Times-Advocate, 1986-01-02, Page 16e 16 Times -Advocate, December 18, 1986 • LET'S GO GRAMPA — Bruce Perry is helping his granddaughter Sarah in sliding participation at Morrison Dam, Sunday afternoon. Delightful night for young, old By MRS. IRVIN RADER Christmas eve was truly a delightful evening for young and old with the church full and the children and teachers presenting the old, old Christmas story at Zion Lutheran Church. It was a worship service for children and adults. The children were well trained and knew their parts very well. Christmas vistors Dave and Nancy Rader, Stacey, Derick and Stephanie spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and other members of the fami- ly, Crediton. With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader were Glen andMarilyn,Heather and Allan Rader and Jim and Darlene Lynn, Chris, Shawn and Jeffrey, Centralia. Christmas guests with Mrs. Greta Restemayer were Alphonse and Ruth Denomme, Brian and Wayne; Bob and Bernice Boogemans, Lori Anne and Wendy; Glen and Peggy Restemayer, Tammy, Julie and Michael. Mrs. Mary Stewart, Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, spent Christmas Day with Jack and Max- ine Gaiser and girls. Members of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader's family were Christmas MOUNT CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE Income tax accounting for farming and business VINCE RYAN B.A. RR 3 Dashwood, Ont. Seamless EAVESTROUGH ALUMINUM Ai = and I , VINYL SIDING Aluminum Storm Doors and Windows Aluminum Awnings Repiatteineent Windows Renovations & General Construction "Free Estimates" JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION OASHWOOD 237 3526 guests. They were Pastor and Mrs. Aruthur Rader. Marc. Sarah and Jonathan of Campbellville; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rader, Michael and Amy; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rader, Tammy and Daniel; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rader and Joseph, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rader, Michael and Amy, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wein and family. Mrs. Greta Miller and Keith Miller, London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller and family, Stratford. Christmas guests with Mary Rader were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Bren- da, Charlotte and Karen, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. John de Niet, Tina and Amanda, Willowdale; Dave and Nan- cy Rader, Stacey, Derick and Stephanie; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rader, Ben and Robin, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett, Nathan and Sarah, Lethbridge, Alberta, and Rick Mawdsley, Dorchester. Mrs. Letta Taylor, London and Jack and Rose Huffman, Port Col- borne with Mrs. Edith Baker. Mrs. Mildred Kellerman spent the weekend in Toronto with her son John. Visitors with Gerald, Joy and Doug Mason over the holiday were John, Natalie and family, Rainy River. Christmas day all were in London with Judy, Joe and Patricia Simpsgn. Twenty-five members of the family and Joe's dad, Jack Simpson, Sauble Beach. Boxing Day, the Masons were tru- ly surprised by a visit from John's neighbour, Don Halmkay, who was passing through this area on his way to Toronto and other points. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Miller and family were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, Robert Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and boys. Guests with Mrs. Aldene Wolfe were Eric and Sue Wolfe and family and John, Eleanor Parker and fami- ly, London and Tom and Pat Wolfe and family. Carl Wein of Hamner is spending sometime with his sister Erma Wein. They spent Christmas with Charles and Dorothy Whittier and family in Mississauga. Mrs. Margaret Nadiger, 95, January 1, 1986. • Families visit at Shipka fly MIS. #44,1004 MoI$NZ Tom, Rosanne, Jackie and Jenny Russell of Cottom, spent Christmas with Tom's parents, Cliff and Velma Russell, in Dashwood, also a few days visiting relatives and friends here. With Annie Zielman, Debbie and Angie, were Wayne and Susie Robson, Colin and Shelna, of Essex, Ruth and Jerry Zehr,, Zurich and Gerald and Mary Ellen Zielman. Harold, Lucille, Lori, Michelle and Mike Vincent, spent a few Christmas holidays in Michigan, visiting Lucille's mother, Mrs. Fred Hoffman, also her sisters Janet and Bruce Navarre and family, and Beverly and Horst Kovitzki and family. During the holidays, Hugh and I hosted a family party at Pinedale in Grand Bend. Those attending were our granddaughter, Persephone Morenz, her brother Christian, her mother and stepfather, Lynda and John Little, all of Coquitlam B.C., Bill and Norma Coleman, Kippen, Art and Mary Finlayson, Seaforth, Les and Marjorie Adams, Exeter, Hazel Cor- bett, Hensall, Roy Morenz, Lucan, Bill Morenz London. This was a triple celebration, for Christmas, granddaughter Persephone's 10th birthday on December 23, and the Morenz Srs. 45th wedding anniversary upcoming early in the new year. We all enjoyed a lovely meal, visiting and a time of picture taking. Personals With Don, Liz and Clark Adams, were Brock, Dianne and baby An- drew Adams, Mark Adams, all of London, Les and Marjorie Adams, Harvey Alanna and Lesley Adams, all of Exeter, Ruth Martin and friend Don Kells, of Crediton. A phone call from granddaughter Persephone, last Saturday assured Hugh and I that our B.C. holdayers arrived home safely. They left here Friday morning in blizzard weather for Toronto airport. However, due to fog at Vancouver airport, their plane landed at Chiliwack Air force base, and they went the rest of the way home by bus. Holiday visitors The annual Pickering family Christmas was held Christmas day at Shipka Community Centre with 83 at- tending. As well as area relatives, others attended from London, Forest, Parkhill, Dashwood and Grand Bend. The res write Dear Sir: We received the new Huron Coun- ty Atlas as a Christmas gift. I find it very interesting and have spent hours reading the excellent and informative writings. I like to study maps but to my dismay, after paying taxes and serv- ing the community with a fleet of trucks for almost thirty years I discover we do not even exist. Our son fared a little better, at least he is listed among the small lot owners, even though his property known as Wagner's Corner for many years and where I lived as a small child over sixty years ago has com- pletely disappeared from the map. I have to wonder if the party or par- ties responsible for the maps ever visted Hay Township. We will have a difficult time visiting some of our friends and neighbours if we look for them where they are listed. Vera Shantz for E. W. Shantz Trucking These are the descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering. Holiday visitors with Ross and Evelyn Pickering were their son Stan, from Brantford, also daughter Jane and Dale Kerslake, from Sarnia. The Shipka community card par- ties will start soon. Watch for time and date in next week's paper! QUEEN'S SEAFORTH Appsarinp 1h .urs. to IHE BEST II'.L ROCK ENTERTAINMENT SHATTERED HEAR We are endorsing and participating In the DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM Euuuauuu Cowrpvter 1Course Grand Bend Public Library _ Mon., Wed., Fri. night beginning Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m. 3 10 hours for $12.00 = Includes a disk El Register by phone or in per- son prior to January 8 f. 236.2067 First 20 registrants accepted a anululuuluwuuwlwuw1ununlnuununui: Farewell Party for Dan&Beth Kierstead , Sat., Jan. 18 9 - 1 in Exeter $5.00 per person For tickets and informa- tion call 235-2971 or Exeter Police Station Here's hoping • the bread eew year is lucky! WINS FIREMEN'S DRAW — The winner of the recent Exeter Fireman's Association $100 draw was Mel Gaiser. He is shown at • the right with firemen Jim Jerrett. Gaiser in turn is pledging $50 to Easter Seals. Proceeds of the draw were turned over to the Huron Christmas Bureau. T -A photo May revamp OFA digest The Ontario Federaton of Agriculture (OFA) newsletter could be undergoing some revamping in the coming months says the OFA's manager of research and communication. Cecil Bradley was one of several guest speakers at a day set aside by both the Perth and Huron federations of agriculture. Other guests included Chuck Boker who is with the rural organization services branch of the ministry of agriculture. He spoke on how to run a meeting. Bradley heard from directors in both counties that the monthly members' digest Isn't meet their needs. Several d(rectors noted it ar- rives far too late. Usually, said Bradley, the digest is about 16 pages and contains feature stories and reports from the monthly OFA meetings held in Toronto. However, Perth director Paul Verkely of Atwood said the digest has to compete with Country Guide. the Saintsbury visitors By MRS. HESER DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee were guests at a party Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orian Squire, Centralia and on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bob Latta, Lucan called on the Greenlees. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Robert were Thursday dinner guests , The Exeter Times -Advocate now carries a full line of Art Supplies • Acrylic and oil paints • Acrylic and oil brushes • Tempera powder • Artist pads • Tracing paper and tracing rolls • Calligraphy supplies • Turpentine, • Damar varnish and spray varnish • Acrylic medium and spray Come in and see what we have We can special -Order more stock I mes - dvocate a w..w, ,.+w 14r ow. .rn6 UMW.* a ..-1. ,.-r.* OM 111/1 5. ,.WWWWVIrka 424 Main St. PH: 235-1331 • with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls and family. Marylou Tindall is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cunn- ingham and children in Mar. Church service Sunday was held as a family service in St. Thomas Church, Granton. Sunday service at St. Patrick's is planned for 8:45 a.m. Christmas guests are follows: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mac Gillivray, Court- ney, Katie Scarlett and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis and Crystal were guests with Mr. and Mrs. lfugh Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll, Lisa, Julie and Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll with Mrs. Wayne Car- roll's relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cunningham, April and Tom of Mar with Mrs. Mary Davis, Tuesday and with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall, Marylou and Robert. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Love, Varna, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beaune and Kel- ly and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson, London, Mrs. Charlotte Barker, Silas McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barker, Marlas, Gwen and Grant and Mrs. Mary Davis, Lucan with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Greenlee, Derek, Debbie and Chad with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Greenlee, Kim and Steven Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee with Miss Verna Greenlee, Elmer and Bert, F'riday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Mac Gillivray and Miss Ann Stevenson, Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and girls, Friday. 1 would like to take this opportuni- ty to thank all who contributed for Saintshury News and to wish all a happy and healthy 1986. daily paper and other farm -related periodicals. The research and communications manager said he has heard similar comments since he took his post eight months ago, but he has also heard some positive suggestions. The pro- cess of revamping, he says, has been informal to date, but could take on a more formal approach in the coming months. "It will be several months before there is a new digest, though," said Bradley. The communications and research manager said the digest could take on the look of a magazine by including what he called "throughful essays". "We could provide advice and assistance," said Bradley. The digest is sent to all those with a federation of agriculture membership. Thursday %NPPY NEW YEAS Good Times Veal Cutlet Potato, veg., roll $425 Specials this week Friday Seafood Platter French Fries, col- eslaw, roll Saturday Hot Beef Sandwich French fries, veg., coleslaw $450 $400 Albatross Tavern Huron Park, 228-6733 January 3 & 4 ttaiCeep the New Year Roll- ing with The Fabulons Don't forget to try our great Breakfast Special Open at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 18 - 1 p.m. Pool tournament Jan. 25 Chill Contest Let us drive for you Call 228-6733 Daily Specials and a great menu all week long. We cater to: Banquets and parties Ask For Paul For reservations call 235-1088 Senior Citizens 10% off food every Wednesday CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING AT IT'S BEST! SKI BENMILLER 'ION1 %mss,/ VAn40 iipirid. W**, ** AND THE BEAUTIFUL MAITLAND RIVER VALLEY Featuring: Four groomed, well marked trails, plus as many variations as you can find! Daily Trail Fee... $2.50 per person OR JOIN THE .BENMILLER SKI CLUB • `- Annual Membership Fee...'25.00 per person may be purchased at The Benmllkr Ian Front Desk or In The Forge at Cherrydale Farm, one mile east of Beamiller tan. APRIS SKI: Open daily, The Forge offers Tight Snacks and Hot Beverages. Sunday through Thursday 11 am to 4 pm, Friday and Saturday 11 am to 5 pm. Operated by Benmilkr Ion For more information write or call: THE BENMILLER SKI CLUB c/o BENMILLER INN R.R. 4 GODERICH N7A 3Y1 (519) 524-2191 MEMORIES you'll cherish fbrever 137 Thames Rd. East, Exeter Phone: HIES. 215.1298 9:94) - ;:Oil Res. 26-0949 after business hours Book Your Wedding NOW !!! Bart DeVrks PHOTOGRAPHY