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Times-Advocate, 1985-05-08, Page 24
Page 8A Times -Advocate, May 8. 1985 Playhouse announces.- kids' '!'here's something new for young people at Iluron Country Playhouse. This sunlnler five programs and live workshops will be featured with a variety of content. On July. 29 "('ono• and Sing with Rick and Judy" starring Rick Avery and Judy Greenhill. '!'hese per- formers have appeared al almost every major Canadian Folk lest ival with a repertoire drawn mainly l rum folk traditions of North American and the British Isles. The duo's goal tor every concert remains the same - 1(1 maintain a high degree of artistic ex-. celtent while presenting their music with honesty and integrity. At the same time Hick and Judy de- mand a high degree 01 involtnent from their audience. \lost concerts and especially those geared to a younger audience have everyone singing. clapping. and moving for an entire hour with a repertoire that in- cludes lullabies, work songs, ballads, chants. action songs and sometimes a traditional folk tale or tante-fable where the songs tell their own stories of a place, a time -- or just encourage the sheer joy of raising voices in unison in a celebration of living. On July 3o -Kitchen Music" with Eric Nagler will introduce the idea of music as a form of communication. easy and fun for anyone to do. Eric plays banjo. fiddle, -guitar, spoons, jew's harp and various other in- struments. Ile shares musical energy with the audience by involving them in singing, clapping different rhythms and playing home-made instruments such as spoons, tin can tangos and plastic rattles. Everyone is invited of participate with Eric in making music together. Eric's first record for children. musical Fiddle up a 'Pune, is a spirited collection of folk songs and comic songs, traditional jug band tunes and one very tall bale about a magic fid- dle. Eric can be seen on ('BC's televi- sion series The Elephant Show with guest appearances on (i'I,"s Vid Kids. On July 31 -Forgotten Folk Tales" with I lelen Carmichael Porter will in- spire all those in attendance. Helen Carmichael Porter is a leading storyteller in Canada. She has per- formed her one -woman shows of literature to over six hundred au- diences, bringing the magic of storytelling to people of all ages. She "B" CHAMPS - The Wednesday night ladies Zurich bowling group held their banquet,at the Oakwood Inn in Grand Bend. Winning the "B" trophy were, in the fro,nt left to right, Suzy Turnbull, Cathy Griffiths, Kathy Rupert and Corrie Tiedeman. Back row, Dora Rood, Brenda Turnbull, Louise Vandenberk and June, Mennen. - Grand Bend senior club enjoy slides from north Guest speaker at this month's Golden Age meeting was Mrs. Verona Snider. She showed her pictures of her inside passage to Alaska, Kilchican, Silka, and Fairbanks. Yukon. They travelled home by inland. Irene Ward opened the meeting with the singing of 0 Canada, follow- ed with the Lord's Prayer. Marg Mason read the minutes of the last meeting and Olive Webb read the treasurer's report. Happy birthday was sung for Mrs. Bailey. A picnic to be held at the Water Works conserva- tion area was planned for Wednesday. June 5. 1l was moved that the club donate a gift of an. electric tea kettle to the new seniors apartments on Sauble rd. Lunch was served and all 30 attending enjoyed the afternoon. !'ear -End 1°Ar Orpha Club The final meeting lir the GB Orpha club was held in the home nl Dorothy Cutting with 16 member's attending After a social time. Irene Kennedy chaired the meet Mg. An appropriate farewell tronl the club was given to long -lime tnelnber. MiIdred MacLaren. +cho has left Grand Bend to live in Barrie. A gift of a mint tray to match her good set of dishes . was presented to Mildred by Aileen Ravelle. Donations for the Sarnia Children's Aid. were on display. Irene closed the meeting with a poem "Tomorrow may not ('nine." The next meeting will be in September 30th al Greta Luther's home. Beulah 1loll and Eva Allister will he in charge of this September meeting. Legion Branch 1911 Saturday, Ilio first annual open euchre competition was held in the (;I1 Legion. There were 18 teams entered with $216 in prizes paid pack in six prizes First place winners %ver'e from St ral ford Legion. Don \k Kand. Lefty Phillips. Jack Lightfoot. and With Parsons. Second place winners were from (.rand Rend. George Gallant. l,ee.lennisnn. Harold Smith and .John Price Parkhill number iwo placed third. Watford number two fourth. Thedford number two fifth and Mt. Brydges number one won sixth. Everyone thanks all those who- -helped in any way to make this a success. Fire Station Visit The Grand Bend 4-H clubs it and III met at- the fire hall al 6:30 p.m. for their meeting on April 30. Fireman Larry Taylor, training officer. show- ed three video tapes on fire safety. Then firemen Garry Desjardine. Larry Whiting and Taylor discussed with the member's fire hazards in the home. family escape routes. how to turn in an alarm and use of smoke detectors. They also explained fire ex - tiguishers and how carelessness causes most home fires, etc. The firemen then each took separate groups and explored the fire engine with all its various hoses and equipment. the yellow rescue van and the radio room The 4-11 members were very impressed with the presen- tation and should be much more knowledgeable about fire safety Welcome ('heir al U(' On Sunday morning. the GB United Church was filled to capacity. Members of the Stephen Central School choir were present to sing. The director was Mrs. Marlene Thornton, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Sharon Soldan. Bob Southcotl read the scriptures from 1i Timothy- 3:14-45. wherin Rev. Peebles named his topic "The Greatest Book.'. Cornniunity Bible study resumes this month at the hone of Nita Sinclair in Southcott Pines. July 8=12 from 9-11:30 a.m. is the daily vacation Bible school. I' -Need -A -Rill' ' 10 church please phone 238-8022 by 10 p.m. Saturday night or by 10 a Sunday morning. To New Dundee - Seventeen ladies from ('hurch of God travelled to the New Dundee country club. near Kitchener. for the 1.adies Day Apart. The theme "Bloom V1i('re You Are Planted" was presented by Mrs. Evelyn Small. Detroit. Mrs. Small serves on the Board of Directors for the missionary hoard of the Church of God. Pastor Campbell also serves on this board. A carload of youths attended the Youth fot Christ ori Saturday night at Brucefield, where they heard Sam Skinner and the Harvesters. ' On Sunday morning Pastor Camp_ bell spoke on 'Whole -Families--- Healthy Families,"taken from Deut. 6. Mar. MacGregor sag "Get Alt Ex- cited:* In the evening the youth were in charge of the service. They sang Sweet Adoration and showed the film "Master Controlled." About The People You Know ina Russell of Turnbull's Grove was a lucky winner of $500 at the Zurich bingo Thursday. Flowers of !lope canvassers will be in the area and your contributions stay in the South -Huron 'area. Give generously. The Nylons musical group will be performing at the Iluron Country Playhouse on June 15 for two con- certs. On .July 14 The ('anadian Brass will also present two concerts in the '85 season. Lamhton Board of Education rais- ed their taxes by 4.57 percent. program at the Art Gallery t On- tario, � o has appe•� • Museum of Man. on the ('B(' radio and television networks as well as most of the major radio and TV stations, numerous theatres, schools. universities and concert halls. llelen's unique style of storytelling is called 'narrative theatre'. Not on- ly does Ms. Porter narrate the story, she becomes all the characters within it, so that the story comes to life for the audience in a whole way. Stories from all over the globe feature strong adventurous heroines and heroes. On August 1 "The Princess in the tion To er" will be presented by the Lampoon Puppettheatre- Since its founding, Lampoon Puppet (heat re has been critically acclaimed loth na- tionally and internationally. In On- tario they have toured schools, libraries. parks. camps and theater with shows and workshops. The com- pany has performed by invitation around the world. touring Poland and perforating in Russia. I lotland, Mex- ico. as welt as Hungary where they received the top a+card al an Interna- tional Festival of Puppet 'Theatres. They have also been honoured twice with a "Citation of Excellence in the Art of Puppetry-, awarded by. the American ('entre of t'NIMA. the International Organization of Puppet Theatres. in this presentation. many of the 4)1(1 values are represented in the tale. The show introduces several puppetplay'ing techniques. Starting as a bedtime story. it quickly develops into a play with the help of some characters. improvised out of pillows and bed covers. The story develops furthure into a - snore magical and -dreamlike state as the characters become shadows cast on a screen. Everyone has played at one time or another with shadows. To see the transformation of three- dimensional characters into the two - dimension world of the shadow screen is an added experience. Lampoon Puppet t heat re is proud to unveil this new production which joins the other all-time favourites in The Lampoon repertoire. On August 2 "Nlaskerade" with Italia Gesser made up of an exciting collection 01 zany characters in original skits. from a waltzing couple to a marathon race, will bring to the audience a wide variey of masks and music. t)aiia's training includes six years -at Lbs Grands Ballets Cana - diens. two years a"S a dance major al Purchase ['niversity in New fork and a season at the Banff School of Fine Arts and studied mime and clowning at the Candian Mime School. Dalia performed Ili the CBC production of 'The Garden and the ('age' and has loured with 'T'andem Mime Company performing at the Second Canadian Milne Festival in Vancouver and also in schools in B.C. and Quebec. All of these very slx•ical perfor- mances will be 14)1ta+ved by a workshop conducted by the artisils themselves. Each workshop will vary substantially and focus on the per- formers specific area of excellence. All performances wilt take place in Playhouse I1. a small and intimate theatre. mallow greater contact bet - ween the children and the per- former's. For further information call Huron County Playhouse 238-8451 TREES FOR CANADA - The Grand Bend Cubs planted trees with guidance from Pinery Pork Naturalist Case VandenBygoort last week. Cubs Jamie Baker, Jeremy Anderson and Chris Stanlake water the young plants in the -GB Public School year. Others were planted around the new soccer:' baseball field. SCHOOL YARD REWORKED Here Mt. Carmel P.T.A. executive members Bill Unioc, Philip Walker and Rick Raeburn stop the plow and tractor for o break. The Knights of Columbus, P.T.A.; Bd. of Education and Stephen Township are helping to make the school yard safer for the new community playground. There will be a new ball diamond at the Mt. Carmel school yard also. A proposed lawn and bake sale in early June will help with the expenses. Photo by Lynn Desjardine Gifts that Say "Thanks Mom" Earrings, chains, lockets, bracelets, watches. All at affordable prices at ANSTETT afvlN rvl•�•'+� JEWELLERS 284 Malmo St EXETER Suyur (7)cce —s? Chocofaie e" Iu'la•r CT gra//ie ( 2114.1/ al all 111e /.vrrre�ltla/ 11. 1J u. . ' I i/ /41,44.4/ /lrrr.-J, Tal 1t1:1 -u) am, fr irn.lrl114. /'r/ rr1/ y ��o/ riiii. Agri. Jrur Ja•/J. r laud. i/rohravJ I JiilerJ. Muth and. mcdoct, Lia/ only 1/1.1 ilr lIae rohol • wart / l So give her //he 14,11 S'lofl �ra©ur CT !,/iia /una/rota/a• (Ior411114•3, r i� lira fJ, /J I Iir0Jltel.►. holed 41411.4114114., . nl 1.'f /Or' /)111('.1 / 4141/b. /I/al/1. ,•.� .Erol, /)/li e ie/er . rr 235-1211. rr//sill e u�l 56.3-2474 Send Mother Your Love With Flowers Featuring: • Orchid arrangements • Blooming Gardens • Fresh flowers • Flowering plants • Roses or Carnations Gift boxed Something to suit everyone's price range at 345 IN ,111 flower Shop' Count\'alart.' ..l loran Notice to Grand Bend Property Owners IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 and 15 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1980, c. 379). -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend for approval of its Restricted Area By- law 6048;'83. -and- IN THrMATTER OF a reference to this Board by the Honourable Claude F. Bennett, Minister of Municiiial Affairs and Housinc on a request by Jock E. Davis on behalf of Richleigh Investment! Limited for consideration of the tolfowing part of Amendment Number 2 to the Official Plan for the Grand Bend Planning Area: Those lands described os part of lot -405, Plan 25 in the Village of Grand Bend. Minister's File NO. 38 -OP -0147-2 APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 3rd day of June, 1985 at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 4 Ont. St. N., Grand Bend, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing the application. If you do not attend and ore not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be en- titled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking port in the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision moy request a copy from the presiding Board Member, or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 1st day of April, 1985 O.G. Henderson Secretory. a EXPLANATORY NOTE • OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 42 AND BY-LAW 6048 of 1983 The purpose of By -low 6048 is to implement the Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the Grand Bend Planning Area. Amendment #2 removed the "Environmental Protection" designation of the Official Plan from many properties which. according 10 on engineering study prepared for the Ausoble- Bayfield Conservation Authority, ore no longer located in the floodplain. These properties were redesignated to other land uses. In one case, a properly was added to the floodplain by the engineering study and accordingly, Amendment 42 redesignated it to "Environmental Protection". This By-law im- plements Amendment No. 2 by rezoning the affected proper- ties in accordance with the new land use designations of Amendment No. 2. This By-law generally applies to land abutting the Ausoble River and Lake Huron in the village of Grand Bend. The Location Map and Schedule 'A" shows more particularly the land affected. By -low 6048 of 1983 conforms to the Official Plan of the Grand Bend Planning Area, in accordance with Amendment No. 2. Dianne Mallard, Clerk Treasurer Village of Grand Bend