HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-06-12, Page 5MR. AND MRS. DENNIS FLEISCHAUER Devine- f foist haver and. Jenny Kestet , daughter of Adrian and Miry Kestet of Clinton were mar- ried on April 27 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Father J.P. Nelligan officiated. Matron of honour was Tilly Hartman and Dorothy Kester was the bridesmaid. Greg Jervis was the best marc and Wayne Hartman ushered the guests into the church. A wedding reception was held at the Stanley Township Complex in Varna. The newlyweds are residing in Clin- ton. (James Fitzgerald photo) Saintsbury By MRS IUUBER DAVIS I 'bin ch seek ice w as held at 8:30 sun Suoday with Rev. I'. Derrick in charge. Next Sunday is anniversary service al St. Thomas. (.rant on sl- am. Service at S1. Patrick's will he cancelled. John MacGillivray. Stokes Bay spent Thursday night with Nit.. and Mrs. Bob \iacGillivray, Lucan on his 'way to his brother's funeral in Toronto. t1Mrs.(7arence Davis spent the past week with her daughter A1r. and Mrs. Wayne Love and girls Varna. . • Mr. and \irs. Jell Young and Richard were recent dinner guests with their grandmother Mrs Mary Danis. Richard was observing his first birthday. - 111r. and Mrs. Bob Tindall. Marylou and Robert attended the ' Tindall fami- ly reunion at the Kirkton park. Sunday, IIIc. and Airs. Jim \ic('arthy Gran- ton. Air. and Airs. Bob Latta. Clandeboye •Ind Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee et)nyed dinner together Sunday even ig Eat 1 was observing his birthday ‘f Kippen cleric bids farewell By MARGARET HOGGARTH K tppen Pastor Don :lloffal presided in the pulpit to preach his last sermon at S1. Andrew's. The ministry of 111ttsic was presented by Chrystal Jones playing two piano selections. Fantasia by Bachand Sonatina in (; by (dementia. Pastor Moffat's sermon was based on reminiscences of the three years the \Inllats have been in Bruc•efiel(1 and Kippen. ending his sermon with quotations from 1':ntl's final insh•uc- tions at the closing of each of his tetters. Announcements: No.\lore Services in Kippen Until August. On June Ili the annual congrega- tional outdoor service and picnic will he held al Brucefield Church al 11 am June 2:3 the I;rue•edield Youth An- niversary Service will he held al Brucefield al Ii am. Special Guest Speaker tt ill he Bob Rey -wood Kipper I•:asp WI Kippen I•::Ist will hold their family and COnsunarr affairs meeting on Wednesday .lune 19 al the home of Charlotte \Ic•l)owen. Sea fort h at 8.:341 p in., roll call to he answered by "No Name Products 1 ha ve used Guest speaker w Ill Ix. Mary .Ann Varonlich the pito al t irganiratonal Specialist for Hone Ecnnonn Peroneal Al and Uargar•e'I Hnggarlh along with AI's mother Ruby of Zurich spent Sunday .lune 9 in London with Stella Bowden. Ruby's sister. nt ('helsey Park Gardens They look a picnic lunch to Springhank Park to celebrate Ruby's 81 sI birthdat FINAL MEETING . The sixth anrd final meeting nI the Hur•nndale Nn 1 tIi i .o'n 01 the 111 leadership chth was held on .flit' The c ice lrlrsulenl I leather 1.e1t r opened fhr tureting cc lilt et rrtnnr repealing the 111 !twit;' Abler secret 11' Cheryl Hehner read the ermines. the roll call tt:is answered Six rectled on When have you !well a n►en►Im•r of :I Tea MI that h:r 1•, urk int ether 1'reslrlent \iurrat Rundle arrived to discuss the 111 Reach For Ihp;Top. and Rundle war elected to head a cmnntittee Business nl achiet rn1(.14 adr itt was discussed and U war derided In hold a social ex ening Inc the members of the "Sent•'• Int Salet( club Todd . 1)evrie• xolnntre'rrd to head that. with assistance troth Bonnie Hobson Pages :33-38 in their !minks were read and then the exercises for the team were completed 1,0.1 at sea and fhr (*Misery ;51 1011 game were played ('heryl led the routers n1 a social activity and the meeting closed at 10:00 pot \le•n11x'r s please remember that hooks are dm, .1111 t. 190.; limes-Advocote, June 12, 1985 Page 5 Church women enjoy picnic at resort eottage The cottage of Ben 'rue key was the setting for the Exeter tinned Church Evening u'nit's June meeting with Elsie Tuckey as hostess. Everyone enjoyed a delicious potluck supper followed by contests and relays led by Marion Kerslake and Maris Atthill Maris Atthill read a humorous poem entitled "No E\ cure for Not Going to Church Audrey '- Audrey \Iac(:regur. Unit Leader, thanked I:l- is''Tuckey fur inviting the unit to the lovely cottage and lot- all her h•+sp►ilahty Secretary. tlelen ('ogles read a letter from the Cana diau Radio Television and ('omnis sion tt Oh thanks for their petition coon cerring alcoholic beverage advert is• ing on .television. • A. committee 01 Avis ('udrnure. Ada I)innet. Pat Down and \toxin' Sereda volunteere(I ly prepare an ex .Sereda for the Exeter Fall. Fair elub compel ilion . It was decided to send money. 1111 ()ugh the ('niter! Chinch to the Famine• 11e1e4 Fund _.lhu, a caller Dun was taken up for the Barrie Tier rtado t kiwis as well as a dunatton Irian the lea money Roll c'aIl w'as aiS't('l rl by each 0 H- 1ng what they looked tot•ward to for the summer Following the uttering Audrey MacGregor led in it •• Prayer lir the Sumner " l lavis Atthill. Leadership Develop nett Convener, r•enrinded'everyone that registration for the Alma Sunt r11er School Weekend on August 17-19 or One 1)ay School 00 August 19 must 1►e seed by .July 15 Several members plan- on attending 10411 sessions. • Marjorie 'Tuckey. hamar convener. reminded everyone to keep working nn . hamar items over the summer 1 months. Maxine Sereda denionstrated a towel. soap and tissue holder which could be made. Co conveners for the bazaar are Laurie Shaptou and Florence Fmkbeiner. Norma limper, Music andWorship representative from the Ioard an pounced Ilial the Service in the l'ark followed by a put luck lunch will he held on June 30 in 1 lacNaughtot Park al I I :00 a.m. Summer services dur- ing July and August will he held at 10:on a.m. In Exeter C.C. 110' F'r'iendship Tea May 23 for shut-ins and nursing home residents was reported as being a great suc cess. I':terone who helped %•as thank ed by Audrey MacGregor on behalf of Marion Dougall. U.('.W. president. I'latls were made to visit those who could not attend the tea Mary Rooth volunteered to look after providing juice and cookies for the children attending the Vacation Bible School, July 22 to 26 at our c•hurrh Helen Coates. Stewardship and %Vend tut reach. reported that there, will be an a /pen Rouse at "Friendship House a home for haltered women, in Goderich on Thursday June 211. Agnes Aunger, Mission and Service hoard representative. reported that a very- successful drive for Rraemor planar residents was held on May 28 with lunch served approximately 22 residents She asked for volunteer, tar the lluronvieW-Drive on June 10. Maxine Sereda. Christian Educa- tion convener announced • that volunteers are required for the Vaca - 110n Bible School July 22 to 28 and that Family brunch will he held from 9:0n to 11:(10 a.m. on Sunday. September 8. A CG IT leader is also required. Ada Dunt y, Properly and Finance board representative. reported that $15tK).1t0 has bee') donated by the U.C.11' to the Manse. Money from the Memorial Fund will Ix' used to carpet the kindergarten.A new schedule ul rental tees for use of the church has been drawn up 1►y the Property and Finance Committee ul fhr Church Board Elsie 'Turkey. whose group was 111 charge of worship. welcomed everyone to the cottage and served GRADUATES . Daryl Selves, son of Larry and Ruth Selves of Kirkton, graduated on June 4 from the University of Guelph with a diploma in Agricultural Business. pop. She opened the tyorship service with "Thoughts" one of these wits '-11 you must wag your tongue. make it friendly." Elsie rued a thought-provoking selec•lion "1.11e Is Ours" and also the selection "'1y Legacy" front ".111 Everyday God'. Did you know that aperson with only Canadian dividend income -can earn up to S40,000 and pay no tax? The Bolton Tremblay income Fund is an excellent imrst mint for those who require a steady flow of lax advantaged income. The Fund concentrate's on atter-tax return mainly through investment in -dividend producing ,hare. For more information, phone us today to find out how you can pay no tax. For short tern investments Canada Treasury Bills Yield 8.90°° for 90 days Rate subject to change. DSP DomUnon Securities Pitfield Gary C. Bean, 344 Andrew St. S.. 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