HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-15, Page 22Page 6A
Times -Advocate. May 15, 19135
Zurich taxes up 5.8 percent
A bylaw setting the 1985 mill rate
was passed at the regular May
meeting of Zurich council
Ratepayers face an overall increase
of 5.8 percent on this year's tax bill,
which will mean a jump of $34.93 on
an average public school supporter's
residential and farm assessment of
' The village must raise $562,046
altogether. The general municipal
budget is $390,689. up from $332,653 in
1984. the county levy is $30,641
1$29,0941, and education accounts for
the remaining $121.60; 4$11,859 in
19841. Large expenditures for Zurich
include $100,676 for the streets,
sidea•atics and dra department, a
recreation, parks and community
centre board budget of $83,978.25 in
expenditures and $64,824.50. in
revenues. and general administration
of $57,079.
Total mill rates combining the
village's general assessment and the
county and education levies are:
public school residential and farm,
254.43: separate school residential
and farm, 254.68: public school com-
mercial • and business, 299.36:
separate school commercial and
business, 299.66.
Another bylaw passed at the
meeting sets out standards of employ-
ment for employees of the municipali-
ty of Zurich. It formally establishes
benefits, working hour's, holidays and.
vacations, and starting maximum
wages and salaries for full and part-
time employees.
Ted Thorne, representing Ward
Mallette Chartered Accountants, pre-
sented the 1984 financial statements.
The village began 1985 with a reserve
tt o►•king capital of $28.000 of that
amount, $15,000 is earmarked for
curbs. gutters and t 'surtac•ing on
Goshen Street North.
Thorne said 1984 140 been a good
year for Zurich, adding that using
some of the reserves to partially off-
set a budget increase "sounds 'like
sound business practice.'
Tenders tor the Goshen project will
be called for June 14 with the stipula-
tion construction does not begin until
after the annual Bean Festival
Councillor Bob Fisher promised
that no more trees would be taken
down, and works superintendent Den-
nis I(egier explained that one tree had
been removed because it interfered
with a driveway. and others because
they were dead or dying
Councillor Mike O'Connor passed
on a request from lion Smith for his
own water line and shut -off if the toad
is dug up.
Council decided that it the village
was responsible for disturbing the
part of a driveway paved at the
owner's expense from the end of h.
property to the street, the village
would be responsible for restoring
that portion to its original condition
Councillor Kay McKinnon reported
little response to the letters sent out
in connection with operation of the
summer playground. He said Jerry
Rader has suggested one more try. It
there is.no further interest, (he mat-
ter will be dropped. but McKinnon
reported a willingness to go ahead
with any encouragement, even if just
with the swimming program.
Reeve Isidore La Porte said he had
met with a man who is interested in
some industrial property, and meets
tater this week with Mr. Sirotec.
Permission was granted for the
sewer hook-up at the stay township
ball diamond, provided those respon-
sible for the hall park obtain permis-
sion from MUT to cross the road, and
bear all costs incurred in the hook-up.
A sewer hook-up will be ac-
complished at the Soudant property
if requested by having tie property
owner bring the pipe to the front of the
house, and the village will be respon-
sible for lowering it and snaking the
connection at the road.
Councillor Keith Westlake and
clerk Sharon Baker reported on the
OSCM convention held in Belleville
SKIPATHON Almost all 160 students at St. Boniface School took part in a skipathon for the Heart
Fund last week. Over 1 800 was raise
Mks. Calmat Swe.n y
Phones: 236.4702
PLANT SALE Maria Mathonia (left), Anne Watson and Viola Ramer display some of the L.
plants of-
fered for sale at the Blue Water Rest Ham ten and hake sale.
H -P SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS -- -- Students from St. Boniface did very well in the 19 -school Huron -Perth
district science fair. Winners included Mike Zimmer, Gr. 8 (left), 1st in physical; Amy Wildfong, Gr.
5, 2nd in consumer division; Steve Coleman, Gr. 2, 2nd in primary physical; Laura Lee Creces, Gr 3,
3rd in physical and Mike Regier, Gr. 8, 2nd in physical.
e t•.
EGG QUALITY CONTEST WINNER Sandra Rooseboorn holds the
ribbon and Shur -Gain trophy she was awarded as tumor class win-
ner in the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board 1985 egg quality
Holiday Weekend Sale
8- Hanging Basket
10• Hanging Basket
5.50 8.50
plus others!
Our Nursery is Stocked with High Quality Evergreens
Shade Trees, Fruit Trees. Roses and Flowering Shrubs -
an excellent selection at competitive prices'
Huron Ridge Acres
RR 2 ZURICH 565-2122
Teenager picks
winning eggs
Sandra Rooseboemn. RR 3 Zurich.
has a sure eye for a champion egg.
The 15 -year-old won the Shur -Gain
trophy for her entry in the junior class
at the Ontario Egg Producers'
AIar•keling Board's fifth egg quality
contest held in London recently.
Sandra, who daily routine includes
helping her father %% Attain with the
family's flock of 2.500 laying hens.
spent about five hours selecting the
hyo -and -one-half dozen eggs to be
entered in the contest All eggs were
candled 10 detect any blood spots. but
Sandra's choices were based prin>ari
ly on the shape of the shell.
Sandra's eggs set another record in
the auction which followed -1 he con-
test. Maple Lynn Foods of Strathroy's
winning hid of $1.350 was the highest
ever received at the event.
Besides her Shur -Gann trophy and
first -prize red ribbon. Sandra
pocketed $50 as junior class tt inner
She also received hall of the money
paid by Alaple Lynn F'(o►ds, the rest
was donated to the London Easter
Seal ea mita ign
Town Topics
Gert ie F'Ieischauer spent lfother'.
Day weekend with her daughter.
—Marion and harry Rogers and 111101
Iv in London.
Joe and t l0elda Duguay of Knot
sor, along with Mr•s Jeanne Bedard.
spent Saturday with .l ea nne
daughter. Carmel SW(4'11ey and bum
ly while the Duguays visited with
Dave and Irene Sehilhe and girls who
a'so had company for the weekend
from New Brunswick. her parents.
Leonard and Eve Uuguay
NIr and ;It's John 5laberer and
1anuty of Toronto spent the pre% ions
weekend with his mother. Mrs Vera
Sandi Mh('ar'ron and son Peter of
London spent t1 few days last week
%%ills her parents. Curtis and Mary
Gingerich All attended a Bender
family reunion in New !Limburg Iasi
Sunday. May 5
Mother's Day visilorS and supper
1:uests with Ila and Gerald O'Rourke
eecre their children. Ray and Pauline
I )uchartne and three c•hitttrcn of
('amlaehie. Sandra l'reszc•ator and
two children of Stratford and 1.111(111
and Richard O'Rourke' with Ihrec
children from 5)ashw(o d
A hake sale will Ix' held after all the
NTasses this week end at St Boniface
Church. I Outdoors weather
Atiss' Donna Merner of Toronto
spent Mother's Day weekend with her
parents Belle and Arnold Merner
The students o1 S II 1),II S in E;y
eter held a fashion show last to eek
with several girls taking part
BAKING FOR SALE Marie Gingerich prices a pie held by Verda Baechler while convener Anne Flax -
bard and Connie Lewis display more of the baking"offered for sale at the Blue Water Rest Home tea
and bake sale. -
s -
Successful tea at Blue Water.
1 tit r►,eke .,Ic 11c111 ,,1 itie• tient
uli No1(11(100. aq.rrn a bit;
sue cess 1• totters made tor the
lady residents lor Mother's Day by
Blanche Beduin! of the Maple 11'(x)(1.
A decorated cake nt.ule by A1ar•y
Lou Erb '.yas Lyon by 'Thelma 'Thiel. A
box of groceries donated by Elizabeth
(.rainger was won by -Mrs. Ste,. e
GI ngerich and a lovely geranium t<<t,,
won by Belle Alerner trans a draw al
She plant table
01%1. cons enUon
('eeiha Farwell and Bridget (:rout
'of SI. Bnuil.rcc C 11 I.. along %%illi
Mary Duc•harnie and 1f•y Lou
1)enc►mme uI Sl Peter's (' 11 1.., St
Joseph. attended an interesting and
inlornlataye annual ('alhohe 11'o111e11.,
League Convention held in London at
Hampton ('curt last Tuesday and
Wednesday The banquet at
11'onderland Gardens was also attend-
ed by F'r Mooney and Fr Bcnselle
It11 ."1elilial'%
Thirty I it e members and one guest
attended the auxiliary meeting at the
Rest Horne last 'Tuesday evening May
A very nice musical program
delighted the audience.
Following :i delicious lunch, presi
dent Marie Gelinas Sr. conducted the
meeting held in the Boardroom. Five
birthday cards were sent to residents
last month.
\Il were in favor of buying two new
tape records for the 'tome, and look-
ing into purchasing a new T.V.
Ladies were asked to help serve
lunch at the annual meeting coming
up on May :30.
Several lovely aprons were brought
in ler the apron wheel.
The next meeting will be held on
June 4 in the form of a picnic and sup-
per for the residents beginning al 2:1W
Congratulations to Earl and Anne
F'laxbard who were married 40 years
on Sunday. May 12. An open house
and celebration will be held for them
this Sunday afternoon al the town hall
from 1:30 to 4:00pm.
.‘lle•nd conference
Councillor Keith Westlake and
Clerk Sharon Baker, attended a
municipalities' conference in
Belleville on May 2 and 3
1111 pir
CABBAGE PATCH CAKE Belle Merner and Thelma Thiel sell tickets
at the Woe Water Rest.Hume tea and h;.ke sale
on 0 decorated
Wend lime) al
Alay '.t e otter our sincere e • sy inpa thy
lo the many relatives ui town of the -
former George Overholt, Burlington,
who passed away suddenly lust Satur-
day. Several from Ztrric•h attended his
funeral in Burlington on Wednesday.
• 11l •
Airs. Adeline Denonune returned
home from the hospital last Thurs-
day. May we wish a speedy recovery
to Art Miller %vho IS a patent in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London clue to an
Sales & Service
Authorized Dealer for
General Instrument
Joe Polso 236-4790
To Beautify Your Home
• Oaks • Maples • Catulpas
• Flowering Crab • Fruit • Mt. Ash
Boxed Plants
Lots of Evergreens
Landscaping and Lawn tare
Hwy. 21 St. Joseph
AM. /1•1...01111 /1111.JIL.A1111.1.1ML.ALAIM......unimalb.M11.1.611.1111