HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-22, Page 324 Page 16A Times -Advocate, May 22, 1985 .BIRTHS - BltEl ER f ino and Nla rgrtt • )unci with love they sale arra ail (11 Amanda Mar Ilia Hanna. weighing 81b 1 uz on Mother's Day. May 12. 1985. Proud grandparents arc Bill and Martha Bischol of Oakville. and Werner and Rita Trost u1 Guelph Many thanks to Dr Maynard and staff of Si Joseph's llospital. Lundun, Ontario 21r - FIELDS Mery and JoAnne u.nee Fosters thank God for the safe arrival of their second son. Justin James. born May (5. 1985 weighing 7 Ib :f oz. A little playmate for Joshua. A very special thank you to 1)r. Steciuk. lir Fellows and OB nursing stall at both South Huron and St Joseph's Hospital Your -tender loving care was greatly appreciated Joshua would like to send a big hug and kiss to Grandma and Grandpa Foster for his adventurous stay on the farm. Thanks also to Dad Iron) Justin and Mom for your love and help (luring our stay in the hospital. Proud grandparents are Earl and Jean Foster and Frank and Lauretta Fields 21 IRVINE -- Stewart and Betty are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child. Heather Catherine. on Monday. April 22. 1985 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. weighing 7 1b 5 oz. Proud grandparents are Jack and Marg Upshall of Statta. Stewart and ('ountess Irvine. of Forest.21 • JONES - Howard and Louise, Chris and Jason thank God for the safe arrival of Melissa Ann, 8Ib- 3Oz. born Saturday, May 18. 1985 at 12:311 p.m. Special thanks to !)r. Maynard and. third Ilror staff of Si _Joseph's llospital. Proud grandparents are Rose Towle, Lucan. [tarry Towle. F'ullar ton. Bill and Vi Jones. Exeter. 21 RAMMED OO -- Farmer !till's newest au- dition is a girl. Kelly', Ann .lane. 8 Ib. 7 oz A sister for Eric. Robert. David and Roger. 21 c• 51MPSOti - Dale and Sue wish to an- nounce the arrival on May 17. 1985 at St. Joseph's Hospital of Ryan James weighing 7 Ib. 4 oz. A wee brother for Tammy. Pro- ud grandparents are Glenna Beraskin and Fleming and Doris Simpson. Proud great grandmother is Edna Anderson 21 SMITH - Doug and Christine are happy to announce the arrival of their second daughter Stacey Brianne. born May 8, 1985 at St. Joseph's hospital. A welcome little sister for Vicky- Lyn. Proud grandparents are Doug and Cecilia Smith and Howard and Eve Market. 31c ENGAGEMENTS - Lil and Marlin Martens wish to an nounce the turthcoming marriage of their daughter Marl Io Kevin MacGregor. son of Diane and George \1acGreg(w of Chatham. Ontario. The )marriage will take place Saturday. May 25, 1985 al 3:0I p.m.. im- maculate ileart of Mary Church. (;rand Bend. '21c Mr. and Mrs. Philip Campbell are pleas- ed 10 announce the Iorthcoming marriage of their daughter Leslie Ann to Mr- Jerry Van Derwen. son od Mr. and Mrs. harry Van Derwen The wedding will take place at Our Lady o1 Mount Carmel Church on Saturday-. June H. al :f:(Ni p 111 ripen recep- tion to follow 21(' ANNOUNCEMENTS - Nes ENA O Ilnl% St Jude Apostle and Martyr Great In s irluc• and rich in miracles Near Kinsman of Jesus Christ The faithful intercessor of all who invoke their special patronage in [lineal need To you 1 have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance 1leIp me in my present and urgent petition In return I propose to slake your name known and cause your name to be invoked Three Our Fathers. Three Hail Marys. Three Glurias. St Jude. pray for us and -all who invoke your aid This Novena has never been known to tail Publication must be promised .1MR. 21c Congratulations Atom and Dad. Charles. and Freda Hollings. lilt 2 Lucan, on your 45t1) Wedding Anniversary. May 18, 1985. Best wishes tor continued good health and much happiness in the future. A famiy meal and enjoyable evening was held in .their honour With love. your [amid. grandchildren. great granrk•hild and bridal attendants 21 CARDS OF THANKS- . Many. \la iiy thanks to our family. relatis es. friends and neighbours who at- tended to help slake our 40th anniversary dance such a happy and memorable occa- sion. Your cards, gifts and good wishes like your friendship will always be treasured.Sincerely. Ken and Ituby Simpson '_>1 1 would like to thank all the ladies of the Shipka Community-. and my neighbours, for the beautiful shower presents. They will be touch appreciated in our home in Winnipeg Your kindness will always be remembered. 21 • Donna Baker Gerry and I would like to sincerely thank everyone for cards. flowers. visits. treats and telepl calls while 1 was a patient in SI. Joseph's llospital and since return- ing home. They were all greatly appreciated. 21 lsa Smith I would like to thank my family, friends. neighbours for the cards. flowers and phone calls while I was a patient in Univer- sity Hospital and since coming. home. 21 Margaret Upshall To all our friends and neighbours fur your kindness and support during the time of the loss of our dear brother. I)an Fallon 11'e thank you sincerely and appreciate deeply your Ir•iendship. 21c• Gus and Gerry Gregus wl would like to thank my family. Friends and relatives for the cards. visits and treats 1 received while 1 was a patient in 1'niverstiy llospital Also thanks for the friends who drove Doris in 10 see me 11 was greattullt appreciated. 2 Allen Platt. 1 would like 10 express my thanks to friends and relatives for gifts. !lowers. cards and visits during my slay in hospital. Thanks to I)r Wall and his assistants and nursing stall on eighth tlalr. University Ilospilal and In Hoffman's Ambulance, to Ur Sleciuk and slat[ of South Iluron Hospital. also family and friends who helped out artiome 21c Lnrella Sanders Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood t► Minister REV_. BARBARA LAING Organist Muss Idella Gabel. A -R.0 1 Sunday. May 26 9 45 a m. Sunday Service 9 45 a.m. Sunday School Nursery Available Every Thursday is Teen Group All pre Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East Exeter REV ABRAM BLAAK Minister Sunday- May 26 1000 a m Worship Sefvice 11 00 o m Sunday Service 7 30 p m Evening Service Come and Worship with us Coven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235 2243 Organist Mr Robert McIntosh Sunday Moy 26 9 00 a m Morning Worship 9 00 a rn Sunday School All Grades Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV MAYO MEtIECKE Sunday May 26 9 30 a m Sunday School and Bible Study 11 00 Worship Service Everyone Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets Exeter REV JOHN OBEDA Pastor Sunday May 26 10 30 a m Worship Service 9 30 Sunday School and Bible Study Welcome 1f Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B. H DE JONGE Sunday. May 26 1000 a m - Worship Sunday School(Preschoolers) 2 30 p.m. Worship Sunday School (Grades 1-4) Nursery Available listen to The Bock to God Hour CKNX Dial 920 10 30 o.m Television Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minster Rev Richard W Hawley 8 A M Div lay Associate Mr Peter Snell B A. Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday Moy 26 PENTECOST SUNDAY 11 00 a m Morning Worship with Rev Richard W Howley Sermon Redeemed From Fire by Fire 11 00 a m Church School Courtesy Car Mr Bill Gllfillan 235 0114 Nursery Facilities Available EVERYONE WELCOME The Trivitt Memorial Church Anglican) Main at Gilley Exeter the REV 1 W -SUTTON Rector 235.2335 Sunday May 26 Pentecost 11 15 a m Holy Eucharist Church School . Nursery Welcome Emmanuel Baptist Church 187 Huron St W -Exeter Sunday May 26 11 a m and 7 30 p m Farewell Messages by Pastor Don Boyd Wed 8 00 p m Bible Study Coming Events June 1 Young Peoples Volleyball Tournament Come for a 'faith lift Visit us soon i • CARDS OF THANKS - 1 would like to thank my tart►ily. friends. and relatives for the cards. gifts. and phone calls whsle 1 was sick. It was all very much appreciated 2 Lori Kerslake Thank.l ou to my- neighbours.1riends and relatives for all the cards, .gifts and thoughttul wishes since 1 have returned Irum St Joseph's llospital Special thanks is extended to the Rebekahs. the Legion Auxiliary. the United Church ladies and Rev. Hawley 21c Helen Brown i would like to thank all my relatives. neighbours and friends for the lovely [louvers. cards and gilts on my 90th birthday 21 Wilson Morley We would like to thank the Luean Fire . Department, Steve Carter for his quick service on cleaning up the mess, our neighbours, friends and especially both our families who carne to help and give support the day of our fire and since that time Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 21c Ed. Jackie. Cathy. Tracy. Julie and Christopher Glavin 1 would like to thank relatives and friends tor all the cards. flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital a,ud for the assistance since retur- ning horse - 21c• Bill Dickey We would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make April 27 a very special day for us. 21e Dennis and .Jenny Fleischauer IN MEMORIAM-- 131tIN'l'NE1,1, In loving memory of a wonderful wile. mother. grandmother and great grandmother Hilda who passed away May 7. 1982. miss you more than anyone knows • As each day passes emptiness grows. The tears i shed I can wipe away But the ache in my' heart will always slay It's sad to walk the road alone Instead of with you by my side. But to all there comes a moment When we must all divide. You gave me years of happiness Then sorrow came and fear. But you left beautiful memories I will treasure through the years. Always loved and remembered by -your loving-usband Russell and Iamily. 21 GHEENLEE - in loving )memory -of a dear father. Raymond who passed away May 7. 1974 and mother Vera. who passed away May 28. 1984. A Dad and Mom we were proud to own How much we miss them will never be known The heartaches in this world are many But to lose your dad and mom the greatest of any. Dad and Mom. if we could make a wish tonight And know t could came true 11'e wish That we could reach heaven And ask to speak to loth of you. Lord put Your arms around them Keep then) in Your care Make up for all they suffered Until we meet them there. Your resting place we visit And put flowers (here with care But no one knows the heartache When we turn and leave you there. Sadly missed by son Earl and daughter- in-law Marguerite and tinnily 21 Vi11en you go away: the nerd kw blood doesn't. • -.11111t2_: ± BLOOD Gine before ' ni go. Coming Events BINGO Every Tuesday evening at Variaslra ('entre. RR 5 Clinton. 8 p It1 First regular card SI 00, I:r regular games of $20 each. :t share the wealth Jack l'ol S2(NI must go Admission restricted 10 16 years and over 3211nc MENS GROt'P PROGRAM luend lanul violence ('all the Iluron Courtly Task Force on Family Violence 48'2393:3 17 24c It(IODI1A\t UNITED ('HUIt('ll t'('W Annual Chicken Barbecue. 11-edne'sday. ,tune 5 5 p m Adults Sri 5n. children 12 and under S3 25 19 -21c - HURON COUNTY'S LAIt(;KSI' USED )41K SALE Saturday. June 1, 10 7 30. and Sunday. June 2. 12 4 In Menor)a1 Han. Blyth Books and magazines. lours 01 the theatre. bake table and refreshments Art exhibit featuring Morris Darling Readings al 2 p in by storyteller Mlckte \1e(lear !Saturday and author (;tsele Ireland •Sunday :1dml.aon free Pro- ceeds to Myth F'c'sllva1 20.22e EXETER SENIOR CITIZENS - holding a garage and bake sale Saturday. May 23 commencing al 9 a m at !shirked Thom - son's residence. 181 William SI 20.21 RF:TIHEMEN'E TEA tor Edith Swan ,lune 9, 2 DU 4-30 al Ilurnn Centennial School gym 21.2.1 OPEN INVITATION is extender) to all relatives. friends and neighbours from the family of Allan and ,lune it(nee to a 2311i an nis-ersary celebration. Saturday. May 23 Parkhill ('immunity ('entre. Hest a isles only 21c• OPEN 11111'SE: The faintly of Leonard and Minnie Noakes invite you to an open house in honour of their }went 's 451h wed ding anniversary nn Sunday. \lav 26. 198i Fellowship !iall. itensall United Church. 2 4 p rn Friendship and best st isles only '1 SINGLES DANCE Saturday. May 2., Stratford Fairgrounds Dancing 9.1 \fuste by '-( 'nun lry ('onnerhnn -- 21c FIDDLE AND STEI'DAN('F:CI1NTEST Luh 12 and 1.1 Fergus 4nnnunih Centre Fergus. Onlaru, r'ampmg available Fur information call Merv. Woods 319' 843.11:30 21 25x TIMBERTOWN FiDDI,F: AND STEP t)A`E('F: ('(>NTF.ST Gospel and Counlry Music Jatnhoree. .luny 28 to 1983 Fairgrounds. Renfrew . ()Mario Featuring Sunday Wayne I30sta(I. holly Lalonde Ted llargle and others Sponsors An Canada. ('Ki3Y. MiIlars Beverages. Hen frew County Fukilers. Ottawa Palley ('stn In' Music hall of Fame Information 6,13-432.1741 21x IN MEMORIAM - hi losing memory ul a dear wile. mother and grandmother Lyla. who passed away three year: ago. May 25. 1982 Three years ago. we had to part With a mother we loved with all our hearts. Her lite was unsell1,1, lot others she lived. Not to receive but always to give Ilelptul. willing. so thoughtful and kind. What a beautiful memory she left behind No longer in our lives to share. But In our hearts. she is always there .Always loved and sadly missed by bus band Edmond. family I)un and Pauline. !lost -aril and 1'1yunn '. Lawrence and Carol and ten grandchildren 21 1I0DGINS -- In loving nemroy of a dear husband. lather and grandfather. Kenneth Hudgins. who passed away May 25. 1984 In all the world we shall not lind A heart so wonderfully. kind So sol( a voice. so sweet a smile. An inspiration so worthwhile, A sympathy so sure. so deep. A love so beautiful tor us to keep. - Always remembered and sadly missed by his family 21e JOHNSTON -- 111 loving mellinry 01 it dear wire, mother and grandmother .lean who died May 23. 1979. Lovingly remembered by her husband Charles and daughters Mrs Jean Hank and family and Mrs. Dawn Russell and f8lnr )v - 21c Mc('LI\('I1E\ - In loving memory 01 Edgar who passed away May 23, 1984 Fond memories make. sadness and loneliness a silent part 01 each clay. Ever remembered by wife Kathleen and son Gerry. 21 Hydro line examined On Sunday-. May 2fi at 12:00 noon. :FV-l.(►ndon's "inquiry" -and "'.'his Business of Farming" will combine for a one-hour special. The program will examine. in detail, Ontario Hydro's proposal 10 deliver power from the Bruce Nuclear ' Power Development in Bruce County to Southwestern Ontario. After 'a rejection •by a 1982 Con- solidated blearing Board of their first 1.11 System flan. hydro accepted a modified \1:: Platt to route power to London over lines along 11ightway In November 198:3. an appeal against the route was launched. The appellants. including The Central On- tario Coil lilion, argues that notice of meetings had been inadequate and therefore the recommendation of The Consolidated-1learing Board .l3 Ilan was invalid. The Supreme Court of Ontario upheld the appeal and they were back at square one. Hydro's current proposal is once again their MI Plan of power lines run over farmland straight to London from Bruce. Hydro's M1 Plan, however. is tar- ing stiff opposition from the F'oodlan(1 Hydro Committee. The committee was formed with the support of 24 townships and has retained the ser- vices of a lawyer to assist in their battle. ('o -hosts for this special are 'l'V- London's newscaster and inquiry host Neil Stevens. and business and farm reporter Boss Dail'. Joining them are Foodland Hydro Committee Ist Vice Chairman Ken McGregor. and On- tario lfydro representatives Kick Campbell and .Lillian Bennett. The producer for this TV -London production is John Macdonald. ,o h %w Diner o� Dashwood 237-3753 Open 7 days o week 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Specials Take outs Open t p ru. Starts at dusk Children Under 12InCrs Fres 'rte* :.RedMseeee 4 tis mar Kge -1 /g 238 end _ >� 4 FRIDAY',SATURDAY NAY 2A ( '( IN 1 1 A 1wt )(111 I IL!;• 1 1 fYf'-C noon us►' a WM'• d,Ilmr MVI *'r"• ' "•Y or turnip nw Party for Rob Miller May 24, 1985 9:00 p.m. For information call 229-8124 pCanadian Red Cross Standard First Aid Monday Course Starting May 27 7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 5 - 6 weeks South Huron Hospital Board Room Pre -register with Julie Dixon 235-2536 Party for John (Hammy) Hamilton Sat., May 25th Tickets $4.00 Lunch provided Phone 348-9657 or 235-0855 for more information JIIIIIIIIIIIUnmIIrIIn111111r►Iltlllllrri11411111i11r11 Bus Trip Kirkton Horticultural Society Canada's Wonderland Sat., June 8 $ 20.00 . Leave K -W Community Centre at 8 a.m. Phone Marilyn Robinson 229-6537 ?rtu llllllllultnwnununlinilnlunmmllrnr: 1utiNsrtiNNo• so so riee / Three AAA SEE 1 Restaurant 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Specializing in: • Breakfast • Businessmen's Lunches • Full course dinners with salad bar • Sunday Smorgasbord • Roast rack of local lamb Available every Sunday Join Us for Sunday Brunch & evening smorgasbord 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hwy. 4 8 83 235-29491 ANTIQUE ENGINE FEST Sun., May 26, 12 - 4 p.m. with Homesteaders :1 Antique Assoc. ., Featuring: restored engines. working _ pumps.. mills and saws SPECIAL FEATURE Chainsaw Competition Drogsows Antique Chainsaw Exhibit at Lambton Heritage Museum Hwy. 21 Grand Bend 243.2600 Garage & Bake Sale May 25th - 9 a.m. at Coven Presbyterian Church Parking Lot (June 1st - Rain Date) :111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 till llltr= Woodham Sunday School Anniversary May 26, 11 a.m. Captain Doug Hefford Guest Speaker Music by the Choirs .l lnlllOnl 11111111111W10Inn1111mlllli11111111111118 Community Bible Studies Olde Town Hall 8:00 p.m. Tuesdays Everyone welcome For further information 235-0456 and - 229-8881 Wedding Dance for Lloyd Mawson and Wendy Patterson Sat., June 1 at 8 p.m. For information call 243-3176 BROWNIES DRIVE-IN 149 BEECH ST.. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1:00 PM FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THIS WEEKEND: Moy 24-2 5-26 MICE L4iYyAuJFI 8 lit FIRST ASSIGWIENT PLUS 2ND FEATURE- , , -NEXT WEEKEND - "PORKY'S REVENGE" 00 Centre Mall Lower Level RAT11O [=r7OR1VY !P, Doily Specials and o great menu all week long We cater to: Banquets and Parties For reservations call 235-1088 Exeter Legion Auxiliary Bingo Chip Bingo Thursday, May 23 8 p.m. 12 regular ga111('s at $33 "_ Share the ttealth 1 i)O11anza Jackpot 3250 55 calls No one under the age of 16 will he odtnitted Licence No 388730