HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 20•i� IM• • Lt awl SPECIAL LADIES These eight ladies received their life membership pins and certificates at the W.I. 40th anniversary tea held in Grand Bend on Sunday. Seated in the front are Ruth Hendrick and Olive Miller. Standing in the back left to right are Fern Love, Nola Taylor, Olive Webb, Verna Lovie, Jeanne Kading and Clara Hamilton. Members Catherine Junker and Donna Lovie presented these honors while their families watched. e0114 if a A (A 4,4 4.4 eA 4441400., CUSTOM -CRESTED AWARDS By Coyle & Greer - Custom Designed Medals - Custom Crested Plaques and Trophies - Custom Crested Ribbons - Custom Certificates - Custom Pins and Jewellery For complete catalogue call JULIE EASTERBROOK Exeter 235-0760 COYLE & GREER AWARDS CANADA LTD. 13-15 King Street E., Ingersoll, Ontario, N5C 1G7 (519) 485-3133 1-800-265-9232 •�1.`71`4tY✓1Y✓.iyJ1Y✓'11Vt:l,`V1.J1•li1.Jt Julie Easterbrook Coyle & Greer Awards is pleased to introduce Julie Easterbrook as their sales representative in your area. Julie is well versed in the area of award programs and incentives. Her background as an educator and music in- structor has provided her with skills in communications and human relations. Julie invites you to contact her at (519) 485-3133 office or (519) 235-0760 home for all your award requirements. Have you enough insurance to protect your home and contents against loss or damage by fire, thieves or vandals? Protect your home and the things you own with a plan from The Co- operators Othe co -open tors+ INSURANCE SERVICES Verna Gingerith 374 Mein St.. Exeter Clinton Community Credit Union Office Residence 233-1109 Business For information call your local office • Life • Home • Auto • Farm • Commercial "Let's make the changes that put people first!" PAUL KLOPP I YI a wV DEMOCRATS H - N/Ma F,.tiF,X Authorized by Huron -Middlesex NDP Swedish group to debut here -----The-Grand-Bend-Concert Associa= tion will be presenting their final con- cert on Thursday, May 2 at 8:00 p.m. The Lamentabile Consort consists of a vocal ensemble with five male singers. This youthful choral ensem- ble formed in 1978, has performed ex- tensively not only in its native Sweden, but throughout Europe.The Consort's vocal quintet perform 'a capella'. Two of the five members are countertenors and they include music from the fifteenth century to the pre- sent day. Such a varied repertoire re- quires sophisticated artistry and flex- ibility of style, both of which you will find evident in their performance. All of the members are highly ex- perienced choral singers. They have belonged to such fine choirs as the Swedish YMCA Chamber Choir, the Adolf Fredriks Bach Choir, the Stockholm Chamber Choir, and the Radio Choir under Eric Ericson. In- dividually, they are much in demand as soloists and teachers. Making their North American debut, the ensemble comes to YMC on an international exchange through I.F. Jeunesses Musicales. In turn. many Canadian artists have been able to perform for Jeunesses Musicales in other countries. Their performance will promise perfection in music -making and uninhibited showmanship...don't miss it! , Times -Advocate, April 24, 1985 Page 9A Eight Institute members receive life memberships The Grand Bend Women's Institute celebrated their 40th anniversary in the United Church Sunday school rooms on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Chairlady was Millie Desjardine with welcoming remarks from Ann Russell. After the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, a review of the past achievements, goals and objec- tives was compiled and read by Loreen Gill. It was first organized on April 5, 1945 at the home of Mrs. Ed Gill Sr. with the objective of the group in general to raise the living standards of health of people in the community. When the town hall was completed in January 1949, the institute moved from home meetings into the hall. Other worthwhile projects by the group was the installation of the land- mark at Brewster Darn *by the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, planting special trees, the flag pole and flag in coronation year at the town hall, hobby fair, the South Huron Hospital donations, a white picket fence at the entrance to the GB Cemetery and contributions to the new Medical Centre. The Institute also supports groups like the Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Girl Guides and they sponsor the 4-11 clubs, to name just a few. The eight ladies honored have been actively engaged in the W.I. for 25 years and more. The community has benefitted greatly by their efforts and fine achievements. Some have serv- ed on local and district levels. Greetings were received from Stephen Reeve. Alan Walper, Grand Bend Reeve Bob Sharen, Dolores Shapton, District President of South Huron W.I., and Mrs. Templeton the Director of London are brought greetings from F.W.L('. Catherine Junker and Donna Lovie presented these special ladies with their lite membership pins and certificates. A solo was sung by Millie Desjar- dine. A social hour was held with an- niversary cake served from a table decorated in the institute colors and candles. Pouring lea and coffee were Eva Allister and Minnie Curts. Other guests present were the children and grandchildren from the eight ladies honored. Guests travell- ed from Vancouver, Sarnia, Hamilton, Brantford, Stratford, Lon- don, Ilderton, Zurich and Grand Bend. • ANNUAL WINE AND CHEESE — The Grand Bend Nursery School executive held their fund-raising par- ty Friday evening at the Alhambra Hall. Pictured here is secretary Kathy Smith, president Tammy Jen- nison and mother Wendy Christie preparing the vegetable and cheese trays before the guests arrive. The nursery school is sponsored by all the mothers. Minister blesses couple Sunday morning Doug and Ann Russell were the door greeters before the service. Special music was provided by the choir "Be Like Jesus" and the old familiar Jesus Bids Us Shine was sung as the children went downstairs FINAL CONCERT -- lamentable Consort from Sweden will perform in Grand Bend on May 2, 8:00 p.m. os part of Youth and Music Series. When John Deere builds an economy rider, only the price is stripped down. 5 -speed shift -on -the go gear transmission for smooth operation And durability Optional 61/2 bushel bagging system for efficient collection of grass and leaves Sector and pinion steering for easy tum ing and positive control Tight 27 inch turrung radius Band on -axle brake for quick. reliable stops and secure parking 8 -hp Briggs and Stratton engine with solid -slate ignition for plenty of reliable power Deep -contoured 30 Inch mower with adjustable cutting heights of l to l' inches and a 12 inch opening for clear bagging or lind„rrn discharge Until now. if you wanted to buy an economy rider. you had to settle for economy features. But this year• John Deere introduces the R-70 and the electric -start R-72. two solid economy riders that are built to uphold the John Deere tradition for quality Each comes with several fea- tures you won't find on compeli- Fug length 54 inch sobd-steel frame for strength and durability Two position font rests for comfortable operation tive riders. And each is built with an attention to detail that'll keep them nrnning for years. So if you want to save on a riding mower. but you don't want to sacrifice comfort. con- venience, performance or re- liability. take a look at the new R Series riders at your nearby John Deere dealer Nothing Runs Like a Deere' w� Exeter 235-1115 ,rw'. C•4 {.{ Blyth 523-4244 to Sundays School. Diane Rice read the text wherein Rev. R. Peebles named his topic "Work of the Church". Today the church is more powerful materially, but, is it as powerful spiritually?" In his closing, Rev. Peebles gave his blessing and thanks to Mildred and Mac MacLaren for their com- munity and United Church life and presented them with a card from the congregation. There will be a hymn sing on April 28 at 4:00 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church. A boundaries committee meeting will be held at Exeter United Church on Sunday, April 28 at 8:00 p.m. On Sunday, May 5 the Stephen Central School Choir will be singing SHIPKA FAREWELL By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Shipka Community had a farewell party for John Kingma, Wednesday evening in the Community ('entre. Ile has moved to Exeter. There were seven tables of euchre. (Tiff Russell got the man's high; Doug Walper the man's low; Evelyn Pickering the woman's high; Doreen Finkbeiner the woman's low. Harold Finkbeiner had the most lone hands. Mabel Guenther read the address to John while Mary Gibson presented the gifts. a Targe wall mirror. swag lamps and a towel set. John thanked everyone for the presentation of gifts and sociable evening. at the GB United Church in the mor- ning service. r—HOURS--h Open: Mon. - Sat. Closed all day Wednesday Tiema{n's Furniture & Hardware Dashwood 237-3681 Hearing Tests No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY. Thurs., May 2 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes HEARING AIDS J.D.FAIR • Hearing Aid Service 145 Ontario St., Stratford Return? Are your investments really working? If your investments are not averaging at least 20% annually , then von may wish to look at other opportunities. Bolton Tremblay international Fund - an internationally diversif ied investment fund, as of February 28, 1985 has averaged better than 20% over the past ten years: 1 year growth18.1% average per year 3 yeah growth26.9% average per year 5 year growth 22.5% average per year Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results. 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