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Times -Advocate, June 12, 1985
Sunday Schoolers conduct UC service
Bridging we Dis was the
theme of the Childrel/E Day Service
held at the United Ch h on Sunday
morning when the Sunday School
students conducted the service. The
service, completely written by the
staff of the Church School, depicted
the wealth and comfort of most of us
compared with the poor and starving.
The sanctuary was suitably
decorated to depict the theme built
around the song "Tears are not
Enough". Suitable hymns, songs and
readings emphasized the mission
Pam Gackstetter opened the ser-
vice by leading the call to worship.
Bevan Moir and Shawn Wurm offered
the prayer of approach. Derick
McGee led the congregation in the
dedication prayer for the offering and
Jodie McGee and Jaime McGee gave
the prayer of confession.
The scripture readings were given
by Victoria Bisback, Janine Hayter
and Jonathan Corbett, Amy Camp-
bell, Angela Bell and Mark Brock
each told a missionary story. At the
close of the service Ryan Kyle led the
congregation in their time of prayer.
For the service Donald Wareing
was the musical technician with Jean
Jacobe as the musical co-ordinator
and Belva Fuss was the pianist.
During the service awards were
presented by Joanne Rowcliffe, Sun -
EMPLOYEE HONOURED — Dorothy Corbett, employed at the Hen-
sall branch of the Bank of Montreal, was presented with a diamond -
studded gold watch and a diamond stick pin to mark 33 years ser-
vice with the bank. Shown with her are Hensall branch manager
Doreen Welsh and area manager Al McCarney.
TRIP WINNERS Cec Pepper, winner of the Hensall Kinsmen's May
trip -of -the month to B.C., draws the June winner. Peter De Wys will
receive Si ,000 for a trip of his choice. Looking on are Tom Neilands
and Jock Alkenhead. members of the Kinsmen trip committee.
Residents active
at Queensway
Monday afternoon Bingo continued the Christian Reformed Church a r -
as usual this week. The Activity Staff ranged car trips for the residents.
ran the Bingo as there were no They drove throughout the country
volunteers for the month. side and into Exeter. ending up in Ex -
Shirley Luther led the worship ser- eter Park for softie light
vice last week. refreshments. The ladies were Alice
The Activity Stalf'were quite busy Rooseboom. Peta Branderhorst and
on Tuesday getting the float ready for Wilma Kodde.
the parade in Ilensall Twilight Fair. Friday afternoon the movie "Fami-
Bill McKenzie, Stephanie Bosse. Rosa by Camping" was shown. This was an
Grigg. Ray Francis. Myrtle Gunning. informative and humorous story.
Muriel Gunning and Asa 1)eeves rode Father Mooney was in Friday to
on the float We were all pleased to he minister to the Catholic residents.
involved with the Fair Those who 'That's all from Queensway this week.
went to the fair really enjoyed Our quote this week is from The
themselves We're grateful to dude Heritage Book 1983. "Good Order is
Bros. Farm Equipment for the use of the formation of all things."
their tractor. Best Honor News •
The Ceramic club met Wednesday Wednesday afternoon crokinole and
morning. Lil Baker and Judy Parker euchre were played. We are pleased
assisted with the painting and c•Ie, n- that (;ertie i)eeves has returned after
ing green are being in Exeter 1lospital
Wednesday at noon we barbecued
hamburgs and feasted on the lawn.
The spring air sharpened our ap- Jim Dickins rode his'fully Gully
petites and we really enjoyed Honda to a strong fifth place finish in
ourselves the 80 A Motocross class al Mote park
The Health ('are Aides from ('on- near Owen Sound on June 9..lim will
estoga College arranged a picnic for be racing al the Supercross at the
noon on Thursday. The food was ('. N. E. grounds on the Blue .lay play -
delicious. After the picnic we played ing field under the lights on Saturday
a few games such as bean hag loss June 15 and will he hack racing on his
Thursday afternoon the ladies from home track al Hully Gully on June 16.
day School secretary, to students with
perfect attendance. Receiving their
first year of perfect attendance award
were Victoria Bisback, Jamie Brock,
r Aniy Campbell, Jeffrey Campbell,
Becky Corbett, Steve Forrest, Angela
Gould, Bill Hayter, Janine Hayter,
Jay Mallette, Jennifer Masse,
Melissa Masse, Blair Moir, Casey
O'Brien, Jeremy Reid, Kim Taylor
and Mary Taylor.
2nd Year Perfect Attendance
Awards went to Dennis Noakes, Chris
Campbell, Jamie Campbell, Jeffrey
Rathwell, Jeff Reid and Scott Reid.
3rd year awatds were presented to
Mark Bell, Karrie Consitt, Cathy Cor-
bett, Jonathan Corbett and Elizabeth
Thompson, 4th year to Lisa Campbell,
Jennifer McGee, Katie Rathwell and
Kari Taylor and•5th year to Leann
Consitt, Richelle Elder, Terri -Lynn
Elder, Karie Sue Kyle. Ryan Kyle and
Kim Scotchmer.
6th year awards went to Mark
Brock, Tim Brock, Gordon Hamilton,
Derick McGee, Jaime McGee and
Jodie McGee; 7th year to Mindy Bell,
Thomas Scotchmer and Shawn
Wurm; 8th year to Lynda Shirray and
9th year to Angela Bell. Pamela
Gackstetter, Robert Gacksleller,
Bevan Moir, Wayne Scotchmer, and
Diane Stebbins.
Promotion certificates were also
given as the students being promoted
went through the gates to their new
class. Graduating from Nursery to
Kindergarten class were Kelly .
Dayman, Bill Hayter, and Jeffrey
Rathwell. -
From the Kindergarten to th
Primary Department were jami
Campbell, Lisa Campbell, ('ara Ga
ner, Shelly Gardner, Brent Kyle
Melissa Masse, Jennifer McGee
Anita Phillips, Katie Rathwell an
Kari Taylor.
From Primary to Junior Depart
ment were Jamie Brock, Cathy Cor
bett. Terri -Lynn Elder, Jairni
McGee, Jodie McGee, Ann
Packham, Tara Pepper, Jerem
Reid, Kim Scotchmer.
From the Junior to Intermediat
Department were Rick Albert
Jonathan Corbett, Angela Gould
Karie-Sue Kyle, Derick McGee, Mari
Taylor and from the intermediate to
Senior Department were Gordon
Hamilton, Karen McCullough, Bevan
Moir, John Rooseboom, Lynda Shir-
ray and Bill Towlon.
Appreciation was expressed to the
teachers and' staff of the Church
School: Nursery Department, Jayne
Consitt, Janice Butson, Judy Kyle and
Joan Corbett; Kindergarten Depart-
ment, Sharon Kyle and Pat Camp-
bell; Primary Department, Beth
McGee and Jean Jacobe. Junior
Department Tammy Preszcator and
Joanne Rowcliffe. intermediate
Department. Bonnie' Gould and
Joanne Fields. Senior Department,
Pam Mallette. Audio Visual
Secretary, Donald Wareing.
Mindy Bell greeted the congrega-
tion at the door of the Sanctuary and
Shane Pepper. Lynda Shirray, Angela
Gould and Jamie Brock were the
Carmel Presbyterian
Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted
worship in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. Miss ('arolyn Love
played the organ.
The Sacrament of Communion will
he held on Sunday. June 16 al 11:30
open 'louse
"Open (louse" was held at the Bank
of Montreal, llensall, Friday in
recognition of Dorothy Corbett, who
had served as an employee for the
past :u years. Area Manager Al
McCarney was present and con-
gratulated Dorothy. on her years 01
service to the Bank.
Branch Manager Doreen Welsh
presented Dorothy with a diamond -
studded wrist watch with a matching
'stick -pin: the Bank of Montreal ('oat
of Arms was attached to both.
An Anniversary cake decorated
with the Bank of Montreal ('rest was
served with coffee and punch.
Calf show
Continued from page IA
and Sons. Parker and Parker. Hyde
Bros.. W.G. 'fhompion and Bank of
('ommerc•e, Dublin.
Paul Passmore swept all honours in
the oldtirners competition winning for
finish. gain and showmanship. Ile
won trophies donated by Vern
Alderdice, Rathwell and Associates
and Ross Haugh.
in 4-11 calf club competition. Scott
Cooper won the Huron Expositor
trophy as hest in conformation and
type and a jacket from Bill ('oleman
for showmanship.
Winner in the market calf class
were grand champion Mike
McGregor getting a $100 hill from
Darling's Abattoir, Wilber Kerslake
with the best heifer and Les Consitt
was second to McGregor in the steer
Dorothy was the recipient of many
floral arrangements and best wishes.
Amber Rebekahs
Vice Grand Lois Jones presided at
the regular meeting of Amber
Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday even-
ing in the absence of the Nobel Grand
Eunice Aikenhead. She was assisted
by Olga Chipchase P.N.G.
Marg Upshall reported for the
finance committee; Hazel Corbett
reported for the bake sale at the
Arena: Bonnie Upshall reported for
the Church service held at Kippen
United Church, Gladys Coleman
reported for the sisters who attended
the 55th birthday at Clinton.
The Inaugural meeting will be held
at Brussels on June 26 al 8 p.m. There
Fiddle all
on June 14, 15 and 16, the Kinsmen
Club of Hensall and District will once
again sponsor the Ontario Fiddlers
Contest at the Hensall Community
Centre. This weekend promises to be
a fun -filled event for the whole family.
The event kicks off Friday evening
at 7:00 p.m. with the eliminations.
The M.C. this year is popular BX -93
radio personality. Vic Folliot._ Events
continue al 1:00 Saturday afternoon
with the step dance competition and
jamboree. The playdowns get under-
way at 7:00 p.m. Saturday. Following
this, dance Saturday night away to
the music of "Light and Easy."
Each year, the Kinsmen Club of
Hensall and District, with the help of
e ' the K-40 club and the Kinettes, as well
e as many others, sponsor this fun fill-
ed- ed weekend to raise funds for various
community and service projects.
A new attraction will be staged Sun -
d day afternoon following a morning
church service at the community cen-
_ tre. The "Work Boot Olympics-
_ debuts this year and promises to be
• an exciting and entertaining event.
e Whether you are young or old, a par -
y ticipant or a spectator, you will be
RADUATION -- Taro Pepper (left), Kim Scotchmer, Cathy Corb tt and Anne,Packham graduated from
the Messengers to the Explorers at a dinner and ceremony held inn the Hensall' United Church fellowship
hall, Messenger leaders are Bev Bell and Bonnie Gould.
amused and amazed as 10 teams com-
pete against each other for cash
prizes in a series of events.
Come watch the athletes' middles
burst as they attempt the pie eating
contest. Listen to their grunts of pain
Isle. & Se rv'ce to Mout M.Ye.I
'For Farm 4 !Swung")
(For Indoor t O.tdoor the)
VARNA,fNT. 482-7103
Enjoy A
Dust -
Interest -
are still some "Books of Memories"
for sale.
Happy Birthday was sung. to
Dorothy Corbett and Aldeen Volland.
The final meeting for the summer
will be held June 19 at 8 p.m.
Northcrest News
The Chipchases left this week for an
extended motor trip to the West
John and Pearl Pepper attended a
family picnic at the latter's niece's
home in Kinburn.
Mrs. Dorothy Mason. Windsor and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle.
Seaforth, visited the McKnights.
Jean Love, London, visited recent-
ly with her mother Mrs. Jessie
while competing in the hog calling
contest. You'll be guaranteed a bushel
of laughs and fun as you watch the
bale toss, the bull shouting event,
Bessy Bingo. and many others.
You can join the fun. Spectators will
be called upon by the judges to decide
on the finalists. The most important
event of the day will be the fun that
the spectators will have.
The Kinsmen Club of Hensall and
District is looking forward to a fun
weekend. The hard work undertaken
by the Kinsmen to stage such an event
enable them to continue their support
and assistance towards such worthy
causes as Cystic Fibrosis, the Lung
Association. Boy Scouts and Ven-
tures. minor sports, and many other
community endeavours.
( 1
Modesty is the art of drowing
attention to whatever it is
you're being modest about.
Space explorer: someone
driving around town trying to
Doing nothing to avoid mak-
ing mistakes is probably the
worst one you can make.
Junk mail postage is so ex-
pensive, they now address
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Why not join the failhful
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107 Queen St. Hensall
Hensall Civic Corner
Garbage collection service will
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Friday July 5, 1985. Further
details will be made available!
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