HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-05-08, Page 26L - Page 10A Times -Advocate, May 8, 1985 a- .4z -,..l• n•si� .ifE'4ti.UA !Inas.. `iS-*an.a•to Y ..:M. +I::J AV4499ftS.441 t' 1414,. 1 tMHMHAS.• ,f: sot PLA¥ IT BMART... GET INTD 144-4 - ' •..v..M {:':,-•... 4....• b,s +[,tl,.i: . . •..•w ... .-A•It1M. 1,ti..4 Xs o n a• a11•�wL'• ♦. w 1,.•.114 �•► EE {w... • _ -. -a..- ,:sof• - , ,E SWAN ex YN:i-.l ti+i ,r. WS 1 ••.•. ••al;•tfAi[ rA.IrOI W.. gFWe•MN. L abwI r: rift .rwrrir6n►.•/.e fY :.. ..s:v_ W x44 4 l'f• 4 w+'... „y . y, • lY4. :-•1_ AW..LY* 14 IrlE4, :4.4- 4k Y1 -'14:•'51 • ...:w�caswt { 4 .4 ,ya. . 4:VE•rr 4t t L 1 W.. 414.0 ,a.•. w/l:lr•M... sr w! IM , • ild.da•iletY. alWMtll..-AIM .•.,{u.;,.:utttr fall ed, ,:>. %I= ,r. ,,*. j-'itflMt L�.. 1111 w.f. � KM.:s.,Y 4 / •.M./EMMA& 2 Ettatosi a a,.f-'• Mr 14,1.•4! 1 w s4'w e ' --. -`- IJi► ) WSW :.•e:, 'a, ala t1i ,91Lt*1 4114 was. Kxe floor vtirat, .i ••► t-tw•w'-ran at, •say t.••• • frww LA t t vE•aX;41r &LAE. Y,If••:-ni v *.-- l•/49•e 1 4 MAIM iii1.L1. 1:110[1 ft ff ••• ..1 ,. *PHs • -.e1 1 ,. ISIY,t r -'•. : A•L L MN .ACME 4 a :1 4 .., At. 1 :a.r•ca:. ,. w• t40/ ..111.1;. 54.41, w1St IA,v. w••. 4..w ••M Waw A.,' •r:' 11.1 1si14.1 1.1...41. i1eY+l,aY :r S:ar: •v- .---L • ( • .....• ,t • eft a • -AAP I 4 J•• '•,.• ,r. N'•M •f ant• . 1L r. Y a•K :•.'-' •� 1.- lis .55•' h. µ f.4.: N".tr * +•a • 445.• t`• "-w^a.,•• a - ,r . -., . aro 111.• 41.5/ tat.44 ,44 S. Mt A.5... :41.L P•/MIJ'•a.• .. - sew ,.. . •.. woo 55 s .1: {y,, ,V ✓MOM N f. A,) . ib:Al.l/11/.6.91 JO A -.::..,t. 1 1, .f: :5. 14T. Aa`KA.`9.eC44' nvst yr.f. ....-7 'JY (.tr '10•11 ;41 Al Alit& ,-7 4 f.r .. Is., .•t •51,4 41410t Et4t4 4 .Mw• itanot •-• 44,1• loon on. •ksattai wNIt/>ir. *Alt NOE *4 AY: ts• NW- +IR 4K1 114.19 a en 4.1 • 11;91.45 Pius. YI P• 94 4.'- • Mhos ,m5• sY• t.nve ^ Illy t•�.. • ` - to + 3.1.4'. • 31414 130 ✓. .• .44.4l, N,l'fr. 11-,'111' fro "'WI. L111A4f 4 LLliIER:AL :Sm7 IM.t.a.aaa+T>.T.1LL:yA >4a�fiW. ,•„-S.1.Pl.tJfrA r1J•L1 L ftf M,-1 y1.-•, r•'e: ,.•, 4'M OKA' L a• team fife •Ata •4,,/,r are 415 e.rf new,* '•'>' w wr-a. ,f)) I.ta..•r. I .YA 4•aF ".•! :L, J,L PRI 1'r : "wi rims 1IY• 041•►kR14 •d Wahl M,.. * • r•.• ..,, s. `S+ -c 3-.. iii ►Wt ,d. f• -Th . +M tfar 546*1- SU : Sr ' > .•1 Af Jefy>ei ,!Mar �irll+04.. To place your advertisement call 235-1331 before 4 p.m. on Monday CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals os for serial numbers. street numbers, phone numbersor prices count as one word per set. Words ioined by hyphens count os.separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 53.75, 10c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 104 per word, minimum 5200. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 55.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 54.25 per column inch. - (Minimum size in this cotegory 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words 53.75. 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices • 20 words 53.75, each addi- tional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - 53.75 plus 204 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words 53.75, each additional word 104. Three inser- tions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 53.75. additional words Se each. 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline; for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 1 Lost, Strayed C.\ 1-, made, large orange; lost in Lucan, April 7; epileptic and kidney problems, Reward. Call 227-4874 anytime. 19,20c 3 Situations Wanted \1 -\\ 1 \ NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- ter:' Call a mom. 235-0621. Iltin 1-A 1111 R AND SONS PAINTING, roof- ing and eaveslroughing, yard work, irce trimming and removal; tree estinralcs. Phone 228-6310 191Inc RI 11\til1 S1( DI. Ni,with previous cx- pencnc mould like summer babysitting job Phone 21G-2755 after 4 p.m. 19c 4 Help Wanted ('l1 \\1\(iPI-RS()N,daiI cleaning,din- ing loom and club !muse al Oakwood Inn, Grand !lend. Apply 111 person 238-2324. 1111.4 \T>A 11 RI PI RSON, tor part-time help in upholsters ,lore. lips 25\1, f.seler 1Imes Adsocale. 1 \tiler. Ont. NO\1 ISO.18,1 )' HAIR DRI 551•12 wanted- five )ears c14- P'ricii c. ( an do men and women's hair. Phone 236-4869. Ask for Debbie. 18:19c It( OI'K1.1-PER needed 1% ping necessary. ledger posting of sales and balancing. Non smoker, cspenence hclplul 1)111 will Irun. Appls ottKe 1311) 85 SI Mars, Journal •\rel,.. Bo\ 101(1 \O\1 2\'0 18:19: RI I I \131 I 01 DI R I'I RSON Io help • with the cafe gumming, 01 show dogs, Inc 111, wIII pro% rde room. board and - (11111'. non-smoker and drinker. 54411111111 prelCired. S21MI-(Mlrnunlhl) C(rnrlcl liren- da \1 byte 52'-I6I3. Sealorth areal 8tInc OR(.\\1.I, for 1414111 Memorial \nrlll,nl ( 11111th. 1 \ctct. beginning Jul( 1 1111 ei esied pynutl c41111a11 the church 21( 211( 19-22e tel I IN (5\ S(5511 1111\(, 111(1, Full of parr time. business is good' \\c need honest. snocelc salt's people to (out us now .41441 st,r\ .t lone time Don•I worry about espy, Ie•nce \\ e w ll) show von how to be sussesstit1 and retCI\e rapid promotion. Yon 9(111 42.11 11 whdc 1011 Team .111(1 rccenc 11.nnine 5110w:11140 phis commission %seek - h. plus c.Ish la+uuses for e\tia participa- non 11145 15 plcasanl (1101111t41 work. Con - 1,1,1 \1t Bauer 111 pcnon al Ole .'National [la -teller 5loiel. 141ndon on \kxtda'. \lay 11 al 2 p 111. of - p tn. sharp or on Eues- d,n. \I.rt 14 al I(1 .1 m, sharp. 194. l Pilot .I I R1 R. 55 5\ 11 D. Veal - 1 4,1111.3 ell1441111.1 Asst k 10,000 ,4,111.11c 11101 snap. 1 ant 141(5 "%WC` 1(1 scan e\pcnencc. SI011C\ ( pholsteI nig 14 1101 tilted, Barrie. OW tar 1st 1 4\1 I\\ L 1 SOO461 1'1' (Ontario). 1 '115 726-t'-21 (Ouistde Ontario). 19\ It 5115 'I 1 11 R. requited. mature. reliable 11C1 ((M. our honor weekdas s. 8 a.ttt.-5:30 p m . one shill. light housekeeping. 2t: 216- alit' .c t(I 19-2I4 tiI( Iv'\ (1 ( 1 51131 R CON] RA('T5. .11a11a1‘11: 114 .11 Norm hramcrs, RR 4, tic,Il4111h 1.)1 I. (-one 2 Iuckcrsntith s2- IMI"6 and at .hales Kramer,, I)uhlin 145 22:3 19.- 1 9c101 K111 OK III III IFR51 (54 lour (11.4111411 1 les. 1(14.1.411 4 ould hecotnc .1 velem rammer. 1111141 he arnblriou4. Top nares sle.ld' (11100y mem. Reply giving full resume ro 13th 281' i 0 F\cter 1-1mes- 5415 o, .0 e 19.2(5. HELIUM BALLOONS ..Just for the Fun Of It Country Flowers EXETER 235-2350 classifications l Loci. Strayed - - - 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veil. 11 Cars. Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 5 Business Opportunities FREI CAREER GUIDE describes 200 Learn -at-home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A), 263 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call 1-800-268-1121.46r Ix 1, AUNDROSIAT, north of Exeter, no competition, throe apartments, new fur- nace, building and business, 558,500.00. Financing available. Joe \turauskas 238-2430. Dan Hamilton Real Estate. 17-19c ONTARIO "REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS", wanted for our "Vehi- cle. Record Hooks". Terrific potential. Minimum stock --secured required invest- ment: 51,070. Contact "Holiday Promo- tions". 13os 426, Lockeport, Nova Scotia, 13(11- 11.0. Phone (902)656-2600 after 4:00 p.m. ' 19x CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the tjme to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and job placement information contact \ter% Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519) 432-1726, Cambridge (519)623-2430. 19s 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 361 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair K.R. 1 Centralia Own 6 Days A Week truck Doves, Portable Welding Wrought iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply finish & -Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 Gene's dons Gene Crcce\ - SIGNS OF All TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood. Ont NOM I NO PHONE 238-8242 6 Services LOOK YOUR BEST AT YOUR WEDDING Skin care makeup, manicure, pedicure and eyebrows in your home. Call Ramona 229-8194 19tfnc EXETER CAB Doy and Night Coils Radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 49 Simcoe Si. Exeter If no answer phone 228-6812 from 7 a.m. - midnight 23tfn SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION R.R. 1 Exeter Homes and Farm Buildings Additions, Renovations, Repairs Roofing, Siding and Soffit Phone 237-3739 Wayne Shapton --- ---DAVE -- PASSMORE 12_11.4 PLUMBING 8 HEATING RR 1 WOODHAM 235-2708 • 30t l itc MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Earl Miller 237-3365 DON BENDER ELECTRIC LTD. Dashwood For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PH: 237-3575 181 291 SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-8312 or 227-4254 30 Years'Psperiencc 81 • Backhoe service • Scrap purchased I6tln 251 41 IO 13(X' ()K ``1 I I anuyucs:ur(1 used fur - Me contact Norm Whiting 215 1964.11i ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service • Farm Venl,l,ll,on NESBIT ELECTRIC 1-1 I ( IRI( AI CO\ IRA( 10R 229-8222 I;IRKTON lit ST/HL BAN WELD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs b Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition Phone 234.6339 REDI-MIX CONCRETE CALL US FOR All Type* of Concrete Work Redl.Ml■ Contralto end formwork • Pretest products Miler • Mer••er* • flet* • 5•.p. • Ct-bs McCANN Rerl-Mtn hoe. Dashwood 237-3647 Exeter 235.0335 Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic Tanks and holding Tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 291In 1)1'5.IAR1)INF (ON I RAC I IN(. Iltllldofing, Raking, (iralin hauling, !ruck- ing. Sanding, Snowplowing, Back hoeing. l'honc 238-2734. 221111 Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry New homes. additions and renovations, roofing. aluminum and vinyl. siding and soffit. farm buildings. Architectural Drafting floor plans. elevations, etc. RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. CRANE RENTAL SERVICE 8 ton truck, crane with 16' or 38' trailer Available with man bucket for all types of aerial work Tree trimmings CaII Roger Dougall Construction Ltd. 235-1281 6 Services Al 'S CARPET and tin)1 installauun+, quality work, guaranteed. tree estimates. Call 235-0173 day and 243-3077 evenings. 1 IlIn CAM SCOTT FENCE All types of fences supplied and installed 17 Wolseley Avenue London, Ontario NSY 21:7 Phone 439-1588 1411n TWYNSTRA CONSTRUCTION Builders of Custom Homes Renovations, Roofing and Painting For Information call 294-0204 or 238-2092 15tfn DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES 16t 114 HIGH POWER ELECTRIC FENCING Phone EVERT 262-6208 Zurich 17.18,19c MOM'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE Quality Deep Cleaning of Your Entire House Call Evenings 227-1206 18(Inc GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. FREE ESTIMATES Call Jack Glavin 237-3707 1')11.4 A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Custom Homes • Aluminum 8. Vinyl • Siding • Roofing 'Free estimates' • Additions Dashwood 237.3516 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill day Wednesday Dashwood 237-3677 EXCAVATING •.Weeping Beds • Footings • Basements & General Backhoe work Snow -Con Excavating Owned and operated by Jim Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meal Veal s MEATTMARKET 235-1123 Custom Home BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal • Aluminum Siding Soffits fascia Eovestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Akan Bulking tiff Products 234-6711 Ron 234-622 6 Services HON1E INTERIOR, and exterior painting. Also minor repairs. Call 686-144(1 or 225-254(1. (9c LYLE STEEPER CONSTRUCTION Corbett *Custom Homes *Additions *Renovations Jim 294-6539 Lyle 294-6604 R.R. 8, Parkhill 13tfu CAREEN DANDI LAWN, complete lawn spraying, commercial and residential 227-4863. , 17-20c `Dave ckider Constructio/1_' HOMES* COTTAGES * RENOVATIONS DASHWOOD, TEL: 237-34)2 Lane Gravel N Sand fill - Crushed A Grovel - Woshed, Cement Grovel - Rich Top Soil 3 8" and 3•4" Washed Stone McCann Redi-Mix Inc.' RR 3, Dashwood 237-3647, 235-0338 1/ General Welding & Repairs Manufacturers of Custom Built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 235-1273 ynitn11rn1I111111111111flnIn11111111IIIIIIliIIII(IIIIIL' - HANDMADE Fine woodworking F. • Coffee tables • End tables F. • Stereo cabinets • Wall units plus much more F. - For further information 237-3212 .t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiililliiIIIIIIIIIIliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR e54. 11i,,Ja('4l7 a,?i CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes & Renovations Farm Buildings Exeter NOM 1S0 Phone: (519) 235-0533 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT SpecioIlz1r in Replocem nt • Windows *•_ ; .r,`i. I CALL FOR A / FREE ESTIMATE KAI Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services BROAD SPECTRUM SWINE PROTEC-- iION. Use the \lecados and Pro- I3anininth team in your starter groper feed and obtain broad spectrum ammo! or scours, ltllltdw(rins and Ascaris pneumonia. 19s RO We Electric & Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rural Residential Con mercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowe 24541906 279-6284 Davey Construction • Houses - ' • Additions • Sheds • Siding • Roofing • Renovations • Free estimates Phone Keith Davey 235-1944 after 6 p.m. • Cabinets • Furniture • Shelves • Desks, etc. • Kitchen Cabinet refinishing Call 235-2064 for a free estimate ,'Showroom opening Mon. June 3 at'429 Main St., Exeter Large or Small 1 Do It All Call Harold to help you in your plans to renovate and improve your home ID CONTRACTING 235-0941 "Quality U'orkmanship of a Reasonable Price" Flo•Rite Eavestroughing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available Also - Eosvestrough Screening - shingle starter Ken McCann Jack Glavin 234-6401 - 237-3707 BEFORE YOU BUY A packaged deal, inspect our Mini -Sheds Completely assembled, ready to use 2 x 4 frame construction, clad in prefinished steel, sturdy doors, various sizes. Ken McCann Crediton 234-6401