HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-15, Page 24Page 8A Times -Advocate, May 15 1985 Not a windfall though Error cuts Iota/ taxes A mistake in the Lucan elementary school mill rate is good news for Lucan taxpayers. At the last Lucan council meeting, a revised budget trop► the board of education was presented to council. The residential elementary school mill rate will be 20.150. instead of the 26.457 formerly set. To the average Lucan taxpayer. based on a residential assessement of $14,000, this will mean a difference o[ $4. in the total school levy. Previously the school levy total was $86.20 per household, now it will be $82.93. The total amount to be raised for the elementary schools has gone from $183,393 to $165,225 Lucan Rev i1 al ('entre Sunday morning June Quinlan played the piano while she and Lor- raine Armitage sang "All That Thrills my Soul". Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Ruth 1: IK. Although the book of Ruth starts with tragedy. it ends in joy Fust the family of Naomi had to leave their homeland of Israel to go to the enemy land for food. Then Naomi's husband diets. then both her sons died. leaving her with two daughters-in- law. in a foreign land. Naomi decid- ed to go back to Israel. One daughter in law, Ruth, decided to go with Naomi. Ruth expressed that Naomi had made a great impact on her life by her faith in God. This verse shows Ruth wanted to spend her life helping Naomi, and serving Naomi's God. By this we see the great influence a god- ly mother had on her daughter-in-law. Rev. Roger Mason introduced Gary Schlegel Sunday evening as the guest speaker. Mr. Schlegel spoke from Matthew 21:21-22. stressing the tact that faith must accompany prayer. Linked with God. Christian has the power 10 believe his prayers will be answered. Because our county needs spiritual healing. the Bible says first people need to turn from wicked ways. and LUCO fl and district news 41,1111111",11-11110111111101,11111111-1-11, Swat Cook 437-4411 Loss set at ;100,000 in McGillivray blaze The Lucan Fire Department answered a call on Friday evening to property on Princess Street, owned by the Butler Brothers. where a "rub- bish" fire was quickly extinguished. Sunday morning a call was answered to the farm of Ed. Glavin. Lot 12, Con. 2. Biddulph Twp. where loss is estimated in the $t()0.000 range when a barn was completely destroyed, and between 300 and 400 pigs were lost Lucan United Church • A large number of families and friends were present Sunday morning al Lucan United Church to celebrate Christian Family Sunday. Mrs' Brown baptized Matthew Gordon. in- fant son of Gordon and Sharon Blane, and Natasha Rae. infant da sians with the subject "God'sRecipe for a Happy Home". Disrepect for authority often begins when fathers do not accept their God-given respon- sibility of training and disciplining their children, he said. It is important for children to be taught that it is God's command that they obey their parents. Paxil urges parents to bring up their children with loving discipline, in- structing them personally in the Christian way, as welfas making sure that they benefit-throughcontact with the Church: Mr. Brown pointed out that parents must learn to strike the right balance between strong discipline andloving acceptance with ughter of their impressionable children. Ile concluded.'" tyle niiii a parents put themselves personally under the authority of God. the more clearly will lhev see how to raise their children wisely... A congregational merging followed the service during which members voted unanimously for the amalgamation of ('landeboye Church with the Lucan congregation. Rev. Ed Hancock from Middlesex Presbytery was present as moderator 01 that ' vote. Jobb a)'Fd T'arireia Orchard. f)a%•and Linda F'roals with Neil and Jamie welcomed at the door while Tabat ha played a piano prelude of hymns before the service. At children's story time, a large group of boys and girls gathered at the front to hear the story told by Marguerite McRoberts about a Chinese father and his three sons. The children learned that the very- best gift they can give to their parents is their love. Marguerite took charge also of .Junior Congregation. The Choir continued the theme of the Christian Rome in (heir Prayer Anthem. Elder Alden Walker read the Scripture portion tor 1110 day. Sharon \ewnr.+n spoke on beim!! oI the Mission and St`f*ViCts tee of the Church. She told afx►u1 the act ive witness oI an aid -receiving Charge in a remote section of British Columbia She pointed nut that there are many such charges across Canada which could not operate wit haul the assistance we provide through our NI and S. gitings hl r. Brown concluded his sermon series on Paul's teller lo the F;phc BEST RATE Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 YEARS RON KEYS VARNA 262-6273 Agent for ABC ANNUITIES LTD. ('oaring Events Senior Choir meets for practice ‘Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. At 8:13. the Friendship Unit holds their May meeting in the ('.E. Wing of the church. The Couples' Club Boling Party is scheduled for Tuesday. May 21 at Lucan Bawling Lanes. ('lan(lefoye couples are especially in- vited ('lease note change of night. 1.ii an Woolen's Instilale Members and friends 01 the 1.110an Women's Institute are reminded of the• May meeting. next \Wednesday. the 22. in the Optimist Club Room in the Masonic Hall, at 2 p.m Please bring your handbook and be prepared 10 answer the roll call with an idea on "Something I can do In im- prove Public Relations for our Branch- There ranch ''('here will be an in -branch safe of something grown. sewn or baked. s(i coelia. bring and buy to give your funds a boost' Notice Ratepayers Toship of McGillivray Please ignore most recent tax bill issue due to error made. New bill will be received shortly. Sorry for any in convenience caused. Shirley Scott Clerk Treasurer ATTENTION EX -SERVICE MEN r1NI) WOMEN :1`I) DEPENDENTS TiIE ROYAi. CANADIAN i,EGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER Mr . Harvey S. Percy, Royal Canadian Legion, Suite 219, 660 Ouellette Avenue Windsor, Ontario, N9A 1C1 Will be visiting Branch No. 540, Lucan on May 22, 1985. At 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. Anyone wishing information. advice or assistance. regarding: (a) War Disability Pensions. (b) Treatment for entitled veterans. (c) Benevolent Funds; (d) War Veterans Allowances, including Widows. or appeals against adverse W.V.A. decisions. is requested to contact the Branch Service Officer or Secretary of the local Branch, whose home appears below, to arrange an interview. Mr. Sid Daley, Secretary, - 139 Kent St., Lucan Ontario NOM 2)0 Home tel: 227-4216 Branch tel: 227-4751 seek God. before the land can be healed. Upcoming events Anniversar\ service flay 26 Anniversary service for Lucan Revival ('entre, with Paul Graham. executive director of Revival (lour. as the guest speaker. Lucan Revival Centre will he celebrating their fifth year in the new sanctuary. Also, it was 30 years ago that the church. now known as Graham Chapel. was built. Blossom Tea May 22, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. the Women's Ministries of Lucan Revival Centre will hold their annual Blossom Tea in the Fellowship Hall of Lucan Revival ('entre. Guest speaker is to be Mrs. Jean Brown. wife of Rev. Keith Brown. of Lucan United Church. Mrs. Carol Nicholson will be demonstrating plants and flowers Kid's Club Tuesday evenings, from 7:30 to 8:3q p.m. Lucan Revival ('entre will have Kid's Club for children with Mrs. Judith Ross and bliss Karen Mason in charge. June 1st, Saturday; at 9:00 a.m. Lucan United Church will be the star- ting point for the Bikeathon for the Canadian Bible Society, Lucan Branch. harry Noels presided and welcom- ed members and a visitor to the Sun- shine and Busy Buddies meeting. O'Canada was sung. Birthday greetings went to Mary Scott and Lan Hodgins. Rodger Kellam of the Bank of Mon- treal will be present on May 23 at 1:15 p.m. to inform seniors the benefits that are available to them. Iva }lodgins. reported she has been assured that a booth would be available for the seniors crafts and the sale of quilt tickets on the hand- crafted quilt al the Lucan Fair in June. Tour convener Mabel F roats reported 44 had registered for the bus trip to Aylmer on May 14. Marie Veet was wished a "happy birthday" in Holland. An invitation to a Seminar for the . plus 60's was read. It will be a presen- tation of the Three 1's''of being a con- sumer: be inquisitive, he informed and influential. This will be held at • Dundas St. United Church on June 11 from 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. The - craft' group will meet for the( next few weeks on.F'ridav afternoon instead of Thursday. Mary x►� uvea readin •hfy o er fTiiKencis- In kkeening w U - Mother's Day. Mary Scott and Mar- jorie Steeper of the entertaintnent committee each gave_a rading the former entitled "('leaning the Lamps" and the letter "'1'o Mothers" and "When God 11ade Fathers Mary Davis was presented with an African Violet for having the most great grand children. Euchre winners were. ladies high - Marion Noels. ladies Innes - Gladys Atkinson. ladies low - :llrrra llodgins. Gents high ,- Chris Ilessel. gents lones - Marjorie Steeper, gents low - Roy Zinn. Craft winners - Greta Gibson and Beth Niel. Going away ?.. * Don't forget to be a+Blood Donor before you go ! ►� c• . SPUTNIKS -- These are the Lucian ladies bowling champs, the Sputniks. They were presented with their trophies on Wednesday. From back: Lorraine Mosurinjohn, May Murphy, Beulah Storey, Leslie Lindsay. front: Sandra Disher, Joyce Sovereign. • COPPETTES — These are the Lucan ladies "A" bowling league champs, the Coppettes. They were presented with their trophieson Wednesday. From back: Audrey Watt, Linda Webber, Sue Wilcox, Edie Burt. Front: Gleno Tripp, Muriel Kennedy. ,4 LEFTOVERS Here are the Lucan ladies "B" bowling champs, the Leftovers. They were presented with their trophies on Wednesday. From back: Sue Johnston. Lois Hodgins, Rose Cunningham, Marguerite Greenlee. Front: Shirley Fowles, Lonna O'Leary. One injury in collisions There were lhrm. motor vehicle col- lisions investigated this week by the Lucan 13I'f'. 1 hie person was injured. On Monday al 7:15 p m Lulu Neil. WIN PLAYOFF Winners of the ' A" playoffs in the Wednesday mix- ed league at Lucan were Can't Get Enough. Bock row, left. Bill Cor- nelissen, Bill Dixon and Rick Freeman. Front. Potty Ellyatt, Lynn Smith and Linda Kervian. The Six Pack took the league honors in the Wednesday night mixed league at the Lucan Lanes. Bock row, left, Lorry MacGregor. Dennis Gingell. Gary Melvin. Front, Donna Evans. Janette Hudson and Janice Robinson. 10 Granton. was travelling cast on Highway 7 when her vehicle was in collision with a second eastbound vehicle driven by Davi(' Savel 01 1,on- don. One person was slightly injured. Damage was set at $810 by Constable Wilson. Wednesday at 3:1NI a m. a stolen vehicle was travelling north 00 Adelaide Street at a high speed When the driver braked the vehicle went in to a four-wheel skid: entered the ditch and flipped over on its root. 'l'he• driver was uninjured. and damage was estimated at $1.100 by Constable Rolland , Karen Kennedy 01 1{:3 Ildcrl(01 was travelling north on Ifighway t on Thursday al 6:23 p m . when she was struck bw an unknown southbound vehicle Kennedy was not Injured but damage to the 0.11 was set at $1,((N) by Constable bang. There were 32 general occurrences. including it theft from a motor vehi cle.. one recovered stolen vehicle and two cases o1 willtrl damage. 'Three people were charged with violations of the liquor licence act and one nel- son xrson was Issued a 12 hour suspension CORRECTION RE: CLINTON SPRING FAIR 1985 NEWSPAPER SUPPLEMENT In the Moy 1st, 1985 Newspaper supplement of the Clinton Spring Fair, the following information was inadvertently omitted: POULTRY Champion: Malo Champion: Female RAMIAMS 176 Plymouth Rock. Sorted 177 PlymouthRock, White 178 Plymouth Rock. A.O.V. 179 Wyendottes, Solld Colour 180 Wyandotte*, Partly Coloured 181 Rhode plead Ned* 181 Srahams. Light 183Irahams. Dark 164 grahams. Buff 183 Cornish. White 186 Cornish. Dark 187 Leghorn, White 186 Leghorn. A.O.V. Ribbon Ribbon 189 Cochin*. White 190 Cochin*, Bleck 191 Cochin*, A.O.V. 192 Sobright, A.V. 193 Old English Game. Solid Colour 191 Old English Game, Partly Coloured 195 Rosecomb, Black 196 Rosecomb, White 197 Silkier. A.V. 196 Mine Flours. A.V. 199 Hamburg 200 A.O.V.. Solid Colour 201 A . V.. Portly Coloured Champion: Mel. Champion: female COMMERCIAL RABBITS Seturday, Juno 1. 1985 Judging: 11 a.m. Sharp Rabbit Judge Supplied Cason and Platforms Supplied PRIZE MONEY: 6.73 132 New Zealand White. Senior Suck 133 Now Zeeland White. Minter Do* 134 Now Zeeland White, Junior Suck 133 New Zeeland Willie. Junior Doe 134 Californians, Senior Suck 137 Californians, Senior Doe 131 Californians. Junior Suck 139 Callfernlans. Junior Doe 140 A.O.V., Senior sure 141 A.O.V., Senior Dee 142 A.O.V., Junior suck 143 A.O.V., Junior Doe 144 Trio e1 fryers 143 Champion (RI►ben Only) Ribbon Ribbon ALSO In the advertisement for COOK'S DIVISION OP 0611/11R0 INC. on page 13 of the supplement, their newest location at WALTON ph: 347.1340 was also Inadvertently omitted. Thelia were the errors of Slgnal•Ster Publishing and not that of the Clinton Spring Pole CommIttea. W. apologise for any mlfundorstonding or Inc lance tMy may halm awed,