HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-01-08, Page 11— Hensa Bantams won the A championship in an eight -team Christmas tournament, defeating Wingham 13 to 1 in the final game. Shown (back left) are coach Mary Ann Vanstone, Chris Campbell, Shawn Vanstone, Brian Moir, John Rooseboom, Rol9 Wareing, coach Harry Moir, and (front) WayneScotchmer,Rob Taylor, Dwayne Lawrence, Jim Dickins, Rob Volland and coach Wayne Dickins. Missing: Andy Phillips, Jason !manse and Scott Bell. Vas* &fie TIME OUT — Darryl Lammie (left), Brett Lammie and Pat Hartman set up a game of street hockey behind. the Hensall fire hall over the Christmas break. UCW president Mrs. Alma Langford, Exeter, President -Elect of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial United Church Women, was guest speaker at the Hensall United Church on Sunday morning. She based her thoughts on Matthew 7 and Matthew 25 and stressed the need for us to look ahead with a pur- Gigantic Clearance Sale January 8 - 18 The Flower Basket The Spinning Wheel and The Birch Tree Everything ., 0discounted 3 o,it "It's worth a visit to Main St., Hensall" pose and goal. During the service Rev. McDonald installed the officers of the United Church Women: Belva Fuss as Presi- dent, Grace Drummond as Secretary and Hilda Payne as Treasurer. Pro- gram chairpersons are Shirley McAllister, Christian Development and Leadership; Audrey Christie,' Church In Society; Dorothy Brintnell, Communications; Diannei Gerstenkorn,orgSteward hip and finance; Mock, World Outreach, and Margaret Cole, " Irl -Church Committee. Unit Leaders for 1986 are: Unit One, Mrs. Audrey Christie, meeting on the second Wednesday each month at 1:30 p.m.; Mrs. Mona Alderdice, Unit Two, meeting on the second Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m.; Mrs. Margaret Upshall, Unit Three, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. and Mrs. Nan Brit- ton, Unit Four, meeting the first Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Norma Pryde, the organist, led the ministry of music and Sharon Wurm greeted the congregation. Ushers were Tim Mann, Rob Berends, Steven McCullough and Bill Stebbins. Mr. McDonald conducted. the service of worship. Following the service a fellowship hour was held in the Fellowship Hall with the men of the congregation look- ing after it. Those assisting with the fellowship hour were Hans Gerstenkorn, Gary Kyle, Cecil Pep- per and Lloyd Ferguson. continue Our , Annual Every pair of Snow Boots Reduced at (east EVEN BIGGER REDUCTIONS ON SOME ONE -OF -A -KIND LINES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Queensway Happy New Year everyone. Here at Queensway we celebrated New Year's Eve with a Bingo party. We all had a wonderful time and everyone went. home with a prize. Tea, coffee and special home-made squares were enjoyed by all. Rev. Stan McDonald from the Hen- sall United Church performed our church service this week. His sermon on the Christmas Season was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend- ed. Mrs. Ross was the pianist for the service. On Friday, January :3 everyone was busy taking down all our Christmas decorations. Streamers, posters, or- naments and mistletoe are all pack- ed away in the attic for next year. yet our memories of this Christmas past will linger on. Quote of the week: "Joy to he out on a winter's day, Crisp /snow crun- ching beneath our feel:lllcaven to make our homeward way, 'I'o a warm fireside and a cosy seat." - David Hope By Margaret Hogaartk Julie Julie Wright, ds- ter of Evelyn Wright, left en Frida,'Jsnuary 3 for Calgary, Alberta, where she will spend the next four months wonting for the Nova Oil Company. Julie wW then continue her studies in May at Wilfrid Laurier University. Linda Roberts, daughter of Helen and Ted Roberts, has returned tb Fanshawe College, London, to ete-. tinue in her third year of administra- tion studies. • Shelley Finlayson, daughter of Ruby and Laird Finlayson, has returned to Marvel Beauty School in London where she is training in a course in hairdressing. Jim Parsons, son of Phyllis and Harold Parsons, recently completed an eight-week course at Fanshawe College, finishing his third term in electrical technician studies. Jim will resume working with J. M. R. Elec- tric in Exeter. Paul Hoggarth, son of Margaret and Al Hoggarth, starts a four-month work term at Champion Road Machinery in Goderich. Paul is stu- dying mechanical engineering and technology at Mohawk College, Hamilton. Greg Hoggarth has been assigned to St. Andrews College in Aurora north of Toronto where he will assist the math teacher for, the next four months before returning to the University of Waterloo. Nancy McGregor, daughter of Mildred and Ron McGregor, has returned to the University of Waterloo where she is studying in a general arts course. Gesa Wisch, daughter of Thea and Uwe Wisch, has returned to Wildrid Laurier University where she . is enrolled in the business course. Lisa Hoonaert, daughter of Wilhemena and Rodger Hoonaert, returned to Westervelt Business Col- lege in London to further her studies on computers. Kippen East WI Kippen East Women's Institute will hold their cultural activities meeting on Wednesday,. January 15 at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Margaret and Al Hoggarth. Roll call will be answered by "A,way to make our daily life a pleasure." Kippen United Church Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit at St. Andrews on January 5, Epiphany Sunday. His sermon was entitled "Just over Christmas? Well, here's another!" Frances Kinsman accompanied the hymns on the organ. The sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed on Sunday January 19. The annual congregational meeting for the Kippen Church will be held Sunday, February 9. The executive of the UCW will he install 'iiext Sun- day, January 12. Personals We are pleased to report that Rosemary (Mrs. Bill McGregor) was able to return home from hospital Christmas Day. Greg, Paul and Janet Hoggarth ar- rived home safely through the storm in the wee hours of Monday morning after a 15 -hour drive from Quebec Ci- ty where they had been skiing at Mt. St. Anne's for a week. Horticulturists to meet The annual meeting of the Hensall and community Horticultural Socie- ty will take place January 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the United Church. Mr. Bill Gibson will be the speaker and the new officers will be installed. Let's have a good turnout. Filter Queen All regular stock of 'shoes and slippers Note - this offer ends on Sat., Jan. 11 - so hurry All Sales Final Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shearer and Mr. Steve Gerstenkorn from London spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. flans Gerstenkorn. Christmas day they were all guests of Mrs. Ina Johns, Exeter. New Years Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gerstenkorn were Mrs. Ina Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Johns, Exeter, Mr. Bill Johns. ''1GIrs. Ruth Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Passmore, Tom and .Ian, Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. ,Iohn Batten. Elimville; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferguson, Christopher and Tracy. Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Kadey, Huron Park; Mr. Harold Johns, Mrs. Joanne Foster,.daiughter and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shearer and Mr, Steve Gerstenkorn, London. 482-7103 TRIP WINNER -- Dave Smale (right) was on hand when his name was drawn as the first 1986 winner in the Hensall Kinsmen's trip -of - the -month draw. (1e wins a trip to Hawaii. With him is Kinsman trip committee chairman Steve Kni ht. - HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION will be held for [ 1 Regular Kindergarten - and' [ 1•French Immersion Kindergarten, (optional) In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be five (5) years of age on or before December 31, 1986. Parents are ask- ed to bring Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of Immunization. It is advisable that parents contact the school. in which you intend to register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date. The registration dote and location for French Immersion Kindergarten classes will be as follows: St. Mary's School Mr. Jim McDade, Principal 70. Bennett Street, .East . Goderich, Ontario N7A -1A4 524-9901 JANUARY 1.6, 1986 - 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. The registration date and location for Regular Kindergarten classes will be as follows: Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal RR 3 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1 NO 237.3337 FEBRUARY 17, 1986 9 a.m. - 12 noon Precious Blood School Mrs. Margaret Medve, Principal Sanders Street, W Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 235.1691 FEBRUARY 17. 1986 1:15 p.m. • 5:00 p.m. St. Boniface School Mr. Gary Birmingham, Principal Mary Street ZURICH, Ontario NOM 2T0 236-4335 MARCH 6, 1986 - 9 a.m. - 12 (NOON) Ronald Marcy William Eckert, Chairman of the Board Director of Education Hensall Arena Events Wed. Jan. 8 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Moms and Tots Skating 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey Thurs. Jan. 9 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Shuffleboard 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Exeter Minor 8:15 10 10:15 p.m. Exeter Jr. Hawks Frl. Jan. 10 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 7:45 Hensall Oldtimers Hockey Sat. Jan. 11 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 Hensall Minor 1:00 to 3:00 t,.m. Public Skating Sun. Jan. 12 1 00 to 3:00 p.m. Free Public Skating sponsored by the Hen- sall Legion 7:00 to 11:00 p.ni. Hensall Rec Hockey Mon. Jan. 13 5:3010 9:30 p.m. Hensall Minor Tuns. Jan. 14 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.' Hensall Figure Skating 8:45 to 11:45 p.m. Hensall Broom - ball This advertisement sponsored by: • tv' : up to 50% raiMS01 scossil d d. 1� ""--1 ISI 1 II 10% off I, 1 I i stock beddingand sofas I 1 ?-0v vyyvy11rPr1y ytM\MMOMAtiMtiyyWy S� I Valid until Jan 31/86 CLIP and SAVE with this coupon at extra and Flooring Centre Hwy. No. 21 238.8603 Grand Bend