Margaret Strang; Trustees; Harry Strang, John Corbett and Norman Stanlake. The report shows that during 1985 there were four deaths, one wedding and three baptisms. quacies, all my disappointments with myself. He reached for my hand and said, "My dear, you're better than you think you are." Such a simple thing to say, but how profound, how comforting and encouraging. I've never forgotten it, and whenever I get down on myself, his words come streaming back, "You're better than you think you are!" It's in the power of all of us to make others feel like Nobodies or Somebodies. It only takes a word or two, a look or a gesture. I recall another incident from my past. Needing an oufit for a special occas- sion in my life I set out with several hundred dollars in my purse deter- mined that, for once, the cost didn't matter. However, I made the mistake of going into a very exclusive dress shop I had not frequented before. The owner looked me over, sizing up my rather shabby, second best coat, and her haughty look said everything, "What is a Nobody like you doing in a shop like this?" Pick slate at Kirkton St. Paul's Anglican Church held their Vestry meeting in the church basement January 28. Rev. Derrick opened the meeting with prayer and during the evening showed slides of the work of National Church and Diocesan. Officers elected for 1986 are Rec- tor's warden, Bill Schaefer; people's warden, Bill Waghorn. Treasurer, Ethel Copeland; lay delegate to synod, Ethel Copeland, sub delegate, Mrs. Bill Waghorn. Board of manage- ment, Mrs. Jeff Holdsworth, Mrs. Burns Blackler, David Bambrough, Leon Paul, Garth Blackler, Harold Davis, Gerald Paul, Brent Blackler, Mrs. Bill Schaefer, Burns Blackler and Ken Blackler. Rector of Committee Mrs. Bill Schaefer, Burns Blackler and Harold Davis. Cemetery committee: Garth Blackler, Gerald Paul, Brent Blackler and Walter Creery, Charlie Bearer, David Bambrough. AiD BLOCK PARENTS — Lois Godbolt of the Exeter Block Parents receives a $250 cheque from Laurie Dykstra of the Exeter Lioness club. T -A photo ANN BAYNHAM Esthetician Facials Lash 8 Brow Tints Electrolysis Suntanning Eyebrows Make -Up 346 Main St, Exeter, Ont NOM 1130 (519) 2350421 Waxing Manicures Pedicures Handblown glass heart with potpourri and ribbon for hang- ing - for any room or closet Clear glass heart for flowers, candy or potpourri 5.95 ea. Heart -shaped soap red, white, pink 60C Heart -shaped bath gels 20C ea. 405 Main St. Exeter 235-2957 MA FREE Valances with the purchase of any arm Vertical Drapes Buy now Limited time offer 11w TERMS - Cash, Visa Mastercard Grand Bend Decorating and Flooring Centre No. 21 138 8603 Grand fiend DONATE TO HOMEMAKERS — Laurette Seigner, area chairper- son for the Huron Town and Country Homemakers accepts a $200 cheque from Laurie Dykstra of the Exeter Lioness club. e e 1 1 1 1 1 Get The Most Out of Your Holidays Arrive in the Sun "Tanned" Pre- Tan *16 with our famous UVALUX Tanning Equipment Now at Rumors 11 Boutique Centre Mall, Exeter 235-0691 _ .- .- - - _ MEMORiES you'll cherish forever Book Your Wedding NOW ! ! ! Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY on location or studio 137 Thames Rd. East, Exeter Phone: Bus. 235-1298 9:00 - 5:00 Res. 235-0949 after business hours Confused about which RRSP is right for you? Ask Standard Trust about a FLEXPLAN RRSP R Tax benefits today... while you take advantage of a better rate tomorrow. ight now. many financial institutions arc advertising RRSPs - all offering pretty much the sante rate of interest. But that's today's rate. What happens if interest rates go up after March 1 - and your money is tied up at today's rate' You've lost out on that extra interest. Not if you open a Standard Trust Retirement Savings Account - the FLEX- PiAN RRSP Your money isn't locked in. Itearns current interest rates each day the same as any savings account. Then, when interest rates go up. you can convert your FLEXPLAN RRSP into a Standard Trust GIC RRSP - investing your money for up to five years at a much higher rate °linterrct. To make your money make the most for sou. at the tx'st tinge. So. don't just automatically buy an RRSP where you do your Nanking. Shop ar(iund. And make sure Standard Trust is on your shopping list. 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