HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-03-20, Page 29South Huron Rec Centre Arena Activities Wednesday, March 20 4-5 Precision 6-7 Minor Hockey 7-8 Ringette 8:30-11 Mohowks vs Teeswater Thursday, March 21 10-11 1-2 Moms & Tots 4-8 Figure Skating 8-9 Ringette 9-10 AIA Friday, March 22 9:30-11:30 Shinney 4-8 Figure Skating 8-9:30 Molting Hawks vs Goderich Saturday, March 23 8-3 Figure Skating Test Day 4-5 Minor Hockey 6:30-7:30 Ringette 7:30-9 Minor Hockey Sunday, March 24 2-3:30 Public Skating Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club Monday, March 25 2:30-8:00 Figure Skating 8-9:30 Molting Hawks vs Strathroy Tuesday, March 26 10 - 11 1 2 Moms and Tots Bessie is dead spent the weekend at her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator. Brenda has been taking a hair dressing course at Marvel Studios in London and is finished Friday. Master Dennis England, Huron Park spent Friday night with Brenda Glanville and Grandma and Grandpa Preszcator. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed Re'gele and Nor- man Huble\-. RK 4 Walton. also visiting them were Mr and Mrs Lloyd E. Regele, KR 1 Princeton. Itirs Marion Mallard is :1 patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs. Marion Schenk celebrated her birthday, 'Thursday. Relatives and friends gave her a surprise bir'Ihdav party. Hensall Bean Pot Hwy. No. 4 New Hours: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. 4 p.m. Sat. Closed Sunday Chicken Nugget Dinner 3.95 Fish Burger 1.60 Egg on a muffin (with cheese and ham 1.50) 1.25 -Breakfast Special 2 eggs, home fries, choice of meat, beverage Specials $1.95 • (TNI SQUARE • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • CHUCK NORRIS - GOOIRKM • 114 - MI • • PLAYING TILL THURSDAY • • • • • • Tues. - Thurs. 8 p.m. BRUTAL VIOLENCE' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rhe sure Ming comes once m 0 4rerrme twr the rear thing rusts forever EMU._SSSY - EE COMING SOON Showtimes: Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9 p.m. cue. - Thurs. 8 p.m. *Every Tuesday is '2.00 night 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PARINtSI • GUIDANCE • • cOl AInflANauAGrl • 1lt,.........-.h'," • • AU -NETT, ALL•LITI 01A CARTOON! Never before shows The greatest laity tale r-' ... to lite And 1 was never till^'^'e \.dQ1 ••••••••‘••••••••••000•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - prtunled fn gro , nq glorious • • SAT. -SUN. • MAR. 23 - 24 • MATINEE • at • + 2:00 P.M. • ONLY • ran,.iv • SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Spring Programs '85 GET FIT AEROBICALLY Instructor - Marlene Moore - Mon. and Wed. evenings. 8 9 -p.m. - starts Mon. April 1st - S28.00 for 8 weeks - EPS Gym Min. No. 15 Max. No. 35 "TRIM -A -SIZE" (Evenings) - Instructor Laura Overholt - Mon. and Wed. evenings. 7 - 8 p.m. - starts Mon. April 1st - S28.00 for 8 weeks - EPS Gym Min. No. 15 Mox. No. 35 "TRIM -A -SIZE" (mornings) Instructor - Anne Robinson • Tues. and Thurs. mornings 9:30 - 10:30 a m. - starts Tues., April 2nd - 528.00 for 8 weeks South Huron Rec Centre - Min. No 15 Mo c. No. 35 LADIES VOLLEYBALL recreational volleyball continues on Tues. evenings of the high school new gym from 7:30 • 9:30 p.m. - cosywill be 54.00 for the month of April (por ticipolits can pay at the school on April 2nd) • Registration for spring programs '85 will take ploce of the Rec Centre -on Thursday March 28th - 7 - 9 p.m. and friday March 29th - 9 - 12 and 1 . 5 p.m. First-come, First-served. No phone reservations please!! REGISTRATION FOR Exeter Minor Hardball. Exeter Minot Soccer, Exeter Minor Softball Saturday March 30th and Saturday April 13th 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. of the Roc Centre For information call: Hardball • Dwayne Tinney 235.1408, Soccer - Martin DeBruyn 234 6791. Soft- ball - Rob Drouillord 235.1199. GOLF LESSONS instructor - Terry O'Rourke - Thurs. evenings 7:30 9 30 p to - starts Thrus. April 18th - 521 .00 for 6 weeks - high school old gym April 18. 25 - high school new gym May 2 9 16 23 min. no. 10 - max. no. 20 bring golf clubs if you hove them "ESSO SWIM CANADA" - Competitive Swim Training - Vanastra Rec Centre Thurs evenings 6:30 7:30 p.m - starts Thurs.. April 11th • 525.00 for 10 weeks • cor pooling will be set up arnong poi 1:' poet,. max. of 20 accepted RED CROSS FIRST AID d CPR - courses in both will be offered by 'bra Re: (r" coming up in Moy - watch the newspaper k,r dole- - anyone interested should call the Rec Cr"st,r, sr• w' hove on idea of numbers LADIES SLO-PITCH - annual meeting for all coaches u,id p!.ryots Thurs. April 18th. Rec Centre 30 p 'ss anyone interested en tofnfr,g of e'6tr•i .'to te,r7 should attend MENS REC LEAGUE FASTBALL meeting will be held sometfrnr• • April vatic! the TA for dote lot information Contort Mike ' -1:1•f -) r )r.1`• 19 Property For Sale BRICK, semi-detached, in slew of South Huron Hospital. Lach halt contains 3 bedrooms, dining, lisingroonl, kitchen, lull basement, electric heat. front porch and garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420.3111n HOUSE I -OR SALE - Starter or retirement home for sale in gtxxl residential area. close to downtown, lull basement. attached garage. nice pnsate yard. loss heat .111d taxes, well maintained in excellent cundi- ion, priced to sell. Phone 235-0432 or app- ly 189 William St. any time. 3t fn DASHWOOU - older 2 storey home on Main Street. 3-4 bedrooms, separate garage, wish double lot and town waa•r. 521,500.00. Phone 237-3290. 8-12. HOUSE Krick, 1 storey. 3 bedroom. hill basement. recent gas furnace, carport. 299 Andress St. Phone 235-0666. I01111 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME with attach - cd garage plus 3 bay garage, %mall barn on property. Approx. 3' : acres of land. ' - mile out o1 11c+isall on pater.] road. Phone 262-5912 or 262-5089. 11:13• 5 ACRES - house and Karn near I- wiel. Phone 234-6425 after 5:30 p.in 11:12c Tenders will be received for painting the exterior of Zion United Church, Crediton. Tenders to be submitted by April 3, 1985. For further information contact Ross Pickering RR 3 Dashwood, Ontario. NOM 1 NO The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HURON COUNTY COURT HOUSE TENDER FOR CEILING & LIGHTING Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon EDT. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1985 for County of Huron Court House ceiling R lighting -19155. Specifications are available from: SNIDER, REICHARD & MARCH 37 ALLEN ST., WATERLOO N2L IC9 Tel. (S19) 576.5600 upon refundable deposit of '25.00. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. B.G. HANLY Clerk Treasurer R Administrator County of Huron Court House, Goderich. N7A 1M2 will be accepted by the undersigned until 12:00 noon April 3, 1985 from individuals, companies, or corporations to provide garbage collection under contract with the Corporation of the Village of Hensall a ccording to proposed By-law //008-85. Mrs. E. Oke Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensall 108 King Street Henson, Ontario NOM 1X0 519-262-2812 Further information May be obtained from the Clerk's Office. NO PROPOSAL NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 19 Property For Sole (,RAND BEND two bedroom crus charmer on quiet street near brach. 1 arge treed lot. Prisale this,: Shed 539.900: PI 238-8210. 12t111 BIUDUI PH [1\ P. 10u ages cash crop land. 2 slides 3 bedroom brick home. un plrnteni shed. Ci111act 10111 Reidy Ready 1 td.. Realior 347-2358. 12:13.• 20 Property For Rent 2 _ BLI)R(X)M AI'-\Kr\IL.t.1. Includes appliances and feat, no pets. Brinsley - 6 miles north uI Atha ( erg. At :Wald*: Apr. I. Phone 293-35138. 121tui IIENSAI 1 - two bedroom apartment 111 clean, quiet building. S217.30 per month including heat. no per. Ph • 262-24119 or 262-2119. Iltlit ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT . Available April 1st With stove and fridge Rent includes all utilities, parking free. Maplewood+ Apartments for seniors in care of 8luewater Rest Home in Zurich 236-4373 1 2tIn KIK k ION - 3 bedroom house on large lot with garage. Phone 229 ur 284-3512. 12,13c HOUSE IN (IRANI) 1)1\I)asailablc May 1st. 3 bedrooms. central air and heal, satellite, good location. References re- quired. Phone 238-2371- 12:13. APR11 1ST - 1 arge 4 bedroom 2 storey older home in good sate on South \Iain St. Exeter. S4(0 -(KI per month. Phone 235-1891. 121111 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Tenders will be received by the undersigned for cutting grass at ball park, cenotaph and Municipal Complex and operating concession booth at ball park. Tenders must be submitted on tender forms available at the Clerk's Office. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by April 4. 1985. Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer R.R. No. 1 Varna NOM 2R0 NOTICE Users of the Township of McGillivray Waterline There will be an in- crease of 104 per -1,000 gallons on the water useage effective on the April Billing. The minimum bill for a three month period will be $18.00. 1 HURON COUNTY COURT HOUSE TENDER FOR WINDOW REPLACEMENT Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon EDT FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1985 for County of Huron Court House window replacement. 1985. Specifications ore available from: SNIDER REICHARD L MARCH 37 ALLEN ST., WATERLOO N2L 1C9 Tel.: (519) 5765600 upon refundable deposit of '50.00. The lowest or ony tender shall not necessarily be accepted. B.G. NANO' CLERK TREASURER & ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE. GODERICH. N7A 1M? Hay Municipal Telephone System offers FOR SALE BY TENDER Davis 30 4 Trencher equipped with P-60 Linelayer Closing date: April 9, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. "Invitation to purchase" forms are available by contacting: Hay Municipal Telephone System Box 99, Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 Telephone 519-236-4333 NOTICE The Municipal Councils of Seaforth and Tucker -smith cordially invite interested persons to attend a PUBLIC MEETING to be held on THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1985 a1 7:30 p.m. at the SEAFORTH TOWN HALL for the purposes of participating in a discussion regarding alternative solid waste management programs for Seaforth and Distract. The meeting is intended to bring the public up to dale on the current environmental assessment study and to discuss alternative methods of meeting the requirements for solid waste disposal prior to further investigation for the environmental report For more information concerning the above. contact the Clerk of Seaforth. JAMES CROCKER. during normal business hours JAMES CROCKER Clerk TOWN OF SEAFORTH 527-0160 20 Property For Rent Kl- EAU STOKE or office. Main St. Heal included in rent. Available March 1. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30. Sttn BUIL.UtN(i FOR KENT. 3500 sq. ft. with ollices, ample parking Call 235-2121.12c ONE BEDROOM fridge, stove, laundry parking for quiet adult. Phone 235-1497. 121)11 ONI- BEDROOM main fluor apartment. Iridge and suite supplied. asailable April 1. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 121111 21 For Rent I'1 \"N(X)1) FORMS, wedges, purtablece- ment mixer, Power Trowel, wheelbarrows. etc. form lies stocked. ('all N.J. ('orriseau, Zurich. 1 elephurle 236-4954. 5i 1 111- "OI I) TON N HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings. meetings, hanquer room. lectures. exhibitions. filets. etc. hit.he11 facilities available. Contact -Ellison Irasel, 235-20081. 8t fn 1.I\1l- SNARL a completely equipped 26 tt. sail boat from Bayfield and enjoy 451 days oI sailing through out 1985. For details crntac1 Brian ar Boat Share 519-433-9473 etenings 519-681-8573 or write to 102 Josephine St. London N51 31'3. 8-13c FAR\I 1 AND - approximately 100 acres, all workable, Zurich area. A.ccpling bids. Fur more information phone 471-4408. 11:I2c 23 Wanted To Rent 111Rl:l BEDROOM I•ARSI HOUSE., barn and fisc 10 10 trued a:res iu hseler area. Must lease ample water lire small livestock operation. 1wu-year lease or lodger preferred. Apply staling location. rental and length of !curl asailablc to Bos BAN, fie Fserer Times-Adsocate, Exeter. 45t is CASH CROP .1 ,\NI) for 1985. Contact Barry Willert 236-7741. ltlt f A\111.\" MAN looking for 3 or 4 bedroom house in Grand Bend ur surrounding arca for 2 weeks in August 1-313-373-4782 col - leer . 9- I4: HOUSE OK APAR1MENU in Lucan- (landeboye area for May 1st. ('all atter 6 p.111. 235-2440. 11:12c ANI) E0 RENT for 1985 season. Phone 234-6456. 11-14c \V( 1:1 1) 1 1k1- to reel good crop land, share basis or cash. Contact Love Farms, 236-4728 or 236-4808._ 12:13e \\'ANTIN(i TO RENT cash crop land for 1985 .eason and beyond in Whalen Corners area. Phone 229-6730. I 2c 0001) CASH CROs' 1 AND rent paid in adsance. Phone late etenings or early mor- nings. 228-6288. 1211n 27 Tenders Wanted SALE BY TENDER I hr following property being the North half of Lot 22. Cone. 3, 1 ow nship of Stephen containing. 50 acres more or less is offered for sale by tender. (>n the said lands there is said to he a house, barn and dosestled, a drilled well, 211) acres of winlcr wheal and 14 acres fall plowed. Terns: 1. Tenders ss ill be receiv- ed by Eimer 1). Bell, Q.C. up 10 April 9, 1985. 2. Tenders to he accent - '- c reque or percent of tender payable t0 Elmer D. Hell In frust. 3. 1 bghcsi tender 01 arty render 11551 necessarily accpted. 4. If tender accepted sale to he completed 30 days after accep- tance unless orherwisc agreed by the parties. 5. Usual Imus 85 10 search of title (20 days). Purchaser will pay 1985 lases. oilier wise, usual adjustments. 6. Cheques accompanying tenders will he returned if tender not accepted Benjamin Wallace Makins ti Ulmer D. Bill. Q.t. 417 \1x111 Si.. 1-setcr. Ontario Times -Advocate, March 20, 1985 Page 15A ELECT SLATE -- The Huron County 4-H leaders' association recently elected its executive. In the photo. rfrom left to right are, front row - past president Les Falconer of RR 5, Clinton, and president Terry Smith of RR 1, Walton. Back row. Adrian Brand of RR 2, Crediton, Ken Ramsey of RR 3 Blyth, Donna Hayden of RR 3, Goderich and Al Powe of RR 1, Exeter. Plops for last time Bingo By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Crediton East The Star of the last year's Sum- merfest passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lightfoot. It was Bessie the cow svho was the main star of Bessie Bingo. Doug informed me Sunday he has another Bessie to take her place. Miss Brenda Glanville. London BARN DANCE Friday, March 22 Singles Dance Music by Joe Overholt 8 The Standbys Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Saturday, March 23 Music by Lee Davidson 8, Sagebrush Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sunday, April 21 Ronnie Prophet Show 8 - 11 p.m. No blue jeans please 349-2678 Group reservations 12-I4c 28 Auction Sales (rl(iANII( 1 .,\R\1 l-QUII'\1l NT \ton - Clearance and( un- (learanceand( onsignnenl Atte . 1 ridas, \larch 22. 1985. 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held lomat I-riday each 111011111. New and used equipment including appros- Muirely 75 tractors. some industrial equip- • neral, trucks. seeding esuipmenl and oxer 2110 pieces of all types of farm equipment plus lawn and garden tactors. Spacial rule: his sale teatimes seseral consign11renis ttom area bo men plus and escellehl lineup of out own ins valor . terms cash or good cheque day it sale. Not responsible for ac- cidents on property. l trach booth and trucking at:tilahle. fracrors 10 hyy old in side. •\uciionccrCliff (iilhert.O of Orr lano''. lastest growing mom hls larm equip- ment cun,iy I)IIIClll atter ions. Wayne Ward fano 1 quganent. Highway No. 6. Wiar• ton. (Ontario Phone (5191 534-1638 or 534-2980. lis Wassrteds_, Call 635.1331 Bingo Lucan Arena Wednesday, March 20 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early Bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, share the wealth, standup bonanza Jackpot $1300 55 calls Air conditioned Proceeds for Arena Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted