HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 28POSTER WINNERS — At the Crediton Fire Department on Wednesday, Schoolho • . ii • - njoyoble-fieldhrip;-arid iearnec w ro-the`wirinersdtthe-a ex i • it were. The winners from the left: Kurt Hoogenboom (third place boy) girl), Natasha Allen (second place girl), Jennifer Pickering (third place girl), boy) and Dwayne Finkbeiner (second place boy). the students of Stephen Central Ed budget set in Middlesex Last week, the Middlesex County Board of Education adopted a budget of $44,043,017 for 1985. This is an in- crease of 4.5 percent over 1984 spen- ding; it amounts to an average tax in- crease for the county's 22 municipalities of 9.8 percent. Board Chairman Hugh Baird has pointed out that the increase is large- ly due to three factors. First, the On- tario government continues to reduce its payments in support of local education costs; second, the Ontario education ministry requires local boards to expand and extend special education services; and third, the move to higher post -secondary en- trance requirements means that some elementary and secondary school courses must be expanded. Program expansions this year in- clude extension of the Core French program to grade 5 and increase of the French language curriculum assistant's time from half-time to full- time, employment of a microcom- puter consultant, extension from half- time to full-time of the physical and health education consultant's ser- vices, purchase of nine microcom- puters for elementary schools and 32 for secondary schools, and extension nnuct fire-preventiorrpostet= of-elementar wheal=music. , Karen McKay (first place Darren Mason (first place Diddulph considers buying Granton /and from CNR The Township of Biddulph met.with the Village of Granton trustees at one of their meetings to discuss the up- dating of street lights, the purchase of Station Street from the Canadian National Railways, and the proposed 1985 budget for Granton. The trustees indicated that as they updated the existing street lights, the lights that were removed would be re- tained for parts to repair those lights which had not yet been updated. The Granton trustees told Biddulph council they wish the latter to pur- chase the Station Street portion of land. Council advised the trustees an • offer had been received from CNR, and it was possible Station Street would be in possession of the township by the end of August. At a later meeting the clerk - treasurer told council he had con- tacted the CNR, with regard to the conditions attached to their offer to sell the 35 -foot strip of land on which Station Street is located. The clerk was advised the teaming facilities (sidings where railway cars are left for a period of time would have to be accessible to CN through Station Street. The clerk advised that Murray Fraser is in the process of preparing a legal description and survey of this property. in order that it might be ob- tained from CN. Council noted that access to the teaming facilities would not concern them as Station Street is a public road. and every taxpayer has a right to use same. The reeve and clerk were authorized to sign the offer to purchase. The trustees tabled their proposes' budget for 1985. requesting the same provisions as for 1984. The townshil is to grant a 10 mill rebate to Gran ton andthe village will raise $7.912.:36 by special levy. Council said they would take the proposed budget under advisement when considering the budget for the entire township The clerk -treasurer and the road superintendent told council about a meeting they'd held with a represen- tative of the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications to discuss the road subsidy allocation allotted to the Township of Biddulph for 1985 and to discuss the possibility of any sup- plementary allocations being available for 1985. They reported it was the ministry's opinion that supplementary alloca- tions might be made available, however in order to be eligible such a request Hurst be in the ministry's Toronto office on or before March :31. Based on this information. they had verbally instructed the ministry rep to submit a request for $155,(100 in sup- plementary funding on Biddulph behalf. The clerk and road superintendent advised council there was no obligation that the township expend this money: however. if any portion of the supplementary was granted it would be at the rate of 75 percent paid by the Province. Council discussed this and noted that for 1983 the road subsidy granted • by the MTC was $129.300 and in order to qualify for this subsidy, the township would be required to expend $255,200. Council further noted this was a reduction of $5(N) in the road grant and an increase of $5.600 in total expenditures in order to qualify for the grant. 11 was moved lo approve highway expenditures totalling $255.200: the; application will he sent to the MT(' detailing the expenditures. 11 was also moved that the reeve and clerk peti- tion the MT(' for a supplementary allocation to cover the following: $10(1,0(0 for a tandem dump truck and necessary harness for snowplow- ing; $40.000 for road construction: $8.000 for municipal drains and $7.00 for rebuilding the '78 Champion grader motor Tenders for the construction for the Bryan-llcxlgins Drain were opened and the low tender of Robinson Farm Drainage for $6.362 was accepted The tenders for the Gamble !)rain were examined and council noted that the lowest lender was submitted by Neufeld Bros Farms. Ltd. of Niaget-on-the-Lake. Council decid- ed to investigate the company- submit- ting this low tender before acceptance At .a later meeting, the clerk - treasurer reported on the investiga- tion of Neufeld Bros. fie had con- tacted the clerk of Wainfleet Township and the clerk and. works superintendent from Niagara -on -the - Lake regarding this companyand was advised that they were an ex- cellent company and did a substantial amount of work in that area. Council noted that the .Neufeld Bros. bid was substantially lower than the others received, and that it would be accepted. The tender's total amount was $14,985.57, with each private drain connection to cost $10.50. The clerk -treasurer reported that the planning advisory committee had made certain recommendations to council with regard to various ap- plications received and considered by them. One of the applications was from Cliff Acheson, requesting an amendment to the zoning -bylaw in order that he may use his property (part lot 11, N.L.R.) not only for residential and agricultural purposes but also for a harness and tack shop. Council has called a public meeting for June 4 to consider this farther. Other business included a request by Bernie Avery to improve and repair the municipal drain that runs through his farm. which he feels is too small to remove the spring runoff. Council discussed this request in detail. noting that the improvement to this drain should come by way of a petition signed by the ratepayers. in accordance with the Drainage Act. Avery will be advised to have the af- fected ratepayers sign such a petition and return it ; if the ratepayers were not prepared to sign such a petition. council may proceed under Section 78 of the Drainage Act. A building permit was issued to L. Huyzers, to construct a single car garage on his property. The township will allow the Gran- ton Lions Club to sell alcoholic beverages at a baseball tournament in Granton Community Park on June 7 and 8. !toward Currie has been appointed dog licencing officer with renumera- tion of $2. for each tag sold. Councillor Earl French will be ap- pointed to sit on the court of revision for the Hardy Drain in Lucan, which will be held in the near future. Regarding Ken Glendinning's con- cerns over the maintenance of the property next to his, (council has been requested to take whatever action necessary to have the property im- proved), the building inspector will inspect the building and property in question and report whetter it satisfies the Ontario Building Code. If it doesn't meet the Code, steps would be taken with the township solicitor to insure it meets all necessary requirements. Council considered a drainage peti- tion from Charles Hayden, requesting. a municipal drain be constructed to drain part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, conces- sion 2. Council noted that Hayden had attended a previous council meeting regarding this petition: at that meeting he informed council he would prefer to have Spriet Associates ap- pointed as the engineers for the con- struction of this drain. Spriet Associates were appointed to make a study of the drainage area and bring in their report. Several grants have been approv- ed for 1985. Council approved gran- ting $50 to the Salvation Army, $50 to the Middlesex County Ploughmen's Association. $50 to the heavy Horse Association, $50 to the Middlesex 4-H Leader's Club, $50 to the Ilderton Agricultural Society and $50 to the Kirkton Agricultural Society. The Chatham -Kent Flood Disaster Committee requested a contribution. Council directed the clerk to file the request. Correspondence received from Stephen Garrod, barrister and solicitor representing C.11. Lewis ( Lucan ) Limited, advised council of the Legal status of the company's landfill site. Council was told that cer- tain appeals were still in processand it could take up to a year for the final determination to be reached. Council was requested to consider whether they would be willing to negotiate a long-term contract with Increase in special education pro- grams include provision of a pro- gram tor the developmentally han- dicapped, extension of the Withdrawal Program to four more schools, extension of the secondary school specific learning disabilities program, extension to ten schools of the elementary program for gifted pupils, and development of the secon- dary school program for gifted students. Education director Stewart Toll says that people in all areas of the Board's work -- principals, teachers. clerical and maintenance workers, support staff, and supervisory of- ficers -- are doing their very best to carry out the current four-year restraint program. In spite of their efforts, •the demands of program expansion, building repairs and maintenance, and minimal fair wage settlements have all played a part in contributing to the 4.5 percent increase in the 1985 budget. .the company to collect and dispose of the Township's waste, in order that the company might be in a better position to determine the financial liability of further action to protect this landfill site. Council directed the clerk to advise Garrod that Biddulph will remain with C.H. Lewis as long as their prices and services are competitive. The Township of London has re- quested that the existing fire hydrants in the Village of Granton be available as a water supply, should the need arise when the Township of London is 'lighting fires in the northeast corner of their township. Council had no objection. Council adopted the recommenda- tion of the Planning Advisory Com- mittee that Ken Lyons not be granted permission to sever 4.1 acres from his farm. The proposed severance would include the house and all out -buildings except one. Other Planning Advisory Commit- tee recommendations: Victor E. Hodgins may divide an existing 200 acre parcel of land into two 100 acre parcels, Lot 22 and 23 Concession 1. Council is not prepared to comment on an (informal request by Gerald Wallis to sever a parcel of land from his existing farm. A formal applica- tion to the Middlesex Land Division Committee, stating the facts, would be circulated for council's official comments. A minor update to the Official Plan will be initiated so that it will conform with the new zoning by-law. Times -Advocate, April 24, 1985 Page 17A QUALITY CUSTOM PHOTOFINISHING April Special � VOUR DOUBPRINTS FORA NICKLE PEPSTA% PRINT PW DOUBLE YOUR PRINTS FOR 5¢ AT TiME OF PRINT AND PROCESS OF YOUR 110, 126, 135 & DISC COLOUR FILM COUPONS NOT VALID • PHOTO Next Day Service --Also-slide-(E6 - . 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Employers will now be responsible to pay workers for the day or shift of a lost time injury. 2. Domestic workers such as housekeepers. maids and nannies. are now covered under the Act. People who employ a domestic more than 24 hours a week must now register with the Board. For accidents occurring on or after April 1: 3. The ceiling on covered earnings has been increased to $31,500. 4. Worker benefits are based on 90^/n of net earnings. ()n July 1. 1985, there will he further changes: 5. An independent appeals tribunal will be set up. 6. A new board of directors will be appointed with reprsentatives of employers. workers, and the general public. 7. independent worker advisers and employer advisers will be established. For those currently receiving Workers' Compensation: 8. The Act also means some changes for you. Write for more information. To obtain literature on these and other Act revisions. mail the coupon below, contact your local WCB office or call 1-800-268-7190 toll free. Working together to keep you working. Workers' Commission Compensation des accidents Board du travail u,.a.,.nn...M.m,.r,nMona. R.•n.,(Aldo , e.......n,,. .p..N, .. wI, sot. M. nr«vM trn.h.. und.r,h' Wn,I.r, r rnnry.yN.,n , r 41 L 1 would like more information on the following change(s): Please circle appropriate number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R Other information about Name Address Prot im.e _ Postal CIr3P `tail to 4Vnrkrrs' Compensation Board. 19th Floor. 2 Blom SI. W Toronto. Ontario M4W 1F:2 1 1