HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-22, Page 20Page 4A Times -Advocate, May 22. 1985
ieackes 'n C41l
:12 New gate Street, Goderich 52l-4103
If you're the type of person who really cares about the way
you look, why not preserve your beau( by stopping in at
This business opened 4' , years ago and is owned and
operated by ('_tRO!. MOM\II::RSTF:F,G. She specializes in
manicures. pedicures. facials. skin treatment, make-up.
waxing and electrolysis. •
Temporary !methods merely oiler a short lent) relief and
some even compound the hair problem. On the other hand.
electrolysis otters a permanent relief.
The procedure is simple.T'he electrologist inserts a tiny pro-
be through the opening ot the hair Wide, and a very minute
amount of energy is released to destroy the hair root. Fier.
trolysis is most effective on a planned weekly or twice week -
I1 program. The amount oI time for a specific area can vary
from 15 minutes lo 60 minuteser session
('aldol, does personal consultationslby appointment on
how to improve your image. 'flaking you look and feel good
is what this shop is all' about.
The most beautiful people pass through these doors and
continue to come hack and refer their !mends. This may be
your first visit • there. but we know you will come !jack
• Women id the area enjoy the care and attention given and
we have heard so many excellent comments 011 PF;.U'11F:S
'\ ('REAM that we highly recommend (heir services to our
415 :Iuglesea Street 52144:01"
(':1ShIW.1Y is one of Canada's leading Building Supply
Centres. with many locations across Canada. The branch in
Goderich is managed by DENIS LASS:11.1 \ F: who is assisted
by a highly efficient staff.
(':1SIi11':1Y strives to provide quality building supplies al
competitive prices. backed -by courteous and informed!
customer service.
Many of our readers will bfe embarking on a home renova
tion project this year. Maybe it's just a small ()wand all you
want is a hag 0f nails or some 2 x 4s_.then ('.1SIIW.IV will
sell _you Ihese.matenals just like any other building supply
But if you want snore, much more.. in the way of advice
on how to gel started. what are the best materials to use.
how much lumber you need...if you want professional
guidance. ('.1SII1V:1V have the answers.
They feature a large selection of lumber. plywood, insula-
tion. builders' hardware. wallboard. panelling. kitchens.
roofing materials, windows and all Your budding needs.
The do-it-yourselfer and large building contractors, all
take advantage of the large Variety of products. Your dollar
still buys great value at C.%Sllfl 1S' BUILDING CENTRES.
11'e pproudly- present some oI the highlights of ('.1S1111.IV. one
of ('anada's letter suppliers of a wide range of quaht-
WHOSE: II 1111'Y ('l'STO\IF:Its K\011 WHERE GRP: IT
SERVICE .1 NI) s.11.Fa 11{E: 1'f
Ilighway 21
llighway No. 1 and to
Exeter 2a5-12fili
RAV'F'IFI1) ItMit 1•:.1TRIN.U. SUES I\(.. is much more
than a well stocked RV ('entre. it's a business -built on great
service In customers 110st places selling these types of Wills
are mainly interested in sales
Through its parts and service facilities RA VEIELD
RECREATIONAL 5.11,E:S INC. allow customers to travel
more leisurely knowing the equipment is properly looked
With the warmer weather now upon us. roost people's
thoughts turn 10 recreation. like camping
Their suitable site was well chosen complete with sen ice
department. capable 0f handling a growing business 11 has
a well laved out display ol travel trailers and motor homes
11.11'FYF:l1l) RECItF..1T1(1\.iL S.11.1:S INC. opened in
Hayfield in 1981 and is locally owned and 0px•raled by ED
and ,IIi►1' .11111\S. ileing progressive business people. they
opened a location in Exeter in 1418:1 to n►eel the needs,tn the
They fedi ore a 11;11 Ince al parts and accessories and are
authorized dealers for TR 1111 IltI- . CI'1 1TIO\ and I'It0-
III.F:It Ira el trailers TIt.11 F:LAIHF: and \OI{TH!.1\DER
P.IIIK models, ('IT1T11)\ and TR 111:1.118 F: motor
homes. also good selcctinn of used traders
A Kecre:a1ion Vehicle is main Things In m:0y people The
one thing they all have In common as the pro%ision of pray
hca1. c0mfortable. conyrment and complete
There are motor homes. trailer' for trowel. trailers lo
park. to give you exactly what y oil w ant lor the hfesty fe sou
't (lec'reatorr Vehicle can he collage by a lake or n►ap.gg,nafa
cent travelling machine It can lake a family to out of the
was places or a group 0f friends to a football game It can
take families lu the beach or across the country It can move
al will or he a hone !ureter
Your road in the good life begins al 111vElEt 1/ ItF('RF:1-
TIO\ 11. S ICES I %(..
Goderich Vacuum Centre
52 West Street Goderlch
5? West Street 521-111
The reviews or revealing comments you may have heard
about this business are all true and much more.
(AMERI('(1 VACUUM 11 ('E\'fRtE opened in May 1981 and -
is owned by ORVILLE STANLEY and managed by Itt'SS
M.I\.1K1'. Service is what has built this business. for their
cqstomers realized not only do they save money. but with
the business reconditioning service and preventative
maintenance: which only costs a few dollars. the customer's
vacuum lasts longer and performs at peak efficiency.
If you feel Your present motel doesn't satisfy your needs.
stop in at (AMERICA V:1('l'UM ('ENTRE. where you will
ser a great selection of new and completely rebuilt machines
that can save you a lot oI money. or have your present one
rebuilt. .
They offer Sales, Service. and Parts for FILTER QUEEN.
VACUUM M SYSTEMS which require no bags and no air
filters, also new and rebuilt SAFETY CARPET MATS in -all
Buill-in vacuum systems have become more popular in re-
cent years and GO1)E1i('(I 1':1('l'l'\1 CENTRE has had
their share of the marketing. With great pleasure we highly
recommend (.MUEttI('ll VACl'U. t CENTRE which is
definitely one ot the hest shops we have seen anywhere.
:17 Hamilton Street 521-4:111
With the new 1985 cars and trucks on display. many of our
readers haven't quite made up their minds about what dealer
would have the range of products to choose from at the right
makes the choice easier.
When you visit this business and talk to an of the people -
there. you feel the harmonious relationship between manage-
ment and stall in all departments. Ths Sign Of A Winning
- Team. The place is very impressive, comprising of a modern
showroom, parts and service department.
Originally established in 1929 this business is celebrating
54i years 01 success and. is directed today byALVIN McGEE
Pres. and KEN Mc6EE Sec. Treas.
All members of the staff can be proud of an excellent
reputation well earned. They are representatives for the
quant -built products engineered by GF:\ERa1, MOTORS,
in the new 1945 PONTIAC. BUICK. ('.u)lr.I•:1(' ('A1{S and
GM( trucks. plus Leasing. Sales. Service. farts. plus a fine
selection of quality used cars.
When in the market for a new car Or better used car, you
will find no tetter place to make your selmlion than 31c(l l
Povr1.11'. Bt I('K, ('.11►il.l.a('.'the people at McGF:E's are
so proud ol theirreputation That they put their name on every
vehicle the'. sell
' This is the deal0r that wants your business - and does more
In gel it
55 Kingston 52I -75th
:.1i5 -251x► .1 111 sl\F:Ss 1111F:ItF: I'ItIIIF: I\ 1111{x.11.1\SIM'
IS F:VIDE:\r •
When reviewing leading businesses and professions In
Goderich. when it comes to plumping or heating the name
that comes to mind first and foremost is IUWF. i1 YElt
They are specialists in plumbing. heating. air condition-
ing. and feature ('I.IRE IIF;11.1 oil. woxl and gas furnaces.
101111. -FIRE: hmit pumps. sales. service. repairs.
This business 0perates successfully under the capable
guidance ol .1.1('K IIOFF'\iF;1'E:It. '
The main reason why we suggest you dill Them is simply.
(bus- they have been serving the county. since 1958. In their
11'1'1,1.1\l'F: CF:\TRE they feature ItOO1►S freezers. gas
.barbecues. stoves. refrigerators. microwave ovens. dish
washers. Or
They lake plenty of time with customers 10 ascertain what
you have 111 nund and go from there to plan together
Their many customers range from home owners lo apart
men' -inc Hers. collage owners to business owners.
.lust call for a free survey for all your comfort needs or
just slop} in and see hum They can assist you In securing quali-
typroi(lets lest suited for Your needs
1Io1'F.11F1 F;It PLUMBING & iHI•:.ITI\1.
Is designed and stoked lor your shopping pleasure
blue horizon pools SAILS x SIRVICI
1.111.R f►\F: 511)1' you!. 1.1.:\ Tut: l\ 111 HI)\ (.0
1 \TV
Goderich. \o. x S011111 of 1.oKlericla 3!l•9xo1
Many of our rivers and lakes are nu longer safe to swim
10 Acid rain. pollution. chemicals. etc . all c'otributcd to the
problems If you're the type• of person who doesn't like su nip
ming an nerds. le eehcs, reeks. polluted water etc . have you
ever considered owning your own pool. in the privacy of your
back y,ird"
The s0 mining pool business in this area that comes bights
recommended is BLUE. HORIZON Pool.s sal.F:s 1\1)
Sf•;R%ICE n here you can do business nth ronfndence
The foundation for this business is ser3ue. for which they
are unequalled The feature a quality line of pools. spas.
chemicals. heaters. slides. solar blankets. lounge chain. and
This business is 10(•,311', owned and operated by CHARLES
Hil'I\5111 whose personal word as your less guarantee
Each year when the holler weather arrives. just about
everyone starts t0 think about swimming and usually about
(hal lime. 11 as near imposs►blc to have a fx.n1 installed in
time Now is the lime to arrange for an installation
1f von are interested in it pool for your home and are
wondering what t w ill cost. where to place it. hot much
patio you can have. elc lust call the above phone number
and let them pert Your mind al ease
We are pleased to review and recommend the ser ice
BLUE: HORIZON P1101,5 SUES 1\i) SERVICE: where
their reputation is your protection
VlkIit ItF; Vol (1\ KI:Fa' PH1 S1( U.I.V F Il
1 N I•:\.IIIV IT
Htt%. 1121 ,lust .; 1lflys North of Goderich
Near Point Farms Troy . 1'ark 521-x0G
The season as non here when nlan pilling enthusiasts
lake out 1 heir clubs and start out looking for a good. challeng
ing course to play on In Huron County the place we re('flm
mend is (.oD :81('1151 \SF.T GO1:F' CLUB IND DRIVI\(.
81 NtiE.
Goon out and play their challenging layout of rolling halls.
ponds and hunkers Goh is a stimulating and compel dive out
door pastime and. will add to your enjoyment and relaxa
tion in the summer months ahead The 601)1-111('11 Sl \SF:T
(MIT; CLUB 1\i) I)11111\G it 1\GF: is successfully own
ed hs 1' 1l 1. It IF:('111.F:1t.
They otter a challenging 18 hole course. well kept greens
and reasonable rates for golfing Their I'ro Shopprovides
the finest equipment in clubs. hags, tees. halls. lc and ex
penenc ed personnel In assist Your needs
And after an exhilarating gain(' of golf come and tom them
in the club house here the fun and cheer continue :Another
outstanding feature is their hilly -licensed lounge. where 3011
can relax in a c;nnmf0rtable almosphere after an Invigoraiing
round of golf
You can loin and he a member or 1)8\ as 309 play dash
1leekh monthly or seasonal dues Their :n/xlern chili house
facilities include saunas showers. bicker room. ('ro Shop
and snack bar
The\ cater lo all g0lling enthusiasts in the area with es
cellent greens, wafered fairways. elec, ric golf carts. c•oun
to club facilities and a droving rangt�for practicing
(Golf ►s easy to learn and fun (o play You can play for the
challenge and competition or for the physicalacfyily- it pro
% ides or for plain fun
We hagghh r vnrmnend """:"1"sl \SET (:01.F (.1.1."1ND I)RIVVING It *GF: where sou will enjoy relaxation.
physical activity. man great services and is where an en
jmahle visit anaits yin' and your friends
Sales & Service
('all i)ay or Night Goderich 524 -9595
One of the nice things about 1, and -1 SOUTHWEST
SATELLITE.is the tact that it has as much fascination for
men and women...and. of course, attracts both.
But. we suspect they appeal mostly to people who ap-
preciate viewing a large variety of television channels with
a satellite system.
If you stop in or call 1. and :1 SOUTHWEST SATELLITE
SALES :1\D SERVICE you'll meet the owner LARRY
FISHER who has much knowledge on these Satellites and
their application to your needs. They offer Fibreglass and
stainless steel wire mesh satellites offering a 5 to 10 year
Warranty. Leasing is also available.
This is high quality equipment designed and engineered
for superb performance. There are many'.great advantages
that the management will be pleased to explain to you.
With the new,Satelhte T.V. System, you'll bring an incredi-
ble selection of T.V. entertainment into you home.
There's commercial -free movies, sporting events,
superstations. news. information services. Las Vegas and
Broadway specials, the world's greatest entertainers and
more awaiting you - 24 hours every day. when you have this
Satellite Dish System.
But after our conversation with the staff. one important
fact emerged that We think`applies in any field. This being
that whether you know the 'subject of your purchase
thoroughly or not, it is always wisest to go to a place where
they value their customers and want them to return in the
future. thereby giving them the best possible equipment and
advice. saving them dollars as well.
The choice is yours. bargains with poor service or value
for your money. backed by service - the -choice is obvious.
IN Shoppers Square 511-1120
The success story of PEOPLES is phenomenal. At a >;teady
pace it has surpassed ils many competitors and now have
14 locations in Ontario. Never content to rely on yesterday's
reputation PEOPLES has continually added new. lines 01
While out doing research and talking to people in Listowel
and area we asked them where do you shop the most in
Listowel. We constantly received the sane reply: I'EI►PLES
They carry a wide selection of fashion clothing for men.
women, boys and girls. size range from infant to 6x plus no-
tions. costume jewellery. stationery. dishes. glasses. mugs.
bedspreads. toys and much more.
This would make an excellent place to do your shopping
for all family members. PEOPLES f)EI':11{T\ FE\T
STORES LTD. in Goderich is managed by ,1I\1 IVO. who
is assisted b\ a highly professional staff, Who would he only
too pleased lo assist or help you make your selection.
The expansion of items is highlighted for the season with
much of the lx►pufar spring and summer items now being
We recommend I'F:(IPi.ES DEI'.RTMENT sTIIit);
where we know you will tend shopping much more pleasant
and profitable
witosF; GI{E:.1T ItF:I'l t.l'fll4\ \I1:F;s
VEIUV I)Is'rl\(TI1 F: 1.F;.3l)F:its
91 Square
Sunroast stall, :197 Bayfield ltd.
Kincardine. Salton Park \Lill
Throughout h►storv. line .jewellery pieces have always
been 0 good investment and today people are more
knowlcdgeablealout gold jewellery. diamonds and jewellery
services more than ever before. We tound that at 0101.1\-
1)1' JEWELLERY they endorse customer knowledge thus
providing h0nest sales with helpful service
The purchase of a diamond can he a major investment.
and is almost e\eryone's choice to mark events of great per
s0nal significance such as marriage anniversaries. etc
Established since 1955 OR \I.1 N f' .I F.W EI .1 1,11 V is own,
ed and operated by the Orrnatidy Family They feature here
Diamond. Watches. (:old Jen ellen.. ('(plume jewellery. Ear
rings and more They also buy old gold and estate jewellers
The staff encourage custonmers to browse through (hear
shop They know that. when you are buying precious
jeweller and gifts for sonuone you 105 e. it Makes priority
over 111 her shopping and you like to lake a look al the main
1)04ihif11ies Whatever the taste of the one you're buying kir
Olt\l.l\DV JEWELLERY has a most comprehensive
We found the people Ihere to he quite knowledgeable in
their chosen profession. appreciative and milling to take lime
with you For prvs'nnis gufts n Inch extend lasting memories.
visit Goferac•h s outstanding tencllery centre OR 11:1\DY
.1F:11ELLE ItI-.
Harbour Light Travel
From Around the Square to Around the World
VIIE.RE: 111\ VGE\IE\T .1\1► ST.1FF 1.l0h \t-1-F:It 11.1.
1•01 I1 \F:F:05
tat Court House square. 4.4141eri(•h 5!1-7::15
4lul of TIM Please ('all Collect
1'sualh around this tune of year many o i our readers will
be thinking about travelling to E;ur0pe the Sunny South or
elsewhere 00 a holiday nt I)usmess trip Why not do Your
looking w ith a personalized travel agency like HARBOUR
LIGHT T({ 1V1.1..
Let thein make :ill 0f your arrangements for Airline Reser
3ataon. nail Reser%afion. Bookings for ('rinses. !Intel Ay
c'0modat0ns and even Tours when you arrive at Your
destination They -are ticket agent for Shaw Festival.
Leisure Tours Inc Fettes Tours and Travel Ltd and are
hooking agents lor ('hi-Chccmann. 1'1.1 Rail agents. and
have computenzcd reser alums with (' 1' :1111
Because this is a local business. you are doing business
s. ilh the management on a personal basis people whose stir
cess in business depends on you and your satisfaction They
have pr0ven that the% are smcerel Interested m their
('hent s enjoy men, of !herr holiday They let you knon es
actly what 3011 re gelling and give you comparison choices
1n travel. a llm% ing y0t) to have exactly what you want tor the
money y0u plan lo spend
You can get instant bookings right al their office
Today 11 continues to progress under the amiable owner
ship of JUDY ('R.11% FORD. she is assisted by travel con
sulf.'ants .10115 1\D1:R5O5. 1105\IF: [AMINE and
11.1111;0T \1ESSE\t.F;K.
We are pleased to refer !!.1(1801 it LiGHT T11.1VFa. who
make travelling a pleasure through proper management and
personalized service
WHERE THE FOCUS IS .11.W:%VS 05 (!t %I,ITij
::► West Street, Goderich 521.2481
When you are pplannifltyour wedding. your first invitation
No matter what your.needs are in photography. whether
it's child studies, family portraits. wedding or restoration,
the plane to go is this studio where appointments are pro-
perly and promptly -looked after and are reasonably priced.
The owner DON HASSON and his wife AUI)REYare pro-
ud of their expertise and enjoy it as a profession and it shows.
Most families intend to have a. (amity portrait taken
sometime. M is one of those things That keeps being put off •
until one day you realize the chiIdr'en are all grown and liv-
ing too far away to ever get together at one time.
A good portrait is more prized .than any gift and
BLUEW':1TF1t Pt10T068P}i'3' can make a portrait that
you will be pleased to give or proud to own. For the bride
and groom. he of fors a service that is now considered in- '
dispensable The wedding album is a must if You want to
make that occasion live forever. Stop in and -see sample
albums and work out details for your album of memories.
To any of our readers, who have not had the happy ex-
perience. we should like to suggest you arrange for an ap-
pointment to avail yourself of the finest in photography. To-
day people want the most for their money. At BLt'EW:1TER
PHOTOGRAPHY you get it. For an everlasting gift of
remembrance, have BLt'EWATEI{ PHOTOGRAPHY cap-
tivate your treasured occasions to preserve these precious
moments forever.
Goderich Frame Shoppe
:15 West Street 521-2481
We found GODERI('II FRAME SIIOPPE a beautiful ex-
perience at meeting nice people in business. 1 can unders-
tand why customers continue to come back and send their
All your desires and requirements for beautiful framing
are all there for your viewing pleasure. They do custom
framing. mat work. .stitching, needlework. custom glass
work and, -repairs to all frames.
This is a business that shows quality and a service for
anything in the art of Picture Framing. 1f you take a look
at the frames displayed or have Picture Framing done here
you too will realize the variety in selection, the skill and
techniques that have been successfully upheld by the owners
of the store. DON HASSO\and his wife AU'UKEY. If their
names are familiar it's because they own BLUEW:1TER
You get award winning framing without paying award
winning prices. They have built their busine.is and increas-
ed their number of friends and customers through their
policy of providing a large Variety of different wood and
metal frames. regular or non -glare glass and a variety of
mat colours. 'i'hey cul these to any size and you assemble
or they'll do 0 dor you. Either way your total satisfaction is
The sense of pride on the part of GIIUEKIC11 FRAME
SIIOVPE to uphold the excellent reputation by providing
distinctive framing. plus good variety in both art and frames.
along with personal service. warrants top recommendation
01 itis business
( , 1111.
sTTRs( TIO\ I\ illi: \ItF y
5)4 The Sq(uu-e. Goderich • .511-2121
The V( 'It was Ion► in the electronic labs of Bing Crosby
productions In 1951. They have become improved in design
and efficiency and today one in forr•('anadians owns one.
With the advancements and popularity of V('Rs in the 1980's,
there has been a need for video cassette rentals for controll-
ed home viewing entertainment In this competitive market
it is important for a business to have a good sleek selection
ol movies and they must be available at a reasonable rental
rale. TiHE: GODEHH'II ENTERTAINER has done all this
and more.
They offer the lest in Sales. Service and rentals ol V('R
video recorders. movies. ICA -VHS blank tapes.- pre-
recorded L,I''s and tapes. fiberglass wire mesh and spun
aluminum satellite dashes This independent husiness
already has one of the lest selections of home Video Movies
that we have seen
This business is managed by 1!(11{ and It UTII RIM t►LF:1'.
They offer sales and rentals of video movies and you may
rent children's n►ovies, adult movies. classical. eic
The entire staff show you how not to he bored with your
television set They have the natural talent of pleasing per-
sonalities that give the business the success
The farjie selection and personal attention by the manage-
ment and the stall has put this firm al the head of our fast
of quality home entertainment centres which we
11-111:1{E 1..‘11 1 ET1'. (Il .11.ITV .1\1) VALUE Go
Mill St. Ilensall. Ont. 162-31:tn
For those of our readers who are contemplating filling
their freezer to gain add1tFinal sayings. we think you should
stop in al RENDERS 1111TT011t 151) ME 1T \1.11tKET
The people there are proud of their products and customers
are eager In recommend these products
RENDERS '38.ITTIIIR 1511 11E.IT 11111KFT is a
business well worth looking for It offers our readers. who
appreciate top equality. the very best You can search all over
the area and find this business leads the list of better meat
This is not your average butcher shop or meat market You
can fill your freezer at great prices it's an ideal shop for bulk
buying they offer home grown beef and pork to wholesale
and retail trade They do custom slaughtering of beef. pork.
veal. Iamb and sheep every Tuesday- :111 meats arc cut to
your specifications
This business opened an March 1983 and is owned and
operated by \IF:ItLI\ 81.51)ER.
Being a great food lover myself and leehng that the meat -•
served at our table represents the principle of the meal. we
personally only want the lest
When it comes to consistent qualm meats throughout the
year the products of BENDERS 1f{.1TTOH{ 1513 SIF: IT
'31:1RKF:T have graced man peoples tables to great
1f you are not happy with your present source of your meat
supply. then we suggest you slop in at ••RF:\DF`RS".
Stop in soon. they have 1tF;1T to please you. and will he
pleased to MEET you
The owner \ti:R1.IN RF:\1)Elt quotes "Our goal is to have
a strong material relationship with all to enhhnce spiritual
meaning to life for now and eternity