HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-22, Page 22Page 6A May 22. 1985 A SELL-OUT! "Every cattleman that I have talk cd to in the past few days 'eels that he has been betrayed by the !cetera) government satet Gerhard Scluckedamz. onlarn, Cattlemen's Association president. in response to press reports That )(Iowa has uttered the EE(' an additional 17 million pounds 01 quota for export subsidiz- ed beet. The export subsidy has been documented and acknowledged by the federal government as being; a act per pound on product valued at approx• imately SI 25 per pound in the Cana- dian market While no official statement has been made by the federal government on revising import quotas. !he media stories have not been denied "In Uecetnbet-, our Federal Government trade a commitment to our industry by using the Beef Import Act to limit beef imports in 1985 and particularly to deal with the problem of subsidiz- ed exports from the EE('.1! the media reports are true. they have reneged on that commitment. The. have pull- ed the rug Iron) under our teet and we are very upset." said Sc•hickedanz. Ile scent on to say. ":1 month ago 1 wrote to every Ontario :III' explain- ing the situation and seek nig their support for the original commitment. I have received many sympathetic• responses from 111''s and i wan( to thank them for the support.which they gave us on this issue. With all those nice Tetters I have received. f am beginning to wonder who makes deci- sions such as this int )itawa. TALKING AGRICULTURE Prior to Thursday's graduation exercises at Centralia College, Huron Ag Rep Don Pullen in the centre of the above picture chatted with Hon. William Stewart and his wife Edith. Few columns in the pall de•c:+de. - haye brought as much response as the Feature of the Week New Vetter Rotary Hoes "The Weed Killer & Herbicide Enhancer"' - Destroys weeds - Aerates soil - Shatters crusty soil - Aids Chemical incorporation - Sizes 12' to 34' Folding and non -folding models Call now to take advanta : e of 1984 prices .41 Y Priced from $282500 V.L. Beaker & Sons Ltd. «�3a 111 Hwy. 83 West Dashwood, Ontario 519-237- 3242 53 YC,11-. of Snl� ti (111(1 5,.,:i(,• 519-237-3673 AALLIS-CHALMERS 1 - 716 Hydro with 48" Mower 1 - 712 Hydro with 48" Mower 1 - 712 Shuttle with 42" Mower 1 - 919 Hydro with 48" Mower A 1 - 5 HP Scamp with 26" Mower ACA ALLIS-CHALMERS 2 - new 611 Hydros with 36" Mowers 1 - new 1030 Hydro with 30" Mower All used mowers carry 30 day guarantee. New mowers 1 year warranty. Ask for Bob or Terry 'Used Grass Eaters' Hyde Bros. Hensall 262-2605 exec y as illustrated Ltd. • SOYBEAN GROWERS FIRST LINE OFFERS: - There is more to seed quality than just germination - Seedling Vigour that may make the difference Rick •Upfold U of G crop specialist explains: vY O r,,.m,.r I':ien though farmer's are using varieties that score Well in ccrnon,1 Icon test.. Ihcy Ca 11 St111 gel a poor ylclrl 1 plold warned Seed w illi11;011r' can reduce problems associated w ith soil crusting . h,• commented 1'he seed is better able to 1►rr•ak through the crust Ili:u► seeds larking %Igor ( nlortunatel%. testing for seed vigor is not a c•oninum practice and t:rr'rnrrx really have no reliable and easy method oI testing for y Igor on the darn) •Hodgson • Evans Maple Arrow (2900 H.U.) (2700 H.U.) (2550 H.U.) All -Vigour Plus First Liiie'' soybean seed is tested and approved for vigour. To reduce your risk of environmental stress problems, buy "Vigour Plus soybean seed" • from Hill & Hill Farms Ltd. RR 1 Varna 482-3218 nei lurrow' 7jZ7 tsflers sr* botifteisiea by $4 rraa►r. t4Ae1R.Ito 'WPM 9,.* Jae n? one penned in .1larch which c•hastiz- ed my bank lin' bouncing a cheque. 1 have been writing a weekly col- umn for more than 20 years -and that column brought almost as much com- nienl as one that favoured nuclear .powerplants. 1 had a call from a bank employee in a small town north of London who said he had been treated shabbily' by his own bank' "I wanted it combine loan to e'pn- solida(e 501114' debts and buy a new car... he said. "'They demanded illy new car as security for the loan. It was the first time in 20 years of be- ing employed by the bank that 1 had been asked to secure the loan. [ told them to stull it and went to a trust -c'ompany... And that was just one call. There were half it dozen from across the pro- vince plus letters. - 1lere's one from a farm wife: "The hank -manager came in to 0(11' farm ac'c'oinpanied by three big. burly pro- vincial policemen. I'm sure tfl'ey waited until my hus- band was away. Those policemen ac - ling lawfully, of course.. scared hell out of our ilu•ee children. Two of them had just come in 1rotn school and the other is only three. The. Iwo younger kids were scared skinny when they saw those three scowling cops in our summer kitchen. :Mal yes. they were operating under the law It was the way it was done that wax so scary .. Another caller said: "l do not know how they can be so callous. I have been dealing with the same bank - Canada's largest -- for 25 years •t)ut they pounced my cheque when there was enough in the hank account to cover the cheque. They tole) me it w.e� a human error and 11 won't hopper: again. Meantime. I have to pay them S7.50 for the bounced cheque and the .compaIv that got my so-called N.S l cheque also charger) roe S8.00. 1 am out SI.S on plus some of my hard- earned reputation and all I gel is a let- ter of apology, no oiler to pay me my S15 isi." Ilere's another: "I have it loan at the. bank. i asked them for a letter telling me how much interest i paid in 198-1 on the loan because my accoun- tant can rtsr' it for income lax pur poses Von know what" I have to pay the damned bank SIt.11(1 for them to tell me how much I1i6y have charged me ,in interest for the year. That, my friend. is usury. 1 pay them to tell me how much they have charged me in interest. IVhat a rip-off. 1t would take all of two minutes to sit down at a computer and figure out 'the interest paid. And when you complain, they get snarky. So you back off because it is a demand loan and they might de- mand it.'' - A friend met me on the street and said his hank had bounced a cheque after 15 years. "I went into the bank to complain and do you know what some young Twit said to me? "1'm sorry. sir•. but we sometimes return a cheque N.S.F. just to teach people a lesson!" Teach me a lesson alter 15 years" Sheesh! I would like to teach her a lesson in.public relations." Those are a few quotes from the calls and letters. This column is car- ried in about (4.veekh' papers and at least one da i Iy. paper across Ontario. 11 people out in the boondocks are so teed off by the banking business. i think it is about time their public rela- tions people did something about it My own bank manager objected to me using the media for my own private beef but this is how things get changed. When people get up in arms. changes are made and it seems to one Canada's banks need to make some changes. •311 - JUDGING IS SET On Saturday, May 25. all Huron 4-11 members have been invited to par- ticipate in a Judging Competition. The members will be judging nine different classes. ranging from beef cattle to jeans. The members com- pete in one of four different age groups. There will be a novice group for those who have -not been in a previous competition: Included in the day's program is an hour of roller skating. The competi- tion will be held at the Clinton Fair Grounds with registration al 8:15 a.m. The event is designed to help the members develop their decision mak- ing skills while also having fun. Richard Hamilton Rural Organization Specialist 'Agriculture/. P.5. - Members of the media would he quite welcome daring the day. STRONG ON VALUE tt _. ..a- /f No matter if you choose the 7 or 9 foot model, you'll agree the New Idea mower conditioner is a superior value. Features like: • Enclosed oil bath balanced sickle drive for longer life • Fixed position between cutterbar and rolls assures better conditioning • Three-point header suspension system puts . more crop in your windrow • Rubber disc intermeshing reinforced rolls condition better and last longer • Priced below all major competition See us for a demonstration! NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Farm Supply Limited Sales and Service - Repair 22 Main St., Zurich Phone 236-4934 236-4321 FIIOM-GUIIO � Now there is a completely new plan to meet all the insurance needs of today's farm owner. With the Farm -Guard policy from The Co-operators you insure your home, contents, outbuildings, machinery, livestock, produce and supplies. Liability coverage is also included. Call today for information about the many coverages available with Farm -Guard protection 0G the 0 co_ opera toys INSURANCE SERVICES Verna Gingerich 374 Main St.. Exeter Clinton Community Credit Union Office Residence 235-1109 Business • Life • Home • Auto • Farm • Commercial )ftoriollmoo 7-Dx,E0T@.Q ACCOUNTANT•PUILIC orrN Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, thEXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. I)ARLIN(; (•ERTIPIItD t.EN6kAl. ACCOUNTANT' Tri I r t e-Win-ltttow THE 01_1) TOWN HALT. 822 MAIN NTNEET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM I00 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any plate We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get ActionSellBy Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan. Ont. (519) 227 4210 J.G. ''Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan. Ontario (519)227-4111 l INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love RR 3 Parkhill Ontoruo NOM 21(0 Phone Grund Bend 238-2644 REPAIRS (Sewing Machinel Repairs to oll makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Do wn i eS t . ,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt.Courfeous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 233.1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton �N Specializing AM TIRE SERVICE Calcium Service Tires Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations Imes - Advocate 235-1331