HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-22, Page 9CEMENTS December 31, 1984 )ALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1984 c^.rer'1:v' fig -:1-•e '.',r eye 1.-ev:oue year) ".1:" 19,:81 19,512 12,""15 Also play euchre Seniors enjoy Aylmer bus trip 4 h► Tuesday . \lav I 1 members en -toyed .1 bus trip to the ,Ay 1111(•1 \large!. The Pincer -an Pottery and Sparta \lav 17 The Busy Buddies met for the second Calligraphy ('lass atilt eight members present Ali s Rosemary Hudgins I, 11ie instructor \lurid ('obleigh etas tilt' c1-0.ttt prvc w inner Thursday . .1 dessert euchre was held 111 HIV S&&)411 (;tilde !tall \ 110111111.i 01 \I-lt„rs 11-0111 lldcrton .4II lendrd .Nile r tilt' It'114 41lus desser'ts- 17 tables of euchre were nt play plus Vim for other players Prizes wcol I, taches• high Ilei(•() tact )(maid. tactic:. Ione _Alma 11,a ison- ladu•s low Ka( Armstrong. ladles' special prve Mar Ione &)• Neil Gents high - Ilarold Ho(ignls- gent s Tomes Tool Kau) - gent's low (it'rt rude 1!algins. gents special Ethel Charlton. both play mg, a Ills i s Gard 1 no prize w 1n u(•1- Iva Hudgins 1)1.0w 1\lila Fort net' Skunks 1Iilda 'Fhirw ell. Verna lbbilsnn. .]lice (bunny and Kay arnlslramg St- I'at•ick's ( hurch on Wednesday . \lay 1.5. "_7 nlernbcrs Mere present tot- the \tat meeting ut the ('.1\.L It was announced that the I'o( Luck tiup� e; will be held on June 12 al 7 p in. in St- Patrick's School gym nasium. 1)r. Schneider troth King's ('allege. who haus a reptnation ill be- ing a most interesting speaker, will be the guest speaker Ihis year Thirty hen senior (ill/ens cit Ilse community were screed a delicious (inner at -'Lunch (-1(11-- on 11'en(1(•s- dat..11at 1.5. by some of the (' ladles. The guest speaker lir the evening \lay meeting was 1 John 'Toohey who gave an informative talk on cancer including some nl the (oust•'. and 1rcatnlc111S 1 spet'ial Mass will be conducted by 1-1ishop Sherh ck as he will officiate at the Re dedication 4'el('1nnny at the II .1 in Mass on Sunday . June 16 The i'l4up w ill :tlsu bless 1114.•euro( t'slon4 of 1tie new chapel beton, Mass att(l deliver the Sunday homily A. bullet luncheon 11 i(h satdw iches. sheets and beverages will be served alter this Mass in the school gymnasium This summer. 11(1111 \laay, 13 to August 11 tee wtll welcome a new pastoral parish assistant Michael Dwyer. .a student 111)114 St Peter's 5emin:Ire %till he assisting Father 1•'11111 during the summer it el it al (-4111•)' Sunday morning Doug Butler Jed the sling set'tice Rev- Roger !Mason presented a family Bible to new Iy weds .lames and C'hr'is Henry Iter - :Mason ministered from Alat'k -81 Jesus haw ism was lultille(' in this chapter. while the second bap- Iisnl was lultilled err .Ids 2:-1. 1\hn is eligible 111 rec•eyve both vv:.11C1' and Spirit !riled haplism'' Believers. those who have received Christ, as in :\cls 1:41. .1els 8: l2 refers- -In people responding to preaching of God's mord. thein being baptized 111 !tater .1r1 ,: 15-39 tells of an Ethiopian belie% ing in Jesus as Son of God. and then being baptized in water Seeking believers in Christ are eligible lo receive the baptism of the Ilily Spi1-'iI 1turn .)esus vtho gives this gilt In :lets 1:4.5 .M(•sus commanded 1he disciples to wail for the Spirit bap- tism. Because the disciples obeyed. wailing in prayer in the upper room. they received the promised gill of the Holy Spirit Acts 8::38 shows that the clement nt water baptism Is simply 4tater 111 Spirit 'rapt ism the element is the Ili r ly Spirit. as Mark 1 -it tells. This is a new realm of experience of walking in Ihc.spiril of God-. The baptism in water is dune by a minister. as in Acts 8:38 The one who personally- baptizes believers in the 1luI) Spirit is Jesus. as Mark 1:tt says. Sunda} evening Rev Roger Mason spoke (rum Nehemiah 11:1-2 Now the walls were repaired. the city of Jerusalem tt as still nn rtutls. With feta living there Nehemiah had lots cast lir one tenth of the Jews to live in Jerusalem ()tilers uttered to live there- to help build up the city. These people named were unknow n vtorkcrs who fulfilled their respon- sibility 111 doing their task. Although unknown workers to 111en. God sees their faithfulness in doing nec•essai'y tasks. and will reward then]. Chris- tians need to serve the Lord without expecting human recognition and honer, as the labor of love is done tor the Lord. All the tasks these unknown men 'did were important for the city to be rebuilt. Jerusalem needed people ul all kinds to get the work done. The priests did the temple service. taught the law, and directed the singing. all necessary tasks. All these workers came as willing people. some at a sacrifice- This in - iter willingness is -what is needed for churches to grow. -May r(Itw- -May 26, Lucan Revival Centre will hold their 5th anniversary service's of being in the new sanctuary. 11 is also the thirteenth year since the old church. now Graham chapel. was built- Paul Graham. Executive direc- tor of The Revival !lour. will be the guest speaker. Graham is to speak at 1 (:(NI am and 7:110 pm services. .11111(' 1. Bible Society, Lucan branch, is to hold their annual 1ikeathon, from 1.11c'an 1'nited church Io Granton. and back, al 9:00 am. Wednesday. May 22. at 7:30 pen is the annual blossom Tea at Lucan revival ('entre. Guest speaker is to be M rs. Keith Brown. 'Mrs. ('aril -Nicholson is to do a Special Denionslration. Ail ladies welcome. Times Advocate May 22 1985 Page 9 GRADE SIX CHOIR These Lucan-Biddulph students came in first in the Kiwanis Music Festival with a mark of 83 percent in their category- The Grade Six choir includes: porn back left:!: Brent Hodgins. Kim Greenlee, Christ() Hardy, Shannon Nevin, Cory) Burtch, Jennifer Glendinning. Mary Holden. and Cathy Atkinson. Second row from back: Vicki Hodgins, Greg Mcleod. Kyle Darling. Peter Hodgins Poul Smith, Adrian Dyer, Jason Dukeshire, and Todd Hyde. Second row -from front: Paul Acres Jason Burgess. Jason Miller, Lillie Buckareti, Ken Pescod, Bobbi -Jo Quinlin, Laurie Jones, Sean Goddard. Front: Leon Jolly, Sheri Beattie, Carie Wallis, Lisa McLellan, Heather Hugill, and Kevin Darling. Brigade in right place The Lucan volunteer fire depart- ment answered a "Grantor] assist call' Friday night at 10:20 to the farm home of Max Dorman at Lot 13. north boundary destroyed. livestock. Asthe trucks were returning to Lucan a call was received 10 the home of Brenda Currie, Concession 4 north because of a chimney fire. The call came just as they reached this home. So no -damage occurred. where he barn was 'I'he1'e watt no loss nt 1 Y'1 2 ---:!2-1• 42 LIABILITIES En -t ,. -::1-n: A^co-lr-'e peveb.• end et'^ --,:w-± .1,: '-.- .•. 2th•r seh,c. Loer:e :rade acc^,ante pare^le Acc:.le) _1,1t1t•�, tOB, 1222 1 � - • 358.7"27 1.126,129 65',027 2.'4:1,776 ?r�vr ;•1-c - Note 2 652.2•^,7 NE7 - ..cin 2,149012 $ 903.3'5 179,296 480,755 16',333 1,724,699 - 727,207 2,749,760 $..492,'95 - $5.201,666 Approved Hugh Baird- Chairman or the Board Stewart TOI! Director of Education D STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS iE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 .0.3 'P 1 1'0. ,629 4'-. 2'• -11 P-, r".*'s -- -- r',1ST r.cmons S �L94a 48,147 ,R` ,918 11, 19,067,P'1 •0.',9.501 r o 29` 6 ;11 - 2178O (lJ S' . 4' ,12'. TOTAL $ 985.880 27.11:.392 3,868.769 :.556.356 1.8)7.608 41.715 180.290 76..049 '78,025 39,722,362 92,2•" ?35,6'5 256,126 52,040 329.537 1)8,656,567 =27,0'.,,1)43 27c,0.61 •ao,'lg $38.0•56.567 THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1,1 1. .11glbl• .... .04^h.1-.' r. O,.ctls• 4. N.tL,IngT7er8 L1 �btlf!J_ 8•eutys•r.'• ..., ... 1^^r- "•• .>...-1•' .iiir ' t .7' a12 I19P) _ $ - -•M.,1•e'-.-,1.g 5' $1 119. 71J11 r1•.' ..-• -. -r . 3• ,/,,.. > > 1• > ' > 1• 1+,y21 )a o,nr the nett S 5 ..r•,.. . .1qS rrt- ,.•n•. 4-'.-..) 6. T- - 1 1;'...'' -1. ale1,. ..-.► r1. . .r -.1-r 3.. •' .',21 - 3.1 1 env. ,ah..n 1. .•. ,., t, . •8,:,-.- - ... bnv• th.lr ....-n,. . h..- 1 .-I as1 1, • •1-' .... 1: 'n'•••-• - '•r'•att^ne'. AUDITORS' REPORT_ To The Middlesex County Board of Education We have'examined the Balance Sheet of the Trusl Funds of The Mid- dlesex County Board of Education as at December 31, 1984 and the Statement of Continuity of Trust Funds for the year then ended Our examination was made In accordance wllh generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly Included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary In the circumstances. In our opinion, these !Mandel statements present fairly the financial position of the (rust funds for The Middlesex County Board of Education 83 at December 31, 1984 and the continuity of trust funds for the year then en- ded In accordan2e with accounting principles prescribed for School Boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. London, Ontario March 21, 1985 Licence No. 001088 Davis&Martindale CI. dA.cuual.el. TRUST FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1984 (with comparative figures for the previous year) ASSETS Honk 1n...teent. LIABILITIES Four over (Ivo piers plan - Mote 1 Scholarahlp trust fund. - Not. 1 See accoapnnylnt note. '2!4 498) $ 72,704 $ 98,445 28,849 38.66e 8111.55) {1)7,11) $ 70,545 $ 96,621 47008 40.5?2 5111,55) 11)7,411 STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY OF TRUST FUNDS ►0R THE IUUI ENDED DECEMBER )1, 1984 (with cooperative figures fpr the previous year) 1214 A. THE POUR TEARS OVER rat PLAN 8. ince . buglnninge year $ 96,621 Additions 5,171 Witldrawels )1.247 Balance - end of the year $ 70,545 $ 092,))6 1)0,062 221.771 $ 96,621 B. TEL MiDDLEBEt COUNTT BOARD 0► EDUCATION SCHOLAR38I? TRUST MUDS 'Balance - beginning of the year $ 40,492 $ )5.758 Revenue Capitol contributions - 5.500 Interest .armed 3.056 5.016 5,056 6,516 !spinalt.r•. Awards 4,540 3.782 Balance - end of the year $ 41,006 $ 40,492 See •eeospanying notes Trust Funds (a) Th. ?our Tears Over Ile. Plan Th• Board adslnletere • /our tear ever Five Plan In aeeordenns with the currant collective ag to with the teacher.. (b) The Middlesex County Board of Education Scbolarehlp Trust Fund The following scholarship funds were adeint.ter•d by the Board In 19841 General Awards, 196) /. A. Gueeov *words for Publlo Speellog G. S. Knapp Award W. G. MacDonald Award The Merle Blair Memorial Fund M1ddl Junior F *word Ron $ Doris Watson R1.tory Award Total - General, $ 604 $ 602 1,027 1,094 1,4)4 2,005 960 1,0)0 1.018 1,))6 2,040 925 $ 7,124 $ 6,91) Specific Schools Avard.l 1984 1282 Car•doo South 8ub14. School Mr.. Parry 8rudle Award $ )11 $ 321 554 500 Leat Wlllieee Public School The Ale, M. Stewart Science Award and the Dineen R. Cespb ll Sport. Award Glencoe Nigh School Doctor John A. MacGe4.ren Scholatehtp 10,546 10,474 Madwsy Rtgh School Donald Meet.nel• Memorial Fund 1,026 1,0)0 M.lbouroe Public School Nary Nether Trust 1.217 1,212 Eleanor McGupen Award 1,008 1,005 North Mlddteasr District High School George Douglas Gr1.,. Scholarship 504 501 D. 8. lweont Averd 992 99R Evelyn Me8Aughton Secretary of the Tsar Award 506 512 Perth111 Alla. Craig Junior Far..rs Award 747 754 Reunion 1980 5.161 5,081 Oxbow Public School The Richard 8eseleh Meeortal Scholarship Fund ),216 1,294 Prince Andrew Public School lees MAnn Memorial ?rust Fund 1,8)8 1,901 Strethroy District Coll.gtet• Inetltute Rowland Seho(erehlp 1,014 1,004 1,114 World Bar I Memorial turd West Middle.., Pigmentary School' 7, R90 2.897 Th. Edward Rowland Seholarahlp Westein.ter Control School Sandra Seibert Manorial Award 6)1 56) 33,884 33.574 Total Scholerehlp Fund* 5 41,00& 1 40,492 Total - Specific sobool8' For Your Shopping Convenience - GOb1TLLR'S Ali (Am A Store full of Beautiful Furniture will be open TUESDAY, MAY 21 to FRIDAY MAY 24 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. SATURDAY 'til 6:00 p.m. also SUNDAY (May 26) OPEN HOUSE 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. In our newly expanded showrooms, we stock over 300 pieces of quality -built Sum oom. Lawn and Patio Furniture by Marshall and Houser. So why wait until a September sale when you con buy them NOW at a better than sale price at GOET•I"LE ''S t)tfl)Iltt FOR YOUR FURNITURE PURCHASES, DRIVE TO DUBLIN AND SAVE! FREE DELIVERY Main St., Dublin 345-2250 NOTICE Blue Cross "pay direct" non -group coverage available to all Ontario residents until June 15, 1985. Blue Cross announces that it is making available -to all Ontario residents during the period May 1 to June 15, 1985,-a wide range of health benefits not included in the govern- ment sponsored Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). Between May 1 and June 15, 1985, any Ontario resident, regardless of age or previ- ous medical history is invited to apply for Blue Cross coverage on a •'pay direct" basis for the major portion of the cost of such benefits as • prescription drugs • private duty registered nursing • use of semi -private and private room in hospital; and others. Blue Cross is a private. non-government organization. If extra health coverage is not available to you through your place of employment. con- sider this Blue Cross "fray direct" opening. Detailed brochure/application forms are available at the "Infocentre" at most Ontario supermarkets. shopping malls. at regional offices of the provincial Ministry of Northern Affairs. or by writing 1985 Pay Direct Opening Blue Cross 150 Ferrand Drive Toronto. Ontario M3C 1H6 or by phoning (416) 445-5747 collect ONTARIO BLUE CROSS