HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-03-20, Page 39Page 4 T -A Horne Improvement, March 20, 1985
Beautify your outdoor wood and have
long, lazy, carefree days all summer
You can prepare now for a rarelree
summer by sprucing up your outdoor
wood decks, porches, railings and fences
this spring wmh d fresh coat 01 stain or
dear wtxxl preser atrsc, ads INC the home
improvement experts at Olympic Stain. a
leading maker of paint and stain products
fur the home
By follow tug a tew easy steps. the
homeowner can prepare no% lir the long.
lacy days 01 outdoor living that make sum-
mer the special time that it is
The ravages of winter
Keep in mind, say Olympic experts,
that your outdoor wood is more vulnerable
to the ravages of winter than your home,
since decks, fences and porches generally
are unprotected from the direct effects of
rain. wind and sun. They are more apt to
deteriorate more quickly than the siding of
your house.
A fresh coat of preservative stain or
clear wood preservative at least once every
two years will protect and preserve the
beauty and durability of your outside
areas. say the Olympic experts.
And the more beautitul your patios and
decks are, the more enjoyment you and
your family v. ill get 1min them all summer
and fall.
An easy weekend project
In moss► cases. an enure outdoor patio
area can he given new life in lust a single
weekend. particularly if the followirig
tine -saving steps are taken.
Frit, plan carefully what is required to
do the job right. Order a generous amount
01 Inc preservative stain or clear wood pre-
servative you select well in advance.
Measure the area, plan out your steps.
and remember to nerve your patio furni-
ture, flower boxes and that barbecue be-
fore you begin.
Then, sweep the area thoroughly with a
hard bristle broom, looking for signs of
deterioration which may require scrub-
bing with a wire brush.
Once swept and brushed, the wood
should be washed with warm water and a
household cleanser to lift out unseen
patches of dirt and grime. Hose the area
and let it dry thoroughly.
AN ITNINTERRl1PTED SIMMER of outdoor enjoyment is assured for homeown-
ers who beautify and protect their outdoor decks, patios and fences this spring, say
the hone improvement experts at Olympic Stain, a leader in home care products.
Protection and beauty
For the max 111111111 in protection and
beauty. it is important that you select pre-
servative stain or clear wood preservative
formulated for deep penetration of your
wood surfaces
Linseed oil is a preferred ingredient for
both deep penetration and wood strength-
ening properties, say the Olympic experts
Select a dear wtxid preservative for all
unstained surfaces to strengthen the wood
fibers while enhancing the natural look of
the wood
lira add color, apply a coat of wood pre-
servative, water repellent stain, such as
Olympic Weather Screen septi -transparent
stain in the shade of your choice. This adds
color while allowing the natural texture
and beauty of the wood grain to show
These preservative stains are designed
to repel water and prevent decay and mil-
dew from attacking your deck. They pro-
vide the extra protection needed to
maintain the beauty of your home's out-
side living areas.
Find the color for you
An added tip — experiment with differ-
ent colors of stains to find which one best
complements your home and property.
Seek the advice of your Olympic dealer
and try various stain colors on small sam-
ples of wood scraps or those hidden, un-
rseen areas of your porch or patio to see the
impact of the larger project.
Porches. decks. fences, walkways. rail-
ings. stairs. outdoor wooden furniture and
planters all need the extra protection of a
preservative stain to maintain their beauty.
Reprotecting your outdoor wood every
couple of years will keep it looking fresh
and beautiful for years of outdoor living
To learn more about how to beautify and
protect your outdoor wood surfaces. con-
tact your nearby Olympic dealer. or write
to Olympic Stain for your copy of a free
Booklet available
Write to Olympic Wood Beauty. 1932
First Ave. — 800, Seattle. WA 98101. for
your free booklet on protecting and beauti-
fying your outdoor wood surfaces.
ttillilr � ..
ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS — New aluminum replacement windows
will look good and stay that way for a long time to rouse. Aluminum minims `ale
nuintenance and retains its original new look.
Aluminum replacement windows
save energy and beautify homes
Lening energy escape from your home
is like throwing money out the window.
Poorly designed or deteriorated win-
dows can cost you up to a third of your air
conditioning and heating expense. By in-
stalling aluminum replacement windows,
you can cut your energy bills while im-
proving the appearance of your home.
Heat always travels from a warmer, area
to a colder one. It leaks in during the sum-
mer and seeps away in winter. The loss of
energy occurs in two ways: Conduction
(traveling through solid objects such as a
pane of glass) and infiltration (leaking
through the cracks).
Conduction can be held in check by in-
stalling double -glazed replacement win-
dows, which have two panes of glass
between you and the outside.
A snug fit
The extra glass and the air space
trapped between the panes provide added
insulation against heat conduction. And an
aluminum window with a thermal break in
its frame reduces conduction through the
infiltration can be minimized by mak-
ing certain windows fit snugly. To detect
Hiring an insulation contractor...
Eight answers to the most frequently -asked -questions
Although some 10 years have passed
since the oil embargo shocked the nation
into taking drastic measures to conserve
energy, today's wise homeowner is still in-
vestigating ways to make the family home
even more energy-efficient.
Energy costs continue to rise on a yearly
basis, and experts at the CertainTeed
Home Institute suggest that additional in-
sulation is still one of the homeowner's
best weapons for fighting rising monthly
energy bills.
While most attics and garages can be in-
sulated by a do-it-yourselfer in one after-
noon, maximum energy savings are
obtained by insulating an entire house. To
properly insulate inaccessible areas such
as side walls. a professional home insula-
� tion contractor4houldhe_consutted.
The CertainTeed Home nstitute as
found that many homeowners are con-
cerned about how to select an insulation
contractor. In response to this, the Home
Institute has compiled a list of questions
most commonly asked by homeowners
and provided the following answers:
What exactly is an insulation contrac-
An insulation contractor is a profes-
sional who is specially trained to properly
install insulation, to determine where to
add insulation, and to advise how much in-
sulation is required to give the best return
on an investment in energy conservation.
How do I locate an insulation contrac-
Looking in the telephone hook under
"Insulation Contractors" or "Insulation
Materials" is a good place to begin. Con-
tacting a local contractor's association or
asking your friends or neighbors who've
had their homes insulated is also a good
Once I've identified local insulation
contractors, homy do 1 know who's respon-
Any qualified insulation contractor will
provide: Credentials, references. written
estimates and high quality products.
How do I check an insulation contrac-
tor's credentials?
Start by contacting the Better Business
Bureau. They'll tell of any complaints
against a particular contractor. Local con-
tractor associations.can also be of assist-
ance in this area. They can tell you if the
.1 i .1
Most important, ask the contractor for
references. If he's well established in the
community, he should have a list of satis-
fied customers that he would feel confi-
dent to have you,contact. Talk with some
of the people on the list to get their opin-
ions of the contractor's work and profes-
Should I obtain firm estimates before
hiring an insulation contractor?
Yes, by all means do. Take firm esti-
mates in writing of the work that is to be
done from several insulation contractors
before selecting one. Also. get the types of
the materials to be used by brand name
and product description in writing as well/
The easiest way to avoid disappoint-
ment and misunderstanding is to have
everything spelled out clearly before the
job begins.
How do 1 compare which estimates are
the best'
To properly compare them. make sure
that the estimates you ask for are for com
parable jobs. using the same materials,
quality of workmanship and R -value.
Thickness alone is not the best measure-
ment of insulation value, R -value is. The
R -value is the measure of an insulating ma-
terial's resistance to heat flow. The higher
the R -value, the greater the insulating
How do i know which materials an insu-
lation contractor suggests are the best
ones for my home?
Fiber glass is the most popular kind of
home insulation and is available in rolls,
batts and blown -in forms. it's an ex -
cause it contains millions of tiny air
pockets that resist the flow of heat.
One product that more and more con-
tractors are recommending is Insul-Safe°
II. the fiber glass blown -in insulation from
CertainTeed. Quality tested and manufac-
tured to demanding standards, instil -Safe
11 offers superior thermal performance.
In addition. it is non-combustible, will
not absorb moisture, and will not rot or de-
cay. Plus, it is not treated with chemicals
that can cause noxious odors or corrosive
effects on pipes and wiring.
It was the first insulation of its kind to
be certified by the National Associatkin of
Horne Building Research Foundation un-
der its labeling program.
Once I 'yr selected a contractor, should
I hair a specific contract drawn up for the
Yes. by all means. Like the estimate. it
should include materials to be used and a
completion date.
infiltration, simply holo a fluffy feather, a
strip of tissue or a lighted candle at the
edge of the window frame on a windy day.
If infiltration is severe, such tests are un-
necessary: yeu can feel the draft.
Any properly installed replacement
window will reduce infiltration. But a
thermalized aluminum window will do the
job longer.
Shape and strength
Aluminum will retain its shape and
strength throughout the year, but wood
may shrink or warp and vinyl can warp
away from the weather stripping. Also,
aluminum's finish often lasts as long as the
house. -
Replacing windows may seem like a
major overhaul, but the process can be
done with little disruption at a reasonable
cost. An installer usually can remove the
old sash and weights and have the replace-
ment finished in less than one hour per
Family involvement
Involving every member of the family
in some part of the spring cleaning and
home improvement projects will make
these jobs seem less overwhelming
Even young children can help to pack
away their winter clothes and return warm
weather clothes to drawers and shelves.
Be sure to consider all the ways that the
interior of your home can be brightened.
Does the bathroom need a new look? Or
does the living room carpet need to be re-
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