HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-03-06, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate. March 6, 1985
'Peace' is theme of day
at World Prayer service
The topic of the World Day of
Prayer service was "Peace" and was
held in Hensall United Church on Fri-
day. Mrs. Belva Fuss presided for the
program and led the readers. Those
taking part were Jan Baker, Cathy
Bell, Sheryl Fuss, Hazel Corbe t,
Marg Cole and Audrey Christie. •
Mrs. Eric Luther was the guest
speaker and gave an outstanding ad-
dress on "Peace". BeIva Fuss sang
a solo accompanied by Jean Jacobe
at the piano A social hour followed.
Rev. Stall McDonald returned from
a pleasant holiday _in Florida.
Everyone welcomes him home.
Miss Alicia Schroeder spent the
weekend visiting her cousin Miss Kim
Sweeney at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney at
United Church
There was excellent attendance at
the United Church on Sunday morn-
ing to welcome back Rev. McDonald
from his holidays. Sharon Wurm
greeted the congregation and John
Rowcliffe, Steven Corbett, Wayne
Corbett and Cecil Pepper were the
Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject
"Christ Our Friend" as he began a
series of thoughts for Lent of stories
in the Bible of people who intended to
witness against Christ but unwitting-
ly proclaim the truth about Him.
He took his text from the Gospel of
Luke "This man receives sinners and
even eats with them." He stressed
that Jesus reveals that he is a friend
of sinners and that God in Christ
receives us. sinners that we are. He
welcomes us' to the embrace of his
love. He invites us to celebrate at his
sacramental table and offers to us
there a foretaste of the feast to come.
During the communion service
Evelyn Elder and Jean Jacobe
assisted the minister and those serv-
ing communion were Stephen
McGregor, Don Stebbins, John
Rowcliffe, Rita Scholl, Kay Mock,
Hilda Payne, Hans Gerstenkorn and
Betty Simmons.
During the service the choir. with
organist Helve Fuss, sang the very
beautiful arrangement from the
familiar hymn "The Heart of God" by
Cleland B. McAfee with Rita Scholl
taking the alto solo.
The children's story was "You Are
Important" and Mr. McDonald used
a chain with different colours and
important, though different, in the
sight of God and each one of us has
an important task to do.
Skating Party
The United Church held their an-
nual skating party and pot luck sup-
per on Sunday afternoon with a good
attendance. The arrangements were
under the direction of the Christian
Development committee with Evelyn
Elder as chairperson.
Edith Bell won the prize for the
oldest person on skates and Pam and
Chuck Mallette won for couples on
skates who were married the longest.
The largest family on the ice was
won by Fred and Susan Elder and
other family prizes were given to the
Mark Masse family, the Peter
Bisback family and the Bill Bell
511 Youth For Christ
South I luron Youth For Christ held
their March meeting March 2 in
Brucefield School with over 200 in at-
tendance. Director Ron Westlake
opened with prayer and led in singing
of several choruses with Sharon
Parker at the piano.
All the young people were there
who had attended the winter retreat
in New York State. They gave the
Y.F.C. cheers, followed by a
testimony from Vicki Pentland. Brian
Steckle and Danny Snider.
They told about the trip and what
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it had meant to them spiritually.
Quizzing time followed with just
three teams competing. They quizz-
ed on Psalms 130, 131 and 132. Results
were: Zurich 1st; Bayfield 2nd; and
Exeter 3rd. At the April rally they will
quiz on Psalms 133, 134 and 135.
A singing group from Zurich call
"The Disciples" sang three numbers.
A play called "Celebration" was put
on by the M.Y.F. young people from
Zurich Mennonite Church. This was
capably performed and enjoyed by
The "Disciples" group closed with
two numbers.
The April rally will be held on
Saturday April 6 at the school with
The Bluegrass Gospelaires from
Hagersville, Ont. Be sure to attend to
hear this singin group from the Indian
Reserve and also hear the young peo-
ple quiz.
Carmel Presbyterian
Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted
worship in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy
Taylor presided at the piano for the
singing of hymns.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
will be held next Sunday.
The Y.C.W. meeting will be held
March 11 at the home of Mrs. Rochus
Mrs. Evelyn Schroeder visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Des-
jardine and Jason in Zurich.
Following the dinner a film was
shown "For the Family" and
everyone showed their appreciation
to the committee for such an en-
joyable family afternoon.
The Sunday Church School of the
United Church with superintendant
Leslie Bailey, conducted a very suc-
cessful Bake Sale at the church on
Saturday morning. They would like to
thank the members of the congrega-
tion as well as the families of the Sun-
day School who brought in donations
as well as supported it with their
Seniors to Meet
Hensall Three Links Seniors will
meet March 12 at 2 p.m. weather
FEBRUARY WINNER — Don Dixon was the winner of the Hensall
Kinsmen's trip -of -the -month draw. Shown are Tom Neilands (left) co-
chairman of the draw committee, president John Rowcliffe, Dixon,
and co-chairman Jack Aikenhead. Dixon's trip to Puerto Valtarta was
arranged through Ellison Travel.
an district new.
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
hent 2624025r-
WIN HENSALL TROPHY — Greg Willert presents the Hensall District
Co -Operative trophy to Clinton Colts captain Bill Counter and
manager Bill Crawford as winners of the '6' title in thew Aekend
Zurich Has Beans oldtimers tournament.
HENSALL SERVICE -- Taking part in the World Day of Prayer held this year at Hensall United Church
were (left) Hazel Corbett, UC, Jan Baker, Carmel Presbyterian, Kathy Bell, Carmel Presbyterian, guest
speaker Shirley Luther, Audrey Christie, UC, Margaret Cole, UC and UCW president Belvo Fuss.
Contests, exhibits sponsored
by Farm, .Home Safety Assoc.
At the tast meeting of the Huron
County Farm and Home Safety
Association held on January 31, 1985,
the Directors set the date of Thurs-
day, March 7 to hold their annual
meeting, in the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Boardroom,
Clinton, at 8:15 p.m.
The guest speaker for the meeting
will be Jennifer Cummings who is the
Head of the physiotherapy depart-
ment at Wingham Public Hospital. All
are welcome to attend this meeting.
They unanimously agreed to once
again sponsor a poster contest open
to school children in Huron County
with over one hundred dollars prize
money being offered. This contest will
be promoted through Focus,Publica-
tions Limited and appear in the
February 19 issue.' All children are
urged to participate in the program
and exercise their opportunity to win
a prize.
The directors decided to offer a
similar contest to the fairs in Huron
County with judging to be held on the
fair date. Check your local fair prize
lists for further details. The directors
discussed the hazard involved with
steel grain storage bins not being
equipped with ladders. As a result of
their discussion and concern, the
following resolution was approved
and will be forwarded to the Provin-
cial Farm Safety Association for their
Be it resolved that the Huron Coun-
ty Farm and Home Safety Associa-
tion request the Farm Safety Associa-
Hensall Bantams busy;
four games in one week
busy week, as they played four
games. On Monday February 25 the
boys hosted Seaforth to an exhibition
game, which was fast and well
played. Hensall had to work to keep
up with the W.O.O.A. team, but when
the final whistle blew it was 4-0 in
favour of Seaforth.
On Wednesday February 27 the
Lucan 1 travelled to Hensall to play
their final game with Hensall in the
Huron -Perth House league schedule.
Hensall lav back as they were confi-
dent; without the strong game by Rob
Wareing and defence it wouldn't have
been a five -five tie. Lucas went ahead
three -nothing in the first period.
Brian Moir assisted by Jim Dickins
and Shawn Vanstone put Ifensall on
the score board in the second period.
Brian Moir assisted by Jason [manse
once again scored in this period to
bring his team within one.
Lucan popped in another one at the
beginning of the third, only to have
Brian Moir, again assisted by Jason
Imanse, respond for Hensall. Jim
Dickins assisted by Brian Moir and
Chris Campbell followed suit to tie the
Brian Moir assisted by Jim Dickins
and Shawn Vanstone scored what ap-
peared to be the winning goal at 7:49
of the third, but Hensall's luck ran out
WIN HYDE BROTHERS TROPHY Terry Caldwell presents the Hyde Brothers trophy to Murray Adams,
Don Lindsay, Bill Shaddick and Bruce Shillinglaw as overall winners of a Tuesday's curling bonspiel at
Vonastra. T -A photo
ALLAN RINK WINS — A rink comprised of Bob Allan, Bill Gibson, Brian Falconer and Jack McLaughlin
won the first draw in Tuesday's curling bonspiel at Vanastra. They received the Milt Dietz trophy from
Terry Caldwell. T photo
r i 'ust over three
minutes Left to he it up.
On Saturday March 2 the boys were
up with the sun as they travelled to
Mitchell for an 8:00 a.m. game. It pro-
ved that the boys should be early
risers as they defeated Mitchell 15-1.
Shawn Vanstone, assisted by Amy
Phillips, opened the scoring for Hen -
sal] with just two seconds gone in the
game, and from there the boys never
looked back. All but one of Hensall's
boys were able to hit the mark at least
once and not until the middle of the
third did -liensall's defence let Mit-
chell through long enough to put one
past Rob Wareing.
Later on the same afternoon the
boys travelled to Huron Park to play
a make-up game they had cancelled
in January due to storm.
Both teams were determined to
win. It was a fast. hard-hitting game
and if not for the defence and the
brilliant saves made by Rob Wareing
it would have been a different
Huron Park went ahead in the first
period at the three-minute mark and
the crowd went wild. llensall came
back on a goal scored by Jim Dickins
assisted by Rob Taylor. al the 1:12
mark of the second period and the
Hensall fans brought the roof down.
The third period was scoreless. en-
ding in a 1-1 tie.
The next game for the Hensall Ban-
tams will be Saturday March 9 when
they travel to Exeter for a 10 a.m.
game. This is the last scheduled game
for the boys. They travel to Kincar-
dine on March 16 and 17 to a tourna-
ment and their final playoff tourna-
ment is March 23. We wish the boys
all the best in the upcoming games.
Cromarty Presbyterian ladies
joined with Hibbert United women
in Staffa Family Centre for the annual
World Day of Prayer service on Fri-
day afternoon. This year's service
was planned by the women of India.
Margaret Christie welcomed all
and presided for the first part of the
program which was based on the
theme, Peace through Prayer and Ac-
tion. Assisting her in the dialogue to
answer the question is there peace
where you live'! were Verle Mahon.
Margaret Daynard. Margaret Miller.
Helen Fell and Elaine Colquhoun.
Lillian Douglas. Cromarly. in-
troduced the speakers the Rev. Ken-
neth and Mrs. Knight. Exeter. Mrs.
Knight spoke briefly on the theme and
commented on the slides of their trip
to India in 1976. She recommended
that those present lake their World
Day of Prayer pamphlets home and
re -read them. We have a responsibili-
ty to pray and to act. Mr. Knight
spoke briefly 'on Peace - What Is Il'
With Mrs. Douglas as leader,
Muriel Scott, Betty Dow. Dorothy
Miller and Ruth Laing presented a
litany and scripture on Repentence.
Florence McPhail led in the prayers
of dedication, and Margaret Kemp
presided for the closing Candle
Lighting and Passing the Peace
Mary F. Dow was the accompanist
for the hymns throughout the meeting
and for the singing of Hallelu. Hallelu.
and Let There Be Peace.
tion Inc. to press for legislation that
all steel grain storage bins be
available for sale in the Province of
Ontario only if ladders are included
as part and parcel to the structure
both inside and out."
Concern was also expressed regar-
ding the potential hazardous situation
with sewer grates having their drain
slots aligned with the traffic flow. A
young Toronto boy died last fall from
going over the handle bars of his bicy-
cle when he rode into a deadly sewer
grate. The committee will be resear-
ching this item further in the coming
The names of Doug Stoll and Alan
Turnbull were drawn for the door
prize with Alan Turnbull being the
recipient because of his presence.
The Directors urged everyone to
make safe operating practices a way
of life.
About people you
Mrs. Carl Payne attended the
Women's Institute Teedsmuir
Workshop held in Toronto last
weekend Tuesday and Wednesday
family in London on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Jones returned
home following a two-month holiday
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney ant.
daughter Kim were recent visitors
with the former's mother Mrs.
Evelyn Schroeder, and also her
brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Schroeder and Alicia.
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Arena Activities
March 6 to March 12
Moms and tots 10:30 - 11:30 o.m.
210 3:30 p.m.
Minor Hockey 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Figure Skating 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hensoll Oldtimers 7:45 - 9:30 p m
Minor Hockey 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m
Public Skating 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Recreation Hockey 6:00 11:00 p.m
"Cabbage Patch Party"
9:30 11:30 a.m.
Minor Hockey 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
"Clowning Around"
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Auditorium •
'Movie Mania' 10:00 - 11 30 o.m.
2:00 3:30 7.m. Conference Room
Public Skating 1:00 - 3.00 p.m.
Figure Skating 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Hensoll Broomboll 8:45 - 10:45 p.m.
'Murch is Senior Citizens Month"
Join in the fun every Wednesday
afternoon in the auditorium! No
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