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Times-Advocate, 1985-05-15, Page 29
GK 0 0 ]C t9 (9 0 (9 RI=Z1!il!ME= ]C NC 0 NC t9 NC 0 ]C 0 0 0 0 ]L l9 0 0 ]C (OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK OK. GK GK GK! 0 0 7C O 6 Services ,-OR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS AND PROBLEMS ( ,itl TRIEBNER ELECTRIC Xz (ll.ur, tit . 1 \Clef 23'-1756 kc,ldcuu,ll, t 111dusttta1 .ind 1.unuur! ( cm:i iot Insi..ltal Runs tr,t AS TIME PASSES AND PRICES RISE you'll be glad you bought this worth -the - money home. Located in Lucan, this three bedroom home has been nicely main- tained and offers 2 fireplaces, eat in kitchen and much more. A perfect home for the growing family and affordably priced at $69,900. Call Ellen Carere 473-9050 or 471-5355 ( CanadaTrust Realtor 6 Services DON HEYWOOD •P.AIN1IN( \\ AI 1 PAN. RI N(; `1 1 OOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 I RI f I S I I\I:\ I I S Ib1in MOM'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE Quality Deep Cleaning of Your Entire House Call Evenings 227-1206 • 1,1In. IikO \I)'iI'I ( 1 RI \I ,\\ 1\I l'R()I I ( 11()\ l ,c the \Ic,,IJO\ .InJ 1'il Ii;ii11111Iiil1 Icalll 111 ,Ulll ,t.utrI t'li,%rl Iee,1 and 01)1.1111 1)10.1d ,11e:1111111 .hilt Ia 1105,, I 1111dNulIlls and ,1,,at pneumonia. 19\ \Il'St. "11. t)IO In 1 (iuu,u Ir„uns and 10.Incr ) uIt;u, .11 a% al hlc. lieginnel, ii Li)I11c•. ( .111 10,1.1, 1-4i{_' 15M1_n URI( kl \ R • 1 \percn.cd iii hii.t.. hIu.1. and stone,. Revd'', ((1.hinule), et, Hee e,tlin,nes. (•;til 235-2790. -2'YU. 2t1.21 Announcement Lois Edwards, manager of the Westmount office of Royal LePage is pleased to welcome Carl Walker to the sales staff as an associate broker. Carl will- be representing Royal LePage, Canada's largest real estate organization in North Middlesex, North Lambton and South Huron and may be reach- ed at our Exeter Office. 235-1222 ROYAL LEPAGE ITS GOOD 'ID KNOW SOMEONE WHO KNOWS. ROYAL LEPAGE Bruce Fischer 238-8735 GRAND BEND 40 ACRE HOBBY FARM on highwoy No. 81. Excellent cosh crop land, systematically tiled, exquistite 3000 sq. ft. home. First quality throughout, 3 fireplaces, three plus two bedrooms, dressing room and four piece bath off master bedroom, large foyer, heat pump, 2 car garage plus 24' x 30' new born. Con- tact Bruce at 238-8735. SOUTHCOTT PINES lovely, 3 bedroom side split. Three lorge bedrooms, fireplace, nicely decorated and landscaped, 2 car - garage. Priced to sell. ST. JOSPEH 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW family room, highway property. Priced in the thirties. Contact Bruce. Ag1L, Exeter 235-2420 ISI, Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Goderlch 524-2118 OK Realty & Insurance .d:1© .e rw11 .aroma 010.68 RIALTO* Inc. Dwayne Tanney Griffin Thomas 235-1408 238-2035 EXETER NEW LISTING spacious older brick family home. featur- ing large private dining room, main'floor laundry, newer 3 bedroom addition with family room and attached garage. Heated in -ground pool and lovely yard at rear. Tastefully decorated and in excellent condition. Coll *- day for a private showing. NEW LISTING 3 bedroom bungalow, modern spacious kit- chen w builtin dishwasher, fireplace in livingroom, finish- rec room with wood stove. Fenced rear yprd, attach- ed garage, near high school. Have a look at this one. BRICK BUNGALOW 3 bedroom,new kitchen main floor laundry.' gas heat, large lot. INCOME PROPERTY rented 2 storey brick duplex,_ gas heat, central- location. 11/2 STOREY brick bungalow. 3 bedroom, dining room, den, gas heat, new roof, near shopping. immediate possession. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. 2 storey home, 2 large bedrooms on main floor. larce livingroorn, large kitchen, rented up- per level apt.. full basement. Beautifully landscaped lot, excellent condition. COUNTRY PROPERTY 6' 1 acres. 2 storey brick duplex. 30' x 40' 5 -stall horse barn, orchard. near Exeter. GREENWAY 2 storey b'• f frame store with 4 bedroom living quart.�'O�0! lot. nev: roof. 1000 sq ft. store area. MT. CARMEL Village commerciol property 2150 sq. ft. store oreo plus 4.bedroom living quarters. Must be sold HENSALL 4 BEDROOM BRICK - large modern kitchen. private din- ing room. main floor laundry with 2 pc. bath. Gas heat and hot water. Excellent condition. Price reduced. HWY. 4 treed building lot. offers please. CHALET banquet and dance hall, on 4 acre parcel of land. all fixtures and equipment included. Details on request. VARNA 5 yr. old. 3 bedroom. all electric. brick hunglaow. under 50. GRAND BEND NEW LISTING Northwest corner of Grand Bend.' new outstanding 3 bedroom horne must see for unusual features. SOUTHCOTT PINES 5 bedroom executive split. 3 baths solar hooted pool two fireplaces. Beautiful lot on river Terrific farnily horne. Price reduced. SOUTHCOTT PINES 3 bedroom bungalow, w carport, ex- terior in wood. 2 blocks to' !pooch price reduced for quick sole. Call Griff. VALUABLE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Main St. locotion duplex residence and cottoge on 66r x 259- lot. Coll Griff SHIPKA lovely 4 bedroom family home on large well groomed lot. 2 baths, dining room. Offers pleose. RESTAURANT, STORE, AND GAS BAR Hwy 21 near Grand Bend. good condition. living quarters excellent potential Coll Dwayne. Give us a call to discuss your needs Weekdays at 235-2420 Evenings and weekends Exeter 235-1408 Grand Bend 238-2035 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 6 Services JACK'S PLUMBING 551sT HEATING i u' all and timing in.tallattun. Rural Residential. Commercial \\ atet 1lcatets, Suttenets send Pumps Jack Mover 235-0581 (11 \\l\(1 Ol 1 OR (•-\R \(t1 :' \\c „ill 111,1 u1) „1).0 ,1111 11,511'5 55,1111 Dellsci 51,c ;n aiLthll Iul 'uul I;uk1c1 licnl,. I11011C _'93-15 "4 _ttIi CREDITON REBUILD SERVICE 157 \ icturia St. ( • Specializing In Forklifts • Buy, sell or lease ' Reasonable repair rotes ” Tilt and Toad service General repairs welcome ' M.T.0 Inspection Station Phone 234-6744 CUSTOM BULLDOZING \1c 1,11.c .1u„11 15r,cI ,1!11•. ...1111 (1%11,11111k' 1111,11 culla, kcnlul.tl ul Old hu+ldine, BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 'Ui111 4(11 1 11 R.H. & S PAINTING & DECORATING 1'aintinl• Interior and. 1 \teriur - Wallpapering - \\e I1ase ,1 good selection 01 \\aIlemciines .15ailahlr. Lao), ar samples in dour 11011)51' Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 40,1 n WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 \IOI)I R\ ROI,\Rl Iz1(ts Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 'Jim 527 0775 •r 1St 1,11 GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, 7\1a(:hinery, etc. FREE E=.STI\1.-VFE-S (-all Jack Glavin 237-3707 1')I 1 11 1)1 ‘011-(1)1\I ( O\ 1 k:\( 1 I\(, liulldunn�, kal,in51. (,,r;11n h;101111;1. 110,1. ane, Salnhrit, "1I15155pIi155iny. Itailshuelll" I'Ix1ne 21S -2.i4. • 22t 11 POWER HOUSE • ELECTRIC MOTORS Huron St. E. 235-1319 complete tarn) motor srniie I'uaer 1 aol Repairs 4111n 235-1055 MwcFAR LANE REAL ESTATE LIMITED 53 Main St. South Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-0541 EXETER REMODELLED older two storey brick hoome. Well in- sulated, 3 or 4 bedrooms large lot. Main floor laundry. large deck. Good location. EXETER COZY 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW just right for newly weds or retirees. Large living room, full base- ment, garage. Good location. EXETER MAIN STREET COMMER- CIAL 111 storey brick, 3 bedroom house. This proper- ty consists of four lots. CREDITON HOBBY FARM 5 acres, 4 bedroom house, large eat -in kitchen, oil and wood fur- nace, aluminum siding, main floor laundry. Large barn with hydro and water, driveshed. Country living on the edge of town. LUCAN building lot. Asking $7,500. SOUTHCOTT PINES GRAND BEND Modern con- tempory dream home. 3 years old. 4 bedrooms, large entry foyer, k-`chen with built-ins, sunken livingroorn, solarium, 2' 1 baths, whirlpool, family room, fireplace, stone walls, exer- cise room, central vacuum, 2 car garage, built on hill overlooking river. AUSABLE RIVER - PORT FRANKS AREA RIVER - FRONT 5 yr. old raised ranch summer home, living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, recreation room, 1''2 baths, immediate possession. Ask- ing $39,500. BAYFIELD, SUMMER COT- TAGE 2 bedrooms, living room, dining area, 3 pc. bath, aluminum siding. Large treed ravine lot. 3 miles south of Bayfield in private subdivision. Asking $38,000. DASHWOOD - 4 bedroom 11,7 storey home, kit- chen, laundry room, new hot water heating system. Vinyl siding. Good sized barn. 1 acre lot. Edge of town. Ask- ing $41,500. DASHWOOD - Building lot, 83 highway, edge of town. Coll Fran Ritchie 235-0588 In Ell 1111 1111 1111 NIB IN Patrick Van Kerrebroeck Grand Bend 238-5362 Heather Rogers 235-1732 Phyllis Johnson 235-1055 Dirk Coolman 235-1950 414 MAIN ST (CENTRE MALL) EXITER EVALUATION CERTIFICATE This certificate *nutlet • lesldanttal property Owner to one market evaluation by a C"0uIIAM PLA. r ,,1A1T ,sprssentattve This service to be Dewormed wllhoul cost or ob11pa1100 10 the owner Return this valuable certificate or Gait lot an appointment Valid only In areas serviced by DIRK M. ro'l1YA1 5) AI i.:.t ATL 011,K1P 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 alp in 1N.K E.D�ry Date . 1907 iCerare 111101 Ma maw. Oelsee tee (stet 2261034 by 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 NEW LISTING Hensel' - 4 bedroom brick family home - completely modernized, beautiful deck and landscaped lot, 1' baths, separate garage - excellent condition. Pric- ed in the $50's. - NEW LISTING: $39,900 - close to downtown. 3 bedroom 1' storey, separate dining room. full dry basement, low heat costs, attached garage with attic space. Don't miss this one. 16 ACRES on edge of town $49,900. 1'/7 STOREY 3 bedroom brick family home, tastefully decorated, ready to move in. $52,000. NEWER BRICK BUNGALOW on the edge of town - large lot. attached garage. Priced in the $60's. Open to offers. 3 UNIT TRIPLEX IN EXETER - excellent income potential. EXECUTIVE HOME with 4 bedrooms, main floor family room with fireplace - loaded with extras. MAIN STREET COMMERCIAL with store, shop and apart- ment. Priced to sell. S25,000 - 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME with modern kit- chen, new roof, in Hensall. 3 BEDROOM PLUS brick family home with main floor family room with woodstove. excellent condition. Centralia. YEAR ROUND 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Boyview sub- division - view of loke - like new condition. STATELY 4 BEDROOM brick horne with partially finished attic. Priced in the $40's - Zurich. 1 ACRE with renovated house hip roof born and 3 boy goroge - in Hay Township. 2 LOTS IN CORNER, close to new subdivision, in Hensoll • Priced ot $15,000. COUNTRY PROPERTY frame house, needs renovating - priced in the $20's. DUPLEX IN CREDITON vacant ready to move in - Pric- ed at $15.500. 100 ACRES in Hay Township 10 workable $42.500. 101 ACRES in Stephen Twp. 30 workable bolance in bush and brush - good recreationol land. 50 ACRES in McGillivray Twp 32 systematically tiled with 3 bedroom brick house. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IllNNIIII 1IllI 1111_____ 1111 ---IN Times -Advocate, May 15, 1985 Page 13A ROYAL LEPAGET; Er. Ro' al LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. Realtor 445 Main St., 235-1222 LOIS EDWARDS, manager of the Westmount Mall Branch, takes pleasure in con- gratulating Ron Cottrell as their top sales producer for the month of April. Royal LePage is Canada's largest real estate organization and offers a full range of services designed to meet all of your real estate needs. Ron Cottrell 235-1222: 235-2473 Member of London and St. Thomas Real Estate HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERT.[ULBERT 221.1110 LUCAN LARGE OLDER BRICK HOME with 4 Targe bedrooms, two 4 pees baths, Targe living room, dining room and kitchen. Over 2000 sq. ft. plus modern attached apartment, within wall(aing distance of stores. Being offered at $55,000. 125 ACRES OF CLAY LOAM with 105 workable. Large modern metal barn, grain storage bin and silo. Eight year old mobile home. Existing 81/2% mortgage available. STATELY COUNTRY HOME with lots of flowers and large lawns on approx. 10 acres - all within village limits. Main floor has 11 x 14' )' living room with fireplace, 11'2 x 16' 7 dining room, 11 x 15' modern kitchen, 81'7 x 11' den, glassed -in entry and 2 piece both, second floor contains three good sized bedroo-ns 10 x 11', 8' 1 x 11' and 9 x 11' plus 4 pc. modern bath. Hard- wood floors and good quality rugs throughout. New roof, in- sulation and town water within the last year. - - 2 STOREY, 3 bedroom brick home on deep town lot. Hones • features 13'/ x 15 living room, 13 x 15 dining room, 8 x 8 kit- chen, 14' x 14' family room, 3 pce. bath, large glass enclosed porch and 6' x 8' gas heated sauna, open carpeted stairs from spacious foyer to 3 large bedrooms and 3 pce. both. Three box stall horse barn close to public race track. Good family home containing approx. 1824 sq. ft. of living space. 4 ACRE - stately 2 sdorey brick home featuring 12' x 15' living room, 17' x 16'' ' dining room 7' x 11' kitchen, 91/2' x 121,2' bedroom with 2 piece bath enclosed sun porch, second floor contains 3 bed- Oh hall and 4 piece bath. This . ., house is in extra g ition from roof to basement. There ore also some servt _cable out buildings. All this set on a pic- turesque country lot. Ideal for a young family with some form pets. ROYAL LEPAGE Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. Realtor 445 Main St., 235-1222 Ron Cottrell Residence 235-2473 Carl Walker EXETER LOCATED ON A QUITE CRESCENT, this three bedroom raised ranch is waiting for you. Nicely landscaped lot. Family room with fireplace, attached garage. Asking in the seventies. STATELY OLDER HOME close to all conveniences. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, formal living and dining area. huge family room and indoor pool. All this for just $75,900. BEAUTIFUL THREE OR FOUR BEDROOM HOME located on well treed double lot, in a prime residential area. This angel stone ranch includes huge family room with wall to wall fireplace and cathedral ceilings, centro! vac, dou- ble garage and much. much more. Priced at $129,900 or $107,900 without double lot. Coll now! FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME located close to schools and shopping, new .gas furnace• wiring and plumbing. fenced in yard, large family room, separate living room. 1 172 baths, partially finished basement. Call today for o closer look. $52,900. THIS THREE BEDROOM RAISED RANCH will be ready for June occupancy, or later if you wish. Fourteen hundred square feet of living area. Super efficient gas heat. well insulated. Let me show you through today. Priced very well at $67,900. THIS NEAT TWO BEDROOM HOME hos lust been listed All good sized rooms. As close as you can get to downtown. Nice fenced -in yard. Priced right at 527.900. DASHWOOD LOVELY TWO OR THREE BEDROOM all electric bungalow. just 12 yrs, old, situated in a nice residentiol Oreo. Bocks out onto open fields. We believe this lo be a reol good buy of $41,900. -Why not call now for an appointment. REDUCED This 6 yr. old srit level angel stone home con be yours for only 554,900. located just 4 miles northwest of Dashwood with two large bedrooms, family room with, fireplace. two bathrooms. attached garage. Replacement cost would easily exceed 575,000. Owner is open to all offers. VACATION PROPERTIES HIGHLANDS ONE - Lovely cedar three bedroom cottage on a nicely landscaped private lot. just a couple of minutes from the beach. This property is in immaculate condition. Priced in the fifties. Open to offers. GOOD BUILDING LOT Second row back in good subdivi- sion, nice view of the setting sun. Located ot St. Joseph Asking $13,900. BAYFIELD Treed building lot in excellent area. Just half o block from the beach. $13,900. BAYFIELD 785 foot lakefront property. Please roll for fur they details. FARM PROPERTIES 200 ACRES in Biddulph Twp. with nice 4 bedroom home. Good buildings. 150 workable, partially tiled. Please call for further particulars. COUNTRY PROPERTIES PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED on this prime 10 acre package which includes spacious two bedroom brick home with family room. living room, large country kitchen don ble goroge. A spacious five year old born lends itself to the hobby former. This property is located just 10 minutes south of Exeter on poved rood. Asking $85,000 TWO AND A HALF ACRES north of Mount Cormel. ihis three bed(bom ronch hos lots of space for o family look ing for oHome in the country. Why not coll now for o closer look. Asking 569,900.