HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-06-12, Page 22Page 6A Times -Advocate, June 12, 1985 Soccer results Bantam team needs assistance In squirt play this week. despite ,+ good effort by the Exeter I squad the Lucas team ryas dust too strong and sent them home with a 7 o defeat Excellent performances for Exeter I were put 111 by Sean Beatty and Daryl I lar 'Blau Exeter 11 played their first ga(nc 01 the season in Nairn Led h Chet, Alc1)onald the) played a good game but the Nairn team used their chances better and %1111 by a 3-o score Exeter I11 played at home agauist Merton The lldertori leant utan:(g ed to stn, close to Exeter trailing b� 2-1 at halt tont• but in the second half Exeter 111 look over completely and build up a final score of 6-1 Scoring for Exeter 111 were Alart' Uel3r uy n. live and Julia Brand one. also playing well tor Exeter were Brian Alc Allister and Trevor Boersnta. in Atone play. Exeter 1 lrayclled to Merton. The local team were not able to control the hall enough and the 11- derlon tram took advantage of the turnovers and defeated the Exeter I team by a 7-1 score. Tom (;tillage scored the lone Exeter goal .11(1 Scott Parsons played an excellent game Exeter 11 travelled to Grand Bend and lost their second game of the season by a2-0 score The locals were in the game all the way but could not capitalise on their chances. in mosquito play Exeter 1 and Ex eter iI battled to a 3-3 draw at the field behind the arena. Exeter I was the better team defensively and Exeter II offensively but it was the Exeter 11 squad that had to come from behind in the later stages of the game on :+ goal by Susan Purley oft the crossbar to salvage the tie. Sonie of the excellent perforni(:rs in the game were "Tien Brand and Stephen ('regan for Exeter 11 and Fred Godholt and Julia Alerner Int Exeter 1 Scoring tor Exeter I were Shawn AleFalls 1 o, and 1,eol1 Sanders for Exeter II Susan Pnr'sley and Chris Gardner two Also rn mosquito pl:1y. Exeter 111 played at home against Itry:inslon The Exeter team played a superb passing game and kept the ball asp ay from Bryanston most 01 the game. Exeter goalie Ryan Hern was only called on once in the entire game to handle the ball. Kevin Johns played excellent for Exeter i11 setting up two of the goals and Mark Lynn and Peter McAllister were all over the field. Alissed chances by Exeter and good goalkeeping by the Bryanston goalie kept the final score to 4-0. Scoring for Exeter III. Sharon DeBruyn, Sisavay Sengkhounmany with two and Jason Coolnian In pec wee play. Exeter 1 travelled to Grand Bend to renew a rivalry 1'.x eter and (;rand Bend always seem to be really for e,ic•h other. This game proved to he no (-kept ion as the Ex eter team took it to (;rand Bend him) the outset and builtulo a 3-0 lead and thensast(;r-and Bend come hack to tie the game ' 13and it took a extra effort by the Exeter team to conte up with the final goal ss inning the game 1 .111)1. their sirs( win of the season in Istn starts - Ex!•Ier II played then' first game of the season Monday night into make up game igaiml 1'.xeler 1 Exeter 11 s\:i. the more aggressive tenni on this night and 'kiln excellent passing ph \ s the 1'.xeler I1 team bunk up a :1.0 Ieaii and Then controlling the game lot :r final s( ore Scoring for Exeter I Na, ()aye Boersm;i and tot Exeter 11 Henri Delli tis n k III' ('so and .Eisen M(•1'ills Ladies best in bowling I,ar1u•', ss ere Mourners (411 1sso 01 lite three s'.rekls lilneys held this Geek al the Exeter lass n howling club 'I'nes da} night 1 tlga ('hipc•h:ise trem rrled,i score 01 Iwo wins an agr!regate of :ni and plus of Inure Next wet Pete, Ater:ills 27 and, Stew at l \inner .‘ 011;Itallanlsne chalked up I((n yu Iories and a score of 1!11 1(4 Inti Thursday s cnntpelittnn \exl carne f:mm:i ('arnpix•II 2.) Isn1x•I Rutlern-on 23. Kalil\ 1 ,nnpliell 19. and Ito\ Mao chard and Alum \1( Ken/ie 1 Ito\ Blanchard proved to he hest Saturday night \kith:1 score 01 21 and plies 01 Ihrer Nuxt in line %sere 1':rnu' Boss. find) Skinner. 1'harles Hends. tidies .I(•Gregor. Kalb \ .Iunker;inrl ',lurrel 1laugh RECEIVES BA Marylou Tindall doughter of Bob and Alexia iin doll. Luton will receive her B.A Honours in Music Education at University of Western Ontorio ori Wednesday, June 12 Marylou is o graduote of Medway High. In the fall she will be ottending Althouse College of U.W 0. In the second game of the week Ex- eter 11 played against !Merton With excellent play in midfield and good runs by their forwards Exeter 11 built Scores from ladies slopitch Remits o1 ladies Slow pitch games played .nine 6 were: Huron Park 1(eviis u'.er J.f's II -u. (;tw(1 "nines over Exeter India nettes 19-2. ('ana dian T111.011'1' Albatross Angels 27-4, and South Huron( 1tospital over Sun - downers 14-10. Local teams participated in the Slowpitch tout nament held during the Lions and Lioness Homecoming weekend South Huron Hospital advanced to the A flight semi-finals before being defeated by the Strathroy Medicine Afflicts. three Exeter teams advanced to B flight semifinals. Good 'Times defeating the local Sundowners, to ad- vance to the B finals. defeating Huron Park Devils. Everyone toyed the well -organized and well tournament the en -run up a 3-1) half time lead and that score could well have been much higher if not for the missed t•hances. In the second half the Exeter 11 team fell back some and Ilderton us- ed some of their sparse chances to get back into the game to 3-2 but then Ex- eter took control again and scored two more goals for a 5-2 win. Scoring for Exeter 11 were Henri DeBruyn two, Jamie 11'ullerkens. Dan McCarter and (;reg Lamport. In bantam action play. the Exeter team lost both their games this week orgainst some of the stronger teams in the league. (1n Monday night the ban- tams lost 9-2 against the London Southwest (optimist and they didn't tare much better in their game against Chatham where they were 00 the short end of a 10-0 score. Part of the problem with the tears is the parent support and especially for their away game against Chatham when initially only one parent show- ed up. The fate of this bantam team will be decided in the next few weeks. People have to realize tit a club is only as good as the community and parent support it gets. Illi# SHRINERS GOLF - Top Ontario golfer Gary Cowan attended Wednesday's Bluewoter Shriners golf tourney at Oakwood. From the left are golf organizer Lorne Kleinstiver, Bluewater president Bill Chandler, Oakwood owner Dave Scatcherd and Gary Cowan. T -A photo BUS SCHEDULES ROUTE 00 - No Bus Required. ROUTE 01. Starts at 6:50 a.m. in Grand Bend, west on No. 21 to No. 82, south on No. 82 to Thedford, south on No. 82 and No. 7 to Arkona, then west to Forest on County Road 12, northwest on No. 12 to Lakeshore, then south on Lakeshore to Errol School, west to County Road 26, south to Lakeshore, west on Lakeshore to St. Michael's to Blackwell Road to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to Northern to 5t. Clair. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: I.G.A. Store 6:50 - Thedford 7:05 - Arkona - 7:15 - Forest High School 7:30 - Camlachie 7:50 - St. Michael's 8:00 - Blackwell Road and Blackwell Sideroad 8:10. ROUTE 02 Starts at 7:45 a.m. in Bright's Grove at Gallie sub- division and old Lakeshore Road, west to Waterworks, south to Lakeshore, west on Lakeshore to Modeland, south on Modeland to Blackwell Road to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern, St. Clair. • Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: Gallie Beach 7:45 - Bright's Grove (Food Liner Store) 7:50 - St. Michael's 8:00 - Blackwell and Lakeshore 8:10. ROUTE 03 Starts at 7:30 a.m. in Watford at East Lambton Secon- dary School, north to No. 7, west on No. 7 through War- wick to Modeland, north on Modeland to Michigan, west on Michigan to Alexander Mackenzie, Northern, St. Clair. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: Watford High School 7:30 - Warwick 7:40 - Reece's Corners 7:55 - Airport Road 8:10. ROUTE 04 Starts at 7:10 a.m. at County Road No. 4 (10th Line) and No. 79, south to Alvinston, south to No. 80, west on N0. 80 to County Road 8 (Inwood Road), north on Coun- ty Road No. 8 to County Road No. 4 (10th Line), west to No. 21, north on No. 21 to Wyoming to Confederation Street, west on Confederation to Modeland No. 40 to St. Clair, Alexander Mackenzie, Northern. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: 10thLine and No. 79 7:10-Alvinston 7:15 -Inwood 7:30 - No. 21 and 10th Line 7:40 - Wyoming 7;50 - Con- federation and Mandaumin 8:00 - Modeland and Con- federation 8:05. ROUTE OS Starts at 7:10 a.m. at Dawn Central School, north on No. 21 to No. 80, welt on No. 80 to Kimball, north on Kimball to County Road No. 4 (Moore), west to Corun- na to old No. 40, north on old 140. 40 to St. Clair, Alexan- der Mackenzie, Northern. This bus will leave Alexan- der Mackenzie at 12:40 p.m. for St. Clair and then to Corunna, Brigden and Dawn. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: Dawn Central School 7:10 - Oil Springs 7:20 Brigden 1:30 - Kimball and No. 80 7:40 - Kimball and County Road No. 4 7:45 • Corunna Traffic Lights 7:50. ROUTE 06 Starts at 6:50 a.m. in Wilkesport, east to Kimball Road (County Road No. 31), south on County Road No. 31 to County Road No. 1, west on No. 1 through Beecher to Port Lambton, north from Port Lambton on old No. 40 to Sombra, Courtright, Mooretown, Corunna and Froomlield to St. Clair to Alexander Mackenzie, then to Northern. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: Wilkesport 6:50 - Beecher 7:00 • Port Lambton 7:10 - Sombra 7:20 - Courtright 7:30 - Corunna Traffic Lights 7:45 - La Salle and River Road 7:55 - S.C.I.T.S. 8:00. ROUTE 07 Starts at 7:30 a.m. at L.C.C.V.1. in Petrolia, west on 10th Line to Plank Road, northwest on Plank Road to Modeland, north on Modeland to Confederation, west on Confederation to Trudeau to St. Clair, Alexander r."ackenrie. Northern Pick-up Points and ApproximeTe Times: Petrolia High School 7:30 Mandaumin (City Rd. No. 26) and 10th Line 7:40 Plank and Kimball Roads 7:55 - Confederation and Trudeau 8:05. ROUTE 08 Starts at 7:50 a.m. at S.C.I.T.S. to Point Edward by way of Christina and Lite Streets. Pick up at Lite and Christina, then to St. Clair Street and Michigan Ave., east on Michigan Ave. to Northern, Alexander Mackenzie, St. Clair. Pickup Points and Approximate Times: S.C.I.T S. 7:50 Lite St and Christina St. 8:00 - St. Clair and Bridge SI. 8:05 - St. Clair and Alfred 8:05 - St. Clair and Michigan Ave. 8:10 Michigan and Allred 8:10 Michigan and Louisa 8:10 ROUTE 09 Starts at Central on Norman Street (back of school) at 7:50 a.m., pick up at St. Patrick's 7:55 a.m. to St. Clair 8:00 a.m. to Alexander Mackenzie and Northern. This bus will leave from Northern at 12:35 p.m. for Alexan- der Mackenzie, SI. Clair to 5t. Patrick's, to Central. Students living in the County and regujrinlg trantiterilo other buses- et Alexander Mackenzie must take this finis. Pick-up Points and Approximate Times: Central High School on Norman Street 7:50 St. Patrick's 7:55 - St. Clair 8:00 - Alexander Mackenzie 8-15 • Northern 8.30. SECONDARY (New Credit and Upgrading) REGISTRATION New Crodit - Forms must be submitted to the Sum mer School Office at St. Clair Secondary before June 14 or Northern Collegiate before June 20. You may register with STUDENT SERVICES at your HOME SCHOOL, or at the Summer School Office. It is impor- tant to consult Student Services of your home school to ensure that the course is acceptable for diploma requirements. The Lambton County Board of Education 7985 SUMMER EDUCATION PROGRAM SUMMER SCHOOL OFFICE 336-1500 FOR ADULTS SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Brochures and registrationforms available at any Secondary, Elementary School, from the Education Centre or the Summer School Office. MR. J.T. LENNON - PRINCIPA'L MR. J.W. PASSiNGHAM VICE PRINCIPAL Summer School Office Locations St. Clair Secondary School until June 13 Northern Collegiate Institute June 17 -August 16 Alexander Mackenzie July 2 - August 9 ** The Summer School Office will be closed on June 14 while operations are transferred to Northern Collegiate Institute Upgrading - Students who wish to upgrade or make- up credit standing in any subject must have completed the regular year's course in the subject for which registration is desired. Otherwise 'credit' standing cannot be granted for that course. A maximum of two subjects may be taken. Forms MUST be signed by STUDENT SERVICES at your HOME SCHOOL. Registration will take place at Northern Collegiate In- stitute's Business Office -on June 26, 27, 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. and June 29, 09:00 10 04:00 p.m. "BRING YOUR REPORT CARD OR.YOUR LETTER RECOMMENDING SUMMER SCHOOL WITH YOU TO REGISTER. ATTENDANCE Due to the bre,vity and intensity of these courses, both punctuality and full attendance are required for credit. Absences MUST be reported to the Summer School Of- fice. Students under age 18 will NOT be admitted after SUBJECT Accounting Biology Chemistry Computer Awareness English French Geography History Law Mathematics MAT 1B1 MAT 1G1 MAT 141 -4 • YEAR1 YEAR2 DIC 2G1 DIC 2A1 ENG 1G1 ENG 2G1 ENG 1A1 ENG 2A1 ENG 1B1 ENG 2B1 _ FSF 2G1 FSF 2A1 FSF 1G1 FSF 1A1 GCA IG1 GCA 1A1 HCM 1G1 HCM 141 Music Physics Science Typing AMU1A1 SNC 1G1 SNC IA1 BKT 1G1 HCC 2G1 HCC 2A1 MAT 281 MAT 2G1 MAT 241 SNC 2G1 SNC 2A1 BKT 2G1 an absence without a note from their parentsiguar- dian. LOCATIONS Northern Collegiate Institute (most upgrading cour- ses) Alexander MacKenzie Secondary School (most new credit courses) Other locations may be necessary due to equipment requirements. TEXTBOOKS Textbooks will be supplied by the Summer School, ex- cept for Grade 13 subjects. Textbooks must be returned to the same person who issued the texts. FEES There is no'fee charge for academic subjects YEAR 3 BAP 3G1 SBI 30-1 SBI 341 ENG 3G1 ENG 3A1 FSF 3G1 FSF 3A1 MFM 3G1 YEAR 4 SCH 4G1 SCH 4A1 ENG 401 ENG 4A1 FSF 4G1 FSF 441 BLW 4G1 MFM 401 MTA 3A1 MTA 4A1 SPH 3G1 SPH 3A1 YEAR 5 BAC 541 581 SA1 SCH SA 1 ENG 541 FF 541 MRF 541 (Functions) MCL 541 (Calculus) SPH 5A1 NOTE: Any other regular Secondary School Course may be offered subject to the conditions below. All courses offered are conditional upon availability of staff and sufficient student enrolment. JULY 1 Holiday 8 15 22 29 5 Holiday 12 2 Classes Begin 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 AUGUST 31 6 7 Regular Classes End 13 14 Reports may be picked up, in Room 144 at Northern. 4 11 18 25 1 8 Final Exams 15 Remaining Reports Mailed. Summer School Staff on Vacation until after Labour Day. 5 End of Late Registration 12 19 Mid -Term Repot 's 26 Elementary 8 Most interest Courses E N D 9 Exam Results and Consultations 16 Offices Closed