HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-01-29, Page 10,r.
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10 Tim.s-AdVOCats, January 29. 1986 0:16'
ashwood seniors
dear about trip to Europe
Dashwood Senior Citizens met Moa -
day, January 20 at the Community
Centre. The meeting opened with the
singing of 0' Canada and the Lord's
Prayer. President, Mrs. Ross Love
read a poem. There were 44 members
present and 9 guests. The card
secretary sent out three get -well, two
syinpathy and 90 and 95 birthday
Louis, Nellie Weigand, Aldene•
Wolfe and Millie Webber will play In
the Shuffleboard Tournament at Var-
na May 10.
Mrs. Alice Tiernan presided for the
program. She read a poem "A Little
Mixed Up". Mrs. Eben Weigand gave
a reading and Everett Hoist gave two
readings "The Farmer's Duck" and
GLIDING OVER THE ICE — Enjoying a skating session at the Stephen township arena Thursday after-
noon were Stephen Central students Jennifer Pickering, Stacey Rader, Karen McKay and Christine Schade.
At Centralia
To prepare
The postoned January United
Church Women's meeting was held
January 16 at the church. Freda Roll-
ings, Janet Hicks and Jean Isaac
were in charge of the program.
The meeting was opened by
repeating "The purpose of the UCW"
followed with prayer by Freda. The
scripture was read by Jean. Janet
read an amusing article by Giselle
Ireland and "Remembering Leisure
Times" by Andrew Dixon.
Reflections on Women in Develop-
ment was presented by Freda Roll-
ings assisted in the Bible reading by
Jean. The program closed with the
Lord's prayer. Janet Hicks presided
over the business and opened with a
reading "Younger You Would Like to
Mildred Greb was appointed to
Play cards
at Mount Carmel
Sunday evening was an enjoyable
evening of euchre sponsored by the
Mount Carmel CWL with 12 tables in
pa Prizes were given to the lucky
holders, Man's high Cleve Pullman,
Men's low Lawrence Hirtzel; ladies
high Lilly Swartz, Ladies low Ruth
Shaddock. Most lone hands
Philomene Hogan.
Everyone enjoyed a hot cup of cof-
fee and sandwich before returning
UCW histor
prepare the history for the 25th an-
niversary of the U.C.W. next year. It
was announced the World Day of
Prayer service would be held March
7. Lois Wilson and Marian Deline
were appointed as delegates to the an-
nual . meetng of the Huron -Perth
United Church Women.
Annual reports were given. The
meeting was closed with a reading by
Janet "A Big Adventure". Lunch was
served by Donna Smith and June
Mrs. Diane Andrews is the captain
of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
and will be canvassing the village in
February for donations.
Neil's School euchre January 20
was convened by Otto and Dorothy
Darling, and George and Perry Cun-
ningham with prizes going to high
score - Lois Hodgins and Ron Fahner.
Lone hands - Margaret Carter. Nelson
Squires low scores Alma Hodgins and
Jack Gilmour.
The next party is February 3 and
will be convened by Bill and Marlyn
Dixon and Jack and Ann Gilmour.
Correction - In Last weeks issue it
should have read that Jodi Mills was
the birthday girl not Lori. Sony Jodi !
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Snelgrove,
Crediton were Saturday evening
visitors with Tom and Mary Kooy.
Snelgroves were all smiles this past
week when their daughter presented
them with their first grandchild. Amy
Kathleen Mitchell at Guelph Hosptial.
Rob Snelgrove spent the weekend
with his friend Clyde Kooy of Huron
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tripp ac-
companied friends to London Satur-
day evening where they had suppet
at the Great West Beef restaurant and
attended the trailer show at Western
Fair. Norman and Kay were both
cP1 hratino hirthdays.
"Jost A Story". Bili Chandler sang
two numbers - George Buns number '
I Wish 1 Was 18 and Let There Be
Erich Frieter spoke on their trip to
West Germany and Poland. It was
most interesting. & lot of places he
wanted to see were gone, especially
the churches. Mrs. Frieter showed
pictures of their trip. They have been
in Canada 35 years and are very
grateful. They presented the seniors
with a wooden plaque bearing a
Friedsburg crest.
Tuesday,. afternoon the Seniors
played Shuffleboad.
There were 13 tables of euchre in
play at the community centre
January 2i sponsored by the Women's
Institute. Playing as men were win -
Quilting bee for
Cromarty. ladies
For their January meeting the
Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary
met at Mary Elliott's home for an
afternoon of quilting. Betty Lou Nor-
ris presided for an afternoon of
quilting. Betty Lou Nerds presided
the the meeting, opening it with a
poem, 0 Great Spirit. Alice Gardiner
read the scripture which served as an
introduction to the new study this
year on Native Canadians.
Ruth Laing introduced the study
book, Hear the Creator's Song, and
mentioned various Stories of Inuit,
Metis and Indians that have appeared
in recent newspapers and magazines,
as well as conducting a brain-teaser
contest on Indian tribes.
Roberta Templeman had the topic,
reading an article on All I Want. is
ners Mrs. Elgin Rader, ; and
Mrs. Joan McCann, low; Ladies high,
Mrs. Jean Walper; low, Mrs. Emilie
Miller; most lone hands, Mrs. Pearl
Miller. The next eychre Will be
February 4.
Personal -
June Miller, Zion, spent Thursday
with her mother, Mary Rader. Mrs.
Luella Tiernan has returned home
following several weeks' vacation
spent in Detroit with her sisters, Mrs.
Kate Reschke and Mrs. Verda Bosk.
Heart campaign
February is Heart Month with
Alida Struyke captain for Dashwood..
The Dashwood Businessmen's Club
with Harry Hayter captain assisted
by Ray Hartman has consented to do
the west side of Hay Township from
highway 21 to the 16th.
Mrs. Florvnce Marten's sister,
Mrs. Robert Easter of Sarnia spent
the weekend with her.
Remember the euchre party to be
held February 4 at 8 p.m. at the com-
munity centre.
Peace and Quiet. During the business,
motions were made to send all the
allocation money on hand to the
Presbyterial treasurer, and to assist
in catering to a wedding in the fall.
A delicious lunch of rainbow jello
dessert and cookies was served.
Wednesday evening the Comarty
West line met at the home of Mervin
and Betty Dow for a farewell party
Jim and Dorothy Miller and their
daughter, Betty Anne, who are mov-
ing in the near future to their new
home beside the Presbyterian Church
in Mitchell.
Following an evening of cards an
address was read and they were
presented with a large picture and
vases. The Millers will be missed in
the neighborhood as They have been
very active in church and communi-
ty work.
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SKATE SOLOS — Chrystal Jones and Andrea Hendrick of Zurich
skated solo numbers in Sunday's Exeter precision skating club show.
A full house for
activity centre film
Ailsa Craig
President Ervin Gingerich of the
Activity Centre committee welcomed
a "house full" to the first film after
(' tmas holidays, January 17.
an( .ryone enjoyed "Buttered perch
pions" and "The house that the
Wasp built". A lively sing -song
The president,announced the
following events, films on February
14 at 7:30 p.m. and dessert euchre on
February 17 at 1:15 p.m.
Tea and cdokies were served by
Janet Bose and committee. Before
leaving, all wished Sinclair McIntosh
a happy 95th birthday.
During the United Church morning
Clandeboye pair
back from south
service, January 19, Mrs. Max
Macgregor read the list of the United
Church Women after which Rev.
Beattie installed the officers.
Greeting at the church door was
Maurice Harwood. The minister
welcomed everyone and entitled her
sermon "Transformation and Abun-
dance" choosing the scripture
readings of Isaiah 61: 1-5 and John 2:
The Happy Gang seniors met on
Januray 22 at the Legion for their
monthly pot -luck dinnner. Following
this, eleven tables of progressive
euchre were in play. Reta Morley,
Myrtle Maguire, Myrtle Dixon, Joe
Carter, Ted Harmer and Fred Lewis
were winners. Next euchre February
5 at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ward, Scar-
borough, visited on Sunday with her
Mary and Wilmer Scott returned mother, Mrs. Ida Bice at Craigholme.
Sunday from a two week vacation in February 11 the Board of Stewards
sunny Florida via the llderton - are serving a pancake supper in the
McNaughton Tours. United Church basement.
(:ail and Randy Daniels who have After a month's recess, Riverview
lived in ('landeboye for several years, Women's Institute will resume
moved to London Saturday. meeting on February 4 at 1:30 p.m.
Marilyn Lee is hack to work at when a program on Citizenship and
Carter's store after a 10 day round of World Affairs will be presented.
the flu Roll call will present a variety when
Congratulations! to Lois and Allan an article of your own winter's han-
('unningham on the arrival of Jesse's dicraft will be displayed. Visitorgftre
baby brother, Drew. welcome.
Bedroom Suites, DiningrooM Suites, technics Stereos,
Carpets, Sewing Machines, Etc.