HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-17, Page 23r>Y.... !A !1.14.- • w.,wy-4.t� M: •.Y.: .f.. PLAY IT SMART . a.•sa., '+•s 44 sn.... 40'4 .•..:aka..1K • 0.„14•4� 4 ,• IM v ). 1%1 A M .4)44)4n4 tad kirt ;A •its o. w new a..a. -. WA 4-4,,•43 • s Pte. 41.1 �.. ., • . . „ vh- 4, vR.e.. k • .w •.1 ti t4tti • I 1141? A..r FA( •; . 4 r .M, t •tx• ,_ 4'11 Se Co. C•4• t4, It 44::3• • u. ,..sM1 JM•. I Y Vai •, WOO.- : lWYc4l04' __ ,4rett; 0 4 tt4•. (Y.•If •1 Al`MNM '.M most et),n .:•r 0,44 MIM a+: .4s -.H) 4.4 4.4.40A y,-...•.•14 A.,44 ,C444.1444.411 4' , '44,• l t mums Y ,•44,'w a.',.t4 4• 44 t•na• a 1M ' •l r +4r 4:044<0• ( I Otrw, : weir - 11••••• sok #4• 41.%<• (tfP 4,.48MALI: M ♦ ont : 0401 •:•' e -4y** J(/j 5.00 0tbt 17 1 In.l• ..../1. inl4r . .4, •.4 ,.r..-I:n .:, 43944. .q..,:: r•et.«ite.efyr- siallA ".41 413.1'1i ; .as.. Otis u , t., Jr, X.: Ma k WAYfr OMA:.•' 4144 rs•. ' t,...._. ,. :.k 41 f Times-Advocote, April 17, 1985 GET INTO w•. •:tet ! M • f:•O . .tel .14041 404.4 I� lrt4M c $ •.'• . i *:'•4...••••••: .t:. tib sr,111111 ,(410<::k'4 414? 44/3•:4". 4.41111144. oohs 1-•IY LAU. S:4111IE1 ..... f /' '• r1R'Yo 1,41,~1` Page 7A ..N r ' 4,44:.. • -A 44 .� .+..y .- 0-.+4• • W 4 M'- x•4•_1 .kr t .,•-••444 Scor-•>.. •r1••--. , 4 1Lri .400644' i •.0 8•s.• woo A Is WC n. 44:4 M• ..., 1 1 ia,j-, ' t ltL1M• 4,04.1.4 44'4. it.JM 7.444; /MIL ..t A1,`4L. 1! +t•3 r .- - 04al.w• tw'r 4.4r1 rr• 1.4 tie H•I...:' llil PO. ' AE:.:.K•sE 1 v+►w i i•1 •4'.)Ml•V_04 4Y! Wit 44.44. 4 In. 44'4 • 41:rC 0.-.4 yea 4,O am* •.1.4.144 !0004 awk• .7i s Ss .stscsM. ■-44 %'4/4 •[11+404- 447 YI 1St - i�f-tri +: .ems •1, 1r.w •-. M;ii t4; 4'" • u0,. - , 4 ).. - NUN1,4j,'W.1 .N^.:Iq.1< •M.N - 3744.7111 /eft.r]ic4esXtn a e., .w, : ►:Is 1+••'-. '.e�'•y .:•M,•. i '-lafi.22tr 0 uniLL4.4S. n1rat st:. tlf.4. • s s Ir .4 00 ' WM• keel•rK W:lr3 LtiC.R to 7r. •... -., EJus s-.....! L! OW • +an raw •- • s 1 •1►•. ow. (1M • - I ........ o_. •m 14: at 4. 40..1 . i.•-.•1- W'.:'•.' •47444.114.,'r.tea!• •ym,-- •ers•sc V1 Ile' M•> .r.. sy.•'I . "3" M WM •) RtWKl •••i• Koss. •.. •:w: x n1 e -I, "3" )6" lir- . To place your advertisement call 235-1331 before' 4 p.m. on Monday CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers street numbers phone numbers or prices count as one word per setWords joined by hyphens count os separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 53.75, I04 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes 10c per word. minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -55.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 54.25 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office 52-00 per insertior BIRTHS - 20 words 53.75. 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Deoth Notices - 20 words 53.75, each addi- tional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - 53.75 plus 294 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $3.75. each additional word 104. Three inser- tions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS ' 30 words 53.75, additional words 54 each. SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline; for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 District Sales Supervisor Well established Ontario In- sulation firm requires a district supervisor for Exeter and surrounding areas, Responsibilities include establishing an area direct sales force. Recruiting and training. Above average remuneration. Call Pink Insulation Company 189 Joseph St., Kitchener, Ontario 743-2630 WANTED Class A Mechanic To start immediately in small but very busy local garage. Volkswagen experience as asset but not essential. Must have pleasant personality. Ladies welcome. Apply in confidence to: Wm. B. Rowcliffe, Exeter Motors Ltd. Box 160, Exeter, Ont. classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 l-ound 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Sers lees 7 Liseslock 8 1 arm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Weh. II Cars, trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, I elevision 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property tor Sale 20 Property' Fur Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices -26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed HAVE YOU SEEN TIFF Shaggy toy poodle who is blind. She wandered away from Lisburne Township. Reward. Phone 235-0862. 16• -HEARING AID lost at Lucan Arena ort April 9. Reward. Phone 235-1975. 16" ORANGE MALE': (-.\T, large, in Lucas, April 7, requires medication. Reward. Phone 227-4874. 16:17c 3 Situations Wanted FATHER & SONS PAINTING, rooting, eats estrnugh1111-t, yard work. tree lrinlnitng and removal. Free estimates. Phone 228-6310. 10-17' WANT A NIGHT OU t:' Need a bahy,il- ler:' Call a morn. 235-0621. 1 Ilfn AT TEN CION TRUCKERS. clan with class A licence treed, Soh (Irking iruck. 3 years experience. I ant qualified under the career access program. Chau will pay you back three quarters of wages in the lint year. Phone 227-4585. 16:17v 4 Help Wanted CLEANING PERSON, daily cleaning, din- ing roost and club house at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. Apply in person 238-2324. Ilan WOULD YOU LIKE to have more money to spend? Earn S25,000.00 a year or more full lime. Part time earn S10,000.0(1 - S15,(1(f(l,(10. We will show you 11044. I -or a personal Mieniess in your holnc call Fuller Brush Company 1-631-1383, St. Thontats. 15,16c \LA 11 -RI- PERSON for full time sales clerk in Grand Bend and also pari time clerks. Send resume 10 P.O. Ho\ 10, Grand Bend, Ont. N(I\4 ITO. 15:16c PFR\1:\til-N1 PAR -1;1151E RNA to work 2 to 1 days per week in nursing home setting. call 348-8861. 16c ORGANIS-I or pianist immediately. Grecns'as 1'niied Church. Salah negouahlc. Phone 238-2645 or 294-619(1 mistime. -- - 16' R1 1 151)I I I'I RSON lo bahysit 2 sr. old ,hiring lull and \ugust. ( 235-0931 11114'1 (4 p.111 {6c The Victorian Order of Nurses needs Registered Nurses to work in Huron County (Ex- eter region) a full time and • casual part-time position are available. Contact Mrs. L. McDonald 271-7991 :RUST WANTED: CHECKSALESPERSON We ore looking for an enthusiastic salesperson to help promote and sell a proven rust preventative. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and must be able to communicate effectively. LADIES WELCOME. Apply in confidence to: EXETER MOTORS LTD., RUST CHECK CENTRE, EXETER ONTARIO INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN Fleck Manufacturing Inc., a leading manufacturer of automotive wiring assemblies hos an opening in the maintenance dept. for on Industrial Maintenance Electrician. This is a new position in which the duties include electrical maintenance of buildings and all existing and new production equipment and controls as well as mechanical maintenance ac- tivities on production equipment and test facilities. The suc- cessful candidate will hove a valid Ontario Electrician's Licence wand related experience in a manufacturing environment. Qualified persons should forward resume in confidence to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Avenue, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 Att: Mr. Ron Maxwell, Maintenance Manager 4 Help Wanted GRAND BEND AREA. Fast food takeout requires window people and short order cook. Sundays only 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May through Sept. Pleasant personality. neat ap- pearance. Aggressise people need only app- Iy. Phone 1-666-0094 after 6 p.m. 16c CLASS A !MECHANIC in St. Nlarys area. Send resume and salary expected to Bos 57, St. Marys Journal Argus, St. Marys, On- tario. 16c DINING R(X)N1 HELP required, roust be legal age full-time or pari -time, willing to work weekends. Phone for appointment 235-2949. Three AAA See Restaurant. 16:17c CAPABLE experienced person required for handling, all aspecii of feed still. Apply 10 Centralia Farmers Supply, Centralia. 16c SOUTH HURON RECREATION CEN- TRE taking applications for Roller Skating - Cruisers and Rental persons. Direct ap- plications to Rec Centre office. - 16c TELEPHONE INSTALLER - The Flay Municipal Telephone System: an indepen- dent telephone company, head office at Zurich, Ontario, requires an experienced combination installer -construction person to install and service telecommunications equipment, telephone cables and SCIV1CC wires, etc. Qualified applicants are re- quested to send resumes prior to April 30,1985 in complete confidence to: Hay Municipal Telephone Systems, Attention: Plant Superintendent, Bos 99, Zurich, On- tario, N0\1 270. 16:17c 5 Business Opportunities FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn -at- home correspondence Diploma Courses. Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television. Sen icing, Tras:l. Granton (5A), 263 Adelaide Street Wet, Toronto. Call 1-800-268-1121. 461 I x 6 Services POWER HOUSE ' ELECTRIC MOTORS Huron St. E. 235-1319 Complete farm motor service Power Tool Repairs 43tIh Ted Duchorme HOME RENOVATIONS Replacement sinyl windows Aluminum doors & storms 46 Main St. Zurich, Ontario PHONE 236-4162 or 236-4830 , 441 f n DAVE'S DECOR (RON and DAVE HEIMRICH) �v SID INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING - PAPERING Wallcovering Designs for every taste Zurich 236-4941 41111, JACK'S PLUMBING and HEATING For all your plumbing and heating installations Rural, Residential. Commercial Water Heaters, Sol tellers and Pumps Jock Mover 235-0581 Start C11-ANIN(• (11 1 1.01 .1( IiAS1-\1FNI OR GAR A(it"' We will pick up what you don't wane. I)chscn seri ice asailahle lot your larger items. Phone 291-3074. 2iht Ai 'S ( ARI4 1 and %in\I in4talla33033s. qualils work. !nix:t weed. Free estimates Call 211A5 -0171 da‘, .incl 2-1)-1077 cs ening. 1111n 6 Services Gene's starts Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES, - RR 1 Dashwood. Ont. NOM ONO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL- antiques and used fur- niture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964.13i ELECTRIC MOTORS * Rewinding * Repairs " Saks & Service • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Blue Ribbon Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN FEED SERVICES INC. K i rkton -229-6525 MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable NWelding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair ()I'E:N 6 DAN'S A WEEK Earl Miller 237-3365 DON BENDER ELECTRIC LTD. Dashwood For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PH: 237-3575 inn 181 291 A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Custom Homes • Aluminum & Vinyl • Siding • Roofing 'Free estimates' • Additions Dashwood 237.3516 `Dave clader ConstruCtio71_4 HOMES • COTTAGES - ( • RENOVATIONS DASHWOOD, TEL 237 3412 EXCAVATING • Weeping Beds • Footings • Basements & General Backhoe work Snow -Con Excavating Owned and operated by Jim Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. The Township of Stephen Invites applications for the following: 1 Head Supervisor 3 Instructional - Guards 1 Cashier For the Stephen Township Swimming Pool in Huron Park applicants with Red Cross and RLSS Instructors, NLS, First Aid and CPR preferred. Please send letter of application and resume by April 22 to: Lynne Farquhar, Recreational Director South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 SUPERVISOR required by automotive ports manufacturer in the Exeter area. Past experience should include supervision of persons in o union environment. Successful applicants will be fully responsible for all production activities in the molding dept. Attractive starting salary and full benefits program offered to career oriented persons. Send resume to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Avenue, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 Att: Mr. Max Learn, Plant Superintendent 6 Services CONii'UILR INSI-RL'('IION - Word processing, spread sheets, BASIC program- ming etc. Small group instruction by Peter Aunger. 235-2877. 15-17e R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs, Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, - Log splitters Cushion truck bumpers Farm Tractor and Truck Repair Licenced Mechanic PH: 236.4501 - Zurich. Ont. CECIL R. SQUIRE Sales with Service Supplying a full line of Repair Shop Eguipment Some people find our Services Helpful P H : 235-0465 5111, 911 tic ti 3i( BAN WELD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs & Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition 1/4 Phone 234-6339 STIHL Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill day Wednesday r Lanlanz Dashwood 237-3677 CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes & Renovations Farm Buildings Exeter NOM 1S0 Phone: (519) 235-0533 Windows, Doors Cupboards, Drywall & Repairs Give Harold a call for a free estimate ID CONTRACTING 235-0941 "Quality Workmanship at u Reasonable Price'' Custom Home BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal • Aluminum Siding Soffits fascia Eavestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDANL CONST. LTD. Cliff Products 234-6711 /114 Ron 234-622 6 Services DESJARDINE CONTRACTING. Bulldozing, Raking, Grain hauling, Truck- ing, Sanding, Snowplowing, Backhoeing. Phone 238-2734. 22t In Rowe Electric s Plumbin RR I Woodham • Rural - Residential Coinmercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowo 235-0906 229-6284 Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 REDI-MIX CONCRETE CALL US FOR ' All Typos of Concrete Work Rodl-Mls Concrete end formwork • Pretest products dealer • Mongers • Slats • Steps • Curbs McCANN N.dS-Mix 1111x. Dashwood Exeter 237-3647 235-0338 PAINTING EXTERIOR & INTERIOR EXPERIENCE REFERENCES FREE ESTIMATES NIELSEN BROS. SEAFOR060TH 527-3 Flo•Rite Eavestroughing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available Also - Easvestrough Screening - shingle starter Ken McCann Jock Glavin 234-6401 237-3707 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT Specializing in Replacement 4���-99`■MM�Y ; Windows 4r�`�CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ed� 6 +AI Van Haarlem Construction 23522210 Our reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship • Triebner Electric Call 235-1756 anytime Trenching for * water lines * drain tile * under- ground wiring