HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-06-12, Page 8a 8 Times -Advocate, June 12, 1985
CASUALLY SPEAKING -- These three models were part of the Huron Country Playhouse Fashion Show
on Wednesday, at the Grand Bend theatre. From left are Vicki Pfaff, Peter Dodd, and Patricia Shaw,
all showing casual summer clothes.
PLAY YOUR STRONG SUIT — The bathing suits came in a wide variety of styles and colours, to suit
almost everyone. These models were among those who brought them to life at the Huron Country
Playhouse on Wednesday, during the annual fashion show fundraiser. From left: Vicki Pfaff, Beth Jean,
and Vida Iskauskas.
Herb teas are popular
All herb teas are delicately
flavoured and carry with them the
taste and fragrances of the herb
garden even if they are served in the
depths of winter. Using a herb as a tea
is one of the best ways of appreciating
its fult taste and aroma and its effect
on you. Some herbs, such as the
mints, will refresh you. and others
relax; some help an uneasy digestion
and others such as chamomile and
bergemot ( Monarda didyma ► will
make you sleepy. A herb tea may not
act as quickly as an aspirin but it is
much safer and works in harmony
with your body.
The true herb tea or tisane is made
in earthenware, china. porcelain or
glass rather than metal. 1 keep two
teapots. one glass and one porcelain
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which are used exclusively for herb
teas. A strainer is also needed. -The
shallow metal ones do the job but I in-
finitely preler a Japanese bamboo
strainer which is about two inches
deep and holds all the herb leaves
without difficulty.
'I'o make herb tea. first warm the
teapot and place the herbs. fresh or
dried. in it. Pour boiling water over
the herbs and leave to steep about
eight minutes. The tea can Ix' made
as weak or as strong as is desired by
alternating the amount of leaves
and/or steeping time Some herbs
such as lemon verlx•na, rosemary and
angelica are concentrated and only a
few leaves are needed for quite a
strong flavour. Others such as lemon
balm are more delicate and larger
hunches may he needed.
The quantity of the herb varies with
the plant hurt a general rule is one
teaspoonful of the dried herb per cup
and two teaspoons of fresh herbs.
Milk should not be used. but honey as
a sweetener and a slice of lemon may
bring out the flavour
F;veryone has their favourite herb
leas and many books will recommend
different cnmbinalmos, also many in-
teresting blends arc Lound in the
stores. It is. however. a good idea to
take time and try each individual
herb then blend them together to
make your own special nrixture.l* e
find a blend of lemon halm. orange
Hunt and a Iew costmary leaves is
very popular
For further information. contact
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one of the models in the Huron
Country Playhouse fashion show,
is seen here modelling summer
casual clothing. The event was
very successful selling out for
both shows.
Huron Country Playhouse event
Carefree fashions previewed
"Carefree Days Ahead" was the
theme of the annual fashion show fun-
draiser at the Huron Country
Playhouse on Wednesday. The show,
organized by the Playhouse Guild,
featured a variety of summer
clothing, from casual wear for loung-
ing on weekends, beachwear and
bathing suits, to formal dresses
suitable for a summer wedding.
Mary Harvey, the vice-president of
the Guild, was the co-ordinator of the
fashion show. The show was narrated
by Tory McKenzie, the president of
the Guild, and was written and stag-
ed by Brb Balmer.
Barb Balmer, of the Sun Shop in
Grand Bend, and Karen Pfaff of
Looking Good in Exeter, provided the
fashions. Men's fashions were provid-
ed by Nick Carter of the Surf Shop in
Grand Bend.
This was the second time the show
had actually been held in the
Playhouse. Tickets were $6, and were
sold out. There were two shows, one
at 12:30 that included lunch, and one
at 8:30 where wine and cheese
refreshments were served.
The models included many
members of the Guild and some of the
Playhouse staff. Dave Sheppard, the
president of the Board of Directors,
and Ron, Ulrich, the artistic director
of the Playhouse, were both in the
There were three sections to the
show, "Casually Speaking", "Looking
Good Day and Night", and "Play
Your Strong Suit". Between the sec-
tions door prizes were given out.
The models who appeared in the
show, excluding those mentioned
previously, were as follows: Tracy
Woods, Patricia Shaw, Sandy Balmer
(who was also the coreographert,
Beth Jean, Vida Iskankas, Peter
Dodd, Vicki Pfaff, Deane Smith, Joy
Ever notice that when you reach a
certain age, everything you have
seems to wear out, spread out. or fall
out? •-
Hogg, Dale Marsh, Connie Taylor and
Maxime Gammage.
The Playhouse will be holding an
auction on July 28 as a fundraiser
ine first event of the season is on
June 15, when the Nylons will be in
concert, as another part of the fun-
draising campaign.
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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter, passed By-law No'.
27, 1985 on the 3rd day of June, 1985 under. Section 34 of the Planning Act 1983.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in
respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter not later
than the 9th day of July, 1985 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and
the reasons in suppott of the objection.
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-
law applies, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies are
attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection in the Municipal Offices during regular
office hours.
Dated at the Town of Exeter, this 4th day of June, 1985
Elizabeth Bell
Clerk, Town of Exeter
BY-LAW NO. 27 - 1985
i) By-law No. 27 - 1985 has the following purpose and effect;
By-law No. 27 of 1985 amends By-law No. 30 of 1978 to permit land uses in conformity with
the revised Town of Exeter Official Plan.
In this regard, By-law No. 27 of the 1985 amends By-law 30 of 1978 regarding the zone regula-
tions for specific land use zones within By-law 30 of 1978. These revisions ore a result of
o comperhensive 5 year review of the land use policies in the Town of Exeter Official Pion
and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 30 of 1978. The proposed revisions to the Official Plan
and By-law were the subject of a public review under Section 17(2) and Section 34 of the
Planning Act, 1983. Since no objections were raised against the subject amendments, coun-
cil wishes to .incorporate these changes into By-law 30 of 1978. All other zone provisions
of By -low 30 of 1978 not so amended shall apply.
ii) A Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the zone changes apply is shown below
and is entitled "Location Map". This Key Map applies to those lands were a zone change
is to be made to By-law 30 of 1978.
1 '1
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1. chonge from D to M2
2 chonge from FD to M2
3 change from D to M2
4. chonge from C6 to C5
5. change from R1 to C5
6. chonge from I to C5
7. change from R1 to 15
8. chonge from R1 to 5
9 change from C6 to C5
10 change from R1 to C5
11 chonge from C6 to C5
12. chonge from D to M2