HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-04-17, Page 16-Advocat April 17. OPTIMIST WINNERS From left: Art Bell. president of the Lucan Optimist Club; Vic Neil, manager of Darling's IGA. Gerry Bartley, the winner of the Optimist 30 second shopping spree; Mr. and Mrs. Clay Murray, who won the first prize but gave it up to help the Optimist Club. Lucan couple escape from forced landing A Lucan pilot. Donald Jon Maloft. and his wite Tonia Lee, trade an emergency landing in a plowed tyheatfield Sunday after their engine quil in slid -air. The plane rolled over nose first. and Donald. 25 was slightly hurt. receiv- ing a cut in his ear that required five stitches to close. He was treated al Charlotte Eleanor Englehart. Hospital in Petrolia and released. Tonia, 22. was not injured. SAFE ON THE GROUND Donald and Tonio Malott, seen here in front of their Lucan home, are safe after making a crash landing on Sunday in their small plane. Luca n and district news scwillk!!!/"Nikplignookirm• Susan Cook 227-4911 Report on missions given at UC service At Lucan United Church service Sundae morning. ;11r. Brown dedicated ten hymn hooks, given by the family, in loving memory of Mrs. Eleanor Darling. Ed Melanson gave the monthly "Minute for Missions" on behalf of the Mission and Service Committee of the Church. reporting that 17 percent of the S9(NNt missions objective has been receiKed so far this year. Ile pointed out that 20 countries in Africa are now experiencing drought. and that one among every three :Alricans is threatened with starvation The World Development and Relief Fund of the United Church continues to respond to this need. Regular giving to the ;11. and S. fund. and special contributions tor the hungry through this fund are Itwogo(xI ways for United -Church people 14) obey Christ's command to "Feed the hungry Barb t:thson. assisted by daughters Arnie and Sarah holden. welcomed those trrn Ing for service. and later received 1he ot1ering Inning their an - there lime. the Choir taught the cnn- grega1w0n a worshuplul chorus. "Jesus. Beaulit(11 Saviour" Linda F'roa1s took eh1i'ge of the children's story time. She Told the boys and girls about Keith. who iust couldn't renumber Indo his dally chores 13111 when his mother helped ism to (rake a chore chart which he could stark each day. Keith's memory inlpro-(•d. and everyone V as happier' (;luria Maier Irxik the children for junior COO EreeaIion brie Mt Broin continued his sermon series on F:phesuuls chaiiler 4. with the theme. "'hiving as Children of Light.' A bouquei of daffodils. and also the bulletins. were provided by the Loran Branch n1 the Cancer Society as a reminder 4)1 their (current drive Inr funds Cuatitlt; r1111% Choir ('hour sleets at the usual pr1c(nt' hour. 1%edin- l.iy at 7 30 p rn Thurs- day from 5-7 is the annual Church Hot Beef Supper at the arena. Tickets (adults $6.00, children $3.00. preschooler free l are available from UCW members, or at the door. Next Sunday at 7:30 p.m. there will be a special meeting of the Charge Official Board to deal with the almagamation of ('landeboye and Lucan congrega- tions. All members of the Board are urged to be present. Saturday. May 11 is the Couples' Club Garage Sale. Donations of 'useful junk" would be appreciated. The Sacrament of infant Baptism will he celebrated on Mol hers' Day. May 12. Interested parents please contact Mr. Brown as soon as possible. Bryanston club enjoy card play The Bryanston Friendship club met in Christian Education Room of Bryanston Church on Wednesday with attendance of 43. Audrey McRoberts welcomed everyone lo the meeting and read a poem "Resurrection" followed by the singing of (1' Canada. with :Muriel ('obleigh al the piano llatppy birthday was sung lin Carman 1lodgins and hector Robinson. Beth Buchanan gave anal details nn bus trip to Halibut -ton area. 00 June 5. 6 1111(1 7 Donations were made to Bunny Bundle and firvanston Church A discussion followed on a day trip later on 14) the Playhouse at (:rand Bend. Mary Rhame was in charge of the pnigrant. Betty Houlston took us on a trip to Australia by way of slides and commentary. Albert Richardson. Toronto. brother of Mary Rha me. played violin selections Games were payed and euchre win- ners were high. Ethel Lewis and :Ilton 'I'hOdy: lone hands, Ethel The plane. owned by Donald and his father, was badly damaged, but the Malotts don't yet know how much repairs will cost. Asked if they will fly again. Tonia said. "definitely". Taking the experience fairly calm- ly, Donald said, "i hope you don't blow this -out of proportion.:' He said 'he had no choice -but to land in a plow- ed field. because all the fields around were plowed. but that it was hardly the ideal landing place. The wheat - field was 20 kilometres southeast of Sarnia. The couple was on route from Huron Park to Windsor when the engine trouble started over Moore Township. Pelrolia OPP said. The Malotts, who live at 113 Alice St., are newcomers to Lucan. Focus on the Family The problem of depression among wives who choose to stay at home and raise. their children. was the subject of Dr. Dobson's sixth seminar on Family life at Lucan United Church on Tuesday evening. Low self-esteem, combined with fatigue and time pressurg, are two chief causes of this common condition. Dr. Dobson pointed out. Whereas a man's self- esteem depends largely upon his work. a woman's sense of self-worth is closely related to a satisfying rela- tionship with her husband. The rush of modern life often eliminates the time that is necessary to build such a relationship. Time must be found for this priority if a solid marriage is to be maintained. Coffee and discussion groups followed the showing of the film. The last film in the series is entitled, "What Women Wish Husbands Knew About Women - Money, Sex. Children". it will he shown at the church Tuesday. April 16 at 7:30 p.m. All are invited. Friendship Unit. UCW Beth Cowdrey was in charge of the program at the April Friendship Unit meeting. UCW, at the church on Wednesday evening. Using the theme "Friendship", Beth led in a devo- tional time which included hymns. scripture. prayer and readings which emphasized the need to value true friendship and to nurture it. Continu- ing the Mission Stujly on Korea. Beth spoke about some of the injustices ex- perienced by women in present day Korea and about the efforts of a woman Christian lawyer to assist them through a Legal Aid Centre. A filmstrip "Women in Korea", gave a view of the life of women in both South and North Korea. A time of discussion followed the fihnsh ip. Unit Leader Linda Froals took charge of the business meeting which followed. She reminded the members of the -Regional LJCW Rally at Carli- sle on May 1. and announced the !Wip- ing Hands Pot Luck Lunch for volunteers at the Legion on April 16, following which there will be a film and discussion. Plans were made for the May meeting, and members were asked to bring ideas for the group's annual outing1 in June. (.rose and Wilfred Buchanan: lots. Lulu ('ultxTl and Elmar Burnard Crokinole Isobel Robinson and Muriel ('ohleigh Lost Heir. Beth Buchanan and \'I(' tor Smith. scrabble, Greta Gibson. lucky plate. Wilfred Buchanan. The next meeting to (x' held on May I. with a pot luck dinner. A lovely lunch was served by committee with tables decorated with Easter favors and.1 social half hour was enjoyed. Committee for this meeting were Percy and Ma ry Rhame. .1ean i)onley. Merna O'Neill and Marjorie (►Nell Winner turns in prize Optimists win in spree Gerry Bartley of Lucan managed to and such activities as the bike rodeo, beneficiaries of the gift. There are pack $244.58 worth of groceries into baseball and hockey, soccer, the gym- some of the youth activities supported two carts in a wild 30 -second shopp- nasties club and karate, as probably by the Optimist Club. ing spree Wednesday. Bartley won the spree from the Lucan Optimist Club, the second prize of their annual fundraising draw. She concentrated on the meat counter, and threw in a large box of detergent and some cof- fee for good measure. Vic Neil. manager of Darling's IGA in Lucan, supervised the spree. Clay Murray of Exeter won the first prize in the draw, a three minute shopping spree at the Lucan IGA, but decided to donate the value of his prize to the Optimists instead, to help fund their youth activities and pro- grams. Explaining why he gave up the free groceries, Murray said, "We don't really need it, and I'm more in- terested in seeing the money go to youth." Murray is a great supporter of youth programs; in Exeter he is the Youth Education Chairman of Legion Branch 167. The values of the spree would have been at least $400, and probably closer to $600 at today's prices. Art Bell, president of the Lucan•Op- timist Club, said that the generosity of the Murrays is greatly appreciated. Bell cited groups like the Boy Scouts Local kegler wins tourney On Saturday. April 6, the third an- nual Shamrock Open bowling tourna- ment was held at Lucan Bowling Lanes. There were a total of 63 entries with Sandy Hyde of Lucan taking top prize of $240.00. Sandy, who bowls in the local U.B.C. league on Tuesday afternoons, entered the tournament with a 152 average and he rolled a total of 948 for five games to end up with 188 pins over his average. Second prize of $120.00 went to Sharon Gibson of Lucan with a plus of 165. Audrey Watt of Lucan was third with a plus 164 and won $90.00..Fourth place was worth $60.00 and was won by Tom Boyes of Stratford. Tom was the oldest competitor at the age of 74. Ron Dickey of Lucan came in fifth and won $50.00, while Roger Edwards of Stratford was sixth and took home $40.00. Entrants for this tournament came from London, Stratford, St. Marys,• Lambeth, St. Thomas, Wat- ford, Exeter. Huron Park and Lucan. Special thanks to all of the Lucan and District merchants who donated prizes for this tournament. Sunshine and Busy Buddies A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed at the Scout Hall as we entertained , other Seniors groups from Parkhill. Ailsa Craig and Granton to a dessert euchre. The desserts were delicious and 22 tables were in play for euchre and'one for Crokinole. The singing of 0' Canada was observed before the games progressed_ Prizewinners were ladies' high - Margaret Carter; ladies' tones '- Becky Ross; ladies' low - Shirley Mid- dleton. Gent's high - Art Thompson; gent's lone - Mary Kooy playing a man's card and gent's low - Harold Sercombe. Lucky number 54 won by Verna Dowdall and Nora Wissel. Lucky chair winner Gordon Fraser. Crokinole winners - Gote Wen- nerstrom and Greta Gibson. More Lucan news on page 5:1 *sa:szss�ca STERLING FUELS r r r 1s r SPRING • OIL SPECIAL • VALVOLINE (12 . 1 ulre C...1 10W30 20W50.. 10W40 11 5.90 110.50 $48.50 QUAKER STATE ( 2 • 1 1.11r• C...i Super Blend 10W30 1688 ULTRALUBE (T.. 1 Ulr. C...1 10W30 1OW40 Transmission Fluid -F Transmission Fluid Denton Heavy Outy 130 Series 3 1130 . Series 3 15W40 4 x 4 Ulm Jugs Hydraulic 011 Ultra Trans Gear 00 Grease Tubes 131.20 132.40 133.50 134.75 131.20 133.50 123.20 10 1 P..ql 122.75 531.00 132.00 11.15 Tub, STP OII Treatment 124.90 1 ► ..ot) rm. C.w Gas Treatment $19.00 , 1 . 150 n,( Case Power Steering Fluid 114.99 42 . 350.ws Ca.. Brake Fluid $/e.99 u . 330..t Ca.. Son of a Gun $34.99 12 . 7100.4. Cna REO JERRY CANS 1 Gallon 2 Gallon 5 Gallon Blue 20 LIlre Kerosene 14.39 15.90 19.40 17.49 • 41 0 N p,4 • • • 49 Similar Savings On Other Producli and Packaged Sixes Avail ARLF FROM M ▪ STERLING FUELS 0 • Doug Erb 14 ZURICH 236-4555 « Bev Bumsteod Fuels » R.R. No, 3 Luton 227.4241 « 2080 Huron St. London 432-3000 •Im � PROUD MOTHER From left. Lorraine Smith. candidate Bryan Smith's mother, Muriel Cableigh and I:i Edythe Murdy. all of Lucan, at the Conservative banquet on Tuesday. Mrs. Smith commented about her 35(Eri.RFCEPARLMEEVARKBRERA son, 'He always looked good in blue". FAST SHOPPER checkout after prize in the is at left. her Gerry 30 second Bartley of Lucan (centre) relaxes at the IGA shopping spree. Bartley won second Club draw. Vic Neil manager of Darling's IGA Optimist g3U1VrIBF,T00 7'1 DpcnOi • ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 out (519) 235-0101 ( WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JO9EPII F. DARLING ( F.RTIFIHD t,ENEQAl. ACCO(JNTANT 'TWA n 1 9-90 -2 1)et THE o11) TOWN BALI. 8212 MAIN NTI(EET EXETRR. ONTARIO NOM ISO AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insursuccess of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0633 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get ActionSellBy Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (519) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" Mclver RR 2, Luton, Ontario (519)227-4111 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s 8 Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love R.R. 3 Porkhill . 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