HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-06-12, Page 28'age I2A
1 Cars, Trucks
Times Advocate June 12. 1985
Ol I)LR UST I) (AKS and truck,. (Me us
a call. Town I Inc Collision. 228-6710.341111
Tot Cars. Irucks and Vans asailble a1
168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter Ontario
Phone 235-1035
1975 IN I EBNA I IONAI 1 KLJ(K write
238 Detroit engine with 4111. trailer. Phone
235-0646. 22tIn
1978 LORI) 150 PICKUP 4x4, 15.0(10
kilomerres. 11\15 tires. 351. Lech transmis-
sion cooler, K&K buinpci. 1,1'i11 safe(y.
236-4784 alter 6 p.m. 22-24,
1977 VIAiA. Phone 237-34111 2211\
1974 VALIAN 1-, 4 door, 6 cyl. automatic,
radio, power steering, good rubber and es-
haust. S350 or hest offer. Call atter 5 -
234-6704. • 23-25s
1979 (.ORD L1 D 1 ANDAL, loaded, es-
cellent condition. Phone 262-3448?3:24c
1975 LORI NO. 2 door lotino. 302 engine.
body jus! dune. needs paint. $40K1.(K) a% is.
Phone 229-6585. 23:24c
1975 TORI) (l SIO\t 500. 4(0 engine. As
is. Phone 2235-2386. 23;24c
1973 \IG13-61. collectors item, some
maimcnancc and body work required. Has
rebuilt engine and new hailers.. As is.
52450.00. 235-0399. 23;24c
!MOTOR !UAW, 17 foot propane dris en.
40,00 miles, 2 was. Irid ie, dose. oscrl,
shower, toiler, air conditioner, 1.V. aerial,
sleeps lis, hese offer. Phone 228-6296.24c
1978(()RI)011A;air. cruise, power meet-
ing, power brakes. new tires. Call Stele
atter ,i\ for fantastic price 237-3(65.24c
1968 1)OI)(.I-. DART tit cousertihlc, 18
rust tree Inner Virginia. new power
top and paint. Original condiuun. 482-7757
alter 6:(0 p.m. and neekcnd\. 24:25'
12 Pets
((i( Kt R SI' \ Nil 1 , . hones ,s+I„ui 4J
male: needs lose and atkcoon 1tom !min-
is. 118-2879. 2i.24.
lO GiVI-. -\\\AY to a good farm home.
Mate (ierntan Shepherd dog. 1' : years old.
Good with children. Phone 237-3745 bet-
ween 9 a.m. and 4 p.nt. " 24"
K11 i FNS to good Montes. 5-6 ssk kirlcns,
1 black with "lute markings, two white
with black and gold marking,. 2 yeflosd
with white markings. Also one white kii-
fen. 2 month old, black and gold markings.
Can he picked up ae Schroecicr: \lilt.
Dashwood. 24c
GIVI'. AWAY. Call 229-8863.
ki I t I -NS - 2 black and one multi-
coloured. l u gist away. 262-2615. 24'
14 Appliances, Television
1:1 LC 1 R01 UX VA('Ull\t in good con-
dition wit0 power head. Gall 228-6531.
SiOVI• - General Electric 24". Phone 1
235-2095. 235-0212. •24c
l-REEIER - large 20.4 cu. ft., Kelvinator,
good condition, 1'2 years old. 293-3074
alter 7 pan. 24c
STOVI- - good used 24" while asking
5125.00. I'horle 235-0375. • 24c
11 \ Ol 1\ AN 1 to drink that's soul
business. II you warn lu gull that's ours.
f) speak %%ith an A:\ member please phone
235-2404 or 348-8363. 4114n
CNA VI A( 1111)! \lett ainaciisccompani-
Ole person who ,hare sank' urcresl, (all
ages) Presrige :\igllainlances. Call hill-
tice 1-S(KI-263--9)63. Hour,: Noon to 8
p.m. 410�
16 For Sale
\UDI\(, \I \( 11I\I S. l(cw ilc(s, sale..
sen ice, r renal, supplies. .Irl ry \Lathers
i ypew niers. 94 \laser Si. 231-1840. 211
1151 1) 11 RNI1l'RI • chesterfields and
chart,. dnnngeoom ,eines. klichen tables
and chairs. duel I;Hegelinens. ranges etc.
\\'huing's Warehouse. I• serer. 235-1964.281
V ( )O I) 14W S \I I . truck load, til ,labs
and edgings 11oin urn saw trill. R.S
!hinges and Sun, 1 1.1. 348-8477 \lilihell.
5111 I n
IR! 3\(►(11). well seasoned. dleliseted by
curd 01 I:,get truck loads. 236-4457 ser
218-8454. 381tn
Good used clothing, housewares.
books and wipers
Nome iomignnprnl
VII I A(il.. SI()RI':
( emuaria. 1)')r. 228-6886
Open 11-4 Tues. -Sat.
June Special
Books Harlequins or Siloueltes 104 each
Req pocket book% 25c each or 5 for Sl 00
5 1 1 1 1 ill 11 DINGS. Ii'entorm
( Ie:r.lnlc 1 ,.nnple 32 s so..iunplete• undo
dont 54.929 Sires as:enable ens 10 12(1'
ss rile I mined quantum.. •\at now ( all loll
nee I 80 18- x130. 24s
IR \II 1 Rs I t,seP, hanIIiq. Iugeaee:
Golden 1 al,on. 1 lu%slrr, 1 lonrl. New and
used Hrhhes Kenlah. repa11' (.)mps Out.
8. 1 1111 w Si,attord 393 5938.16 284
'II RI rt. \\I i \i raio..omenlpon 'rile
„iIIncl 'suitable for .,,nags 5-s 00. Phone
21s 281, swirl 6 p 111 1-t1n,11c
OI I 1 181 1) lir )11 1 R. cscellem condition
Ortel lens S,andeis 238 225).2_2rtn
1'I Vit) ( 1115)181111 I) and chair. like
new 9(11(10(1,s, hest otter Phone _'3s 14')
21 14,
('81 91 141 I\(, SI \I I R\. some ( lows
and some \I.Ison. mostly quarts. Phone
21s 1129 21.14,
111131 4811). p111 pen. high 411.11!•
•trrllcn. horggs 1 argl sant
Is nl halls
%seri \lnarernn' clorIlIC. lu(nturc. •\If.)r
%,1111 1 sc•r 1bur/ Slate 101 %ete•r 1s-
St S 2" 2.s- 231111
1 S1 I) 1311 1( I 1 \, 2 ladles 28", 26", a
Wrens 4 and 111 speed. tout boys 24", s :mid
111 speed. lout eirk 20 and 24", lour boss.
\I\ 20" all repaired and reads for sura
met tun ('hone 23s 024)6 21 26'
H \ f 118 \ \1 1 \It,alta Bed Cloiter
I irst scar 1s .a.tcs 211 )'l')6 24'
t \\WI 8 Sl,n.t,ill 041,1 tops Sleeps 6,
Ise boa. duct. Irke new \.king 522891 no
Phunc 229 S--1 ,afrcr 6 p rat
8-\1I 1 8 16 leo lone. 1 ander') •ask ssll
car 1 4 snowmobiles Phone 228 61(11 atter
a 311 p m 54(11.401 24c
Ol 1 1 \ SI/1 'I'.10I I10m%ai1•' head .uul
(001 110.0d Ifr.lnd nc'%s, nese, use(( i'hnne
215 1111 ,Her 6 p m 24,21'
\I(1\11 8 New Idea - tool Phone
_2946528 24'
(11 1)84)1)\1 \l 111 4 puce(', ,ouch ane)
Am!. 1 .us 110%. \l herr 'cm. uhg nlachme
Apartment sue trec/er ( .111 after 4
262-2814 24 :214
ARD S 11 I 24 lames \t 1 serer
Broadloom. (:awn mowers, 'I ICI Sal.
lune )1 9.e.rn to J p m 241
16 For Sale
DOMES1IC RABBITS of various ages,
complete with cage,. Phone after 5 p.m.
235-0687. 24e
SNI INSUI A 1 ION - 40 sheet, 2'x4'\ I' 2'.
52.00 pee sheet; 10 double glass panes
33"96'. One kerosene heater, new, ideal for
camp cooking. One new double stainless
steel sink S30.00. Two steel doors. Big steel
wheels. Antique cash register. Hamilton's
Machine Shop. 235-165.5. 24itn
GIANT YARD SAI L - Sal. June 15. 10-4
p.m. 1'. mules west of Crediton, turn left
second Lunt on right, (John Gielen). Watch
for signs iaen or shine. 3 )alents • couch and
chair, tool bines. Iwo antique beds, hand
knit ,"eaten. baby clothes, cribs, change
table, buggy, toss and much more. 24c
3 TAM! Y GARAGE SALE - Sai. June
15. 57 Andrew St. N. Rain date amuuuac-
ed laud. _ 24'
BARN130ARI) - large amount of antique
barnboard in good condition. \lake an of-
fer 227-4905. 24c
YARD SAi E. at Centralia United Church
\lame. Saturday. June 15. 10:410 a.in- Drill
peels, sewing machine and Electrotu\
bathroom scales, dower pons, ere. 24*
('HIS 11.81• 1I 1.D & (1 AI8. tour seater,
grey plaid. Phone 235-2386. 24;25e
\i1XE:D GRAIN. Phone 236-462.9. 24*
\IIXI D HAY. approximatel% 5. acres.
293-3077. 24*
FIRST Yl- AR Al FAI I-:\, 14) acres. Phone
235-2747. 24c
' approsimaiely 7000 bushels, currently be-
ing fed. \\ayne Woods 294-6576. 23:24e
(-001) 1 RAIL ER. fully equipped, ready
10 operate. \lust sell. 348-9390 NlitchelI.
CI - IIsdraulic Beauty Salon. Asking
' 5275.(0. Pltoit 235-1497. 23tfn
Al(()\'T GROUND P(>(1) , 2 yrs. old,
5114(X). Phone 215-0776 after 6
p.m. 23:24c
[WILDING \1:\TERIAI', thereto pane
windows, wood and sted doors, exterior
door jams. steel hearts. steel studs, snoss
fence: ere. (irceus Construction. Apply to
Gus Greens. 235-1647. - 18t Inc
WATER P8O111 EMS, New Technology
to Canada - C.S.A. Approsed - Eliminates
chemical contamination, nuisance and col-
iform bacteria, iron bacteria, %raining.
smell, iron. had taste and mute - 110 messy
chemicals - 111.00tenance lice tested and
prose') in over 10,001 rural insiallatiors.
Eliminates the need for liquid ch)nrinalors
and walcr distillers - tree 30 -Day trial of-
fer - Frs. II Oen - Sec the restdls for yourself.
Absolutely no ubligaiiun and no cosi to
you. Backed Os a 2(I -seal written %%imar-
is - If slat want hotter water fur hclter
country listen<all toll free 1-800-268-2656
or (4 161 624-4344 or w rite Water Purifica-
tion Ssste s, 203 - 103(1 Kaman) Rd.,
!Mississauga 1.4W 4136. 24s
DISHWASHER. G.F. portable, in cs-
cetlent cundiiion.'Phone 235-0524.24,25*
"11211K 1 OI'I'l-R, insulated, panelled, top
cupboards and walk in door. Phone
235-1515. 24'
TOILE -1N1) BASIN, while porcelain.
Escellent condition. S20.00 - 238-8367.24*
PARD SALE, Saturday. June 15. 9 a.m.
Antiques, home baking. hundreds of
household items. Junction of ltwy's 83 and
21 (beside \\afers%mks) 24*
1)R01' 1 EAT TAB! 1E. and two chairs.
235-0901. 24, 25c
cen)s per quiet 1. Open Mondays,
Wednesdays, I-ridays and Saturdays. Please
bring your own containers. 1)1\on'5 Fruit
Tal in. RR 2. \Ilse Craig. Phone 293-3043.
KI TCI T.N 1 ABI 1 , and lour chairs.
painted wood. Brown floral lose seat, rock-
ing chair and ottoman. ('hone 235-0357.24c
J51 -I) i l'KNI14 Kl. - chesterfields and
chairs. dutingroom suites. kitchen tables
and chair s, drier,, refrigerators. ranges etc.
Whiling'.Warehouse, Exeter. 235-1964.281
WOOD I OR SAI E. Truckloads of slabs
and edemes from out saw mill. R.S.
I)unges and Sons I td. 348-8477 Mitchell.
501 to
1 181- WOOD. well seasoned. delis cred by
curd or larger rotck loads. 236-4457 or
23)1 8454. 38ifr
Good used clothing, housewares,
books and wipers
Some consigrnlcnl
( enlratia, Onl. 228-6886
Open 11-4 Tues. -Sat.
June Special
Books. Horlequins or Silouettes. 104 each.
Reg. pocket books 254 each or 5 for Si .00.
S I M BCH l I)i N(GS. I ns cntory
Cle:rance. I sample 32\ 50 complete will]
door 54,929 times as:enable up to 12(1'
wide I united quanrl11as. Act . Call loll
tree 1 min- AM' 8130. 24s
18All i RS 1tasel. hatdlop, luggage.
Gulden I akin), Piens ler. I tone!. New and
met' Hnclie, Rentals, repairs. Camp -out.
hws. 8, 1 1111. 15 Str ilord. 393.5938.16-28c
NI I RI 4). \\1-I 91 radio, contempxhrs .Isle
eahtner. Suitable for cottage 575.00. 1'ho le
21s 281s ,Ater 6 p.m. 17tln,nc
(111 1 181 1) 13011 I R. c\ccllein condition.
Iles! otter !errs Sanders 238-2251.22th]
PI All) ( 111 5I t.RI TI I) and chair, like
new SI(KI nom hese oiler Phoebe 235-1495.
i'Ri' I R\ IN( , SI \1 I RS, some Crown
and ,(line \halon. mostly moans. Phone
235 1128. 23:24c
f1 \Ill ( 8113. olds pen. high chair.
sooners, buggy. 1 atge at of baby
weal. \lalcruts. clothing, furniture. All al
User 1 hrifi Siore in I -atter. 157 \lain
Si S. 23s-2687. 23tfn
l SI I) HI( 1(1 ES. 2 ladies 28", 26". 5
prem 4 and 10 speed. eoue 1>41sa 24", 5 and
111 speed. lour girls 20 and 24". tour boys,
191\ 21)" all repaired and reads for sum-
mer tem. Plume 23S-0206. 23-26'
11•\1 108 NAI I Attalla Red Closet.
1 Irsi scar I s acres. 211 1996. 24'
( \\11'I 8 Sr r'ralt hard top Sleeps 6.
rte hos. shag. like ne%'. \skrag 52896.(0.
('hone 229 S-73 after 6 p.m. 24.25
18-91 I 1 8 16 leer lone. i andeni ask' will
cares 4 snowmobiles. Phone 228-6303 after
5:30 p.m. 5400.(0. ,24e
11 1) N 91/F "Paul Burman" head ,and
tool ho:rd Bland ne'w• nese; used Phone
2(1 1311 alter 6 p.m 24:25'
(4)\\ 1 8 New Idea - tool . Phone
294-6528. 24'
IIF 1)800\1 S1 Ii1 4 piece, touch and
chair. 1 ,an Ito%. 11bite sewing machine
Apartment sIic 1TCeler ( all after 4
262-2811 24:21,
1 -981) S,\I I 2s lames St 1 sari
Broadloom. Lawn mowers, sailers. Sar
11101 Is 9 .1 m. 10 4 p m. 24c
1)(1911 SII( It -9111111S of t.)nous ages.
compkll ssiih calls Phone alter 5 p.m
215.068- 244
991 INS1 1 \ I ION 40 short, 2's4'.1 -'
52 (K1 per sheet: 10 doiehle glass panes
13"56' ( Inc kerosene heater. new. ideal for
camp moiling. (Inc new double stainless
steel sink 51(1.(10 15111 me:el doors. (lig steel
wheels..\ntequc cash rcgiucr. Hamilton's
\lac h,nc Shop. 21s 1655. 24t In
16 For Sole
ADDING MACHINES, typewriters. sales,
service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers
Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211
GiANT YARD SALE - Sat. June 15, 10-4
p.m. I', miles west of Crediton, turn k11
second farm on right, (John Gielen). Watch
for signs rain or shine. 3 family, couch and
chair, tool bones, two antique beds, hand
knit sweaters, baby clothes, cribs, change
table, buggy, toys and much more. 24c
15. 57 Andrew St. N. Rain date announc-
ed later. 24•
BARNBOARD - large amount of antique
barnboard in good condition. Make an of-
fer 227-4905. 24c
YARD SALE at Centralia United Church
Manse. Saturday, June 15, 10:00 a.m. Drill
press, sewing machine and Electrolux
bathroom scales, (lower pots, etc. 24*
CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR. four seater,
grey plaid. Phone 235-2386. 24;25e
MIXED GRAIN. Phone 236-4629. 24*
MIXED HAY, approximately 5 acres.
293‘3077. 24'
235-2747. 24c
approximately 7000 bushels, currently be-
ing fed. Wayne Woods 294-6576. 23:24c
FOOD TRAILER, fully equipped, ready
to operate. Must sell. 348-9390 Mitchell.
CHAIR - Hydraulic Beauty Salon. Asking
5275.00. Phone 235-1497. 23ttt
ABOVE GROUND POOL. 2 yrs. old,
8'.x14', 5150.00. Phone 235-0776 after 6
p.m. 23:24c
windows. wood and steel doors, exterior
door jams, steel beams. steel studs, snow
fence, etc. Gregus Construction. Apply Io
Gus Gregus, 235-1647. 18tfnc
WATER PROBLEMS, New Technology
to Canada - C.S.A. Approved Eliminates
chemical contamination, nuisance and col-
iform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining,
smell, iron, had taste and more --no messy
chemicals - maintenance free - tested and
proven in over 10,000 rural installations.
Eliminates the need for liquid chlorinators
and water distillers - Free 30 -Day trial of-
fer - Try It Out - See the results for yourself.
Absolutely no obligation and no cost (0
you. Backed by a 20 -year written warran-
ty - If you want better water for helter
country living call toll free 1-800-268-2656
or (416) 624-4344 or write Water Purifica-
tion Systems, 203 - 1030 hamar) Rd..
Mississauga L4W 4B6. 24s
DISHWASHER, G.E. portable. in es-
cellenl condition. Phone 235-0524.24.25*
TRUCK TOPF'ER, insulated. panelled. top
cupboard% and walk in dour. Phone
235-1515. 24*
1011ET AND BASIN, uhire porcelain.
Escellent condition.320.(0 - 238-8367.24*
YARD SALE, Saturday, June 15. 9 a.m.
Antiques, home baking. hundreds of
household kerns. Junction of hwy's 83 and
21 (beside Waterworks) • 24*
DROP LEAF TABU., and two chairs.
235-090). _24,25c
cents per quart. Open Mondays.
WednesdaysI ridays and Saturdays. Please
bring your sewn containers: Dison's l-ruit
Farm, RR 2. Ailsa ("rale. Phone 293-3043.
KITCHEN TABLE. and lour chairs.
painted wood. 131(wn floral love sail, rock-
ing chair and outman. Phone 235-0357.24c
Are hoards, Brushes.
Acrylic Palms,
Charcoal Pencils. Are Nibs
Sketch Pads, ('alligraphs .
FRESH EA911) - the ideal treat. Ciel one
now for your frecier and he ready 10 treat
your Limits and guests royally. Call Bill
Batten ar 235-1331 or 235-2184._ 28tfnc
YARN - Discount ''rices. Beehive Brands,
Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 320-nc
17 Wanted To Buy
\IAN'S BI(Y(I I , used standard site.
Phone 235-0473. 23:24c
I)AG1'II'1'S set anyone knowing of a sel.
Phone 235-0688. Conrad Ron Walker Sr.
USED 111 ()UK SILO, Phone 234.6217.24*
Phone 234.628E 24,25c
OUANTI 11. of shelled corn for feed.
Phone 235-2747. 24c
18 Wanted
YO(JN(i EA DY requires transportation (0
and from downtown Lunda'), Monday to
Friday 9-5. Phone 237.3422. 23:24c
YEAR BOOKS - South Harron Dialricl
High School for the year% 1966, 1967, and
1968. Plume 235-1351 alter 6:00 p.m.
ATTENTION any person who would carr
to bring antique horse drawn machinery to
-ruckersmith Sesquicentennial at Van i -g•
mond House June 29 for eshibil. Please
contact Bill Holland 482-3245. 24c
for demolition purposes. Phone 235-1449.
19 Property For Sale
1(8I('K. semi-detached. in stew of Sauih
Huron Hospital. Each half c)nlains 3
bedrooms. dining. lisingrooin. kitchen. full
basement, electric heat. tram porch and
garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420.3111n
('HARMING TWO 131.1)80091 Krick
house with large finished attic Weal for
family room or third bedroom. Maple
hardwood floors and wood Iron
ihroughoul. I arge eat -in kitchen with
wood1tove. f reed corner lot in nice residen-
tial arca. priced) in the forties. i'Itone
235-0356. 19101
7l!RI(H - 20 Victoria Street, Iwo storey
Krick home. new roof, three bedrooms,
bathroom. lois of closets upstairs. I argc
rising room. dining room. cat in kitchen.
lots Of cupboards. bedroom, two piece hash
and closed) in srmporch downstairs. 1 ul1
basement. water softener. 2(0lamp wiring,
double garage. Phone 236-41451. 20hfn
19 Prope; ty For Sale
I''i: lots; 2 bathrooms; dining room, living
room; garage, laundry room. 545,000.
Phone 237-3650. 22-24c
ONL GROOMED ACRE - 11/2 storey, up-
dated roof, siding, furnace. 4 bedrooms,
country kitchen, livingroom, laundry room.
bath, shed 58'x27' with lean-to, adaptable
for horses. 560,900.00 Granton area.
225-2265. 23;24c
EXCLUSIVE newly renovated 2 storey of-
fice building for sale with residence on se-
cond floor. Excellent commercial location,
close to intersection of/Hwy. 4 and 8 in
Clinton. Call Agricultural Real Estate Ltd.
482-3981. Helga Hasenberter, Broker (Res)
482-9331. 24c
4 ACRES with barn and five bedroom
house. Sylvan, excellent garden land.
519-294-6559. 24:25c
KiRKTON - Well kept 1' : storey brick.
Large corner lot. 2 plus 1 bedrooms, 1'
baths, main floor laundry, large bright liv-
ing roost with bay window, garage and
workshop. 540's. 229-8874. 24c
20 Property For Rent
UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartmeut.
Exeter, heated - no children or pets.
Available July 1st. 236-7753. 201111
Suitable for one person or a couple. No
children and no pets. 5300 per month plus
utilities. Please reply with references and
place of employment to Box 32P, c/o Ex-
eter Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM ISO.
APARTMENTS in C'landeboye. 2
bedroom, heated, immediate occupancy
5265.00. Call Superintendent 227-4621.
sail, residential area. Available immediate-
ly. Phone 236-4810. Ask for Mary.23:24c
ONE BEDROOM adult apartment, fridge,
stove. laundry and parking. Phone
235-1497. 231 fn
ONE BEDROOM ground floor apartment.
Parking. heating, all appliances. Available
Sept. 5207.87. Senior' preferred. 304 An-
dress. Apt. 9. 235-2361. 412-0986. 24t fie
21 For Rent
PLYWOOD FORMS; wedges, portable cc: -
meter mixer. power trowels, wheelbarrows,
etc. I ors ties stocked. Call Corriveau Ren-
tals bs 8:30 a.m. or after 5 p.tn. Weekdays,
anytime Saturday. 236-4954 Zuiich.16tfn
THE. "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium
for rentals including weddings, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions. films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Conrad
Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn
BUILDING FOR RENT, 3500 sq. ft. with
offices, ample parking. Call 235-2121.
TRAVEL TRAILER. steer); 6, fridge,
stove and toilet. Call 235-0689. 24c
23 Wanted To Rent
barn and fisc to 10 fenced acres in Exeter
area. Must have ample slater for small
lisemock operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply staling location.
rental and length of term available to Box
BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter.
HOUSE - 3 or 4 bedroom, prefer farm
home close to Exeter. Phone 235-0739 atter
5,00 p.m. -- 23-27c
RESPONSIBLE FAMILY (1 infant) cur-
rently living in Exeter. urgently needs quali-
ty 3 bedroom home for July I. Excellent
references asailahle. Phone 235-15(10.
house in Exeter arca for July Ise. 1985.
Phone 473-4527 or 438-5111 ext 287.23:24c
COTTAGE: - 2 bedrooms, walking distance
to beach, Grand fiend, Ipperwash arca..lu-
ly 27 -August 3. Have small poodle. Phone
416-482-0499. 24-26c
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Lottie Alexandria •
Late of the Village of Ailsa Craig. in the
C'oumy of Middlesex, who died on or abo(1)
Ore 1011 day of January. 1985. ('rcdilor,
and other basing claims against the Arose
estate are required lo file full parliculars of
such claims with the undersigned on or
'before June 14. 1985, after which dale the
assets of the Curate will he distributed has -
ing regard only lo the claims then filed.
Little & Evans
(Neter, Ontario
Solicuun fur the I xa'cutrix
In ow Isute 01
Ella Maud Sanders
All persons having claim, against elle cwIIe
of FILL \laud Sanders, late )1 the 1 ow n III
4* xcicr. (county of !heron, who died on o1
about the 2nd day oI April 1985 are re-
quired t) file particular% of same with
Elmer I). Bell. O.('. Solicitor, Exeter. On-
tario, M the 151h day of J11111 1985 atter
which lime the estate will he distributed
'lasing regard only 10 rhosc claims of which
notice has been reccised. -
Elmer D. Bell, Q.C.
Solicitor for the administratris
Exeter, Ontario
the Inexpensive Way
lo Shop
Approximately 40 used mini -bikes, motorcycles, ATV's and lawn
mowers to be held at Hul!y Gully, 11, miles south of Brucefield
off No. 4 highway and 2', miles west.
Saturday, June 22 at 10:30 a.m.
Open for preview at 9 p.m.
This is o good selection of equipment with something for j
everyone. Some certified. some as is plus a few mechanic
For more information phone Hully Gully at 262-3318.
Terms Cosh, approved cheque, or prearranged financing
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb, Clinton 482-7898
Household furnishings, antiques and misc. items.
Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30 p.m.
for Mrs. Vera Lemon, Hensoll
and other additions.
Location to be stated in next weeks complete listing.
For information contact Norm Whiting
235-1964 or 235-1931 Exeter
at Pinery Auction Barn
on Hwy. 21, 1 mile N. or Pinery Prov. Park,
4 miles S., Grand Bend
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
June 12, June 19, June 26
These auctions are all large estates with additions and having
a selection of modern and antique furnishings, tools and lawn
equipment, etc. See the London Free Press for complete listings
on these auctions. Additional and location auctions will be I.
advertised separately. 1
Don't take chances on the weather for your auction. Consign 1
them to our modern 4,000 sq. ft. auctiora barn. 1
1 Auctioneer Pot Lyon 243-2713. 1
Antiques, furniture, appliances, office desk etc. to be held at
Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton Ont.
Wednesday, June 19 at 6 p.m.
Kelvinator fridge, harvest told Kenmore clothes dryer, Viking
harvest gold spin dry washer new, approx. 15 cu. chest freezer,
floor model hifi, component hi fi w 8 track player two speakers,
and Toshiba record player, broiler oven, large office desk like
new, older office desk, wringer washer, fancy carved table, 26
inch by 5' 2 ft. long. fancy parlour table, small antique desk
w Queen Anne style legs, antique dresser, antique dresser
w; mirror, dining table w 3 leaves and 5 chairs, wooden but-
ter bowl w• ladle 4 gal. crock butter churn. small crock, treadle
sewing machine, B & W portable TV, oak arm chair, oak buffet
w/mirror, 2 small tables, w drawers. 3 small plant tables, 2
round seat chairs, hall tree, antique wooden frame hall mir-
ror, odd chairs, modern chesterfield andchair, chesterfield,
chrome table and 4 chairs, wardrobe, artificial fireplace, floor
style pole lamp, floor lamp, pole lamp, upholstered swivel
rocker, coffee and end tables, small dropleaf dining table, 2
sectional bookcases, crodenza, 2 medium shag carpets, round
green area rug, some Old Country Rose Royal Albert dishes,
figurines, dishes and glassware, pots and pans, small ap-
pliances, electric sewing machine, bedding, binoculars,
carmera, projector screen, 2 sleeping bogs, fishing poles, plus
many items not listed. JACUZZI SP100 transfer water pump
w. 1 3 HP electric motor.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898
* Auction Sale
* Furniture - antiques etc., for Mr. Robert Deft- *
* mar, 450 Elgin St. East St. Marys Ontario. *
* Mr. Dettmar has given up housekeeping. *
* Saturday, June 22nd, 10:00 a.m. *
For information phone 284-2840 before 5 p.m.
* FURNITURE, ANTIQUES Westinghouse refrigerator, Admiral *
* 32" electric stove, Inglis automatic washer and dryer, Empire
* chesterfield and chair, Royal Doulton kitchen set of 8, Royal
* Crown Derby Mikado pattern blue setting for 8 minus 2 dinner *
* plates, antique drop leaf table, antique corner what -not, 8 an- *
* tique cone bottom gun stalk family chairs, antique cherry ex-
tension table, real nice. sewng stand, small square antique
* table, end tables, stools, studio couch, 2 coal oil lamps, occa- *
* sional choirs. floor and table lamps, antique pickle cruet. cop- *
* per lustre tea pot, antique vases and figurines . collectors *
* plates, china cabinet, crystal and glassware, some cornflower, *
drop front desk, 2 hand painted quilts, 6 piece modern bedroom *
* suite, cedar chest, 2 piece blonde bedroom suite, wardrobe with
* mirror door, bedding and linen, set of Adams silverware, anti-
* que hip hugger chair. trunk, old counter scale, 4 piece silver :*.
* tea service, lawn furniture, exercise bicycle, electric Sunbeam *
*lawn mower, electric edger, antique wooden hand rake, table
saw and motor, 2 metol wheel borrows, chicken wire, garden
* tiller, rotary lawn mower, numerous babel tools and garden
,*tools , Quebec heater, grinder with motor, platform scale, etc.
4 This is an exceptionally good sale. plan to attend, tools and
misc. starting in the morning at 10 a.m., furniture etc. at noon.
Terms cash - owners or auctioneers not responsible for ac-
* cidents sale day.
4 Auctioneers
)I Tom Robson Hugh Filson
X 666-1967 666-0833*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Nowt. W 11 'TN
, auctioweer
of household furniture, antiques and misc.
items, 395 William St. S. Exeter, Ontario.
Saturday, June 15 at 12:30 Noon Sharp
for Mrs. Carrie A. Willis
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Chesterfield chairs. 3 hostess
chairs, buffet, floor. pole and table lamps. 3 pc. bedroom suite
in excellent condition, with springs and mattress. kitchen table
and four chairs. 2 swivel kitchen choirs. dehumidifier. electric
fan, several dishes. set of 6 chairs, 8 place setting of Alford
Meakin England, 6 place setting of dishes, pots anti pans,
sealers, linens, quilts, blankets, bedding, table pad, several
pieces of hand and garden tools, 7' step ladder, extension lad-
der, steel posts. wheelbarrow, whipper snipper, 100 ft. cord,
lawn sprayer. little wagon and sleigh shrub covers, lawn chairs.
suitcoses, many other items.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Pine jam cupboard. press back
rocker, table, small dresser, woshstond, mirror and stand, iron
bed with brass knobs. 8 odd chairs, 3 harvest tables, commode,
copper boiler, organ stool, pictures and frames, braided mats.
jugs and crocks. four oil lamps, lantern, 7 pc. toilet set and 3
pc. toilet set, beaver sealer, old Crown sealer, mat and quilting
frames, mantle clock. chino and glass such as Depression glass,
Ironstone. Corn Flower. Pedestal cake plate, fruit nappies,
sugar shaker, water pitcher, napkin rings, tea pot, Bennington
bowl. several other items.
Terms cosh
For information contact Auctioneer Norm Whiting
235-1964 or 235-1931
Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of
In case of inclement weather, auction wilt be moved to South
Huron Rec Centre. Exeter.