HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-24, Page 9Hensall IOO.F hosts St. Marys Lodge The officers and members of Hen- sall Lodge No. 223 1.O.O.F., under the leadership of Noble Grand Bro. Hugh Hendrick, were honoured to host St. Marys Lodge at a special dinner meeting April 18. The St. Marys of- ficers assisted in the opening and clos- ing ceremonies. Following the meeting Bro. Gordon Wright of Seaforth took the brethren on a pictorial trip to the border towns of Scotland, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. At the close of the evening the No- ble Grand of St. Marys Lodge made the draw for the hind quarter of beef. The lucky ticket was No. 550 held by Leila 'lay. A special thanks 10 all who participated. Horticultural Trip The Hensall and Community Hor- ticultural Society enjoyed a bus trip to the flower gardens in Toronto on Thursday. A delicious meal was par- taken at Knotty Pine Restaurant at Cambridge. May 1 they are meeting in the Hen- sall United Church at 8 p.m., when the guest speaker will be Bernard Hack. Kincardine, speaking on "Organic Vegetable gardening". There Will be a plant auction and refreshments served. Motocross Having Jim Dickins rode his }lully Gully Honda to a sixth place finish in a field of 33 in the 80 A_elass__at_the .s opener at Hu ly Gu ly otocross race on April 21. Jim's next race will be in Acton on May 5. Seniors' Potluck The Senior Citizens held their April pot luck dinner en Tuesday evening. Follwing the delicious dinner V.P. Al- deen Volland presided for the meeting which opened by singing 0 Canada with Vera Ross at the piano. An invitation was received to attend a social evening on May 8 at 8 p.m. in Hensall United Church sponsored by the Bank of Montreal staff. Members were also reminded of the Bake and Craft sale in the local hall Saturday April 27 at 2:00 p.m. Dorothy Brintnell gave the finan- cial report. Business closed by sing- ing the Queen. Edith Bell and Elsie Carlisle were in charge of the euchre. Ladies' high, Vera Ross; ladies' low, Alice Ferg; men's high, Pearl McKnight; low, Clarence Volland; lone hands, Anita Bengough; nearest birthday. Pearl Taylor. Lodge Drapes Charter Noble Grand Eunice Aikenhead of Amber Rebekah Lodge presided for the meeting on Wednesday evening assisted by Vice Grand Lois Jones. The Charter was draped. Margaret Upshall read for the Finance commit- tee. Marg Consitt reported for the District committee. D.D.P. Kay Wise of Clinton was unable to attend this meeting but will make her official visit May 15. The dessert euchre will be held on May 8. Refreshments were served at the close. The Amber Rebekah Lodge are holding their annual "Dessert Euchre" on Wednesday May 8 in the local hall. Queensway News We took advantage of the gorgeous weather last week by walking out of doors as much as possible. Even the residents who use wheelchairs were eager to be outside. On Monday afternoon we played bingo with the P.C.W. of Carmel Presbyterian Church. We had a love- ly time and we wish to thank the ladies far coming. Tuesday morning we had a spelling bee. It was fun to sharpen our wits and test our skills. We were all quite pleased with ourselves, if I may say so. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Shirley Luther led our worship service: Mrs. Luther brought her tambourine.,Tom Desjardipe, who was here with his wife visiting Grace Dinney, brought his mouth organ. The music was delightful. Wednesday afternoon was spent at Town and Country Bowling Lanes. The ladies' high score of 68 was ob- tained by Muriel Gunning. The men's high score of 136 was won by Neil Regan. Congratulations to our Cham- pion bowlers. We'd also like to thank Iva Reid for driving on Wednesday, particularly on such short notice. Thursday afternoon we watched a movie entitled "Exeter, England". It may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but most thought it was a jolly g show. Fri ay morning we worked on our cera cs. Lil Baker came to help us. It was ery relaxing to work quietly away, sipping tea and coffee and chatting with our neighbours. Saturday afternoon we held a bir- thday party for our April birthdays. Celebrating this month were Murray Howe, Ross Thompson, Albert Miazga, Earl Kinsmen and Dora Hog- garth. We celebrated with music. Earl and Doreen Oesch sang a few duets accompanied by Philipa Steckle on the piano. The whole group joined in a sing -song. Eva Gascho, Edith Widrick and Viola Ramer joined us for our NEW KINSMEN -- Four new members were initiated into the Hensall Kinsmen Club. Shown with K-40 president John Baker (left), are Marvin Taylor, Randy Parker, Derek Robinson, Lyle Kinsman and Club vice-president Jim Ferguson. KIPPEN EAST WI — The 1985 executive of the Kippen East WI was installed at their annual meeting. They are (left) Helen McLean, secretary, Grace Drummond, president, Margaret Hoggarth, 1st vi p, Mona Alderdice, treasurer and Reno Caldwell, public relations. Kippen The annual meeting of Kippen East Women's institute was held in Hensall United Church on Wednesday. April 17 with all members present except one. The meeting began with the in- stitute Grace and a delightful beef dinner was served by snit :t, of iten- sall United. The ladies were thanked by the president (;race Drummond and Dorothy Parker replied on behalf of Unit :3. Roll call was answered by "How to relieve tension" and the payment of fees. Grace Drummond gave a reading You don't know us". Reports were given by secretary Helen MacLean. treasurer Mona Alderdice. and auditors Marlene Bell and Grace Pepper. Reports of the Standing Committees for Agriculture and Canadian Industries by Grace Eyre. for Citizenship and World Af- fairs, Margaret Hoggarth. for Educa- tion and yultural Activities by Joyce Pepper, or Family and Consumer Af- fairs by Mattie McGregor, Resolu- Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA' 482-7103 East WI meeting tions by Mona Alderdice. the Curator's report by Frances Kinsman, sunshine by Grace Pepper. Public relations officer report by Rena Caldwell and the president's report by Grace Drummond. The new officers for 1985-86 were in- stalled by Ruby Triebner with llelen MacLean acting as secretary. Joyce Pepper gave the ' report of the Nominating Committee which was accepted on motion by Margaret Hog- garth and Evelyn Workman. A sing -song was enjoyed with ac- companiment by Mary Broadfoot. Ruby Triebner reported the Board Meeting. it was decided to help South }luron District in catering to two events, and a motion was made to give $100 to send a child to camp. Plans were made to help at the Fashion Show April 24 in Clinton. Everyone was permitted to put for- ward a resolution. Those who still want to talk on the telephone are to contact C R.T.C. Ottawa. Ontario KIA ON2 regarding the deregulation of the telephone. The consensus of opi- nion regarding salaries was that the top brass are too highly paid for all the contribution they make. Agnes Eyre read Iwo poems and Phyllis Parsons gave Courtesy Remarks. The officers for 1983-86 are: Past - President - Ruby Triebner. President - Grace Drummond. 1st Vire Presi- If you're looking for carpet or vinyl for a small area or an entire house • Save Time • Save Money • See us First Do it yourself or have our installer Ed Allen l . it f . ou 335 Main St., S., Exeter dent - Margaret Hoggarth, 2nd Vice President - Mona Alderice, Secretary - Iielen MacLean. Treasurer - Mona Alderdice, Public Relations - Rena Caldwell, Branch directors - Phyllis Parsons. Joyce Pepper, Charlotte McDowell. District Director - Hilda Payne, Alternate District Director - Ruby Triebner, Resolutions - Mona Alderdice, Sunshine - Grace Pepper. Assistant Sunshine - Grace Eyre, Education and Cultural Activities - Joyce Pepper, Evelyn Workman. Family and Consumer Affairs - Mat- tie McGregor, Mary Whitehouse. Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Grace Eyre. Phyllis Parsons. Citizenship and World Affairs - Margaret Hoggarth, Thea Wisch, Curator - Frances Kinsman, Pianist - Mary Broadfool, Assistant Pianist - Verda Sinclair, Auditors - Marlene Bell. Mildred Chalmers. Personals Helen MacLean. Marlene Bell, Thea Wisch, Mona Alderdice and Margaret Hoggarth joined with other members of the Hensall Ilorticultural Society on a most enjoyable bus trip to a flower show in Toronto on Thurs- day, April 18. Kippen United Church On Sunday, April 21, Mr. Rob Parr presided in the pulpit of SI. Andrew's in place of Pastor Don Moffat who was,ahsent due to illness in the fami- ly. Mary Moffatt accompanied the hymns at the organ. The Ministry of Music was presented by the choir singing "Till you know Jesus". Mr. Parr's sermon was entitled "We are God's chosen people". He ex pounded by saying. "Peter said that we were chosen. how are we as Chris- tians showing that we have been chosen? We are called to spread the word of. God and to win friends for Christ. flow are we doing it? We must become committed. practice stewardship. talk about our religion and extend our knowledge." Bulletin reminder that on Thurs day. May 2. Kippen t' ('.W. are in• vited to attend Zurich United Church at 8 p.m. and the guest speaker will be Mr. Gordon Erb. who has recent ly returned from Ethiopia. Legion Well, Comrades, winter is past and summer is just around the corner. Last Saturday we had a successful euchre tournament. Winner were: Ladies' high, Janet Lovell; Mens' high, Bill Bell; Ladies' lone hands, Jaren Whatmore; Men's' lone hands, Howard Smale. Low score for ladies, Mabel Kyle and Elmer Oesch. Thanks to Robbie Taylor for organizing this event. Shuffleboard is over for another year and the winners were Louise Allan and Bob Caldwell. Looking after shuffleboard this year were Janet and Leonard Lovell, Val Kyle and Al Kyle, Mona Campbell. We thank all of you for a job well done. This Saturday evening the singing D.T. will be with us again. See you all there. As you have noticed we are in the midst of renovations. We hope you will bear with us until it is finished, which shouldn't be too long. Don't forget to send your Diamond Jubilee tickets away, if you have not done so; end of April is the deadline. We are also hoping for more tulip bulb orders; you have until May 15. At the General Meeting in April, $300.00 was donated to various organizations. The Ladies' Auxiliary had a good ttlrnout at the April meeting. Thanks to the Auxiliary members and friends who canvassed for the Red Cross. A total of $360.00 was collected; $200.00 was donated to various organizations. The Auxiliary is also purchasing new furniture for downstairs. It should be very nice when renovations are com- pleted and the new furniture in. This past weekend the Branch and Auxiliary were saddened by the death of our Comrade Evelyn Traquair. Our sympathy is extended to Murray and his family. Evelyn will be sadly miss- ed; she was a great Comrade and friend. Fifty years ago: Capadians in the midst of a final offensive, capture Zut- shen, Holland. Five Canadian divi- sions, two tank brigades under General Crerar. On April 29, 1945, a massive food supply was dropped to the starving Dutch as Canadians' front lulls. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. we will remember them. P.R.O. Bea Uyl celebration. These ladies, who are from the Zurich Mennonite Church, also provided a delicious birthday cake. The party was a grand way to end the week. Hensall United Church The Sacrainent of Baptism was observed at the United Church on Sunday morning when Stacey Ann Butson, daughter of Jeff and Janice (Campbell) Butson, and Natasha Rose Moody, daughter of Al and Mary (Blackwell) Moody were received in- to the church. Mervyn Fields greeted the con- gregation and the ushers were Rod Parker, Tim Rowcliffe, Steven Gerstenkorn and Michael McGregor. Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject "Love is New" taking his text from Jesus' commandment. The Junior Choir, with Mindy Bell as soloist, sang the very appropriate "Little Moses in the Basket" with words by Lauri Khodabandehloo and music by Marcy Tigner. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in loving memory of Mrs. Pearl Petzke and the con- gregation was reminded that the Con- firmation Service will be held next Sunday with a reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall. There was an excellent attendance at the United Church on Sunday even- ing for their monthly Fellowship Ni ht tvhealhe_ErAup-took-a=Eeip-to- ; - Holland, via KLM Airlines with'Klaas VanWieren as pilot. Klaas, with his coloured slides, presented a very personal, and beautiful trip through his native Holland, the towns where he and his wife Rita were reared and the sur- rounding area. The beautifully coloured slides and personal commentary made everyone feel they had truly taken a trip to Holland. The evening closed with a Dutch lunch of Stroopwafles and coffee served by the committee, Joanne Rowcliffe and Dorothy Parker. Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. His sermon was "The Road to Salvation", Mrs: Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ. Next Sunday the service will be 11:30 a.m. Daylight Saving Time. Personals Mrs. Mabel Shirray returned last week after spending the winter months in St. Petersburg, Florida. Welcome home Mabel. James Sangster; who underwent surgery in University Hospital several weeks ago, returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Campbell. Hensall, have won the Kinsmen trip - of -the -month to Las Vegas. The Bank of Montreal personnel are entertaining the Senior Citizens on Wednesday May 8 at 8 p.m. in Hen- sall United Church. Please plan to at- tend this event. April 24, 1985 Page 9 Wedding Cake Rentals now available Fountain for rent with decorated cake. All colour co- ordinated to match your wedding. Delivery within 20 miles of Lucan. For appointment please phone Cake Creations Aleda McComb 227-4817 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE •VACUUM CLEANERS ISae• & Service to Moet M.Meel •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS !For Farm i eue,neee) •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT & ELY KILLING UNITS 'Foe Iwdooe a Outdoor b.e •GIFTS A MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA. ONT. 482.7103 The Light Touch By LAVENDER Old timer: grandfather clock. The easiest way to solve a problem is to pick an easy one. * * * * * Marriages may be made in he6ven, but the maintenance work must be done on earth. * * Pedestrian: someone whose teenager beat ,him to the garage. * * * • * A neurotic is a person who's still worried he might have looked at the last eclipse too much. * * * * If you're worried about the high'cost of maintenance see us at Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 * . Hensall and District Co-op Nursery School Open house and fall '85 registration Date: Tuesday, April 30th Time: 9 - 11:30 a.m. Place: Hensall Community Centre For information call: 262-3528 or 565-5237 Parents and children sharing a learning experience. w� GARDEN CENTRE SPECIAL HYBRID TEA OR CLIMBERS GARDENVBEAUTY ROSE BUSHES IT S (,nuns NIN(t VIONItl SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SAT APRIL 27 1985 GARDEN CENTRE SPECIAL ! ASSORTEDNOT AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES EVERGREENS 9.9 NO NAME 2.20.0 BONE MEAL EVERYDAY IOW PRICE 2KG 3.99 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE NO NAME TREE & - PKG SHRUB SPIKES Z. 99 NO NAME BULK PACK EVERYDAY LOW PRIG( SUPER SOIL8S "Mr 13.99 NO NAME SUPER LAWN FERTILIZER zehrs fine marketsof fine foods EVE RYOAY IOW PRICE NO NAME COMPOST CATTLE MANURE 2.99 EVERYDAY LOW PRiCE NO NAME PATCH & GROW 2 K LAWN REPAIR K I T L99 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE NO NAME 2.99 TOP SOIL 36 EINE NO NAME GENERAL PURPOSE EVERYDAY tOW PRICE LAWN SEED UN7KGEi 3,99 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE NO NAME GENERAL PURPOSE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE ED KG 6.99 LAWN SE COATED 10 KG 4.99 NO NAME SUPER EVERYDAY LOW PRICE PEAT M O SS 85 LITRE 3.99 r 20 5-10 11E1E SPECIALS MAMIE tNIl1 M: EXETER HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 1/10110All, TIMMIDAT & JNMt11A♦ 44 P.M. TOMIN.AT a MOAT MIM P.M. $ATtMJMAT At7/4 P.N.