HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 17Tirnes-Advocate, Aril 24, 1985 ..lrst_ RECEIVING LINE -- Jack Riddell and wife Anita greet some of the more than 800 guests who accepted the open invitation to beef -on -a -bun at the Pineridge Chalet. Was it 'l'rudeau who said : When you are in bed with an elephant. you are aware of every move it slakes" Later. 1 think he or someone in his Cabinet put in gutter English: When you sleep beside an elephant, every time it passes wind. you can be in trouble. Which is what is happening to hog pro- ducers in Canada. A month ago. the Yanks finally decided to impose a du- ly on allpork imported from Canada. The U.S. Department of Commerce ruled that Canada illegally subsidizes the export of hogs and pork. illegal because of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade. The department objects to the im- ports of Canadian pork on the grounds that subsidies have been paid to farmers through stabilization pro- grams both federal and .provincial. and through government services in hog grading and Record -of - 'Performance testing. Canadian farmers pointed out months ago that no stabilization payments were made for hogs that were exported but the V.S. Depart- ment of Commerce boys did not see it that way. And it is a big market : ab.iut 30 percent of all Canadian pork was being shipped to the 11.S., a total of $542 million in 1984.Thal is a big chunk of our market. II diel not happen overnight. Discus- sions began months ago and a ruling could have been passed in January but the Yanks waited until late March. There will also be further hearings to determine if the amount of the duty is fair - it lower than originally planned - and then to deter- mine if the U.S. hog and pork industry has really suffered damage from the Canadian exports. Under GATT, the Americans must justify the duty. The tariff has had an immediate and heavy effect on the Ontario market. Prices on top-quality hogs droped from 66 cents a pound to 62-37 within a few days. It is difficult to establish a break-even price for farmers because some have heavy debts to carry and some inherited the farm and some have built slowly and steadily over the years. However, the farmers 1 talked to in the last couple of weeks have generally agreed that they cannot make money at 62.37 cents 0 pound. The break-even point for many of them is about 66 to 70 cents a pound. It is ironic that Ontario farmers will suffer the most because they ship the most hogs yet Ontario's provincial subsidies are the lowest in Canada. The Americans have gained the up- per hand. obviously. by taking such drastic action so soon. Further hear- ings will be held this month as well as in June and August. Canadians will be challenging the elephant's actions on the size of the countervailing tariff as well as its validity. As mentioned, Canadian hogs which are exported are exempt from any stabilization payments. The key decision is whether or not the tariff will become permanent and that will be made in August. It is quite a blow to the industry dur- ing a time when farming in Canada has become a precarious occupation. One hog in three is exported by the United States either alive or as pork. The hog industry is North American, not Canadian and d has been for 50 years. So, the elephant, after threatening action since November, has finally raised its tail and dropped a load on Canadian hog producers. All we can do is wait for the mess to be cleaned up. About the only positive feature of the whole affair is that pork prices will drop a little across Canada. The consumer will get cheaper pork chops for summer - barbecues. It's an ill wind and all that baloney. Pork bologna`? BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR Air -Flow Dry Sprayer Service Now Available! The first machine to whip segregation and open the door to precision dry product application. Our Lor -Al Air -Flow Dry Sprayer is now available and ready for your use. The Air•FIow Dry Sprayer is the most ac- curate dry product spreader on the market. It spreads Tess expensive dry bulk blend fertilizer with amazing accuracy. In addition, the Air -Flow accurately spreads Dry Nitrogen, Chemically impregnated Fer- tilizer, plus a blend of impregnated Fer- tilizer and Seed. We are very proud to offer the Air -Flow to our customers. We view this machine as a significant advance that promises to pay big dividends in increased yields. •Due to the Air -Flow's precision application ability and its versatility, we anticipate de- mand for its time will be great. We urge you to stop by and book your Air - Flow spreading service as soon as you con. CaII your nearest Cook's Crop Care Service Centre NOW; DIVISION OF GERBRO INC. v‘ h('ut' 1011 ( 11,1(1(' I111 ( ()fltl(l('n( (' Hensall Centralia Kirkton Walton 262-2410 228-6661 229.8986 527.1540 Capital gains should stay The Conservative election promisee of the 1984 federal election to eliminate capital gains tax on farmland targets the wrong people and will have unacceptable effects both in the short-term and the long- term according to the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario. - The CFFO's Provincial Board has adopted a formal policy statement calling for the retention of capital gains tax on farmland. The tax should stay, the Federation says for both the sake of agriculture and in the interest of fairness in public policy. "Farm policy should not help those going out of business at the expense of beginning and struggling en- trepreneurs," the statement says. "The elimination of the tax is not designed to help farm entrepreneurs deal with the risk of agricultural pro- duction or marketing". "Beginning farmers would be seriously disadvantaged by the pro- posal," the Federation says. "They would have to compete for land with purely investment money seeking a tax free capital ' gain by holding farmland." e e r era ion is oppose • o en- couraging investors to purchase farms since more investor ownership of foodland will force more farmers to lease. This, the Federation fears, will lead to increasing foodland degradation since Ontario does not have a tradition of long-term leases. Existing policies that allow family farmers to defer capital gains tax on farmland when it is sold within the family and that allow a roll-over of $120,000 or capital gains into an RRSP provide enough opportunities for tax sheltering, according to the Federation. A SPACEMAN CAME TRAVELLING — Jason Popple and Danny Up - shall represented visitors from the year 2135, at the Huron Centen- 'al—School play "This Las e - was it is and It will be". The play portrayed three time periods: 1835, 1985 and 2135. CANADA -ONTARIO Crop Insurance FARM PRODUCTION COSTS ARE HIGHER THAN EVER BEFORE You stand to lose more than you might think from unexpected hail. frost, drought, tlood. wind, insect damage and disease. Crop Insurance makes better sense every year. Deadline May 1st Agent: Donald Weigand RR 1, Dashwood, NOM 1 NO gifrAgrloAlure ® Osten Ministry Canada Agriculture and Food WE'VE GOT A SCOOP FOR YOU! Get low, 8.8%A.PWR. financ- ing — guaranteed for up to 60 months on the new Case con- struction equipment you need to do a more productive job. Now through June 30; 1985. Free Case buckets, too! Right now, were offering a free Case bucket with every new landscaper. wheel loader or Uni- Loader`. And you save twice when' you buy a new Case loadertbackhoe because both buckets are free. See us now for exceptional values, 8.8% special financing and free attachments'. Hurry. Don't miss this great opportunity to save three ways! -M, otters good from March 1 mrough Jure 30 1985 F.nannng for quairtied buyers through J 1 Case Crede Corpo,alron No cash asca,m n Neu Of free artact,eem olte,s except on MrduLraI Mee, urNs ..rn 1' buckets are not .ncl,ded See us fo, Curl deta.ls Buy now. Save by the bucketful! FARM SUPPLY LIMITED Phone 236-4934 Sales and Service - Repair 236-4321 Box 39, 22 Main St. E. Zurich Ont. HESN APRIL 15 to 26 ONLY PRIME TIME TO LOOK AT THE PRIME LINE! BIG BONUS REBATES These rebates in addition to current Hesston programs! .4 "' IYIA�CNINBRY!,„ OR...choose from: • Low -Rate Financing • Finance Charge Waivers ..ON 9'RAC'1'ORS! Plus... f 1 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS On Selected Parts! Prime Line Night Thurs. April 25th 7:30 p.m. Machinery, Films, and Company Representatives on hand ALSO ENTER -. SPRING PRIIVIE OFFERS GOOD ONLY DURING PRIME LINE DAYS APRIL 15 to 26 N.T. Monteith Ltd. [0]HESSION Hwy. 4 South, Exeter 235-2121 THE PRIME LINE