HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-17, Page 32Page 16A Times -Advocate, April 17, 1985
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Of farm machinery, irrigation equipment, truck,*
* etc. *
* For Cliff Rees, Lot 24, Con. 7, McGillivray Twp., *
* 1 mi. N. of Ailsa Craig. *
Saturday, April 20 - 1:00 p.m. *
* int. 856 tractor, Ford 3000 with loader, M.F. 750 combine, hydro, *
* cob, air 18' grain head, 1 144 corn head, 10' pickup, Kongskilde *
* 21' cult. with double rolling harrows, Int. 4 row scuffler, White *
* 52 plate wheel disc, White 4 fur. semi mount plow, Kongskilde *
* 14' chisel plow, Int. 230 self propelled swather, 12'2' head,
crimper conditioner, M.F. 205 manure spreader with liquid end
* gate, N.I. 7' mower, N.H. 401 hay crimper, Int. 400 corn planter *
* with monitor and insecticides, Allied 36' PTO auger, Allied 16'6" *
* auger with motor, 16'4" grain auger, Kools 54" plow, Int. 56 *
* 4 row corn planter (parts only), Turnco gravity box and wagon, *
under carriage for 2 wagons, J.D. 3 pt. h. 100 gal. weed sprayer,
* PTO generator on wheels, hog scales, feeders, and probes. *
* moisture tester, wood and steel fence posts, feed carts, gates, *
* water pump, fans, wheel barrows, 14" x 28" tire chains, elec-;*
* Inclmotors, air pump, new oil stove, used oil furnace.
* IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: Wade -Rain irrigation pump, 34
lengths 30' long 4" pipe, Moulton irrigation traveller on wheels,
* plastic pipe. 100 bales wheat straw-
* TRUCK: 1975Chev C65 cab over, 20' stock rack- Good conditon. *
* Selling as is. *
* Some misc. household items. *
For further information phone 293-3003. TERMS: Cash sale day. *
* Booth. *
* Auctioneers
* Hugh Filson
* 666 -0833
** -**-*-*-k******************
Tom Robson *
666-1967 *
Clearing auction sale of turnip equipment, farm
* machinery, trucks, etc.
* For Gerard Vanneste, Lot 33, Con. 3 McGillivray *
Twp.,4 miles east of Ailsa Craig then 1 mile N.
* off No. 7 Hwy. or 1 mi. W. of Denfield Sideroad.
Friday, April 26 - 12:00 noon
Int. 1066 turbo diesel tractor, cab, heater, double remote con-
trol, 20.8 x 38 tires, hub axle duals 20.8 x 38, Int. 806 diesel *
* with 18.4 tires, Int. 584 diesel row crop, 13.6 x 38 tires, mounted *
* 4 row quick attach scuffler ME -MT, only 500 hrs., Int. self pro-
pelled 715 diesel combine, cab and heater, 4 row wide corn *
head, all rebuilt, 13' grain head with pickup reel, 10' Int. wind *
* row pickup, straw cutter, Kongskilde 22' cult. with levelling bar *
* and rolling harrows, Kongskilde 12' 3 pt. h. cult. with rolling *
* harrows, Kongskilde 12' 3 pt. h. cult. for row crops; tnt. 710 5
* fur. 16" semi mount automatic reset, spring loaded coulters, *
plow, Int. 175 self propelled 10' swather, pick up reel and hay *
* conditioner, Int. 16 run double disc F & G drill, Int. 47 baler, *
* G.W. stainless steel tandem 400 gal. field sprayer with 28' *c
* boom, G.W. 200 gal. stainless steel sprayer with 24' boom, Turn- LE
* co packer with pups, harrows, N.I. manure spreader, Viscount
*3 pt. h. fert. spreader, Int. 56 44 row corn and bean planter with *
liquid fert., John Blue squeeze pump, attachments and insec-
ticides, Inland hay turner, 2 hopper boxes and wagons, McKee *
6' 2 auger snow blower, Ford 4 row 3 pt. h. corn scuffler, Brady *
* 4 row stalk cutter (parts only), spring tooth cult., 12' truck box
* on .dual wheels with hoist, 3 pt. h. generator, etc. *
* TURNIP EQUIP.: FMC turnip or carrot harvester complete with
* hydraulics, 12' self unloading turnip trailer with airplane tires, *
* Webb 4 row precision planter, Oscar -Hill turnip stacker, with
41(cleaver bed, Thomas SS skid loader 1700 gas with vegetable fork
* and material bucket, hopper with belt conveyor for loading *
'K trucks.
TRUCKS: 1972 Ford Louisville Detroit diesel 10 speed 9000
* tandem with 20' Grayco turnip box, 1974 Ford cab over with
16' turnip box. Selling as is. Further information 293-3189. Plan
* to attend this sale. All equipment in real good condition.
* TERMS: Cash sale day Booth.
High Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 666-1967 *
******************* **********4**********
Farm Credit Corporation via Power of Sale
offers by Public Tender
LOCATION: 1 km. north of Mount Carmel on paved
LEGAL DESC: Lot 3, Concession 13, and Part Lot 3,
Concession 14, Stephen Township,
Huron County
LAND: 150 acres with 135 workable clay loom and
believed to be tiled.
BLDGS: 3 bedroom brick house with addition, 34 x
60 barn and addition, 18 x 64 silo. Barn set
up for small sow -finish operation.
1. Approximately $92,500., 81/4 % mortgage owed to Farm Credit
Corporation calling for payments of $4,773.32 semi-annually
may be assumed as part of the purchase price.
2. Approximately $400., 8% tile drainage loan calling for
payments of $89.40 is to be taken over in addition to the pur-
chase price.
The purchaser of this property must rely on his or her own in-
spection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or
ony other particulars or representations made verbally or in
writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation.
An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from
the Form Credit Corporation on request to the address below
or from any office of the Corporation.
A certified deposit of $10,000. must accompany the offer.
Offers to purchase must be received at the Field Office listed
below by May 3rd, 1985. Closing is normally 30 days after ac-
ceptance unless other arrangements approved by vendor.
Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that
the property can be used and occupied for the purposes intend-
ed in accordance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal
Cosh offers are preferred. If F.C.C. financing is required, this
must be discussed prior to tendering with the Corporation's local
representative listed below.
The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The
Corporation could request new offers to purchase after the
above mentioned date, if deemd necessary.
Purchaser will be responsible for all loxes and all assessments
whether local improvements, tile loans, or otherwise charged
or ossessed against the said property from dote of closing sub-
ject to the usual adjustments.
All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to:
ATTN: Mike Rogers
21 East Street, Suite 203, P.O. Box 155
GODERICH, Ontario, N7A 3Z2.
If no answer, telephone (519) 881-1490. Please refer to
file number: 35441-5A6. (519)524-8381
Modern appliances, furniture, tools, garden tillers, lawn
mower, dishes etc. to be held al the Goderich arena, 180
McDonald Sl. Goderich Ont. for Mrs. Florence Reed plus
Tuesday April 23 at 6 p. m.
Inglis harvest gold fridge, Viking 30" harvest gold stove, several
of collectable radio's and parts, French Provincial chesterfield
and chair, French Provincial coffee and end table, w/drawers,
Inglis automatic clothes washer, Inglis gas dryer, Frigidaire
square model fridge, 3 piece bedroom suite w/mattress, cedar
chest, chrome table and 4 chairs, kitchen cabinet, old love seat,
swivel chair, 2 floor lamps, bridge lamp, pole lamp, antique
drop front desk, vanity dresser, recliner chair, pressback rock-
ing chair, propane gas barbecue, old Coleman gas table Tamp
wipump, chesterfield and chair, treadle sewing machine, small
rocking chair. chrome coffee table w/glass top, mirror for
dresser, stereo stand, toaster oven, table lamps, floor model
stereo w/eight track player, oak bookcase, wooden double bed
w/spring and mattress, single bed w/spring and mattress,
magazine table, humidifier, cherry pitter, hump back trunk, gas
lawn mower, electric lawn mower, 2 garden tillers, portable
air compressor, oil lamps, railroadlanterns,several lanterns,
plus good offering old hand tools.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
��ailioell , ViJorial<f
Reta and Al Scholl, long time resident and
business people of the Hensall area, wish toin-
vite everyone to attend their public auction of
vehicles, furniture and antiques, wood working_
equiprire-nt, meat processing equipment/ and
misc. equipment to be held at the Hensall Com-
munity Centre.
On Saturday, April 20th at 10:30 a.m.
CONSISTING OF VEHICLES 1977 Lincoln, Mark V, loaded, 6000
miles, never winter driven, mint cond., 1981 Grand Marquis,
approx. 40,000 miles, all options, excellent.
FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Henschel grandfather clock, Anthony
Bates 5 pc. bedroom suite, Andrew Malcolm 3 pc. ()edroom
suite, 2 - matching Kroehler chesterfields, chair and sofabed,
Sklar matching chesterfield and choir, Leatherette chesterfield
land matching chair, French Provincial chesterfield and 2 chairs,
Red velvet love set (modern), antique chair, 2 platform rockers,
lazy -boy chair, Vilas maple ext. table, 45 x 60, 2 extra leaves,
i6 matching chairs, Maple office desk, Electrohome Rhythm
Master organ, Fr. Prov. cherry cabinet, curio cabinet, 2 sets cof-
fee and end tables, dinette table and 4 chairs, paintings and
wall plaques, quantity of china, humidifiers, dehumidifers,
mantel clock, asst. chairs, tables, quantity of lamps, cookware,
26" Westinghouse TV, Westinghouse refrigerator, 21 cu. ft.
chest freezer, Kenmore vacuum cleaner, Hoover floor polisher,
Projector and screen, books, records, cameras.
.WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT 16" planer -floor model, 6"
jointer -floor model, 14" Beaver band saw, 2 B & D mitre saws,
'3 shapers with asst. knives, air compressors, bench saw, wood
lathe, drill press, paint sprayer, qty. of hand tools, 30" band
saw, brick cutter, walnut oak, ash, asst. dried lumber.
MEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Hobart power band meat`
saw, Hobart meat grinder, 1 Hp., electric counter scales, elec-•
Incislicer, sausage stuffer, all meat equipment like new.
LAWN, GARDEN & MISC. EQUIPMENT 550 White tractor,)
McKee snow blower, cement mixer, plow, 16 hp. M.F. lawn
mower with spraying attachment, 3 hp. & 5 hp..roto tiller, 4
Hawn mowers, (2 electric and 2 gas), 1 ton lawn roller, lawn
'furniture, gas B.Q., chain saw, wood stove, patio stones, sand
'stone bricks, bales of straw, and many more misc. items.
"Plan to attend"
All items in excellent cond.
Proprietors - Reta and Al Scholl - Retiring.
Auctioneers - Bruce Rothwell, Richard Robinson, Wendy
K loss
Hwy. No. 4 Brucefield 482-7181 482-3120 A
Auction Sale
Of household furnishings, bells, antiques, and
misc. items.
Saturday, April 27 - 12 noon sharp
To be held in South Huron Rec Centre Exeter On-
tario, for Mrs. Helen Rivers, Exeter and Mrs.
Mamie Sutcliffe Goderich. Ontario.
HOUSEHOLD FUNITURE French Provincial chesterfield and
choir, F.P. hostess chairs, chesterfield, arm choir with stool,
recliner chair, doybed and space saver, F:P. end tables with
leather inlay, coffee table with leather inlay. F.P. nesting tables,
2 china lamps, swag and table lamps, Targe mirror, Boshart,
Duncan Phyfe corner china cabinet, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf
table, 2, 30" beds complete with spread. 4 pc. bedroom suite,
dressers, oak Clemco office desk and chair, round kitchen table
and 4 chairs, 5 pc. chrome set, Frigidaire Frost Free refrigerator,
30" Moffat range, Maytag auto washer, Westinghouse dryer,
wringer washer. 17" B & W portable TV, small elec. toaster,
sandwich toaster, tea kettle, irons, Filter Queen vacuum
cleaner, radio, clocks, set of dishes, several other dishes,
cups and saucers, pots and pans, sausage press, bird cage and
stand, gas lawn mower, barbecue (like new), step ladder, 16'
extension ladder, garden tools, several other items.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES round oak pedestal table,
drop leaf table, parlor tables, small walnut table, small round
table, block teak table (Chinese), chino cabinet, oak wall coat
rock, 2 hall trees, corner what -knot, vanity stool. Edison
gramophone and records, large mirror in wood frame, wicker
rocker, wicker desk and chair, wicker rocker and side chair,
wiker fern stand, fancy wicker flower stond with high arched
top, 4 pine blanket boxes, 2 trunks, small cupboard, rocking
chair, wooden arm chair, small mirror on stand, wooden recipe
box with key, Gingerbread clock, small shelf clock, coach light,
oil lamps, coaloil lamps, coaloil stove, several pictures and
frames, wooden floor lamp, several pieces of china and glass,
such os Prussio, Germany. Bavaria, French Limoge, Royal Nip-
pon. Nippon. Noritake, Occupied Japan, Bavaria, Depression
gloss, (green, yellow, pink), press glass, china doll, large jar-
diniere, crystal stem ware, pieces of silver, 33 pc. set of flat-
ware, 7 pc. of Old Colony, hen on nest, biscuit jar, china shoe.
salt dips. souvenirs Avon book and bottles, costume jewellery.
wicker eorring troy 4' x 6' tapestry with brass rod. Many other
BRASS BELLS 1 large 17" bell in wrought iron frame, 1 11'
dinner bell, 1 set 6 chime bells, 1 set of 4' chime bells, 2 Cana-
dian Beaver bells 1 Team bell.
For further information contact:
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931
Antique furniture, dishes and glassware, crocks, oil lamps,
garden tiller etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clin-
ton Ont. for the Estate of Mae Glen.
Wednesday, April 24 at 6 p. rn.
Fancy old nine piece dining room suite, round dining table,
beautiful curved back love seat, Lady's chair w carved flowers,
2 fancy side chairs, buffet w/mirror and beveled walnut front,
drop front desk, 2 wooden book shelves, antique chesterfield
w/curved arms, dressing table wi large mirror, antique chest
of drawers w/mirror, 3 heavy styled wooden beds, small anti-
que chest of drawers, fancy book case or china cabinet w glass
door and ends, small antique rocker, small blanket box, fancy
-hall table rw/2 drawers, antique slipper chair, Bentwood arm
chairs, antique wooden rocker, wooden table and 4 choirs, eight
matching dining chairs, wicker fern stand, trunk, small oval
table plus other small tables, small side board, bridge lamp,
wooden floor Tamp, odd wooden chairs, antique dressing
screen, old steeple shelf clock, green,iglass Aladdin lamp, 7 oil
lamps, 2 old Shell oil bottles, crocks, dishes and glassware,
brass candle stick holders, hammered kjass coal skuttle etc.,
garden tiller, picnic table and other items not mentioned.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb, Clinton
1100 Head
,• ; p
.tsto€k Sales Ltd.
Sat ur. da -y -A pri F 27, --196
at 1:00 p.m.
Consisting of: Steers, Heifers & Calves
Victor Hargreaves - 519-482-7511 (Clinton)
Barry Miller - 519-235-2717 (Exeter
- 519-229-6205 (Kirkton)
Greg Hargreaves - 519-262-2619 (Hensall)
- 519-262-2831 (Hensall)
Auctioner: Larry Gardiner
* Owner giving up farming, land rented, Im- 4t
* plements and 2 trucks, #
* On Friday April 19th, 1905 - 11 a.m. in the
* For Mike Hartman on lot 16 concession 11 #
* Stephen Twp., 11/4 mile north of Crediton, 21/2 *
* mile west of Crediton, 6 mile west of Exeter, 21/2
* mile south of No. 83 highway, information
* phone 237-3465.
* TRUCKS 1973 Ford Louisville 900, 534 engine, 1973 Ford it
* Louisville 750, 391 engine. Both have 18' ensilage and cattle *
* ratk, excellent shape, certified, 24' Triaxle 5 wheel Maverich
* float.
* IMPLEMENTS: Case 2590 -1100 hrs.3 yrs. excellent shape, Allis #
* Chalmers 190 new engine, MF industrial 50C with loader, John #
* Deere S.P. harvester 5440, 4 wheel drive 1511 hrs., 3 row cut-
* ter head, 7' hay pickup, 343 row snapper head and adapter kit
* for snapper head, 3 - 16' Rex forage racks, with running gear, #
* Fox auger blower, Innes 570 bean windrower, 6200 Lilliston #
* bean combine, AC -1300 - 281/2 cutlivator, 8 row Kongskilde scuf- #
* fler with roll shields, J.D. 7100 Maxi merge 8 row planter, Int. *
* 510 - 18 run seed drill with seeders, N.H. 354 PTO mix mill, Geo #
* White 500 gal. sprayer, 40' boom, Butler 320 PTO feed wagon, #
* N.H.790 manure spreader, J & M gravity box with extensions, #
* and 10 ton running gear, N.H. 250 Rolabar rake, Allied 6" auger
*PTO on wheels, duals 18.4 x 34 - 20.8 x 42 DMI, Torney generator ,
* PTO - 1500 watt, J.D. 7700 combine with pick up head, J.D. 7100 #
* Maxi merge 12 row norrow corn planter, Allied 5 section har- #
* rows, Little Giant 40' elevator, Little Giant 12' feed elevator
* single chain, 40' tubular hay elevator, van box 14' x 8', Geo *
* White double auger snow blower, Potz 14' to 16'silounloader, *
* 7 ft. 3 pt. blade, 3 bag bean cooker, Kawasaki street legal 250 *
* dirt bike, aluminum loading chute, 6 row Lockwood Innes win- *
* drower model 835, 6 row Mauer bean puller, mounted between *
* wheels, Ford TW 10 tractor 20.8 x 38 axle duals. Misc articles.*
* Terms Cash - owners or auctioneers not responsible for ac-
* cidents sale day. Lunch wagon.
* Auctioneers #
9 Hugh Filson Tom Robson '
* 666-0833 666-1967
* Farm Reduction Sale
. Implements, building material, etc. On Wednes-
. day April 24th - 11 a.m. in the morning. For
* Coeck Farms, Dashwood, on No. 83 highway, 21/2 *
* miles west of Dashwood. For information phone *
* 237-3385 *
* IMPLEMENTS Case 2290, 776 hrs. excellent shape, Case 730 *
* good condition, Case 310 G. crawler -loader needs work, Case *
* semi -mounted 6 - 18" hydraulic reset plough, Case semi *
mounted 4 - 16" trip plough duals, 20.8 - 38 T. rail, 18.4 - 30
* snap on duals, Kongskilde 21' pull type with culti packers, Jr
* Kongskilde 6 row narrow scuffler, Case 11" disc harrow, John *
* Deere 7000 planter 4 row narrow corn and soybean attachment, *
* fertilizer hoppers and Dickey John monitor, John Deere 17 run *
seed drill with gross seeder,Spray motor sprayer 40' boom flood-
* jet nozzles 400 gal. cop. tandem axle. New Holland 512 manure #
* spreoder,30' Cose P.T.O.elevator, 51'6" auger P.T.O. New Idea, *
* 1 - H.P. electric motor 20' - 6" auger, 21' - 4" auger, 14' - 6" *
* auger, 1 & M 14 - 6" hydraulic auger (fertilizer), John Deere *
* hommermill belt drive with belt.Casel row corn picker, 1 set *
4 sections drag harrow, 1 - 300 bus. J.M. grain box, 2 - 250 bus. *
* J.M. groin box, 3 - 130 bus. Turnco grain wagons, 1000 gal.
* water tank, 1400 gal. tank used for liquid manure, 500 gal. *
* aluminum sprayer tank, running gear for groin boxes, 2 - 1000 *
* gal. propane tanks (400 gal. propane in one), 1966 model 60.*
* Chev. chossis for parts, 18' fifth wheel float trioxle, 2 groin *
aerators 4", John Deere portable moisture tester, Labtronics
* moisture meter with scales, 3 H.P. grain cleaner.
* MISC 3 H.P. self propelled lawn mower, 2 gas engines 7 H.P. *
* 7 H.P. roto tiller, 1 H.P. born fan, 1-H.P. gear box for well. Aux- *
* ilary fuel tank for pickup, Ford rear truck bumpers, cement *
* buggy. 60 gal. water tank, 2 bath tubs, 2-1000 truck tires, wagon .„L_
tires, rims, flexible PTO shaft, set of pallet forks, cement mix-
* er on wheels, roll of corn crib wire new, barb wire, tractor *
* weights, 2 electric fans, fork for lifting cement blocks, '/2 ton *
* truck tapper, 2000 got. fuel tank, Beaver table saw, 18 ton dump *
* truck hoist, tractor mirror, plywood bin, concrete blocks 6" -
8", 10" - 12" - 3 44' structural beams, steel, wall tie, chimney
* flues.
* Terms cosh. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for cc- *
* cidents sale day. Lunch wagon. *
* Hugh Filson Autioneers Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 666-1967 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *