HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 24* ********* ****** ******* *
* Prospect Calf Stocker and Feeder Sale
* Denfield Livestock Sales Ltd. *
♦c 1400 head, Thurs., April 25 at 7:30 p.m. *
* Consisting of 125 Limousin heifers, 600 - 800 lbs., 475 Heref- *,
* ord and Char cross heifers, 600 - 800 lbs., 300 Limousin steers
* 600 800 lbs., 500 Hereford and Char -cross steers 700 - 800 lbs.
For information phone 666-1140.
* Auctioneers Hugh Filson and Larry Gardiner
* (Next stocker sale, Thursday May 9) *
1100 Head
Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd.
Saturday, April 27, 1985
at 1:00 p.m.
Consisting of: Steers, Heifers & Calves
Victor Hargreaves - 519-482-7511 (Clinton)
Barry Miller - 519-235-2717 (Exeter
- 519-229-6205 (Kirkton)
Greg -Hargreaves - 51-9-262-261-9 (Henson)
- ---
- 519-262-2831 (Hensall)
Auctioner: Larry Gardiner
NORM. Num:
Auction Sale
Of antiques, household furnishings and misc.
items on
Saturday May 4th, 12 noon sharp
For Mr. Wilfred Shapton 299 Andrew Street, S.
Exeter, Ontario. In case of inclement weather
will be moved to South Huron Recreation Cen-
tre Exeter.
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: RCA 25" color TV, small electric
organ, Sklar Chesterfield and chair, swivel chair, arm chair,
recliner chair, table and pole Tamp, end table, 9 pc. diningroom
suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, with bookcase headboard, odd chest
of drawers, double pedestal desk, card table, chairs, set of 4
chairs, odd chairs; hall table, G.E. refrigerator 2 door frost free
like new, Kelvinator refrigerator, Beatty clothes dryer, Beatty
washing machine, Simplicity washer spin dryer, deep freezer,
12 pc. set of Wedgewood dishes, odd dishes, electric appliances
such as Eureka upright vacuum cleaner, portable Singer sew-
ing machine, electric broom, toaster oven, toaster, tea kettle,
iron, coffee pot, clock, radio, heater, fan, pots and pans, 6 ft.
step ladder, (aluminum), lawn and garden tools, lounge chair,
2 lawn chairs, ladies bicycle, books, annex stove, several other
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: Oval dining room table, 4 pc.
bedroom suite complete (round foot board and wing mirror),
open wash stand, parlor tables, small tables, childs press back
high chair, wicker fern stand, square wicker fern stand, hump
back trunk, large cedar chest, small pine blanket box, foot
stool, mantle clock, paper rock, chino and glass such as RS.
Germany, Noritake,Nippon, milk glass, Depression glass, 3
miniature cups and saucers, mustache cup, Eagle butter dish,
Souvenirs of Exeter, 2 oil lamps, large water pitcher, Royal
Albert tea set, several pieces of silver, 64 pc. of Old Colony
silver flatware, silver tea service, candle holders, Beaver quart
sealer, pictures and frames, mirror in wood frame, many other
Terms Cash. For further information contact Norm Whiting
Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931
0 Property For Rent
COUNTRY HOME 4 bedrooms, 1'':
baths. Available May 1st. References te-
quired.235=1857 _ 16_17•
SUBLET HENSALL 2 bedroom apart-
ment. Available June 1. Phone 262-2838.
ADULT ONE BEDROOM Apt. partially
furnished, air conditioner, laundry, park-
ing. Available June 1. Phone 235-1497.
2 BEDR(X)M HOUSE suitable for couple.
5300.00 per month plus utilities. Phone
235-1647. 17tfn
21 For Rent
PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable ce-
ment mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows.
etc. Form ties stocked. Cali Corriveau Ren-
tals by 8:30 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Weekdays,
anytime Saturdal. 236-4954 Zurich.16ttn
THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium
for rentals including weddings, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact
Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 81111
BUILDING FOR RENT, 3500 sq. ft. with
offices, ample parking. Call 235-2121.
ROOM for rent and share kitchen. Ask for
Mike 235-0289.
23 Wanted To Rent
barn and five to 10 fenced acres in Exeter
area. Must have ample water for small
livestock operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply stating location.
rental and length of term available to Boy
BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter.
Clandeboye or Exeter area for May 1st.
Call after 6 p.m. 235-2440. 17:18c
currently living in Exeter wants to rem 3-4
bedroom house July 1. Excellent references.
235-1500. 15, I6,17c
area for a new local representative for Dirk
M. Coolman Real Estate. Patrick Van Ker-
rebroeck. 238-5362. 16tln
HOUSE - 3 or 4 bedroom prefer farm
home close to Exeter. Phone 235-0739 atter
5:00 p.m. - 16-I9c
COTTAGE St. Joseph's - Bayfield area. 2
weeks July or early August. Responsible
couple with small baby. References provid-
ed 236-4620. 17c
APARTMENT - Young Christian man
needs bachelor apartment in Exeter. Will
exchange rent for maintenance duties.
Phone 227-1081 after 6:00 p.m. - 17`
ROOM from June 1st to Nov. 30. London
453-8726. 17:18c
APARTMENT - 1 bedroom from first of
June till end of Nov. London 453-8726.
'-1 NORM WH�N�ii:
Auction Sale
Of household furnishings, bells, antiques, and
misc. items.
Saturday, April 27 - 12 noon sharp
To be held in South Huron Rec Centre Exeter On-
tario, for Mrs. Helen Rivers, Exeter and Mrs.
Mamie Sutcliffe Goderich. Ontario.
HOUSEHOLD FUNITURE French Provincial chesterfield and
choir, F.P. hostess choirs, chesterfield, arm chair with stool,
recliner choir, daybed and space saver, F.P. end tables with
leather inlay, coffee table with leather inlay. F.P. nesting tables,
2 china lamps, swag and table lamps, large mirror, Boshart,
Duncan Phyfe corner chino cabinet, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf
table, 2. 30" beds complete with spread. 4 pc. bedroom suite,
dressers, oak Clemco office desk and choir, round kitchen table
and 4 chairs, 5 pc. chrome set, Frigidaire Frost Free refrigerator,
30" Moffat range, Maytag auto washer, Westinghouse dryer,
wringer washer, 17" B 8 W portable TV, small elec. toaster,
sandwich •toaster, tea kettle, irons, Filter Queen vocuum
cleaner, radio, clocks, set of dishes, and several other dishes,
cups and saucers. pots and pans, sausage press, bird cage and
stand, gas lawn mower, barbecue (like new), step ladder, 16'
extension ladder, garden tools, several other items.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES round oak pedestal table,
drop leaf table, parlor tables, small walnut table, small round
table, black teak table (Chinese), chino cabinet, oak wall coot
rack. 2 hall trees, corner what -knot, vanity stool. Edison
gramophone and records, large mirror in wood frame, wicker
rocker, wicker desk and choir, wicker rocker and side chair,
wiker fern stand, fancy wicker flower stand with high arched
top, 4 pine blanket boxes, 2 trunks, small cupboard, rocking
chair, wooden arm chair, small mirror on stand, wooden recipe
box with key, Gingerbread clock. small shelf clock. coach light,
oil lamps, coaloil lamps, coaloil stove, several pictures and
fromes, wooden floor lamp, several pieces of china and glass,
such os Prussia, Germany: Bavaria, French Limoge, Royal Nip-
pon, Nippon, Noritake, Occupied Japan, Bavaria, Depression
gloss, (green, yellow, pink), press gloss, chino doll, large jar-
diniere, crystol stem wore, pieces of silver, 33 pc. set of flat -
wore, 7 pc. of Old Colony, hen on nest, biscuit jor, chino shoe,
salt dips, souvenirs, Avon book and bottles, costume jewellery,
wicker earring tray. 4' x 6' tapestry with bross rod. Mony other
BRASS BELLS 1 large 17" bell in wrought iron frame, 1 11',"
dinner bell, 1 set 6 chime bells, 1 set of 4" chime bells, 2 Cana-
dian Beaver bells, 1 Team bell.
For further information contact:
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931
Count on the
Classifieds to Do the Job
25 Notices
Council Meetings
will be held from the 1st day of May to the
end of October on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
beginning at 7 p.m.
Larry H. Stuck, A.M.C.T.
Clerk -Treasurer _
Township of Usborne 17c
27 Tenders Wanted
to supply and install
Ball Diamond Lights
at South Huron Rec Centre
Details may be obtained from
South Huron Rec Centre Office.
f-owest of all tenders not necessarily
28 Auction Sales
AUCTION: Large clearance and consign-
ment auction at Wayne Ward Farm Equip-
ment, Hwy. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Friday,
April 26, 10 a.nt. approximately 65 trac-
tors, Crawlers, combines, vehicles, feeding
equipntenl, plus a large variety of new and
used farm equipment and garden tractors.
Sales held fourth Friday of each month.
For more information call (519) 534-2980
or 534-1638. 17s
Students attending an educational
institute away from home may vote
by proxy in Ontario's 33rd general
e-tectton-oti-May -2:--- - - ------
All students voting in person or by
proxy must ensure that their names
are on the list of electors for the poll-
ing division where they normally
Students may obtain the required
- proxy forms from any Returning Of-
ficer throughout the Province.
However, the form, once completed,
must be certified by the Returning Of-
ficer in their own district.
Upon presentation of a proxy form,
the Returning Officer will issue a cer-
tificate to vote to the proxy who will,
in turn, exchange it for a ballot on
election day.
Proxy voting allows an elector to
authorize another qualified elector in
the same polling division to cast his
or her ballot on election day. A
qualified elector may act as proxy for
only two electors.
Persons eligible to vote in this
general election must be 18 years of
age on election day, a Canadian
citizen or British subject at the time
of voting, and must have been a resi-
dent of Ontario for at- least the
12 -month period prior to election day.
• t.",‘" Clearing Auction Sale 10
For Keith Stephenson, 3 miles south of Varna or
4 miles west of Hensall, Con. rd. 31.
Monday, April 29 at 1:00 p.m.
TRACTORS: 784 IH diesel with cab and duals, 454 IH diesel with
IH loader, lH - H tractor.
COMBINE: Gleaner F. gas, cab, straw chopper, with 4 row corn
head, 13 ft. header with pickup, bean clynd.
MACHINERY: 15 ft. triple K cult with finger harrows, 91/2 ft.
triple K, IH 56 corn planter with insecticide boxes, JM 10 ft. fert.
auger, packer and pups, 36' Allied auger, No. 33 M.F. 15 run
drill (like new), IH pull 9 ft.-swather. P.T.O. Fornney generator
(like new), 353 N.H. mixmill, 17 ft. unloading auger (like new),
gravity wagons, IH semi -mounted 3 Turrow 16 inch plow, 500
Innes bean windrower, 4 row bean puller, auger and motor,
7 ft. NI mower, spreader, Cols° sprayer, McKee harvester and
wagon, No. 36 MF rake, Oliver 60 baler (good), wagon and flat
rack, Dion harvester with 2 row corn head, scrap iron and other
small items.
Terms: Cash, Booth Farm soil
Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale.
All verbal announcements shall take precedence over written
John Finlay
Be on time - not many small articles
Tom Shoebottom
arrives t1
one year AFTER
you've sold
the baby
crib and
When you need to replenish the nursery — you
need classified!
Like -new baby furniture and other baby items
can be purchased for just a tiny little bundle in
classified. The prices in classified never rattle
your budget!
Classified - for a lifetime of savings!
Imes -Advocate.4,4r,Hv,A ,$,_,, W,nNA 4I*1WnA I,r,nwt..r•IS.
limes -Advocate, April 24, 1985 Page 13A
Twilight Auction Sale of Furniture
On Wednesday, evening, May 1 6:30 sharp at
Elimville Hall, Elimville Ontario. 33/4 mile east
of No. 4 Highway on Huron County Road 6, or
71/2 mile west of Kirkton on Huron County Road
6. For Elimville Womens Institute and the
Township of Usborne.
FURNITURE Large round wooden clock, piano and bench, 2 high
back arm chairs, 6 pine benches, large council table, large table
arborite top, 14 wooden folding chairs, 20 metal folding choirs,
24 orange plastic stacking chairs, 8 plastic seats, new, 24
wooden stacking chairs, 3 wooden card tables, 11 metal card
tables, 4 window blinds, 4 sets of matching drapes, 2 new win-
dow screens, several other items.
EQUIPMENT: Gestetner thermal copier, 3 adding machines,
safe 24" x 26" x 47" high, 2-220 watt electric heaters, electric
fan and Heater combinaton, Duro Piston pump, Myers jet pump,
Duo Therm oil heater and tank, commerical floor polisher,
cleaning equipment and supplies, Rough Rider CB radio,
crosscut saws, extension cords, 2 burner hot plate, 24" Chef
Master electric range, lamp, wooden filing box and other items.
DISHES: several glass relish trays, glass and china sugar
and cream sets, dozens of water glosses, 2 dozen china cups
and saucers, (New), dozens of matching cups and saucers,
dozens of Finsbury Porcelain dinner plates, some odd plates,
4 aluminum tea pots, enamel pitcher, trays, dozens of knives,
forks, teaspoons, assortment of cutting knives, edci pieces of
flatware, pails, dippers, copper boiler with lid, oii lamp com-
plete, many other items. Terms Cosh.
-.–For further information contact Norm Whiting Auctioneer
Phone 235-196'4 235-1931
Estate Sale from Lucan
Of furniture, antiques and appliances, car and
16 ft. camper also contracting cement equip-
ment on
Thursday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m.
at the former Pro Hardware, Main Street, Zurich
FURNITURE: chesterfield, chairs, beds, table and chairs, ben-
ches, wall mirrors, foot and end tables, dresser, lamps.
HOUSEHOLD: wicker bossinette, childs high chair, side board,
wash stands, chairs, plant stands, dish and glassware, pocket
watches, wood radio, RCA TV, ironing board,suitcases,records,
books, games, white iron baby crib, pictures, Bell Howell hand
movie projector.
APPLIANCES: electric stoves, 20 ft. cubic freezer, Hoover spin-
dry washer, natural gas water heater, hair dryer.
ANTIQUES: Wicker rocking chair, pine boxes, round parlor
table, pressback rocking chair, childs rocking chair, coal oil
lamps, bar stools, antique pine dry sink, mantle clocks, press
back chairs, old quilts.
TOOLS: Rochwell wood lathe, 32' aluminum ladder, 8' pushup
cedar ladder, rakes, shovels and hose, Lincoln welder, rods,
wheel barrow, '/a" socket sets, tool boxes, wrenches, drills and
bits, '/a" impact drill (Metabo), heavy duty reversible drill
(Mikwawkee), hydro fencer, G.E. electric lawn mower (new),
gas lawn mower, 22 Semi-automatic rifle and 303 repeater.
CEMENT EQUIPMENT: portable cement mixer, diesel air com-
pressor, 85 Ib. jack hammer, forms, ties, wedges, planks, ce-
ment forms, aluminum sheets (light pony wagon), 4' steel ce-
ment tile forms.
CAR: 1978 Ford Thunderbird (certified), 36" power trough.
Belleville 16 ft. hard top camper. Cement equipment selling out-
side at 7:00 p.m.
Terms: Cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
day of sale. All verbal announcements shall take precedence
over written advertising.
John Finlay Tom Shoebottom
Auction Sale
Clearing sale of implements, turnip and
vegetable equip. misc., at the farm - 5 mi. east
and 3 mi. north Hickson or 4 mi. west and 3 mil.
north of Bright
Tuesday, * * April 30 * * 11 a.m. * *
TRACTORS & TRUCKS: JD 4230 diesel w/cob, air, heater,
AM/FM stereo, dual remotes, front mounted fuel tonk, duol
wheels, !ow hrs., MF 30" 4 row corn planter w/monitor, liquid
and dry fertilizer, and hyd. markers, Ford 3000 diesel w/single
remotes, Ford Dextra diesel w/single remotes, Int. Super C gas
w/scuffler attach and swath turner. All above tractors in very
good condition. 1973 Series LM600 Ford truck w/ 16' van w/roll
up back door, 1975 Ford 600 propane truck w/16' insulated van,
roll up back and side door, 4 yr. old, 1978 GMC 4 x 4 dual gas
tank, 34 ton truck. All trucks sold as is.
VEGETABLE & TURNIP EQUIP: 1974 Ford Louisville w/16' Oscar
Hill self unloading veg. box, 1964 Ford 700 w/14' Oscar Hill self
unloading veg. box, Grayco self unloading veg. trailer w/dual
wheels, Oscar Hill motor driven veg. stacker, FMC turnip and
beet harvester, GMC 960 truck w/1000 gal. bonded water tank,
quantity wooden veg. air vents, 90' of 12" metol perferoted vent
pipe w/fan, oil furnace for veg. storage, Stanhay 4 row veg.
seeder w /el. monitor.
IMPLEMENTS`JD 1450- 4 x 16" trip beam semi mounted plow.
JD 1000 series 16' wheel cult., 740 JD 16' remote wing cult, 8300
JD 18 run grain drill w grass seeder and flotation tires, JD
205 rotary mower, Golden Arrow 360 US gal. trailer sprayer
w 4 piston hypro pump and 30' boom, Spramotor 200 gal.
trailer sprayer w 30' pump, Bruns 300 bus. gravity bin on JD
10 ton wagon, 2 Bruns gravity bins w /extension sides on 10 ton
wagons, Kilbros 350 bus. gravity bin on 10 ton wagon, JD 16'wheel
disc, Cockshutt 3 ph. double disc, Triple K 3 ph. 4 row corn cult.,
JD wagon w/16' rack w 'bole rack sides, low sides for veg., back
standard for bales, Geo. White 40' x 6" PTO auger, Bearcat 14'
pulvi mulcher, 2 MF 3 beater forage wagons w' roof on 10 ton
wagon, Brillion 18' gang packer, dump box to fit ' ) ton truck
w hoist. Kongskilde 10' 3 ph. cult., wagon, flat rack, Mayroth
40' bale elevator. MF No. 3 baler, NH 316 boler, only used 1
yr. MF 37 roto bor hoy rake, bole fork, stooker, swoth turner,
Int. PTO mixmill, oat roller, Woods el. chopper. Int. 56 PTO
forage blower, Int. 550 2 row corn harvester w hoy pickup, Dion
3 beater foroge box w roof on 7 ton wagon, 2 Grove forage
box on 7 ton wagons, NH 760 tandem oxle.twin beoter manure
spreader, NH 9' hoybine, 200 bus. gravity bin on 6 tort wagon,
Little Giant 16' single chain elevator, 400 gal. plastic liquid fert.
tank, Lys, old, tire changer, 5 ton trailer hyd. fert. spreader.
3 ph. grader blade, hyd. fert. ouger, truck choins, 15 x 38 troc •
tor chains, feed cart, robbit cages, 12' x 4"grainauger, 2 24'
x 5" augers, 12' x 5" gr. auger w motor, 8 furnace fans. JD
A150 C shop heater, cauldron kettle, quantity 900 x 20 tires.
NOTE: This is one of the better sales of the year w many im
plements like new. Pion to attend.
TERMS: Cash or check w_proper I_D,sole day. "Decision eruct.
finol. Lunch booth.
Prop Auct not repsonsible for accidents.
David Facey, Prop. 462-2531
Wallis Ross, Auctioneer 539-5077