HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-01-08, Page 104 Pogo 10\ Times-Advocaii . January 8, 1986 Familyinners mark fholidaY season. . A A wonderful time was bad by all oa New Year* Day when the family of Percy and Mark Bedard, Sr.. got together at the Township Hall with a total of 80 attending (which included their children and spouses, grand and great -grand -children.) A delicious turkey dinner was en- joyed by all, along with Marie's meat pies and all the trimmings. Twenty-eight members of the late Blake and Dora Horner families.en- joyed getting together for Christmas dinner at the Hay township hall on Stanley starts sesquicentennial More than 450 people turned out for. the New Year's Day levee hosted by Stanley Township in the Stanley Com- munity Centre to mark the first day of the township's sesquicentennial year, and to put into practice the theme "Meet and mix in '86". Guests were greeted by Stanley Reeve Clarence Rau and his wife Sharon, suitably attired in old- fashioned garb, and steering commit- tee co-chairman Gord Hill and his wife Ruby. Entertainment was provided by Floyd McAsh, Ken Rau and Julie Webster in a musical prelude, trumpet solos by former township resident Leona McBride, the dancing and singing Johnson family from Stratford, the Varna Singers and one- man band Wat Webster. Nora Heard, Bayfield, was winner of the $500 in cash in the early bird draw. Holders of the 301 tickets will have to wait until August'2 when the first 12 winners will each get $150, the 298th ticket holder will receive $500, the 299th $1,000, the 300th $1,500 and the last ticket in the drum will win its owner a 1986 Chrysler Le Baron. ,Other events scheduled during the sesquicentennial are a curling bonspeil at Vanastra on January 11, a family fun night at the Complex February 28, a dance and the start of the beard -growing contest on March 22, a canoe race on the Bannockburn River and Stanlee Club shuffleboard in April, a variety show at the Com- plex and a nature walk through the Bannockburn Conservation area in May, and a Stanlee Club dessert euchre and a car rally in June. Sesquicentennial celebrations will climax on the August 1 to 3 home com- ing weekend. Special events planned include ATV races, a celebrity baseball game, pancake breakfast, parade, farmers olympics, Kub Kar races, doll dress -up, beard judging, two dances, a beef barbecue, quilt juding, horseshoe tournament, tug of war, relay races and a church service on Sunday, with guest speaker Jack Burghardt, followed by h school reu- nion and a pork barbecue. Boxing Day, December els. Mrs. Florence Denomme held Chri*pnas dinner for tier family at the Dotpinion Hotel on December 22, with $2 attending. All enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings and home-made pie. Mrs. Adeline Denomy, RR 2 Zurich, held a family dinner at the Hotel on December 29. Her mother, Mrs. Emeline Masse, London, spent a few days with Adeline during the holidays. Gary' Prince visited with his parents in Peterborough over the holidays, travelling by train. The family of Ray and Joan McKin- non got together at their home on Christmas Eve. Gerard Ducharme from St. Peter's seminary in London spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard, RR 2 Zurich. Sister Bernadette from the Pines, in Chatham, spent a few days with her dad, Mr. Noel Laporte. Dave and Carolyn Stark of Windsor and two daughters spent Christmas with relatives in Amberly and Zurich, while Carolyn and girls stayed in town for a few days until New Years. Vicky Ducharme and children of Wyoming spent the holidays visiting with relatives in the area including her parents, Gord and Jeanne Hay and her grandfather, Herb Neeb, while grandmother, Ruby, was in the hospital. A wonderful time was had by Barb and Dick Rau along with their children Lori, Lisa and Darren and friend, Rita Dcnomme. They were among those who were lucky enough to spend Christmas in Florida and stayed at the Fort Wilderness Cam- pground at Disney World. The highlight of their two week vacation was being at the Walt Disney World's "Very rymagic Kingdom at Parade" tt+oca Disney Land they said .was just beautiful with all the. floats and costumes and the giant decorated Christmas tree. All the poinsettia plants were just fantastic to nee. (Moat of us just got to, watch the parade on T.V. Christmas morning.) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrlck spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Devine in Grand Bend: Lions Club Dance A good time was had by all who at- tended the Lions Club New Years Eve Dance at the arena which saw a full - house crowd. Everyone enjoyed dan- cing to the music of Mozarts Melody Makers and dining on the delicious ham and turkey smorgasbord prepared by the Lions' wives. A lot of people in town also enjoyed ringing in the New Year at house parties. Golden Agers The Zurich Golden Agers will be having their meeting on Monday, January 13 at the Town Hall, beginn- ing at 2:00 p.m. Bowling begins again every Thurs- day afternoon at 2:00 p.m. on January 9 at the Town and Country Lanes. All Seniors are invited and welcome to at- tend both of these events. Toboggan party St. Boniface youth Club is having a tobogganing party on Sunday, January 12. If interested phone Glenn Regier at 236-4477. Personals Dan, Carrie and Tiffany Eybergen, Waterloo, spent from Sunday, December 29 to January 1 with her family, Jerome and Carmel Sweeney. Gertie Fleischauer along with Bill and Ruth -Ann Mills of Palmerston spent Christmas with Larry and Marion Rogers.and femily in London. WELCOMING — Gord Hill, co-chairman of the Stanley Township ses- quicentennial steering committee, welcomes Gail Turner to the year's first event, a New Year's Day levee in the Stanley Community Cen, . tre. Others in the receiving line were Ruby Hill and Reeve Clarence Rau and his wife Sharon. Then Gertie *pent few days in Palmerston. . Beat wiebes for a speedy recovery are extended to Anstle Becker, who is a patient in Exeter hospital and Alvin Steck e. Margaret Mouaseau is a patient in University hospital. Elzar Masse is in South Huron hospital and so is Mrs. Theresa Ducharus. Mary Clausius is now home from the hospital. Gweyn O'Rourke is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital. A delicious family turkey dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas,Sr., on both Christmas and New Years day. Birthdays Happy 2nd Birthday to little Meagan Sweeney on January 7. widen g/mpie3 Wow! It's winter and well most of us know it, but better now than later. As is usually the case, after the rush of the holiday season, activities are at a bit of a stand still. However, all of our morning schedules of group discussions, exercise groups, our choir, shuffle board, euchre and crokinole are very much in demand as well as the cookie baking which takes place one afternoon a week. Then, of course, the craft room ac- tivities use up the afternoon with residents having to fill up all the va- cant spots left after the Christmas trade. At the present we could use nylons or panty hose and odds and ends of jewellery. I thought you might • be cleaning drawers and cupboards while you are snowed in. We regret that Mrs. Annie Noakes is still in hospital. Residents who were out over New Years were • Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Mrs. Marcella Dietrich, Mrs. Mabel Glenn, and Mrs. Violet Dunn. Fr. Mooney clelebrated mass on Thursday afternoon for his parishioners residing in the Home as well as the apartments and surroun- ding area. Bingo was played on Friday even- ing followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Merlin Bender of the Conservative. Mennonite Church. Registration for Zurich and Area Figure Skating Club 'Learn to Skate Sat., Jan. 11 9 - .11 a.m. Zurich Arena DRESSES POR THE OCCASION — Eleanor and Bill McAsh, members of the Stanley Township sesquicentennial levee committee, were suitably dressed as they helped with refreshments at the township's New Year's Day levee. BECKER'S FARM EOYIPMENT Check out our selection of Heavy Duty Snow .Blowers 86" Dble. Auger North American 92" Dble. Auger North American 90" Dble. Auger Lucknow 60" Single Auger Geo. White 84" Single Auger McKee (used) 1 only 2 only 3 only 1 only $850:00 Going Fast! Call Now V.L. BECKER & SONS LTD. Ci519:2;)3!:121 or 519-237-3673 Hwy. 83 West, Doshwood, Ontario 53 Year of Sales & Service Evenings 519-237 3653 (Bill) 519236.4784 (Ralph) 519-238.5445 Bobil to the advertisers of Exeter and surrounding communities We are now into 1986 and want to say "Thank You". It is only,, fitting that we advertise our appreciation to the people who make it possible for us to publish one of the best community newspapers in the area. In 1985 hundreds of advertisers, retailers, classified and national advertisers used frequent andconsistent space in the Times -Advocate, stimulating our economy and promoting employment. You; our readers responded by buying food, clothing, shoes, TVs, sound equipment, paint, lumber, microwaves, books, houses, farm machinery, sports equipment, jewellery, yard goods... the list is endless. We enter 1986 with great confidence that this area will enjoy greater prosperity and we look forward to the role our newspaper and its advertisers play in the economic growth. Once again "Thank You": We believe 1985 was a prosperous and good year.. . ra f t Serving South Huron, North Middlesex lei voca & North Lambton Since 1873 s.: a 2 35- 1331 1