HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 19Page 8A Times -Advocate. April 24, 1985
Gave hearts, time and talents to Grand Bend
Say farewell to Mac and Mildred MacLaren
Residents of Grand Bend gathered
together on Saturday evening to say
farewell to one special couplewhohave
resided in the resort for nearly -to
W.F'.B. tAlact and Mildred
MacLaren were recognized kw their
contributions to the community at a
dinner held in the Dashwood Com-
munity ('entre. Ten speakers gave
their heart -felt thanks to the well-
known retired couple, who will be
returning to their hotne town of Bar-
rie on May 1.
•r' . ttivri;•1
Master of ceremony for the even-
ing, witty Griff Thomas, commented
that the Lions club which started here
in 1951. with the late Eric Mcllroy as
the first president, was still going
strong today because of members in
good standing like MacMacLaren.
4 -
SPECIAL COUPLE HONORED -- At a dinner farewell held in the Dashwood Centre are honored couple
Mac and Mildred MacLaren with Grand Bend reeve Bob Sharen, Chamber of Commerce president Gene
Grenier and Lions -president Jim Hoffman. Mr. Maclaren served on all three of the groups headed by
the men pictured with him.
and district news
Lynn* Desierdin*
APPRECIATION NIGHT A Grand Bend couple was honored at a dinner in Dashwood on Saturday
evening by friends and neighbours. Shown here are some of the head table around W.F.B. and Mildred
Alhambra breakfast staged
Father Morrissey said all the
weekend masses In his sermon. when
Jesus touched the aposiles. reassur-
ing them -that he was nota ghost. Ile
opened their eyes to the light of the
resurrection 'Today Jesus touches us
through Ilis word in the Bible and the
reality of the Sacraments.
Congratulations to Nicole LyndsaV
Smeekens. daughter of Pete and
Nellie I nee Aartsi who was baptised
this week and to 1V'endy Stok-
kermanns. daughter of Martin and
Thea Stokkermanns. who made her
first communion on Sundae.
For one more week the newly bless-
ed Holy Water will be available at the
front of the church Again this year
there will he a special mass to ask
God's blessing on our crops and to
have the Blessing of the Seeds_ This
mass will he on Friday. April 26 at
5:00 p m at the barn of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerry Backx Everyone is welcome
to this outdoor mass and all the
farmers are asked to bring some of
their seeds for blessing
PAC( t'
The election meeting of the ('%%I.
was held on Monday. The new ex -
'Engineering that's lust out
of this world
pictures at
Television Systems
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TV & Appliances
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Indies elect slate
ecutive is: president. Thea Stokker-
manns: president elect. Rose Van-
Bruaene : Vice-pres.. Nancy Stokker-
manns: treasurer. (:recta Vlernmix.
recording secretary. Robert a
Walker: corresponding sec.. Ann
Groot jen
There will he an official installation
of the new officers this Sunday. April
28 at the 11:110 mass. All members are
asked to try to attend. Please
remember the Ladies Great Ride for
Cancer this Sunday the 28.
The meeting of the new C.W.L. ex-
ecutive will Ix' Thursday, April 25 at
the home of Grada Vlemmis.
Breakfast for Alhambrans
The Alhambra communion
breakfast was held Sunday with :>4 at
tending mass at Ml. Carmel. At this
11:00 mass, celebrated by Father
Nelligan. it was followed by a
delicious breakfast at the ()Id Mill
Restaurant in Parkhill.
On April 27 there will be a Council
of Caravans meeting. dinner and
dance at St. Patricks Hall. London
(M April 30 there will be a full
Caravan meeting and also a Sultanas
Spring 2699s
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GivesYou More
Emerson Desjardine, the last remain-
ing chartered member of the Lions
reported that Mac has served 34 years
of perfect attendance with the club.
Jim Dalton said that he first met
the MacLarens in the late 40s, when
Grand Bend was just a police village.
Mac had been elected as a trustee for
the village under the direction of
Stephen township.
Village greetings given by Reeve
Bob Sharen, mentioned the great
respect held for the couple. Mac has
served on the school board, Medical
Centre board, United Church,
Chamber of Commerce qnd the Lions
to name a few. Through these he has
shown his worth and merit to this
community in many ways. Griff com-
mented on the Province of Ontario's
bi-centennial medal that Mac was
wearing, saying that it couldn't have
been given to a more deserving
Sharon Soldan presented Mildred,
a life -time member of the Lioness
club, with an inscribed plate from the
club which. will celebrate their tenth
year in 1986.
Remembering the days when the
bus stopped at MacLaren's Drug
Store on Main Street, Glen Miller told
about the kind-hearted d_ru :: ist ha_
i a res or m. This old-
time pharmacist was someone you
could phone if your children were
sick, as he was on -duty 24 hours a day,
commented John Teevins, adding
that if only we could get a thousand
more couples like the MacLarens to
live in Grand Bend.
The next speaker, Orval
Wassmann, a business neighbour for
over 17 years, felt that the village was
losing one of the better pairs of peo-
ple that he's ever known. "Mr. Grand
Bend, that's who Mr. MacLaren is to
me", said Chamber president Eugene
Grenier. In his closing remarks
Grenier'announced that the Chamber
had started a scholarship fund for a
graduating student of MacLaren's
choice in his name.
Holding up a book in his hand, Ted
Hunt remarked that it had been writ-
ten and recorded all the history of the
GB Medical Centre by MacLaren.
The offices were started in 1970 under
the leadership of people like Mac and
Emotionally, the guest of honor,
Mac commented that after 46 years
at the lake, they leave it with very
mixed feelings. He said that he
couldn't have accomplished all that
he did without Mildred's help and
support. The couple will celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary in
June and both have their 80th bir-
thdays in the fall. Their son, Bob
thanked the community for bestowing
this great honor on his Mom and Dad.
The evening concluded with a social
time which I'm sure the MacLarens
will remember forever.
Church of God
"How is the church to influence
society?" was the topic of Pastor
Campbell's message on Sunday
morning. '
Each true Christian has a gift to be
used with the power of the spirit.
Even as electrical appliances though
different, have to be plugged into a
power source, so. Christians need the
power of the Holy Spirit.
In the evening, we were made
aware that the anti-christ, as explain-
ed in I John, is one who denies that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Michael and Michelle Vincent sang
"Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us."
On Friday evening the W.C.G. serv-
ed a spring supper in the church base-
ment. They were ably assisted by the
About the People You Know
Grades 5-8 students from Grand
Bend Public School travelled to
J.A.D. McCurdy School on Friday.
April 19 to hear the Tapestry Singers
Welcome back from the wild west
to Doug and Brenda Jennison, Lisa
and Shawn, from your neighbours in
the Pinedale Subdivision.
Brenda Winhold, Calgary, spent the
last few days with her parents, Bob
and Marg Hedley in Turnbull's
The GB Fire Department were call-
ed out at 4:37 p.m. on Monday, April
15 to extinguish a car on fire in the
parking lot at the Village Market.
Sympathy to Brenda and Bob
Winhold in the death of Bob's mother,
Geraidean Winhold, London, last
The GB Cubs toured Joe Green's
fishing boat Thursday for their
meeting. Both leaders and Cubs found
it very interesting and informative.
Legion Plans BBQ
On Monday, April 15 the GB Legion
Branch 498 executive and their wives
gave the Lioness club a tour of the
new building and premises. Lunch
was served afterwards. Many thanks
to the local club for the donation of the
On Tuesday evening at darts, Don
LaBelle and Brenda Winhold won the
first prize. Val LaBelle and Bob
Hamilton finished close behind.
A. John Hughes, C.D.
Denture Therapist
Box 839
37 Green Acres,
Grand Bend, Ontario
(519) 238.5300
409 Baker St. (Rear)
London, Ontario
(519) 439-9386
changed to May 7 for the year-end
night out at 6:30 p.m.
The doll house draw date will be
held on Saturday, May 18 at the first
barbeque. Ina Russell won the door
prize on Friday at the euchre party.
Irene Ward took the ladies' high
award, Les Desjardine the men's
high, a tie between Irene McCann and
Betty Harrison for the low ladies' and
Cy Couckuyt played the men's low
The year-end euchre banquet will
be on Friday, April 26 at 7:00 at the
Thirsty Fox.
Good crowd
More than 2,000 people turned out
for a craft show Sunday at the Lamb -
ton Heritage Museum to check out the
works of about 40 Southwestern On-
tario artists and artisans.
While it was the seventh con-
secutive -year -for the show, it was the
. first time it's been held in the spring
instead of in summer. Co-ordinator
Betty Anderson explained that "peo-
ple are looking for something to do in
the spring, especially if we get warm
weather like today."
-in summer, she said. the area sup-
ports a lar _ e nu
or residents and tourists.
PRESENT GIFTS — On the left Doug and Ann Martin present the
honored couple, Mac and Mildred Maclaren with gifts from their
friends at the farewell dinner held in Dashwood on Saturday night.
The Lambton County Board of Education
Parents of children who were born in 1980 should con-
tact their nearestelementaryschool as soon as possi-
ble. Registration for Kindergarten should be com-
pleted by April 27. The quality of your child's introduc-
tion to school depends, in part, on the planning which
complete registration makes possible.
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