HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-03-06, Page 20Page 8A Times -Advocate, March 6, 1985 16 For Sale STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantities. Buy now, while supplies last. Substantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120'. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. (Area code 807 call (705) 335-5972. 81fx S75,000 STOCK. Retail for a fise to a dollar variety store. Complete store ins en - tory including fixtures $30,000 17051 457-2592 or 457-2987. IOy REFRIGERATOR - 17 cu. ft. C'rosley, copper tone, in excellent working condi- tion, $175.00. Phone 235-1352. 10c Belgium -Endive (Witlof) $1.50 Ib. Apples $7.00 bushel Cider $3.00 gallon Also asailable •Red Cabbage •Potatoes •Onions Visscher Farms 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 Closed Sunday 49t fn ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints. Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30i Inv FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. ('all Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfrtc 17 Wanted To Buy FANNING MILL for cleaning srriatl amount of grain and 40 ft. T.V. tower. Phone 237-3520 after 6 p.m. SINGLE MATE'S BED. Must be in good condition. Phone 234-6396 after f". 8x USED MOBILE HOME TRAILER. 2 or 3 bedrooms. Call 236-4777 or 236-4087. 9,10c TRUCKS AND CARS FOR PARTS. Also scrap farm machinery. Top price paid. Call Quality Auto Parts. 234-6265. 9101 18 Wanted FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business - year-round helping farmers for over 33 years. 10x 19 Property For Sale FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch, 3 yrs. old. new subdivision. Phone 236-4230.7tfn DASHWOOD - older 2 storey home on Main Street. 3-4 bedrooms, separate garage, with double lot and town water. $21,500.00. Phone 237-3290. 8-12c THREE BEDROOM BRICK ranch style on 74x119 treed lot, separate dining room, built-in dishwasher, water conditioner, full 19 Property For Sale BRICK, semi-detached, in view of South Huron Hospital. Eads half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, livingroom, kitchen, full basement, electric heat. front porch and garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420.31 t f n HOUSE FOR SALE - Starter or retirement home for sale in good residential area, close to downtown, full basement, attached garage, nice private yard, low heat aid taxes. well maintained in excellent condi- tion, priced to sell. Phone 235-0432 or app- ly 189 William St. anytime. 4tfn PHONE TODAY for an appointment to s this beautifully decorated contem- porary brick backsplit with carport. 3 plus 1 bedrooms, 11x26' rec room, fireplace. in- cluded in sale price is an upright grand piano and Carntor woodstoye. Two bathrooms. 563.500 firm. Phone 227-1212 l-ucati. 10;11c FARM I.OR SAI 17. 50 acres, Stephen Twp., 43 acres workable and systematically tiled, no buildings. ('all 235-2300. 10:1lc 20 Property For Rent RETAIL. STORE or office, Main St. Heat included in rent. Available \larch 1. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30. 5tfn ONE BEDROOM partially furnished. laundry facilities and parking. Phone 235-1497. 6tfn COMPLETELY FURNISHED " Bed - Liv ingrown" with bedding and linens. Utilities paid. Ideal for working person. Meals and Laundry optional. Available March 1. Phone 235,0447. 9:10:11:12* 40'x60' INSULATED BUILDING with a large door. 1 mile from Exeter. Available immediately. Call csenings 5(9-666-0878. 9,10,1Ic AVAILABLE April 1st. One and' two bedroom apartments. Utilities included. No pets. Brinsley, north of Ailsa Craig. Phone 293-3038. 9t in APARTMENT - one bedroom, ground floor available April 1st. Parking, heat in- . eluded. 304 Andrew, Apt. 9, $207.86. Seniors preferred. Phone 472-0986. 9tfn APARTMENT AVAILABLE April 1st. Main St., front, upper, $225.00, mature persons only. Before 6 p.m. 235-2460 after 235-1960. 10t fn 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS. wedges, portable ce- ment mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows. etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriseau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 51 THE "01.1) TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8t fn STORAGE SPACE available for your snowmobile, bike, barbecue. etc. Rented space available by square foot. Call Brian 235-0956 between 6 and 8 p.nt. Pick up - delivery service. 49tfn TIME SHARE a completely cuuipped 26 ft. sail boat front Bayfield and enjoy 40 days of sailing through out 1985. For details contact Brian at Boat Share 519-433-9473 evenings 519-681-8573 or write to 102 Josephine St. London N57. 3P3. 8-13c 22 For Sale or Rent stove, attached breezeway and garage. pay- ed driveway. Well maintained. Phone 235-0277 or apply 83 Mill Street after 5 p.m. 10* HOUSE - brick, 1 storey, 3 bedroom, full basement, recent gas furnace, carport. 299 Andrew St. Phone 235-0666. I0tfn I �I Bad Rad? Radiators Repaired, recored or new Canadian Tire 235-0160 1 =X rent w•u 1 option to buy. Phone 236-4230. 911n 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, Karn and five to lo towed acres in Exeter arca. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply slating location. rental and length of terns available to 13ox BAX, The Exeter Tinges -.Advocate, Exeter. 45t1x CASH CROP LAND for 1985. Contact Barry 1Villcrt 236-7741. Itfn YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE CENTRE Featuring • Binks Oil Undercoating System • Bodywork • Battery Sales Open weekdays 8 to 5:30 Saturdays 8 to 12 Auto and General Repairs Woodham 229.8818 R&R 23 Wonted To Rent WANTED LAND TO RENT, 50-I00acres of good clean Atrazine free, for 1985 season. Will rent cash or shares, no corn to be planted. Write to Box 16P, Exeter Tines. 9,10,11• WITH OPTION TO BUY - 3 bedroom house in Lucan or area. Have dog. References available. Phone 293-3093. Ask for Doug or Nancy. 9,10,1Ic 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter for April 1. References available. 235-1633.9,10,11,c FAMILY MAN looking for 3 or 4 bedroom house in Grand Bend or surrounding area for 2 weeks in August 1-313-373-4782 cul- led. 9.I0,11,12,13,14c 25 Notices 1 WAYNE WILSON, 116 St. Lawrence A•Ve., Huron Park will no longer be responsible for debts other than my own. 10c Bishop will provide talk Bishop Jack Sherlock will be speak- ing to teachers and trustees on the subject of Catholic secondary educa- tion. The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic separate school board's secondary school planning committee announc- ed February 25 the Bishop will speak in Mitchell Thursday, March 7. Chairman of the planning commit- tee, trustee John Devlin of Stratford, said the Bishop will be speaking to priests and the planning committee as well as teachers and trustees. The public hasn't been invited, he said, because the Bishop will be address- ing the educational issues rather than • the practical issues. Devlin said the planning committee will be holding its public meetings during the last two weeks of March. At those meetings, there will be slides, a speaker and a time to answer questions. After the public meetings, the plan- ning committee intends to send out questionnaires to all Catholic ratepayers during the first week of April. Trustees on the planning Commit- tee include Dave Durand, Louis .Maloney, Michael Moriarity and Ray Van Vliet. Parent representatives from Perth County are Sheila Rolph, Joan Cronin and Mike Weber. The representatives from Huron County are Gordon Phillips, Ann Steward and Angelo Ippolito. Teacher representatives are Larry Cook and Catherine McCotter. Rev. J.J. Carrigan and Rev. James Higgins represent the clergy on the committee. Auxiliary at Ingle Superb Built in Dishwashers Special 45995 pick up Special 45995 pick up SUPERB PD33000 (3 PUSHBUTTON) BUILT-IN • 3 Pushbottons including: Pots & Pans, Normal heavy, Normal Tight • Econo air dry option • Rocker switch Heat Dry • Operating Light • In -the -Door Silverware basket • Wrap-around "Thermal -foil" blanket sound insulation • "Easy Roll" rear adjustable installation rollers • Multi -levet wash system • Easy -clean filter • Dual detergent dispenser • Rinse agent dispenser • 4 colour door & access panels: white, harvest gold, almond and black Over 50 dishwashers •in stock mobile and built in models We Service What We Self DRYSDALE MAJORcENTRE "DE HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario CLOSED MONDAY Our 40th Year "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES A VISIT TO THE FIRE HALL - Youngsters from the Exeter Library Story Hour visited the hall Wednesday morning. Above, captain Leroy Edwards helps Meaghan Straw, Rachel Cathleen Chappel and Christopher Heywood in trying on firemen's clothing. . CI? d 4 ,ilv Jack Riddell WI' You will recall a recent article which [ wrote on political patronage stating that we had not seen the last of political rewards for friends of the former Premier. In one of his last moves as Premier of Ontario, William Davis had the Provincial Cabinet pass an Order tha will greatly enrich the pension plan for some of his long time government colleagues. An Order -In -Council signed on February 5th, 3 days before Frank Miller was sworn in as Mr. Davis' successor as head of the Progressive Conservative Government, establish- ed 'a supplementary benefit fund for the pensions of Deputy Ministers, the top Civil Servants in each government Ina previous Queen's Park Report I referred to the appointment of Clare Westcott, one of ,1r. Davis closest aides, to the Metropolitan Toronto Police Commission at a salary of $80,671 a year. Now the changes to the pension plan mean Clare Westcott will be able to collect over $10,i00 more in his annual pension when he retires from the Ontario Civil Service in six weeks to assume his role as Chairman of the Metropolitan Toron- to Police Commission. Mr. Westcott. the former Executive Director of the Premier's Office. the equivalent of a Deputy Minister. will receive an annual government pen- sion of about $60,000 in addition to his Police Commission salary of $80.671. Thirty one other Deputy Ministers in the Province will benefit from the Cabinet Order and accompanying regulation to the Public Service Superannuation Act because their years in that job now will be counted double when calculating pensionable service. The Public Service Superannuation Fund, the massive pension plan for Ontario's 75,000 civil servants that is financed equally by employee and government contributions. has a com- plicated formula for determining pen- sion benefits. For every year of ser- vice. long time employees receive two percent of their average earnings over their 3 or 5 highest paid con- secutive years. For example. an employee retiring at 60 who has worked for the govern- ment for 25 years would gel a pension based on 50 percent of his average salary in his best years There is a ceiling of 70 percent meaning the maximum pensionable services is based on 35 years. In addition. there are a number of penalities that will reduce a pension if an employer under 60 does not meet what is known as "the 90 rule" - the worker's age and years of service must add up to 90. The Cabinet Order and regulation passed by the Davis Cabinet means Deputy Ministers will gel 2 years of credit for every year they serve as a Deputy- Mr. West cot 1. a government employee for the past 26 years. benefits because his 11 years as a The Ladies Auxiliary to the R.E. Pooley Exeter Branch 167 held their regular meeting February 25 with 35 members present. President Irene Jackson chaired the meeting. Dorothy Reynolds won the mystery prize. Winners of the 50-50 draw were January Mrs. Rebkower from Kingsville and February was 'Laurie Clark, Chatham. Sports chairperson Barbara [learn reported on District Darts.in Exeter on April 13. Invitational bowling tour- nament in Goderich April 20 and Stralhroy April 24. Plans were made to go to Westminster Hospital to play bingo with the veterans on Wednesday, March 6. A donation of $50 was made to the Exeter figure skating club and $300 to the Ontario Provincial Command Bursary Fund. The pee wee hockey team spon- sored by the Ladies Auxiliary have had a very good season. The annual penny sale for Bunny Bundle will be held Monday. March 25. - Plans were made for several up- coming banquets. President Jackson closed the meeting after which a couple of con- tests were enjoyed. Anna Romanuik and her group served lunch. The readers write Dear Sir: i would like to thank you for the pic- tures and write-ups of the Sunshine Nursery School. 1t has been great publicity and the kids and their relatives and friends think it is great to have their picture in the paper. Again thank you. Janet ('ase f Budget Rent A Car Low doily and weekly rotes Special weekend rate Fri- day 6 pm.. to Monday 10 a.m. $59.95 including 200 free km's. Hensall Motors Ltd. 262-3331 DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service The place to buy appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays Federation plans event The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is rec•onnnending a defer- ral of up 10 $35.000 in tax payables against off -farm income This is one of their recommendations to section 31 of the income lax act. "it's a great improvement." says ()FA member .lim Macintosh. RR 4 Sea forth "This way. n0 definition of a farmer is r•equlred any more This policy will treat everyone the same The proposed recommendations will be outlined by Macintosh at Huron's Federation meeting on March 7 at 8:30 p in at East Wawanosh Public School. Bclgrave. Also. hay and straw merchant i)on Williams will be guest speaker at the meeting. Boost pensions Deputy Minister now will count as 22 years - meaning that he xill get credit for the maximum 35 years of service. Prior to 1973 Clare Westcott was employed on a political contract basis to elected members of the Legislature such as Bill Davis and he did not receive civil service status until after that time. As an interesting comparison, Mr. Westcott will receive approximately $35,000 more pension than that which Mr. Harry Worton, M.P.P. for -Guelph will receive after serving 30 years in the Public Service compared to Westcott's 26 years. Mr. Worton was first elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1955. Mr. Westcott's enriched pension and salary amounts to an increase of 70.5% and ironically he is lecturing the Metro Policemen, overwhom he has jurisdiction, about a 9.5% in- crease for a first class constable. Once again I reiterate my belief that a Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario should be em- powered to review, comment upon and render judgement on all major appointments and other gratuitous country. Since all taxpayers pay the bills for such appointed positions and for business conducted by the govern- ment a sense of fairplay would dictate that all taxpayers regardless of their political involvement or affiliation, should be eligible to apply and receive serious consideration based on merit. ability and competence. Beef Marketing Agency The former Minister of Agriculture and Food. Dennis Timbrell, decided not to go ahead with proposals for a Beef Marketing Agency despite a 3 man government commission report released last November that recom- mended an agency be established and run for three years before a plesbicite was held. It became clear at local Cat- tlemen's Association meetings on the Commission report that there was lit- tle consensus on the concept of a more structured Beef Marketing system. At the request of Mr. Schickedanz, Presi- dent of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association. the Minister agreed to undertake the positive initiatives as outlined in the report for which there is broad based support. It has been agreed for example that there is a need for improved market information and inspection services in the industry. An Ontario Cat- tlemen's Association, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and industry Task Force will he set up im- mediately to develop comprehensive. and practical programs to meet these Exeter fire Weverink, T -A photo. offing3 marketing information and inspection needs. In the meantime a Market In- formation System initiated by the On- tario Cattlemen's Association and supported by the packers will make available information on private trea- ty purchases. It•has also been agreed that full and open discussions within the industry are necessaary to ensure that mutual- ly acceptable solutions are developed and implemented. implementing the new Marketing Information and in- spection initiatives will not require the expression of an open poll plann- ed for April as there is already strong support for such programs. Therefore the proposed vote will not take place. ri 81t11111-ta_Mil - Ell III - Pinery OF 80 TRACTORS AND OVER 250 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT Saturda March 16th A Brindley Auctions Dung 13 rni. N.E. of Goderich 519 -S29 -762S AUCTIONEER: GORDON N. GRINDLEY Township of Tuckersmith 1985 GRAVEL TENDER CONTRACT NO. 85 -001 -TT Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 181h, 1985 for the crushing and delivery of appro■ imotely 16,000 CUBIC YARDS OF GRANULAR A AND 1,000 CUBIC YARDS Of STOCK PILE A breaker must be used. Tenders must be submitted on the Township Tender forms available from the undersigned The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders sublect to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications. ALLAN NICHOLSON, Rood Superintendent. Egmondville, Ontario. NOM 1G0 527-1838 or 482-9523 NJ CT1ON at Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21. 4 miles S.. Grand Bend Saturday, March 9, 12 noon. Large restaurant equipment auction. See Friday's London Fre( Press for complete listing. Viewing day of sale or by appointment. Auctioneer Pat Lyon 243-2713 =lea WO ========== I// Clearing Auction Sale Of farm equipment for K & J Elder Farms. located 6 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21. Tuesday. March 26 at 10:30 a.m. Consisting of 3 trucks, J.D. 8440 tractor with 4 wheel drive, load ed; J.D. 330 tractor, 1958 model; full line of tillage and harvesting equipment - including J.D. 1010 cultivator, 36' , ft J.D. 2800 plow 6 furrow, complete line of strawberry and it rigation equipment and misc. items. Full listing in next week's edition. Inclement weather dote April 2 rY/�il'e// -1! .wrir1 i1/i . s Manager - Brute Rothwell Rothwell and Associates Inc. Hwy. No. 4 Brucefield Phone 482-7181, 482-3120