HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-17, Page 34Page 18A Times•Advocote, April 17, 1985 ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMEN — Celebrating their iOOth Anniversary, at St. Patrick's Church in Saint- sbury, here are Jocelyn Daunt, Beth Annett, guest speaker Mary Shamley and Marg Greenlee. Saintsbury ACW marks 100th By MRS. HEBER DAVIS everyone and Mrs. Rosemary Schat- Sointsbury fer of Kirkton and Mary Davis, Saint - To celebrate the ltwth anniversary sbury read interesting accounts of the of the Women's Auxiliary to the Mis- founding of both branches. The Saint- sionary Society of Canada (now sbury group was" founded in 1984. known as the Anglican Church The guest speaker was Mary Worpen t the women of St. Patrick's Shamley, a freelance photo -journalist together on Wednesday night. . religious reporting. Shamley The ladies of St. Patrick's were graduated from Huron College in 1973 hostesses to the Deanery of Perth. with a Master of Divinity and current - The hall was tastefully decorated. ly sits on the General Council of the and the centre table held a 100th an- Canadian Council of Churches. She niversary cake. • also sits on the Thames Valley Mrs. Eileen Carroll and Mrs. Mary District Health Council. Davis poured tea and the guests Mary was introduced by Hazel helped themselves to fancy desserts. Davis. Mrs. Marguerite Greenlee welcomed She spoke on the histroy of the Women's Auxiliary, and on the history of women in the Anglican church. from 1885 to the present, tell- ing of the difficulties those brave women encountered to assist the church in those early years. A short service of com t line follow - in e e urc wit old familiar hymns. Sung, "The Love of Christ Constraineth", "Faith of Our Fathers" and "Tell Me the Old, Old Story" with Mrs. S. Carroll at the piano. The Deanery representative from Perth, Beth Annett of Listowel, also spoke at the meeting. She talked about a program to donate bales of clothing to the Indians in the.Kenora area. The celebration was organized by Hazel Davis. of the Saintsbury A.C.W. Refreshments were served, including an anniversary cake. Bridal Shower On Saturday afternoon a bridal shower was held in St. Patrick's Parish Hail- for Angela Korrevar, sponsored by her three sisters and Alexia Tindall. Dessert was served first, then a short program followed with two contests. The first prize was a plant won by Mrs. Sue Latta and the second prize. a plant, by Patti Dobbs. The bride elect of late May received many beautiful and useful gifts. She expressed her thanks and invited all to an open house at her parent's home on May 11 from 2 to 4 p.m. • Service The April 14 service at St. Patricks was held at 11:30 a.m. Rev. P. Der- rick was in charge. Marg Carroll and Don Cunningham were readers. Paul Bedall was server for the Communion service: Mrs. W. Carroll was the pianist. Next Sunday a service is planned for 8:45 a.m. The ladies of the congregation are invited to •Kirkton A.C.W. on Wednesday evening. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall were din- ner guests with Mrs.Catherin Elston, Sunday evening. Mrs. Mary Davis was Friday din- ner guest with Mr. and Mrs. harry Noels, Lucan, and Sunday evening dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and Courtney. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels. Lucan. on Sunday evening. Easter meeting of Woodham UCW By MISS JEAN COPELAND The Easter meeting of the Woodham UCW was held in the church basement on April 9 with Group 1 in charge. Mrs. Gordon Johnson introduced the guest speaker. John Wilson from McDonald's in Stratford. Wilson gave a very interesting talk on the Ronald McDonald House and showed a film of the different houses throughout Canada and the United States and how they are operated. Mrs. Reg McCurdy thanked Mrs. Wilson and presented him with ,a donation for Ronald McDonald House. - Crediton East By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mrs. Don Wilson and girls, Kayuga, have been spending the past week at the home of Mrs. Jean llaist. Jean has been a patient at University Hospital. London, where she underwent surgery but returned home Saturday. Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent Wednesday with her sister. Mrs. Harold McCallum. RR 1 Watton. Mrs. Leonard Wein celebrated her 95th birthday on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator were Sunday Supper guests with Mrs. Ed Regele and Norman Huhley at their new home in Seaforth. The Worship Service opened with the singing of "Christ Arose" follow- ed by the Scripture read by Mrs. Ordell Webber. A meditation on Easter was read by Mrs. Gordon Johnson with other parts being read by Mrs. David Wheeler, 'Mrs. Ross McCurdy, Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Mrs. Reg McCurdy. Mrs. David Wheeler and Mrs. Reg McCurdy presented a skit "Two Korean Women Look At The Canadian Church". Mrs. John Vardy told a story .of the hymn "In The Garden" and the hymn was sung. A poem "Easter" was read by Mrs. Ordell Webber. The offering was received by Mrs. David Wheeler and Mrs. Ross McCurdy followed by prayer by Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Ten rules for a long and happy life were read by Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Miss Jean Copeland opened the business by reading a poem "An Easter Thought". Eighteen members answered the roll call. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Rhea Barley. Mrs. Ted Brine gave the treasurer's report. Miss J.ean Copeland reminded the members of several upcoming events. • A letter was read appealing to the members to send a letter to our local member of parliament for stricter control on pornography. Donations were sent to seeds for Zaire and medical electives. Lunch was served by Group 1. SM00000T SAVINGS! H On our pace -setting lubricants March 1 till April 30 %tock 11111111U 1111these lubricants -- the mlrst cxhau.tit•t•h researched products in E.so's history All on sale until April i() NEW ESSOLUBE XD3 Our hest -ever multipurpose engine oil. proven over more than .t 0011.11 (IC•cade% in actual 11.c•. has been reformulated for modern engines It reduces wear. controls deposit.. extends engine life NEW ESSOLUBE HPD Our soot -fighting engine oil for High Performance Diesels! 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Every blade of grass is like a sermon, it keeps getting shorter, when you cut it down. "How often have we given up and left too soon?" said the speaker. as did Simon Peter in his denial of Jesus. Remember not to give up too soon, wait for Jesus to change your life. In the children's time the speaker played "Simon Says" with them, which they really enjoyed and the story that followed. Granton United Women Meet Unit (1) of Granton UCW met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Harloff. Mrs. Gor- don McRobert presided and opened with prayer. The Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Pierce were in charge of the program with the theme "Jesus is alive". During the business session items were discussed and taken care of. in- cluding plans for the money received from the Gospel service. At the close of the meeting, . Rev. Pierce oTficiated at the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the dining room, Mrs. George Westman and the hostess. Mrs. Rhea Hardie was the hostess for Unit (3). Mrs. Marilyn Humphrey Ails; By ALICE DICKENS Although this is "stale" material, 1 hope you're interested in hearing how busy the Craigholme residents have been since Christmas. For the February birthday party the Beechwood Band supplied old time music for the residents. Some of the residents entertained their spouses for -dinner on February 14. How nice. Wouldn't you have liked to have been a wee mouse in the corner when the Over 90 Club met one after- noon as they had a jolly good time together? Now in the month of March, Mrs. Loren Gorman was guest speaker at the World's Day of Prayer. For the March birthday party many con- tributed their musical talents. Those taking part were Emmerson Mackay, George Lee, and Mrs. Jean Lee, also Charlene McNair, the Amos children, Jenny Turner and the McIntyre brothers. Going by van through McGillivray township and over to Lucan tickled the Over 90 Club as they were on familiar ground. Last month Evelyn McNaughton 'presented an evening of slides on Scotland. Speaking of slides, seniors will see some on Europe by Ervin Gingerich. and two films "Ontario Surprise" and "Small Wonders" on Friday evening. April 19, at the Craigwiel Activity Centre. presided and opened the meeting with scripture, a poem and prayer. Program conveners were Mrs. Nelson Tate and Mrs. Henry Wissel, who used the World Day of Prayer service for their program. Mrs. Nor- man Riddell and Mrs. Gordon Dann assisted the hostess to serve lunch. l.'(' General Meeting The General UCW meeting was held in the United Church basement April 9. Mrs. Nelson Tate -presided and opened the meeting with prayer. It was decided to have the program, which was under the direction of Unit (3), at the first part of the meeting. This was a very impressive presen- tation which took the form of a can- dle lighting ceremony on the "Lord's Prayer" with members of Unit t3 taking part. A number of items of business were discussed and taken care of. Anglican News The Rev. Peter Derrick was in charge of the morning prayer service at St. Thomas Anglican Church. The Crucifer was Richard Moore and the pianist Lois Herbert. The two lessons were read by Muriel Lewis and Lisa Moore. It being the first Sunday after Easter, the Rev. Derrick preached his sermon from John 1:1 on the sins of the whole world. Next Sunday the service will be at 11:30 a.m. Personals We are happy to report that the Rev. Bruce Pierce and Mr. Kenneth Hodgins are both home from hospital and we wish them continued good health. - A very successful daffodil sale was realized in Granton on Saturday. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this Cancer Society project a success. A bouquet of daffodils was placed in each of the four area churches by the Lucan Biddulph Cancer Society. Shipka By MRS. HUGH MORFNZ Several ladies from this area at- tended the Easter Ecumenical ser- vice Tuesday night at Grand Bend United Church. Guest speaker was Miss Vivan Grant of London, on the topic of eye care. Beverly Keller, Sherri -Lynn and Stephen, visited on Easter weekend at Rothsay, with the children's grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk. Doug and Cathy Walper visited Easter Sunday in Loddon wt ant i rs. Dom Harmden. Spring Special BUTLER on Grain Bins 15% off 1984 Prices Until April 30/85 Limited quantity available at these prices so order now to avoid disappointment tAL-111AR) GRAIn SYSTEMS LTD. 263 Main St. N., P.O. Box 550, Exeter, NOM ISO (519) 235-1919 Groin Bins • Feed Tonks • Dryers • Augers • Elevators • Aeration Floors itFans HESSTON APRIL 15 to 26 ONLY PRIME TIME TO LOOK AT THE PRIME LINE! BIG'BONUS Rg p ATOS These rebates in addi on to current Hesston programs! ..ON INACIIIN6RY! OR...choose from: • Low -Rate Financing • Finance Charge Waivers ..ON TRACTORS! Plus... 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